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In theory of regular projection of a surface into another surface, the term of the indicator of projection deformations, as a topological substitute of an infinitesimal circle of a unit radius is known. In the case of regular projection of a three-dimensional space into a three-dimensional space, a three-axis ellipsoid is the indicator of projection deformations, being the topological substitute of an infinitesimal unit sphere. This paper presents the attempt to analytically describe the infinitesimal unit sphere in the original space and its topological substitute in the projected space.
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Jerzy Balcerzak
Jan Panasiuk
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The techniques of photogrammetric reconstruction were compared to the laser scanning in the article. The different conditions and constraints were introduced for reconstructed images, e.g. different materials, lighting condition, camera resolution, number of images in the sequence or using a-pripori calibration. The authors compare the results of surface reconstruction using software tools avaliable for photogrammetric reconstruction. The analysis is preformed for the selected objects with regard to laserscanned models or mathematical models.

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Krzysztof Skabek
Agnieszka Tomaka
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Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is a well-known method for control of systems performing repetitive jobs with high precision. This paper presents Constrained Output ILC (COILC) for non-linear state space constrained systems. In the existing literature there is no general solution for applying ILC to such systems. This novel method is based on the Bounded Error Algorithm (BEA) and resolves the transient growth error problem, which is a major obstacle in applying ILC to non-linear systems. Another advantage of COILC is that this method can be applied to constrained output systems. Unlike other ILC methods the COILC method employs an algorithm that stops the iteration before the occurrence of a violation in any of the state space constraints. This way COILC resolves both the hard constraints in the non-linear state space and the transient growth problem. The convergence of the proposed numerical procedure is proved in this paper. The performance of the method is evaluated through a computer simulation and the obtained results are compared to the BEA method for controlling non-linear systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate that COILC is more computationally effective and provides better overall performance. The robustness and convergence of the method make it suitable for solving constrained state space problems of non-linear systems in robotics.

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Kaloyan Yovchev
Kamen Delchev
Evgeniy Krastev
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This article presents a concept method which aids the forecasting of the reclamation cost in post- rock mining areas. The method may also prove useful in estimating the investment profitability of a mining operation at its planning stage as well as managing a potential Reserve Fund to cover future activities, such as land reclamation. The development of the method consisted in defining a set of basic/typical land reclamation directions and the typical structure of reclamation operations/works, which are based on “statistically stable” values. The estimations included the distribution of the probable cost of these works with respect to the reclamation direction and were calculated on the basis of the analyzed current price lists and historical land reclamation projects. The article proposes a method for estimating the cost structure of multi-directional projects by combining the basic directions. The changeability and predictability of various land reclamation solutions was analyzed in terms of fuzzy logic. A price list was developed, which included unit costs for separate types of reclamation works, independent of their type and scale. The assumed optimal measure involved comparing the cost of individual types of operations to the surface of the reclamation area. As an example, the method was also applied to hypothetical data from a clastic rock mine with a surface of 20 ha, and for the forest, agricultural and forest-agricultural reclamation directions. The forest-agricultural reclamation directions was presented in the proportions of 0.3:0.7.

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Urszula Kaźmierczak
Jerzy Malewski
Paweł Strzałkowski
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In the event of occupational accidents in mining, investors can calculate approximately how much loss will be incurred at the time of the accident. However, in halting mining as a result of occupational accidents or legislation, investors, will perhaps not care about how much of a loss to profits will arise due to the resulting downtime of mining operations. The reason for this is that there is no such halting in mining operation as yet and mining activity is continued. Avoiding halting mines due to occupational accidents and legislation would enable the prevention of unexpected costs resulting from these time losses. The aim of this study was to find out how much the loss of profits resulting from the downtime of mining enterprises due to the aforementioned reasons are in total, and how much the ratio of loss of profits to annual operating costs is on average on an annual basis. To determine the loss of profits and to minimize the accidents in enterprises, permanent supervisors, who are assigned in the enterprises where they are working, were given a survey through the SurveyMonkey program. Of the 235 permanent supervisors who filled out the survey on behalf of the mining enterprises, 58 answered all of the multiple-choice questions examined in the study. These questions were analyzed together according to different mineral groups and differences in mining operation methods. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the annual loss of profits of mining enterprises resulting from the aforementioned periods of downtime, and the ratio of these values to the annual operating costs constitute a rather significant share. The aim of the article was to raise awareness to have mining companies appropriate more funds for occupational health and safety.
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Taşkın Deniz Yıldız

  1. Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science And Technology University, Department of Mining Engineering, Turkey
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The knowledge of the dynamic elastic properties of a coal seam is important in the context of various types of calculations of the seam behavior under various stress-strain conditions. These properties are often used in numerical and analytical modeling related to maintaining the stability of excavations and the analysis of mechanisms, e.g. related to the risk of rock bursts. Additionally, during the implementation of seismic surveys, e.g. seismic profiling and seismic tomography in coal seams, the reference values of the elastic properties of coal are used in the calculation of relative stresses in various geological and mining conditions.
The study aims to calculate the dynamic elastic parameters of the coal seam located at a depth of 1,260 m in one of the hard coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). Basic measurements of the velocity of P- and S-waves were conducted using the seismic profiling method. These surveys are unique due to the lack of the velocity wave values in the coal seam at such a great depth in the USBC and difficult measurement conditions in a coal mine. As a result, dynamic modulus of elasticity was calculated, such as Young’s modulus, volumetric strain modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The volumetric density of coal used for calculations was determined on the basis of laboratory tests on samples taken in the area of the study. The research results showed that the calculated mean P-wave velocity of 2,356 m/s for the depth of 1,260 m is approximately consistent with the empirical relationship obtained by an earlier study. The P-wave velocity can be taken as the reference velocity at a depth of approx. 1,260 m in the calculation of the seismic anomaly in the seismic profiling method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Krawiec

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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This study aims to test the effectiveness of online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in increasing the resilience of Covid-19 patients. It has applied a website-based cyberpsychology approach to providing Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy interventions. The online program was delivered over six sessions. These were carried out across four meetings, each of which lasted 30-120 minutes. The study is pre-experimental, using a single group pre-test to post-test experimental design. There were 5 patient participants with Covid-19, 1 male and 4 female. They were aged 20-27 years. All were either asymptomatic or presented only mild symptoms. The Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) was used to measure pre- to post-intervention change in resilience, and a negative emotion scale was used to derive emotion ratings after each session. Results were analysed using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. This showed a value of Z = -2.023 (p < 0.05), with a mean rank of 3.00, and a sum of ranks of 15.00. The analysis indicates that online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy can significantly increase resilience in Covid-19 patients.
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Zainul Anwar

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
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Aim: This study investigates the impact of assertiveness training on assertiveness and self-esteem of high school students. Method: The study employs Quasi-experimental design where 130 participants aged 13-17 years were selected randomly and assigned into two groups as experimental (N-65) and control group (N-65). Tools: For this aim Assertiveness scale (AS) and Self-esteem questionnaire (RSE) were used. Training: During the treatment phase, the experimental group received assertiveness training of 5 weeks comprising two sessions per week, and each session took 45 minutes. After treatment both experimental and control groups are measured with post-tests. Results: The results show that assertiveness training has significantly increased the assertiveness and decreased the aggression and submission in the experimental group. Also the training has significantly increased the self-esteem of students. Conclusion: The obtained findings revealed an increase in the rate of self-esteem and assertiveness and decrease in the aggression and submission of students. Hence it proved that assertiveness training is significantly effective on the assertiveness, aggression, submission and self-esteem of students.

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Waqar Maqbool Parray
Sanjay Kumar
Blessy Elizabeth David
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The capacity market is a response to potential capacity scarcity in the system. The missing money problem may occur as a result of the dynamic development of renewable energy sources because their capacity factors are significantly lower in comparison to those of conventional generating units. The capacity market is a response to capacity scarcity in dynamic growth in renewable energy sources with lower capacity factors than thermal power plants. It is a support mechanism that provides additional funds in order for generation companies to be ready to produce electricity in system stress events. So far, seven capacity auctions have been held for 2021–2027 delivery periods. Since the vast majority of capacity market units are coal-fired public thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants, the analysis of capacity auction results provides valuable findings on coal consumption in the years to come. With this in mind, the objective of the study is to investigate the potential of coal consumption resulting from the long-term capacity contracts signed thus far. For this purpose, a comprehensive analysis of the capacity auctions’ results is conducted, including the analysis of the duration of the contracts, the structure of ownership, and fuels used in power units. The results show that the figures relating to the consumption of steam coal in units that have won capacity auctions are around 21,306 thousand Mg for 2023 and decreasing to 9,603 thousand Mg for 2035. Although European restrictions were introduced to limit remuneration for high-emission units, the long-term contracts ensure that these will remain in the system and will have an impact on the total consumption of steam coal in the medium- and long-term in the Polish power system.
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Aleksandra Komorowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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This article presents selected results from a survey conducted in 2014 and 2015 in the Province of Opole, among 263 entrepreneurs representing companies from different sectors which varied due to the number of employees and the labour market segment. Organisations with experience in employing a foreign workforce as well as those who had not previously employed foreigners were asked about their willingness to engage a foreign workforce. The analysis was made taking into account the labour market segment. Majority of respondents claimed that the country of origin of the foreign workforce is irrelevant. Such attitude was more frequent among entrepreneurs with experience in hiring foreigners than among those who have not yet taken on foreign labour. Entrepreneurs, especially those employing foreigners during the study, tended to view foreigners as more available and more willing to work overtime, hence ‘better’ then Polish employees. Interestingly, among respondents representing the secondary labour market, the opinion that foreigners are ‘better’ employees was more common than in the group representing the primary labour market.

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Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzińska
Jolanta Maj
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Due to inadequate efforts to reinforce nitrogen fixation capability of bean via symbiosis with rhizobia, improvement of bean productivity is still highly dependent on chemical fertilization. An advanced understanding of agro-ecosystem-bean-Rhizobium interaction is required to improve symbiosis efficiency. Thus, seasonal development of rhizobial nodulation was characterized according to 20 agro-ecological properties for 122 commercial bean fields. Principal component analysis identified soil texture as a major descriptor of agrosystem-bean-disease-Rhizobium interaction. Nonparametric correlation analysis indicated significant associations of root nodulation with bean class, fungicidal treatment of seed and soil, Fusarium root rot index, planting date and depth, soil texture, clay and sand content. Ordinal regression analysis demonstrated that rhizobial nodulation was improved by applying initial drought, heavier soil textures with greater organic matter and neutral pH, using herbicides and manure, growing white beans, irrigating every 7–9 days, later sowing in June, reducing disease and weed, shallower seeding, sowing beans after alfalfa, avoiding fungicidal treatment of seed and soil, and omitting urea application. This largescale study provided novel information on a comprehensive number of agronomic practices as potential tools for improving bean-Rhizobium symbiosis for sustainable legume production systems.

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Leila Tabande
Bita Naseri
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The study of herbicide dynamics in the soil and their interaction with the components of the environment makes it possible to ensure the selectivity of crops and the agronomical efficiency. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of soil physicochemical properties on the emergence and growth of soybean, with pre-emergence application of various saflufenacil rates. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with a completely randomized design, testing different soil types containing “Erechim”, “Santa Maria” and “Eldorado do Sul”, at different saflufenacil rates: 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 g a.i. · ha–1. The application was performed 1 day after soybean sowing, and analyzed variables were: the phytotoxicity emergence of seedlings, dry mass and height of the soybean. The saflufenacil effective dose of 50% response in soybean (ED50) and the characteristics of the soils showed that the soil contained clay and sand which were the components most related to the saflufenacil availability to the plants. A lower ED50 by phytotoxicity to the soybean was found in soil with lower and greater content of clay and sand, respectively. The physicochemical properties of soil influenced the saflufenacil activity, having greater potential of injury to soybean in the soil from Eldorado do Sul, due to its clay and sand content.
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Geovana Facco Barbieri
Cassiano Salin Pigatto
Glauco Pacheco Leães
Nelson Diehl Kruse
Dirceu Agostinetto
André da Rosa Ulguim

  1. Plant Protection Department, Federal University of Pelotas, Av. Eliseu Maciel, 96160-000, Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  2. Plant Protection Department, Federal University of Santa Maria, Av. Roraima, 1000, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
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A field trial on the transfer of pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and cyflufenamid residues from apple trees of Idared cultivar to hives by honeybees Apis mellifera was carried out. Two days after spraying (Faban 500 SC and Kendo 50 EW), and on the day of spraying (Chorus 50 WG), the quantities of residues on leaves and flowers of apple trees and pollen were as follows: pyrimethanil: 1.45 μg per cm2 of leaves, 11.51 μg per single flower and 7.18 μg · g −1 of pollen, cyprodinil:1.35, 8.64 and 7.94 μg, and cyflufenamid: 0.064, 0.266 and 0.11 μg, respectively. All of them subsequently disappeared exponentially. Two days after, and on the day of spraying, pyrimethanil (1.81 μg · g −1), cyprodinil (up to 0.55 μg · g −1) and cyflufenamid (0.04 μg · g −1) were found in worker bees. Residues of all used chemicals were found in the brood, honey and wax samples. The residues of pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and cyflufenamid in worker bees exceeded the level of 0.2% of the LD50, which indicates that their application rates (doses) are safe for the honey bee.
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Bartosz Piechowicz
1 2
Aleksandra Kuliga
Damian Kobylarz
Anna Koziorowska
2 3
Lech Zaręba
Magdalena Podbielska
Iwona Piechowicz
Stanisław Sadło

  1. Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Interdisciplinary Center for Preclinical and Clinical Research, University of Rzeszów, Poland
  3. Institute of Material Engineering, College of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
  4. Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling, College of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
  5. Independent researcher, Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
  6. Professor retired, Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
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Iraq has been suffering from decreasing Euphrates discharge due to the construction of dams within upstream countries and the use of surface irrigation systems. The country is facing a problem with meeting the increasing demand for water as a result of population growth and development in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Therefore, a simulation modelling was applied for western Iraq (Ramadi city as a case study) using the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) for the period 2018–2035. This research follows a four-step approach that involves: (i) evaluating the available water of the Euphrates River under declined water imports caused by the construction of dams in Turkey and Syria, (ii) assessing present and future water demands of the domestic, industrial, and agricultural sectors, (iii) improving water productivity (WP) by means of saving more water, (iv) estimating the economic returns under improved water use. The results showed that Iraq would face a serious problem in the coming years, represented by the limited storage of Haditha Dam, which is considered the strategic water storage site for the central and southern regions of Iraq. The study indicated the necessity of finding alternative sources of water supply by adopting new water management strategies to reduce the water deficit.
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Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed
Sadeq Oleiwi Sulaiman
Abu Baker Ahmed Najm
Nadhir Al-Ansari

  1. University of Anbar, College of Engineering, Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, Ramadi, Iraq
  2. University of Anbar, College of Engineering, Dams and Water Resources Department, Ramadi, Iraq
  3. Lulea University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Porsön, 97187 Lulea, Sweden
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Contemporary challenges related to rapid urbanization, migration, deepening inequalities and climate change inspire to contemplate the future of dwelling. The article aims to present particular solutions in housing that use advantages created by the relation to the water. The aquatic neighbourhoods become a field of experience for residential architecture, where traditional systems are enriched with new elements and solutions. Some of these solutions can be brought back to the sys-tem and improve the overall catalogue of answers for the development of traditional dwelling.

The analysis discusses contemporary housing projects 1998–2005 and includes: the program overview, basic numerical parameters, accessibility details and relation to the context. Current water-related examples are accompanied by a reference to standard solutions developed in the modern era. All presented designs use traditional components of dwelling program, grouping day zone elements and separate them from private spaces. In basic parameters development is visible in bigger areas of living space. In terms of accessibility housing on or close to water gives new opportunities, as well as in relation to the context.

The paper presents research on different types of dwelling located by the water, with particular emphasis on functional and architectural advantages, which may be used to improve contemporary housing models. The proposed guidelines can be used in further studies on housing typologies in aim to develop more open and flexible spatial layouts.

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Karolina Tulkowska-Słyk
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The paper focuses on the optimization of IEEE 802.11ax dense networks. The results were obtained with the use of the NS-3 simulator. Various network topologies were analyzed and compared. The advantage of using MSDU and MPDU aggregations in a dense network environment was shown. The process of improving the network performance for changes in the transmitter power value, CCA Threshold, and antenna gain was presented. The positive influence of BSS coloring mechanism on overal network efficiency was revealed. The influence of receiver sensitivity on network performance was determined.
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Marek Natkaniec
Mateusz Kras

  1. Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Institute of Telecommunications, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
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One of the most important natural phenomena that causes harmful damage around the world is the occurrence of sudden and severe floods. There are various solutions to deal with floods. Among the structural measures of flood risk management, we can mention the construction of levee, detention basin, channel modification, and a combination of the mentioned measures. Manafwa is a flood-prone area in Uganda currently protected by a 6.6 m high levee. Unfortunately, the existing levee does not have ideal performance, and the probability of failure is very high. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to compare seven flood management measures in the flood-prone area of Manafwa and to select the best flood risk management proposal. These management measures are: 1) construction of a levee with a height of 6.5 m, 2) construction of a levee with a height of 7 m, 3) construction of a levee with a height of 7.5 m, 4) construction of a levee with a height of 8 m, 5) channel modification, 6) detention basin and 7) a combination of structural measures of channel modification and detention basin. The results show that although building a levee with a height of 8 m is more expensive than other options, but it reduces the expected annual flood damage to about USD30.5 thous.
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Ngakan K.A. Dwijendra
Ali Majdi

  1. Udayana University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Bali 80361, Indonesia
  2. Al-Mustaqbal University College, Department of Building and Construction Techniques Engineering, Hilla, Iraq
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Different approaches to enhance healing of hard or soft tissues include the use of cytokines and growth factors to modify cellular behaviour. Numerous growth factors are found in autologous blood concentrates – platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) may improve tissue healing via amelogenins. Bilayered collagen matrix (CM) is used for soft tissue augmentation.

The aim of the present study was to assess potential benefits of PRP, PRF and EMD in combination with bilayered collagen matrix or CM alone in treatment of oral mucosal defects in rabbits.

Twenty-seven New Zealand white rabbits were included in this randomized controlled trial. Artificial oral mucosal defects were treated with one of these five approaches: PRP+CM, PRF+CM, EMD+CM, CM alone, or left untreated as a negative control - CO. The animals were euthanized 1 day, 7 days, or 28 days after surgery and necropsies were harvested. Histological and molecular biological analyses were performed.

All defects were healed by day 28. No differences between PRP+CM, PRF+CM, CM alone and CO groups were recorded at any time point. Slower angiogenesis and a higher presence of inflammatory infiltrate were observed in the EMD+CM group 28 days after surgery. Molecular biological analyses did not reveal any statistically significant changes.

In conclusion, no improvement in mucosal healing of wounds covered with a collagen membrane and PRP, PRF, or EMD was observed, compared with CM alone or untreated controls.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Vokurka
F. Hromcik
M. Faldyna
E. Gopfert
M. Vicenova
L. Pozarova
L. Izakovicova Holla
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The speed of test vehicles on the high-speed car track of the automobile test field is very high. Reducing the construction error of asphalt pavement is very important to ensure the safety of the test vehicle. In order to realize the paving of asphalt concrete pavement with super-large lateral inclination in the curve section of the high-speed car track in the automobile test field, a special paving control device and control method for the construction on the curve section with super-large lateral inclination were developed. Use the direction of the hanging hammer under the GPS device of paver to adjust the position of GPS device in real time, so that the geometric centre line of GPS device is always perpendicular to the horizontal plane. The reference control line is preset in the paver operation control device, and the lateral displacement deviation of the paver is adjusted to synchronize the data of the paver control device with the travel route. The precise control of the paver’s forward route is realized, the construction precision of the super-large inclined asphalt pavement on the high-speed car track of the automobile test field is achieved, and the construction efficiency is greatly improved. It has important reference value for similar projects such as automobile testing field and racing track.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yongzheng Qi
1 2
Wengang Ma
Jiesheng Zhang

  1. Key Laboratory of Flood & Drought Disaster Defense, the Ministry of Water Resources, Nanjing 210029, China
  2. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, No. 2 Mengxi Road, Zhenjiang 212003, China
  3. Institute of Civil Engineering and Intelligent Management, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China
  4. The First Engineering Co., LTD. of CTCE Group, No. 434 Fuyang North Road, Hefei 230041, China
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The paper presents a modified finite element method for nonlinear analysis of 2D beam structures. To take into account the influence of the shear flexibility, a Timoshenko beam element was adopted. The algorithm proposed enables using complex material laws without the need of implementing advanced constitutive models in finite element routines. The method is easy to implement in commonly available CAE software for linear analysis of beam structures. It allows to extend the functionality of these programs with material nonlinearities. By using the structure deformations, computed from the nodal displacements, and the presented here generalized nonlinear constitutive law, it is possible to iteratively reduce the bending, tensile and shear stiffnesses of the structures. By applying a beam model with a multi layered cross-section and generalized stresses and strains to obtain a representative constitutive law, it is easy to model not only the complex multi-material cross-sections, but also the advanced nonlinear constitutive laws (e.g. material softening in tension). The proposed method was implemented in the MATLAB environment, its performance was shown on the several numerical examples. The cross-sections such us a steel I-beam and a steel I-beam with a concrete encasement for different slenderness ratios were considered here. To verify the accuracy of the computations, all results are compared with the ones received from a commercial CAE software. The comparison reveals a good correlation between the reference model and the method proposed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Mrówczyński
Tomasz Gajewski
Tomasz Garbowski

  1. Research and Development Division, FEMAT Sp. z o.o., Romana Maya 1, 61-371, Poznan, Poland
  2. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Analysis, Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
  3. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Wojska Polskiego 50, 60-627 Poznan, Poland
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Abiotic stressors contribute to growth restriction and developmental disorders in plants. Early detection of the first signs of changes in plant functioning is very important. The objective of this study was to identify chlorophyll fluorescence parameters that change under phosphorus deficiency stress in cucumber. In this work, a trail to study the early changes caused by phosphorus deficiency in cucumber plants by analysing their photosynthetic performance is presented. Chlorophyll- a fluorescence (ChF) parameters were measured every 7 days for a period of 28 days. Measurements were made separately on young and old leaves and on cucumber fruit. Parameters that decreased during the stress were: p2G, PI abs, PI total, REo/CS o, and TRo/CSo. P deficiency decreased total electron carriers per RC ( ECo/RC), yields ( TRo/ABS ( Fv/Fm), ETo/TRo, REo/ETo, ETo/ABS and REo/ABS), fluxes ( REo/RC and REo/CSo) and fractional reduction of PSI end electron acceptors, and damaged all photochemical and non-photochemical redox reactions. Principal component analysis revealed a group of ChF parameters that may indicate early phosphorus deficiency in cucumber plants. Our results are used in the discovery of sensitive bioindicators of phosphorus deficiency in cucumber plants. Most JIP test parameters are linked to mathematical equations, so we recommend using of advanced statistical tools, such as principal component analysis, which should be considered very useful for stress identification. It has also been shown to be more effective in multivariate methods compared to univariate statistical methods was demonstrated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Sieczko
Piotr Dąbrowski
Katarzyna Kowalczyk
Janina Gajc-Wolska
Wojciech Borucki
Monika Janaszek-Mańkowska
Waldemar Kowalczyk
Domenica Farci
Hazem M. Kalaji

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Biometry, Institute of Agriculture, 166 Nowoursynowska St., 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Environmental Management, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poland
  3. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plants, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, Poland
  4. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, Poland
  5. Warsaw University of Life – SGGW, Department of Fundamentals of Engineering and Power Engineering, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Poland
  6. The National Institute of Horticultural Research, Skierniewice, Poland
  7. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Biology, Poland
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The Sebatik Island is one of the main cocoa-producing regions in Indonesia, but its productivity has been reported to be below the potential production volume. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the sustainability index for smallholder cocoa plantations on the Sebatik Island using the multidimensional scaling (MDS), known as the RAP- SEBATIK (rapid appraisal for cocoa on Sebatik Island) that adopts from the RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries). The MDS was used to evaluate the sustainability status of cocoa across six dimensions, while the leverage analysis was applied to identify the status of the most influential attributes of each dimension. The results showed that the average sustainability index value for such dimensions as ecological, economic, sociocultural, infrastructural and technological, law and institutional, as well as defence and security was 46.23, 48.58, 75.20, 40.49, 36.39, and 36.39%, respectively, based on the current conditions. According to these findings, only the sociocultural dimension was sustainable in smallholder cocoa plantations on the Sebatik Island. The main attributes that need improvement for the sake of sustainability apply to the following dimensions: ecological, economic, sociocultural, infrastructure and technology, law and institutional, as well as defence and security. Attributes that need intervention are the average age of cocoa, the community’s level of formal education, fertilisers application for cocoa, the operation of a shop for agricultural production facilities, and defence and security facilities and infrastructure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Muhamad Hidayanto
Yossita Fiana

  1. Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Cibinong Science Center, Jakarta – Bogor Highway, Km 46 Cibinong-Bogor, West Java 16911, Indonesia
  2. Research Center for Horticulture and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Cibinong Science Center, Jakarta – Bogor Highway, Km 46 Cibinong-Bogor, West Java 16911, Indonesia

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