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In the present study on Bubalus bubalis of the Campania Region (Italy) the serum levels of derivatives of reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs), anti-ROM and oxidative stress index (Osi) were evaluated. These data were then related to the seropositive status of the animals against alpha-herpesviruses, precisely Bubaline herpesvirus 1 (BuHV-1) and Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1). Clinically healthy Mediterranean buffaloes were selected for this study. The serum samples of these animals were taken, and d-ROMs, anti-ROM and Osi were measured using commercially available tests. The preliminary data demonstrated that animals seropositive to both BuHV-1 and BoHV-1 present more oxidative stress than seronegative animals, as revealed by a significant increase in d-ROMs. Our results provide, for the first time, insight into the reac- tive oxygen species (ROS) modulation induced by the herpesvirus in Bubalus bubalis.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Tafuri
A. Marullo
F. Ciani
R. Della Morte
S. Montagnaro
F. Fiorito
L. De Martino


Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (SP) and methicillin-resistant SP (MRSP) is one of the most important veterinary pathogens in the dog. Herein, from a total of 126 S. pseudintermedius strains, 23 MRSP (18%) were identified. Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) revealed that most of MRSP strains belonged to ST71 (26%), which have been already reported in Italy and other countries. Interestingly, nine new sequence types (39%), from 1053 up to 1061, were described for the first time. Moreover, the isolated MRSP strains showed relevant antibiotic resistance profiles. This report highlights the circulation of new sequence types of MRSP in Italy and underlines the need of a global epidemiological surveillance to limit the increasing spread of multidrug-resistant MRSP strains worldwide, since they may represent a considerable concern for dog’s health.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

F.P. Nocera
A. Parisi
M. Corrente
L. De Martino

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