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Artificial Intelligence begins to play an increasingly important role in medicine, in particular in diagnostics, therapy selection and drug design. This article shows how the latest machine learning algorithms support the work of physicians and pharmacists. However, the effective implementation of Artificial Intelligence methods in everyday medical practice requires overcoming a number of barriers. These challenges are discussed in the article. The objectives and functioning of the Artificial Intelligence Center in Medicine of the Medical University of Bialystok were also discussed, as an example of Polish contribution to the development of the latest computer algorithms supporting diagnostics and therapy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Wojdan
1 2
Marcin Moniuszko

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej
  2. Transition Technologies Science sp. z o.o.
  3. Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku

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