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The paper presents the family of three analyzers allowing to measure impedance in the range of 10 Ω<|Zx|<10 GΩ in a wide frequency range from 10 mHz up to 100 kHz. The most important features of the analyzer family are: miniaturization, low power consumption, low production cost, telemetric controlling and the use of an impedance measurement method based on digital signal processing (DSP). The miniaturization and other above-mentioned features of the analyzers were obtained thanks to the use of the newest generation of large-scale integration chips: e.g. “system on a chip” microsystems (AD5933), 32-bit AVR32-family microcontrollers and specialized modules for wireless communication using the ZigBee standard. When comparing metrological parameters, the developed instrumentation can equal portable analyzers offered by top worldwide manufacturers (Gamry, Ivium) but outperforms them on smaller dimensions, weight, a few times lower price and the possibility to work in a distributed telemetric network. All analyzer versions are able to be put into medium-volume production.

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Jerzy Hoja
Grzegorz Lentka
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Background: Unhealthy diet and cooking method used may infl uence the risk of breast cancer (BC), but there is only limited evidence with regard to benign breast disease (BBD). The aim of this study was to assess a relationship between cooking technique, especially fried to boiled meals ratio in the diet, and the risk of BC and BBD in a group of Polish women. Material and methods: A case-control study involving 34 BC cases, 81 BBD cases and 122 healthy controls was conducted between July 2007 and November 2011. All the women were asked about their nutritional habits, especially the way of preparing meat and fi sh dishes. Th en the ratio of fried to boiled meals was calculated. Results: High fried to boiled ratio was associated with increasing risk of BBD, but not BC. Women consuming fried dishes more oft en than boiled dishes had elevated risk of BBD: OR = 3.04 and OR = 3.65 for the second and the third tertile, respectively. Adjustment for the other confounders only slightly altered this relationship. Conclusion: Women who preferred frying as a cooking technique had increased risk of benign breast disease, but not breast cancer. Th ere is a need of more precise investigation to confi rm this association.
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Elżbieta Sochacka-Tatara
Agnieszka Pac
Marzena Florek
Paulina Rolska
Diana Hodorowicz-Zaniewska
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The author shows previously unknown links between Artur Grottger’s work, the defence of Glanów manor house of 15 August 1863, and the Novàk family. Along with the popular cycles of drawings devoted to the 1863 uprising, the artist authored a little known painting “Fire of a manor house near Miechów”, which was interpreted as a scene from the battle of Miechów which took place in February 1863. However, the painted scene takes place in the summer, and no other manor house than that at Glanów, situated just 15 km from Miechów, was consumed by fire in the area in 1863. At that time Glanów manor was leased to Leon Rutkowski, who died during the defence. After Leon’s death, the manor house was taken over by his son-in-law, Konstanty Novàk (greatgrandfather of the author of the article). Without any doubt, the painted scene refers to the Novàk family tradition, which has not yet been raised. Details of the composition are also consistent with the topography of the Glanów manor house. Additionally, Konstanty Novàk, one of the organisers of the uprising, was a close friend of Grottger’s. The artist gave him a few of his works, as well as his photograph in insurgent clothing, with a personal dedication, in 1863. Although the relations between Konstanty Novàk and Grottger are mentioned in source literature, the current article is the first one to show their consequences for the artist’s work.

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Andrzej Novák-Zempliński
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Anaerobic digested sludge supernatant is rich in phosphates and ammonia nitrogen. Phosphates can be almost completely removed in the process of struvite precipitation. Simultaneously, if only magnesium is supplied, usually only a minor part of ammonia equivalent to phosphates will be removed. Increase in pH to about 8.5 or above leads to the presence of free ammonia which affects the struvite crystals form. The possibility of additional ammonia removal with an external or internal source of phosphates was also accounted for. The final product (precipitate) could be considered as a "biofertilizer" or "biosoil" in connection to the technology applied.
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Jan Suschka
Sebastian Popławski
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Previous studies indicated that particle size distribution affects the composition of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi in sewage sludge. The present study was to determine the composition of these fungi in sludge particle size fractions (> I, 1-0.5, 0.5--0.25, 0.25--0.125, 0.125-0.063, O 063--0.032 and < 0.032 mm) in a model experiment. I n the original sludge sample and its fractions, the composition of keratinolytic and kcratinophilic fungi was determined by using the hair baiting method. The composition of actidioneresistant fungi was also determined by using the dilution method and the Wiegand medium supplemented with chloramphenicol ( I 00 mg/dm') and actidione (500 mg/dm3). The number of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi isolated by the hair baiting method was lower in fractions than in the original sludge sample. In contrast, fungal quantities obtained by the dilution method were higher in fractions than in the original sludge sample. Qualitative differences were also observed. The conclusion was that nutrient factors associated with sludge particle size fractions, chietly total sulfur content and C:S ratio, affected the composition of keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi in the sludge more than the fungal propagule quantities (inocula).
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Krzysztof Ulfig
Grażyna Plaza
Maciej Terakowski
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Poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) is a polyester that is particularly useful for tissue engineering appli- cations. Many researchers have focused on the application and characterization of materials made from PGS. Synthesis is often superficially described, and the prepolymer is not characterized before crosslinking. Considering the different functionality of each monomer (glycerine – 3, sebacic acid – 2), materials with a branched structure can be obtained before the crosslinking process. Branched struc- tures are not desirable for elastomers. In this work, method to obtain linear PGS resins is presented. Moreover, synthesis was optimized with the use of the Design of Experiments method for minimizing the degree of branching and maximizing the molecular weight. The process was described via mathe- matical models, which allows to the association of process parameters with product properties. In this work ca. 1kDa and less than 10% branched PGS resin was produced. This resin could be used to make very flexible elastomers because branching is minimized.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Wrzecionek
Joanna Howis
Paulina H. Marek
1 2
Paweł Ruśkowski
Agnieszka Gadomska-Gajadhur

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Noakowskiego 3, 00-664 Warsaw, Poland
  2. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
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Cooling slope casting is a simple technique to produce semi-solid feedstock with a non-dendritic structure. The cooling slope technique depends on various parameters like slope length, slope angle, pouring temperature etc, that has been investigated in the present study. This work presents an extensive study to comprehend the combined effect of slope angle, slope length, pouring temperature, on hardness and microstructure of A383 alloy. Response Surface Methodology was adopted for design of experiments with varying process parameters i.e. slope angle between 15° to 60°, slope length between 400 to 700 mm, and pouring temperature between 560 ºC to 600 ºC. The response factor hardness was analysed using ANOVA to understand the effect of input parameters and their interactions. The hardness was found to be increasing with increased slope length and pouring temperature; and decreased with slope angle. The empirical relation for response with parameters were established using the regression analysis and are incorporated in an optimization model. The optimum hardness with non-dendritic structure of A383 alloy was obtained at 27° slope angle, 596.5 mm slope length and 596 ºC pouring temperature. The results were successfully verified by confirmation experiment, which shows around 2% deviation from the predicted hardness (87.11 BHN).
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Rao
H. Khandelwal
M. Kumar
A. Kumar

  1. National Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Formerly National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology) (A Centrally Funded Technical Institute under MHRD), Hatia, Ranchi, 834003, India
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Cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex (CEH-P) is a common disease in sexually mature bitches. Disease progression leads to oxidative stress, resulting in the depletion of uterine antioxidants and lipid peroxidation of associated cells, which further aggravates the condition. The concentration of antioxidant enzymes, the level of lipid peroxidation within the uterine tissue, and its reflection in the serum and urine need to be elucidated. The aim of this study was to analyze the concentration of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and the lipid peroxidation marker malonaldehyde (MDA) in three types of samples, i.e., serum, urine, and uterine tissue. For this purpose, 58 pyometra-affected and 44 healthy bitches were included in the present study. All animals underwent ovariohysterectomy (OVH). Our data indicated highly significant difference (p<0.01) in the antioxidant concentrations of uterine, serum and urine samples. Furthermore, there was a highly significant (p<0.01) difference in the serum levels of ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and free radical scavenging activity (FRSA) indicated poor capacity to overcome oxidative stress in the CEH-Pyometra condition. We showed that CEH-P induces oxidative stress, which further depletes the antioxidant enzyme reserves in the uterus. Thus, the weak antioxidant defence predisposes to uterine damage and disease progression. The simultaneous depletion of antioxidants and an increase in lipid peroxidation in the serum and urine may also act as early indicators of uterine pathology.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kumar
1 4
J.K. Prasad
S. Verma
A. Gattani
G.D. Singh
V.K. Singh

  1. Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, Bihar 800014, India
  2. Dean, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, Bihar 800014, India
  3. Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Deen-dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura, U.P. 281001 India
  4. Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, Bihar 800014, India
  5. Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University (NDVSU), Jabalpur, M.P., 483220 India
  6. Veterinary Clinical Complex, Bihar Veterinary College, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, Bihar 800014, India
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Measurements of water temperatures, salinity, oxygen, suspended matter, nutrients and some metals contents were determined in the waters of the Hornsund Fjord. The investigations were carried out at the end of June and July and in mid-September 1979.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Urbański
Ewa Neugebauer
Ryszard Spacjer
Lucyna Falkowska
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Surface matching is a fundamental task that must be solved whenever we want to merge data sets of same physical surface obtained with different sources. In general, the points in two sets are in different reference systems, not identical with different accuracy, distribution and density. To perform surface matching the different target functions are proposed. Proposed target function in section 1.4 is based on the condition of equality of triangle areas (TIN). This target function can be used for surface patches of pattern set S 1 generated also in squares (DEM). Conception of target function provided in section 1.5 is based on the combination of two conditions. The first of them is a condition of fitting two normal vectors of surface patches generated by square model (DEM) in set S 1 (as a pattern) and of triangle created with three points in set S2 (as a candidate). The second is one of four target functions upper represented.
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Chinh Ke Luong
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Krzysztof Pieła

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