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Buffalopox (BPX) is a highly contagious disease that causes high morbidity and production losses in buffaloes. During this study, seroprevalence, effect of various associated risk factors, and pathological studies of BPX were recorded in the Punjab province. A total of 97 blood samples and 63 scabs were collected from clinically pox suspected buffaloes. Serum was harvested to perform single radial hemolysis to assess the seroprevalence, and scabs were subjected to PCR for BPX virus confirmation. Results revealed that, animal demographics and environmental associated factors showed significant effect (p<0.05,1<R2>0) on BPX occurrence. The overall BPX seroprevalence was recorded 4.18% in the Punjab province. The BPX was recorded 5.48% in Nili Ravi breed during winter (7.42%), aged 5-7 years (7.46%) under loose housing (5.51%) in the Faisalabad region (8.03%). Further, BPX was 5.37% in pregnant, 6.86% pregnant milking buffaloes during the 3rd lactation period (7.28%) in dairy herds (5.20%). The BPX was 5.22% in non-vaccinated buffaloes where multiple animals were reared together (4.99%) in the herds having 21-30 total number of animals. A total of 49 scab samples were found positive for the BPX virus via PCR with C18L gene amplification. Grossly, inflammatory lesions with pits in the center and wart-like nodules were seen on teats and udder of buffaloes. Increased leukocytes, especially neutrophils and lymphocytes, were seen in the blood of the infected animals. These results provide a broader window to understand the effect of associated risk factors, strengthen the diagnostic aid, and to contain the current spread of BPX in Pakistan to safeguard large ruminant-based livelihood.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.W. Usmani
F. Rizvi
A. Khatoon
M.S. Mahmood

  1. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 38000
  2. Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 38000
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Quantum dots, due to their unique optical properties, constitute significant materials for many areas of nanotechnology and bionanotechnology. This work presents a review of researches dedicated to the interaction between quantum dots (QDs) with human serum albumin (HSA) and human cell culture as important for nanomedicine applications. The optical properties of bio-nanocomplexes formed by nanoparticles including colloidal QDs (e.g., CdTe, CdS, CdCoS) and albumin are displayed. The absorption spectra show that adding HSA to colloidal QDs leads to a gradual decrease of absorption and broadening of the exciton structure. The photoluminescence quenching results indicate that the quenching effect of QDs on HSA fluorescence depends on the size and temperature. The nature of quenching is rather static, resulting in forming QD-HSA complexes. The CdTe QD-HSA complexes show chemical stability in a PBS buffer. Furthermore, it is stable in cytoplasm and suitable for cell labeling, tracking, and other bioimaging applications.

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R. Wojnarowska-Nowak
J. Polit
A. Zięba
I.D. Stolyarchuk
S. Nowak
M. Romerowicz-Misielak
E.M. Sheregii
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Quaternary sediments in the southwestern Nordenskiöld Land are described with particular emphasis put on distribution of erratics against their basset matrices. Results confirm previous suppositions on directions of past glacial advances from east westwards. The latter separated by sea submergences, caused translocations of the rock material. This process was most intensive in upstreams of large mountain valleys.

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Andrzej Musiał
Jacek Drecki
Bogdan Horodyski
Krzysztof Kossobudzki
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The aim of this study was to delimit lacustrine deposits underlaying present peatlands. On this basis, the location of water bodies in late Pleistocene and early Holocene was recognized. The lakes’ occurrence was presented on the background of geomorphological conditions. Lacustrine deposits occur mainly in depressions of the northern part of the Knyszyńska Forest. They are placed in upper parts of the Czapielówka River, Jałówka River, middle Sokołda River and upper Kumiałka River catchments. The thickness of gyttja varies between 0.4 and 2.5 m. These are detrital, calcareous and clay-calcareous gyttjas. Lacustrine sediments fill the bottoms of various meltout depressions. The origin of these depressions, as well as the whole glacial relief of the terrain, is often linked to deglaciation of the Warta ice sheet. However, kame deposits in the Janów village are younger than Warta glaciation. Moreover, the catchment relief of the upper Kumiałka River is similar to the relief which originates from Vistulian glaciation. Besides, there are boulder deposits directly under the lacustrine deposits. These three facts indicate a younger age of the melt-out depressions in the upper Kumiałka River catchment.

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Krzysztof Micun
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The velocity field around the standard Rushton turbine was investigated by the Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements. The mean ensembleaveraged velocity profiles and root mean square values of fluctuations were evaluated at two different regions. The first one was in the discharge stream in the radial direction from the impeller where the radial flow is dominant and it is commonly modelled as a swirling turbulent jet. The validity range of the turbulent jet model was studied. The second evaluated region is under the impeller where flow seems to be at first sight rather rigorous but obtained results show nonnegligible values of fluctuation velocity.

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Bohuš Kysela
Jiří Konfršt
Ivan Fořt
Michal Kotek
Zdeněk Chára
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Álex de la Iglesia’s film, Balada triste de trompeta (2010) explores historical trauma and collective memory of the Spanish Civil war through clown figures adapted to the grotesque aesthetic of esperpento. Besides the use of popular culture motifs, this article focuses on how notions of the mythical trickster and classical philosophy and melancholy combine in a dark humor subversive work.
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Alberto Villamandos

  1. University of Missouri-Kansas City

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