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The paper presents the theory of constraints (TOC) as a method used to improve results in a complex, multiplants organization. In the article the assumptions of this method has been presented as well as iterative approach concerning how to launch it in practice. Main indicators for organizational effectiveness assessment have also been presented. The maximization of production assets utilization is a key issue for competitive organization in the changing market conditions. An appropriate usage of the theory of constraints enables efficient allocation of financial assets among particular plants within a capital group. An application of a method has been presented based on throughput analyses and its influence to improve financial results of one plant organization and synergy effect in multiplants organization. The theory of constraints can be used in almost every kind of business sectors, among them are metal and foundry industries. It allows to be implemented in production organizations as well as in any other company’s profiles. Everywhere the constraint has been defined there is a chance to achieve an improvement following the presented method. The examples have been taken from the casting plants which use continuous and mold casting technologies. The examples show that TOC approach can be successfully employed as the improvement tool of foundries’ performances.

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M. Janosz
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Based on the example of the development process of the cast suspension of a special-purpose vehicle the application of the integrated engineering design methodology (ICME – Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) and the development of construction has been presented. Identification of the operating and critical loads, which are guidelines for carrying out the structure strength shaping process, material and technological conversion, are due to the needs and requirements of the suspension system and the purpose and objectives of the special mobile platform. The developed cast suspension element construction includes the use of high-strength AlZnMgCu aluminum alloy. The properties of the used alloy and designed shape allows for the transfer of assumed operating loads in normal exploitation conditions and in the dynamic, critical loads to the susceptibility to damage in the assumed casting areas. For the proposed design, conducted numerical analyzes includes the impact of the shock wave pulse on the occurrence of the destructive stress fields. Based on their distribution, the areas of possible decomposition of the structure of the design element were estimated. The results allowed to devise an element with predicted destructions that allow to absorb a significant part of the impact energy of the shock wave front, which is also the buffer zone for the propagation of destruction for the critical kinematic nodes of the system.
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M. Maj
R. Żuczek
J. Piekło
S. Pysz
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The paper discusses the characteristics of spatial electromagnetic noise generators, as well as the formation of a broadband noise signal. A number of well-known methods for assessing the quality of masking noise interference and the approaches used in them have been described. Approaches to the measurement of masking noise were also determined in assessing their quality. In conclusion, additional methods are proposed for assessing the quality of masking noises, such as searching for correlation of noise in different frequency sub-bands and using statistical and (or) graphical methods (tests) for randomness.
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Nurzhigit Smailov
Askhat Batyrgaliyev
Ainur Akhmediyarova
Nurgul Seilova
Madina Koshkinbayeva
Moldir Baigulbayeva
Ryszard Romaniuk
Maxat Orunbekov
Kabdoldina Assem
Andrzej Kotyra

  1. Satpayev University, 050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Institute of Information and Computational Technology, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Miras University, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  4. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  5. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  6. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  7. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
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The paper is a summary of a project aimed at identifying and eliminating or minimizing the causes of frequent failures of the Krakow water supply network related to corrosion damage. The paper presents the method of searching for factors responsible for frequent corrosion damage. There were taken into account several factors that may destroy the pipes associated with corrosion processes, such as the composition of the water, aggressiveness of ground, or stray currents. The monitoring method of the corrosion processes applied to observe the condition of the water supply network was discussed. The study showed that the main problem appeared to be stray currents related to the electrical infrastructure widely present in a large city, such as a tram or railway network. To eliminate this threat, a cathodic protection system has been implemented to prevent further failures. There were also demonstrated results of research proving that the applied solutions are effective.
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Authors and Affiliations

U. Lelek-Borkowska
M. Gruszka
J. Banaś

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Reymonta 23, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. WMK S.A., Senatorska 1, 30-106 Krakow, Poland
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The paper presents the preliminary results of research on determining the possibilities of using available on the market commercial gypsum kinds as a binder for foundry moulding and core sandmixes. Construction gypsum and plaster gypsum, finishing coat and jewelry casting gypsum were tested. Elemental composition of gypsum kinds were carried out using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with EDS/EDX probe, their crystal structure and phase composition was determined by analyzing the results of X-ray diffraction measurements (XRD) and thermogravimetric studies (TG-DTA). Evaluation of the mechanical properties of selected materials was carried out at the tensile strength test of the dog-bone samples after initial hardening of gypsum mortar at 25 °C for 5 h and drying at 110 °C for 24 hours. The impact of the properties of the used commercial gypsum kinds on the possibility of their use as a valuable binders in the manufacture of the foundry sandmixes for moulds and cores was evaluated. Construction gypsum and finishing coat have the highest tensile strength. Plaster gypsum and finishing coat have the longest setting time. In all tested types of gypsum, the initial water loss during heating occurs at a temperature of about 200 °C. The lowest valuable properties as a binder for sand moulding mixtures has jewelry casting gypsum mass.

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P. Paduchowicz
M. Stachowicz
A. Baszczuk
M. Hasiak
K. Granat
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The paper is designed to present a method to estimate greenhouse gases (GHG) uptake or emissions in the absence of data for peat bog areas (GEST method). The paper presents the research results produced by a project on “Limiting CO2 emissions via the renaturalisation of peat bogs on the Eastern and Central European Plain”. The study area consisted of three peat bogs: Kluki, Ciemińskie Błota, and Wielkie Bagno (Słowiński National Park). The GEST method relies on the estimation of gas emissions on the basis of vegetation and water levels and greenhouse gas coefficients for each given habitat type provided in the research literature. The greenhouse gas balance was calculated for a baseline scenario assuming the lack of human impact and for a scenario taking into account human impact in the form of peat bog preservation. Initial research results indicate that there is a total of 41 GESTs in the studied bog areas and that a reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 12% will occur following what is known as renaturalisation by raising the groundwater level, felling of trees across the bog, and making changes in habitats.
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Roman Cieśliński

  1. University of Gdańsk, Department of Hydrology, Bażyńskiego St, 4, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland

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