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The mineral resources security is the most current and important problem. In the age of minerals, each deposit can be a source of an impulse for the development of innovative technologies. For this aim we should look for the rational and optimal management of resources. However, this is not a simple task, as indicated by subsequent years without the national mineral policy. The difficulty in securing deposits lies mainly in the complexity of this topic. It requires developing a vision, taking a direction, building appropriate tools and implementing them consistently. The article presents the current problems in the field of securing deposits against the announced national mineral policy. The authors reach for the analyses which were made in recent years regarding the country’s raw material management and indicate the scope of activities that should be taken to secure the deposits. What are the tasks in the draft of mineral policy and what is the scope of activities to secure the deposits that should be taken. The securing of deposits is primarily understanding the possibility of development deposits by their extraction. Therefore, it is misleading and inadequate to apply the term „resources pro-tection”. According to the authors it builds an unnecessary conflict between the mining industry and natural scientists who want to preserve the environmental resources untouched. The article also points out the main areas of action needed to effectively secure the resources, and also gives outline the solutions. Valorization works, preceded by verification of the quality of the geological documentations are of great importance for the creation of effective tools to protect resources. The result of these activities should be the long-awaited ranking list of deposits. Subsequently, the authors of the article suggest legislative changes in the field of spa-tial planning and environmental procedures.

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Zbigniew Kasztelewicz
Miranda Ptak
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Fłorowskij G. (2021), Protojerej Gieorgij Fłorowskij. Pisma k bratu Antoniju, Podgotovka teksta, sostavlenije, publikacija, predislovije i komentarii L. Kiejzik, Moskwa: PSTGU.
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Lilianna Kiejzik

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65‑001 Zielona Góra
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This study investigated the Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate (OPE) removal potentials of raw and treated industrial treatment sludges (ITS) at different pH. Experiments were conducted in a set of 500 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, into which OPE solutions of 300 ml with different initial concentrations (50–300 μg/l) were added into. Adsorption of Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate from an aqueous solution into ITS105 (T=105°C), ITS300 (T=300°C), ITS600 (T=600°C) and ITS450 (pyrolyzed, T=450°C) was carried out at a room temperature. The OPE adsorption rate increase in the treatment sludge processed at 600°C. As opposed to the sludge treated at 105°C, the adsorption rate decreased as the concentration increased. The reason for this was that the porous structure was degraded at 600°C, and the surface charge balance was disrupted. ITS300 had a lower adsorption capacity for Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate removal than ITS105, ITS600 and ITS450 (pyrolyzed). The treatment sludge pyrolyzed at 450°C conformed with the Freundlich isotherm at pH 4 (R2=0.94) and pH 7 (R2=0.89). The treatment sludge heat-treated at 600°C conformed with the Freundlich isotherm at pH 4 (R2=0.97), pH 7 (R2=0.98) and pH 10 (R2=0.99). Additionally, for ITS600, the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) isotherm was valid at neutral pH. The OPE adsorption coefficient for ITS600 at pH 4 and pH 7 was calculated as 1.05 L/μg and 1.083 L/μg, respectively. According to the BET isotherm (for ITS600) the qm values at pH 4 and pH 7 were respectively 8.21 μg/g and 2.92 μg/g. The temperature of the adsorption value obtained with the Temkin isotherm showed that the interaction between the OPE and the adsorbent substances was not a chemical or ionic interaction but probably a physical interaction.
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Ali Rıza Dinçer
İbrahim Feda Aral

  1. Namık Kemal University, Çorlu, Tekirdağ-Turkey
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Electromagnetic theoretical concepts, which are represented mathematically, are usually challenging to grasp by students. In this study, we explore an interactive technology-based teaching tool to develop further students’ mastery of electromagnetic concepts through learning development and visualization of electromagnetic problems. This visualization of the problems will help students analyse, evaluate, and draw conclusions of the impact of electromagnetic-related problems in real-life. The simulation tool in this study is based on a MATLAB® toolbox package, in which partial-differential equations (PDE) solver is the core engine. In this paper, we will also provide a step-by-step guide on the use of such an interactive computer-aided tool so that it can be a great self-guide tool for beginners in the field of physics and a first-level introductory course in electromagnetism. This study will focus mainly on one classical electrostatic problem that is a challenge to students to visualize, analyze and evaluate. Based on students feedback by the end of the course, 80% of students’ population are more comfortable with the introduced interactive learning tool.
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Mohammed M. Bait-Suwailam
1 2
Joseph Jervase
Hassan Al-Lawati
Zia Nadir

  1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
  2. Remote Sensing and GIS Research Center, Sultan Qaboos University
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This paper presents a numerical model for the horizontal continuous casting of cast iron (HCCCI). A computational three-dimensional (3D) steady-state, coupled with fluid flow and heat transfer simulation model was developed and validated against experimental results to study the shell thickness and solidification of ductile cast iron. The study introduces the influence of an air gap at the melt-mould interface, which has long been known to have a detrimental effect on the efficiency of the process. The effect of the length and thickness of the melt-mould air gaps (also referred to as top air gaps) on solidification and remelting of the solid strand is studied. Parametric studies on top air gaps suggested a substantial effect on the solid and eutectic area at the top-outlet end of the die when the length of air gas was varied. This study serves to create a foundational and working model with the overall objective of process optimisation and analyzing the effect of operating process input parameters on the shell thickness of the strand.
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A. Chawla
N.S. Tiedje
J. Spangenberg

  1. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of an ohmic heating (OH) process with different electric field intensities on Listeria monocytogenes inactivation in protein-enriched cow milk. Protein powder was added at rates of 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% in 1.5% fat content milk, and L. monocytogenes (ATCC 13932) strain was then inoculated into the samples. The OH process was carried out in a laboratory-type pilot unit created using stainless steel electrodes, a K-type thermocouple, a datalogger and power supply providing AC current at 0-250 V, 10 A. The inoculated milk samples were heated to 63°C by applying an electric field intensity of 10V/cm and 20V/cm. L. monocytogenes counts, pH, color measurement and hydroxymethylfurfurol levels were then determined. OH applied with an electric field intensity of 10 V/cm caused an average decrease of 5 logs in L. monocytogenes level in the samples containing 2.5% protein and decreased below the detection limit (<1 log) at the 9th minute (p<0.05). Similarly, application of an electric field intensity of 20 V/cm in milk containing 2.5% and 5% protein caused the L.monocytogenes level to decrease below the detection limit (<1 log) at 2 minutes 30 seconds (p<0.05). No change was observed in the L* (brightness) values of the samples but it was determined that there was a slight increase in pH, a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values compared to the control group. It was observed that the inactivation of L. monocytogenes by OH depends on the duration of the OH process, protein concentration in the milk and the applied voltage gradient.
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Authors and Affiliations

R.Y. Ayyıldız
H.A. Kahraman

  1. Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy, 15030, Burdur, Turkey
  2. Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy, 15030, Burdur, Turkey
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The aim of this paper is to present a multidisciplinary project dealing with analysis of young crustal movements in the Orava Basin, Polish Western Carpathians, on the basis of a three year long gravimetric, geodetic, geological and morphostructural study. The problem consists in quantitative interpretation of the obtained gravimetric results, i.e. in combining temporal gravity changes with those of geodynamic crustal processes. Gravity surveys conducted in 2004 and 2005 show a decrease in gravity values at benchmarks situated in the Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin and Magura Nappe, while the central potion of the Orava Basin reveals the opposite trend. Such changes, if confirmed by successive measurement campaigns, appear to indicate recent uplift of the basin margins and subsidence of the basin itself.
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Monika Łój
Janusz Madej
Sławomir Porzucek
Witold Zuchiewicz
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A topographic map 1:12,500 scale of the SSSI No. 8 and the Arctowski Station region was prepared during the XXV Polish Polar Expedition (2000/2001) organized by the Department of Antarctic Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The map documents geomorphological changes which took place during the last 20 years. Several new place names have been introduced for the SSSI No. 8 area.

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Rafał Pudełko

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