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The well-known Russian door-riddle is the base for an arising of the sense of modelling meaning which is a part of this riddle. The components of these riddles are to describe the ethnocultural senses based upon five foundations. These foundations are reflected in: a) numbers and their mutual relations (from 8 to 1 while guessing), b) the door geometry which is reflected in the riddle, c) the static and dynamic positions at the door ( стоять/stay, лежать/lay, ходить/walk, водить/move etc.), d) the predicates that refer to the door and that are manifested by the door, e) the directions of the movement mapped out by the door and being the result of the predicates. The analysis based on these parameters helps the author to draw conclusions on the conceptological and linguistic-cultural marking of traditional folk texts (the riddle refers to them) and the images bound to these texts. These conclusions also refer to the belle-lettres. These images being parts of these texts are transferred via constant/loose word relations of an evaluative character retained in views and via the contextual background.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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This paper is an attempt to devise a conceptual paradigm for the semantic relations in the meaning of words in various Slavonic languages and in some of their dialects. The source material are the data contained in The Etymological Dictionary of the Slavonic Languages. The Pre‐Slavonic Lexical Source – 20<sup>th</sup> edition by O.N. Trubachov, Moscow: Nauka, 1994. These data are the starting point to present the two basic features in the form of the meaning dyad of the common root mьrz‐ > * morz‐. The first element of this dyad assumes the meaning of ‘cold, cool, frost’ as the outer conditions of its weather, nature character (the A feature) while the second element assumes the disgust, rejection as the relation (the B feature). Both these features and their mutual relations are described here with regard to the division of their levels and sublevels of meaning as well as with regard to the various shades of these meanings in creating a system. This system is the base of the nomination correlation presented in the paper. Gradually the signs arise, and they take part in the creation of the projections mentioned in the paper’s title. These signs refer to subject, object, object‐person, object‐thing, space, action, feature‐properties (attributive), features‐quality (characteristics) observed outside and felt inside.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The lich‑ root as well as its marginal semantic lines are described here. The description is based upon folk and mythological images and also upon etymologic data, including the meaning of this root and its derivatives in Slavonic languages (chiefly in Russian and Ruthenian). The semantics is labelled as excess (superfluity), insufficiency (lack), harmfulness (damage), dash (Dutch courage) as well as being presented with the semantic signs and forms reflected in words. Presented is the possible semantic mechanism for the development and transition from the initial meanings to newer ones. We explain the logic of the association root in question with the old images of lot and moderation. Future research prospects for the lich‑ root as well as its semantic and morphological derivation are shown. This includes not only literary variants but equally dialectal and regional ones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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A famous Russian folk song, proverbs and sayings about a mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law are the key elements of the analysis of the relations between a son‑in‑law (a younger member of the male family) and a mother‑in‑law (an older member of the female family). This analysis is also based on the etymological data and the author tries to answer the question: what is the hidden relation between the two families the members of whom are married? Many papers have been written on that matter. This article describes this relation as a gradual process of building the indirect connection between the mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law. This is a symmetric/asymmetric relations which only seems to be mutually linked and tied. The emerged and shaped relation attitude direction – from mother‑in‑law to son‑in‑law – is presented here as the act of attracting and repelling. By means of fulfilment and satisfaction it implies the necessity of the adaption but not subordination as well as the hidden favour of the unlimited reproductive power. On the other hand i.e. the direction from the son‑in‑law to mother‑in‑law, the attitude is completely different which means the partial rivalry and repelling attraction. The daughter (from the mother‑in‑law side) and the fiancée/wife (from the son‑in‑law side) is completely out of these relations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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