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This paper studies the long-run relationship between consumption, labour income and asset wealth in Poland. Within cointegrated VAR model dynamic responses of the variables in the system to shocks are studied. In addition, series are decomposed into permanent and transitory components on the basis of the cointegrating relation found in the system.

Main conclusion of this paper is that deviations of the three variables from their estimated long-run relationship are better explained with uctuations of labour income than assets. A tentative explanation of this nding is presented. Additionally, the magnitude of the asset wealth eect in Poland is calculated and compared with other studies for European countries and for the U.S.

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Magdalena Zachłod-Jelec
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Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą refleksji nad metodologicznymi wyzwaniami, jakie pojawiły się w czasie pandemii COVID-19 podczas realizacji jakościowej części projektu badawczego poświęconego feminizacji pandemii. W ramach badań prowadziłyśmy indywidualne wywiady online z kobietami pracującymi na uczelni wyższej. W niniejszym tekście bazując na doświadczeniach własnych z badania przeprowadzonego online oraz odwołując się do dyskusji w kręgu polskich badaczek i badaczy jakościowych aktualizujemy popularne mity z obszaru metodologii badań jakościowych dotyczące wywiadów zdalnych. Ponadto, w związku z tym, że zespół badawczy pracował tylko i wyłącznie w formie zdalnej, podejmujemy także refleksję nad wpływem pracy online na prowadzenie badań i naszą postawę badawczą.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aneta Ostaszewska
Marta Pietrusińska

  1. WSNSiR, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  2. Wydział Pedagogiczny, Wydział Socjologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The holdings of the Kórnik Library include a book of abstracts of lawsuits concerning the boundaries of estates in Greater Poland in the 15th–17th century, written in Latin. Its presumed author, the otherwise unknown Piotr Biernacki, had the ability to write in both the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabet. This article focuses on the reading and the palaeographic and linguistic analysis of several Latin sentences, one heading and more than 20 margin notes written in the Cyrillic alphabet. The Cyrillic handwriting found in the book is a Russian skoropis used in Ukrainian areas of Poland in the 17th century. When writing the Latin text with the Cyrillic alphabet, the author utilised the Polish language of the time in the reading of Latin. The cryptograms found in the book have a technical/informative nature and do not contribute any significant information to the text. In combination with the fact that the Cyrillic alphabet was not at all used in Greater Poland, the above suggests that the author was playing with the reader, who was thus forced to look for the meaning of the incomprehensible text.
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Krzysztof Pietkiewicz

  1. Wydział Historii UAM, Poznań
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In February 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, continuing a war that lasted since 2014. This turn of events led to massive migration of Ukrainian refugees to Poland, during which the country received approx. 2 million new inhabitants. The rapid migrational process led to attitudinal changes in the host country's population. This article reviews survey studies conducted at the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw (cross-sectional and longitudinal) assessing the attitudes of Poles toward Ukrainians. According to our data, the attitudes of Poles toward Ukraine improved after the 2022 Russian invasion (compared to 2021), and our longitudinal studies confirmed that this change was relatively long-lasting – the attitudes did not deteriorate substantially. A study looking at attitudes toward war refugees from Ukraine and refugees from other countries found that Poles showed significantly higher acceptance of Ukrainian refugees than those from other countries, which could be largely attributed to greater contact with Ukrainians. Furthermore, Poles expressed relatively high acceptance of state support for healthcare and education of Ukrainian refugees, whereas the acceptance of direct financial support and housing was relatively lower.
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Maria Babińska
Michał Bilewicz
Paulina Górska
Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz
Michał Wypych

  1. Wydział Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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During the geological prospecting works conducted in 2013 on Bangka Island (Indonesia), high monazite content was identified in the wastes produced during processing of cassiterite deposits. Monazite, among 250 known minerals containing REE , is one of the most important minerals as primary source of REE .The monazite content in this waste is up to 90.60%. The phase composition of the investigated tailing proves that the sources of minerals accompanying the placer sediments tin mineralization are granitoids. The tailing is composed of numerous ore minerals, including monazite, xenotime, zircon, cassiterite, malayaite, struverite, aeschynite-(Y), ilmenite, rutile, pseudorutile and anatase. Monazite grains belong to the group of cerium monazite. Its grains are characterized by high content of Ce2O3 27.12–33.50 w t.%, La2O3 up to 15.46 w t.%, Nd2O3 up to 12.87%. The total REE 2O3 + Y content ranges from 58.18 to 65.90 wt.%. Monazite grains observations (SEM -BSE) revealed the presence of porous zones filled with fine phases of minerals with U and Th content. The radiation intensity of 232Th is ATh = 340 ± 10 Bq and 238AU = 114 ± 2 Bq. High content of monazite and other REE minerals indicates that tailing is a very rich, potential source of REE s, although the presence of radioactive elements at the moment is a technological obstacle in their processing and use. The utilization of monazite bearing waste in the Indonesian Islands can be an important factor for development and economic activation of this region and an example of the good practice of circular economy rules.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Zglinicki
Krzysztof Szamałek
Gustaw Konopka

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