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W spuściźnie archiwalnej Mieczysława Wallisa znajdują się teczki zawierające jego wspomnienia oraz korespondencję z Henrykiem Elzenbergiem, ukazujące doniosłość i znaczenie roli, jaką przyjaźń z Wallisem odegrała w życiu toruńskiego filozofa. Wallis pełnił wobec niego rolę powiernika, doradcy, a nawet mentora, nie tylko na niwie prywatnej, ale także i naukowej. Elzenberg wielokrotnie konsultował z nim swe twórcze plany, prosił o opinię dotyczącą powstających opracowań i koncepcji twórczych, a także dzielił się swoimi dylematami naukowymi i twórczymi. Co ważne, w Wallisowskich archiwaliach znajdują się także wspomnienia dotyczące jego osobistej oceny najważniejszych dzieł i koncepcji twórczych Elzenberga, wzbogacające dotychczasową wiedzę o kontekście ich powstania czy ukonstytuowania.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak
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The article presents the problem of shaping national identity out of individual ethnic identity in the light of Mieczysław Wallis’ intellectual biography. As a representative of the second generation of the Lvov‑Warsaw school, he belonged to the group of several 20th‑century Polish humanists of the Jewish extraction. This condition left an indelible mark in his intellectual biography. Being aware of his ethnic background, he struggled for many years against the stigma of anti‑Semitism (in the form of social depreciation and racial categorization), yet he remained strongly attached to his Polish identity. He confirmed his resolution in everyday attitudes and in his writing. Repeatedly giving proof of his civic and patriotic attitudes, he fought for the survival of the Polish identity in the duties of the soldier, and continued to perform his cultural and educational activities during his internment as a prisoner‑of‑war for the period of several years. Then, after the war, he engulfed himself in academic activity in Poland, and constructed a specific program of aestheticization of reality, intended as a form of intellectual opposition to the manifestations of abhorrent ethnic discrimination culminating in disastrous dehumanizing effects. Following the indications contained in the archivized notes on and by Wallis, the author attempts to select, analyze and interpret these biographical clues, and she highlights the philosopher’s statements that reveal his personal experiences, reflections and views relating to the issue of national affiliation and identity. They inspire hope for finding out which factors were decisive in influencing Wallis’ life and intellectual interests.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65‑762 Zielona Góra
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This article examines the articles on human nature and mankind's physical and cultural diversity published in the Warsaw highbrow journal Biblioteka Warszawska in the first phase of its history, 1841–1864, i.e. prior to the Darwinian revolution in the natural sciences. It was a period when anthropology was trying to establish itself as a separate discipline by drawing on the dominant Romantic conceptions of natural evolution and the authors of Biblioteka Warszawska would often use them as a scientific underpinning of their articles.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Nowak

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Zakład Badań Narodowościowych, Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78/79, 61-772 Poznań
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The article presents Władysław Jordan’s activity in Turkey during the January Uprising on the basis of his correspondence kept in the Kórnik library. The analysed sources have made it possible to discuss the most important directions of the colonel’s actions and the particular steps he meant to take in order to support the Uprising. The article mentions Jordan’s beliefs, such as his vision of the Nation, his opinion on the Pope’s secular power, and his distinct attitude towards the Ukrainians. The correspondence is valuable not only owing to the information on the diplomatic and military actions undertaken in the period in question, but also due to the individual opinions and emotions, which cannot be found in offi cial documents. The gathered collection of letters is also a great source of knowledge, which sheds light on the relations between Polish activists who were members of the two political groups in exile.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Nowak
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The article presents selected aspects of the life of Cecylia Działyńska against the background of her times, with a focus on the historical and cultural context as well as the specific local conditions, which had a considerable impact on her beliefs and attitude. The analysed source made it possible to reconstruct Cecylia’s convictions concerning her understanding of the nation, patriotism, attitude to the emancipation of women, social roles, faith and the Catholic church, which basically did not differ from the model convictions and behaviours in the public domain which were mandatory in the circles of women from the more enlightened spheres in the Prussian Partition. It was not so with the fulfilment of Cecylia’s ideals. Her deep religiousness, inclination to mysticism, unwillingness to marry, as well as an incurable, chronic disease, all left their mark on her life, preventing Cecylia from adopting the traditional role of a wife and a mother preserving the Polish customs and traditions, and maintaining faithfulness to the national and Catholic values in a family. Despite serious differences between the developing women’s movement in the Prussian Partition, and its equivalent in the Austrian and Russian Partitions, the views and the activity of women in the province of Posen, including Cecylia Działyńska (their rich charitable and educational activity as well as the significant development of female congregations in the second half of the 19th century), should be considered a more traditional, conservative model of the process of the emancipation of women on the Polish soil.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Nowak
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Computational intelligence (CI) can adopt/optimize important principles in the workflow of 3D printing. This article aims to examine to what extent the current possibilities for using CI in the development of 3D printing and reverse engineering are being used, and where there are still reserves in this area. Methodology: A literature review is followed by own research on CI-based solutions. Results: Two ANNs solving the most common problems are presented. Conclusions: CI can effectively support 3D printing and reverse engineering especially during the transition to Industry 4.0. Wider implementation of CI solutions can accelerate and integrate the development of innovative technologies based on 3D scanning, 3D printing, and reverse engineering. Analyzing data, gathering experience, and transforming it into knowledge can be done faster and more efficiently, but requires a conscious application and proper targeting.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Rojek
Dariusz Mikołajewski
Joanna Nowak
Zbigniew Szczepański
Marek Macko

  1. Institute of Computer Science, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mechatronics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland

Authors and Affiliations

Bogdan Woźniak
Katarzyna Bradtke
Mirosław Darecki
Jerzy Dera
Joanna Dudzińska-Nowak
Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka
Dariusz Ficek
Kazimierz Furmańczyk
Marek Kowalewski
Adam Krężel
Roman Majchrowski
Mirosława Ostrowska
Marcin Paszkuta
Joanna Stoń-Egiert
Małgorzata Stramska
Tomasz Zapadka

Authors and Affiliations

Bogdan Woźniak
Katarzyna Bradtke
Mirosław Darecki
Jerzy Dera
Joanna Dudzińska-Nowak
Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka
Dariusz Ficek
Kazimierz Furmańczyk
Marek Kowalewski
Adam Krężel
Roman Majchrowski
Mirosława Ostrowska
Marcin Paszkuta
Joanna Stoń-Egiert
Małgorzata Stramska
Tomasz Zapadka

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