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During the SIBEX1' programme in December 1983/January 1984, 27 hauls were made from the "Profesor Siedlecki" with a 368 — mesh midwater sampling trwal. A total of 13 fish species at postlarval or juvenile stages was found in the catches. The greatest aboundance and species diversity of juvenile ichthyofauna was observed within shelf waters of the Peninsula. Postlarval and juvenile Pleuragramma antarcticum was the most common and most aboundant species there.

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Wiesław Slósarczyk
Zdzisław Cielniaszek
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Changes in the amount of basic nitrogen fractions (total, protein and non-protein nitrogen) were studied in an annual cycle. Significant seasonal changes were noted, minima occurring in Antarctic winter and maxima during spring-summer season. These changes are due mainly to high fluctuations of water content in krill in the annual cycle.

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Edward Kołakowski
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In total, 18 species and larval forms of endoparasitic worms were found in 19 newly examined notothenioid fishes of three species, Trematomus hansom, Notothenia coriiceps and Chionodraco hamatus, caught off Adelie Land. One digenean species, Neolepidapedon trema-tomi, was recorded in this area for the first time. A total list of endoparasitic worms prepared by Zdzitowiecki etal. (1998) increased from 20 to 21 species and larval forms and concerns 11 deter­mined and one determined species of Digenea (the most diverse group), three larval forms of Cestoda, three species (one identified only to genus) of Acanthocephala, two species (one in the larval stage) and one larval form of Nematoda. All these species and forms, with the exception of the indetcrmined digenean, occur also in the deep Antarctica, in the Ross Sea and/or in the Weddell Sea. The prevalence and relative density of infection with each parasite in three host species is given based on summarized previous and new data.

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Krzysztof Zdzitowiecki
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State information systems play a significant role in information support of land management. Open state information systems and technologies are a modern mechanism of data collection, processing, analysis and publication for transparent, democratic, effective land resources management. Within the national Ukrainian context, land management activities are described by components presented in the article. The purpose of the study is to investigate the interrelation of different kinds of state information systems for land management. The following tasks are aimed at achieving the goal: to perform the analysis of types and forms of state information systems, to structure the information contained in the state information systems, and to research the interoperability of data of state information systems. Based on the results of the study, a structural model of effective land management is presented in the work. In the article, there is an example of the open data using regarding the state monitoring of surface water, which is open to users, as of March 2023, was used to make management decisions. The availability of complete open data regarding land and other natural resources provides the possibility of informed decision-making while ensuring effective land management in general and individual land plots in particular. The results of the study illustrate the need for further strengthening data interoperability in different state information systems.
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Olga Petrakovska
Mariia Mykhalova
Alina Lizunova

  1. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Land Management and Cadastre Department, 31 Povitrianykh Syl Ave, 03037, Kyiv, Ukraine
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A low drop-out [LDO] voltage regulator with fast transient response which does not require a capacitor for proper operation is proposed in this paper. Recent cap-less LDOs do not use off chip capacitor but instead they use on chip capacitor which occupy a large area on the chip. In the proposed LDO, this on chip capacitor is also avoided. A novel secondary local feedback technique is introduced which helps to achieve a good transient response even in the absence of output capacitor. Further an error amplifier that does need compensation capacitor is selected to reduce the on chip area. Stability analysis shows that the proposed LDO is stable with a phase margin of 78°. The proposed LDO is laid out using Cadence Virtuoso in 180 nm standard CMOS technology. Post layout simulation is carried out and LDO gives 6mV=V and 360µV=mA line and load regulation respectively. An undershoot of 120 mV is observed during the load transition from 0 mA to 50 mA in 1 µs transition time, however LDO is able to recover within 1:4 µs. Since capacitor is not required in any part of design, it occupies only 0:010824 mm2 area on the chip.

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Kumara Shama
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The author presents the thesis that the referent of the dative noun phrase is ‘a second human participant’ of the event ‒ referent of the proposition in question. The same applies to the referent of the genitive noun phrase. The two constructions differ only in their syntactic distribution ‒ dative is an adverbal case, while genetive is adnominal, which is the result of their semantic roles ‒ ‘recipient’ for dative and ‘possessor’ for genetive.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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In this paper small punch test (SPT) which is one of miniaturized samples technique, was employed to characterize the mechanical properties of carbon steel P110. The tests were carried out in the range of –175°C to RT. Results obtained for SPT were compared to those calculated for tensile and Charpy impact test. Based on tensile and SPT parameters numerical model was prepared. 8 mm in diameter and 0.8 mm in height (t) discs with and without notch were employed in this research. The specimens had different depth notch (a) in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 mm. It was estimated that α factor for comparison of Tsp and DBTT for carbon steel P110 is 0.55 and the linear relation is DBTT = 0.55TSPT. The numerical model fit with force – deflection curve of SPT. If the factor of notch depth and samples thickness is higher than 0.3 the fracture mode is transformed from ductile to brittle at –150°C.

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B. Romelczyk-Baishya
D. Lumelskyj
M. Stępniewska
M. Giżyński
Z. Pakieła
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Individual movement of plankton in the ocean is related to trophic relationships between dominant groups. Collective movement is a consequence of the movement of water masses, diurnal cycles and global movement of ocean currents, and climate change
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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN

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