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The article discusses the process of copper production in a slurry furnace and in a converter, with the indication of corrosion effects of the extractor. The furnace shaft and settling furnace of the flash furnace were analyzed. The basic factors determining the choice of singlestage technology of copper smelting in relation to the exploitation of refractory materials were indicated. The effects of dissolving the furnace lining material through slag have been presented. Structural analysis results using a scanning microscope are also included. The kinetics of destruction of ceramic materials under the influence of copper slag were evaluated. It has been shown that detailed analyzes are necessary in order to extend the time of furnace extensibility of furnaces in copper processes. The surface layer of the crucible softens due to saturation with slag reagents and is then washed out and moves in the solid form to the slag. The research in the article indicate not only the possibility of dissolution of the ceramic material in the molten slag, but also possibility of erosive activity of the slag on that material.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Wędrychowicz
B. Basiura
A.W. Bydałek
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Identification and ecological diagnostics of the influence of basic load parameters (the cumulative effect of air temperature, the amount of precipitation) is a fundamental aspect of the wastewater sludge treatment at drying beds. The positive dynamics of atmospheric precipitation and the long-term functioning of natural and technical systems for wastewater sludge treatment under the influence of excessive atmospheric moisture does not allow the treatment/drying of precipitation, which provokes soil pollution with subsequent diffusion of pollutants into groundwater, which leads to the degradation of the natural environment components interacting with drying beds. The article is devoted to the adaptation of the process of treatment/drying of wastewater sludge at drying beds. The method includes identification of the dynamics of climatic factors of a long-term chronological series, which makes it possible to predict the effect of atmospheric precipitation on the wastewater sludge drying. The costs for the implementation and subsequent use of the proposed method are absent or insignificant (in the conditions of an increase in usable area during the modernisation of existing drying beds) in comparison with the costs of well-known and widespread methods of deliquefaction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrei Mikhailovich Dregulo
1 2

  1. National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Pechatnikov str. 16, 198099 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  2. Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Korpusnaya str. 18, 197110, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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The article focused primarily on comparing the achieved mechanical results for AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5Zr and AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5Zr0.15Ti experimental alloys. Experimental variants with the addition of Zr ≥ 0.05 wt. % demonstrated the ability of Zr to precipitate in the form of Al3Zr or AlSiZr intermetallic phases. Zr precipitated in the form of long smooth needles with split ends. When evaluating the thermal analyses, the repeated peak was observed already with the initial addition of Zr in the range of approximately 630 °C. It was interesting to observe the increased interaction with other intermetallic phases. EDX analysis confirmed that the individual phases are based on Cu, Mg but also Fe. Similar phenomena were observed in experimental alloys with a constant addition of Zr and a gradual increase in Ti by 0.1 wt. %. A significant change occurred in the amount of precipitated Zr phases. A more significant increase in mechanical properties after heat treatment of AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5Zr experimental alloys was observed mainly above the Zr content ≥ 0.15 wt. % Zr. The improvement of yield and tensile strength over the AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5 reference alloy after heat treatment was minimal, not exceeding 1 %. A more significant improvement after heat treatment occurred in modulus of elongation with an increase by 6 %, and in hardness with an increase by 7 %. The most significant drop occurred in ductility where a decrease by 31 % was observed compared to the reference alloy. AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5Zr0.15Ti experimental alloys, characterized by varying Ti content, achieved a more significant improvement. The improvement in tensile strength over the AlSi7Mg0.3Cu0.5 reference alloy after heat treatment was minimal, not exceeding 1 %. A more significant improvement after heat treatment occurred in modulus of elongation with an increase by 12 %, in hardness with an increase by 12 % and the most significant improvement occurred in yield strengthwith a value of 18 %. The most significant decrease also occurred in ductility where, compared to the reference alloy, the ductility drop was by up to 67 %.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Kuriš
D. Bolibruchova
M. Matejka
E. Kantoríková

  1. University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Technological Engineering, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovak Republic
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This paper presents a study of the hybrid electro-discharge mechanical machining BEDMM (Brush Electro-Discharge Mechanical Machining) with the application of a rotary disk brush as a working electrode. The discussed method enables not only an effective machining with a material removal rate of up to 300 mm3/min but also finishing (with the obtained roughness of Ra < 0.5 μm) of the surfaces of complex-shaped alloys with poor machinability. The analysis of the factors involved in the machining process indicates that its efficiency is determined by electrodischarge. The use of flexible working electrodes makes it possible to apply simple technological instrumentation and results in the simplicity of the process automation. The aim of the study was to obtain quantitative relationships between the parameters of brush electro discharge mechanical machining (BEDMM) and its effects. The presented experimental research results define the effect of the process input parameters on the performance and roughness of machined surfaces obtained for manganese cast steel.

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Authors and Affiliations

P.S. Młynarczyk
S. Spadło

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