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The paper is dedicated to the names of associations from the period of the Second Polish Republic, taken from a publication which is a guide to the rich and differentiated world of the social organizations of the 1930s.

The introduction is devoted to the state of Polish linguistic research into the names of organizations. The description of the collected material is based on the concept of social chrematonymy by Artur Gałkowski.

Next, the names are investigated from both a structural and a semantic perspective. The following elements are regarded as distinct qualities of the naming structures: descriptive character, multicomponent structure, development of right-sided attributives, insignificant share of names with a separate distinctive element, including some other types of proper names as components (toponyms, anthroponyms, names of historical events). Also, lexemes in the function of the main component of the analysed structures — nouns having the semantic value of ‘formalized group of people’ – have been presented.

When analysing the semantic aspect of names of organizations more closely, the author indicates the most frequently exposed bases of community feeling of members. Those could be: common experience, social and professional status, the purpose of activity, gender, generation, religious identity, nationality, ideology, place of activity or founding an organization. In the majority of names, various elements of community feeling are combined.

Finally, attention is paid to the tremendous informative value present in the names of associations, connected with their descriptive quality. The close link between socioideonyms and the reality they are connected with means that they are bearers of various historical-cultural contents.

Therefore, the names of associations, especially historical ones, might be an interesting object of culture-oriented linguistic studies.

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Ewa Młynarczyk


The theme of the description and analysis are the titles of stories in the collection „Na Skalnym Podhalu” by Kazimierz Tetmajer, as well as the title of the whole book itself. The aim of this description is to indicate the formal (syntactic) and semantic differentiation of titles, to present their stylistic and textual conditions and determine the function which they have in the structure of individual stories and in the whole collection. As far as the form is concerned, one can distinguish between double (3) and simple (36) titles. A considerable number of simple titles are in the form of a sentence (10), one title represents announcements (nominal sentences), the remaining ones (25) are the titles in the form of notifi cation. The most common and the most characteristic titles for that collection are the titles-sentences with a structure of Jak umarł Jakub Zych and determining announcements with a structure of O Wojtku cudaku. In terms of semantics, the titles of stories represent the basic type which is informative and descriptive one because they provide information on the content of stories: most often about main characters or plot themes, less frequently about the place of the action, theme or type of the text. One of the titles has an interpretative value. The titles occurring in “Na Skalnym Podhalu” strongly correlate with the style of texts in the collection, where the dominant principle is folklore. This principle is visible in the stylisation of the Podhale dialect and in the stylisation of a tale as the form of oral folk tale. Thus, the presence of dialect forms and dialect lexis as well as many proper names which were authentic lexically and often also denotatively, being connected with geographical and cultural space of the Podhale region and Tatra mountains. Furthermore, the pattern “O + miejscownik” (About + locative) referring to metatextual and pragmatic frame of oral folk tales also occurs very often. The titles of stories in the collection “Na Skalnym Podhalu” not only perform the typical delimitative, distinctive and identifying functions but also descriptive and — as in the case of the title of the whole book — integrative ones.

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Katarzyna Sicińska


The aim of the paper is to discuss the linguistic and onymic properties of the geographical names of the Hutsul region (Гуцульщина, Ukraine) used by Stanisław Vincenz in the first volume (“Prawda starowieku”) of his tetralogy “Na wysokiej połoninie” (“On the High Uplands”). The volume was first published in 1936. The second edition appeared in 1980 in Poland and was the one which had the greatest impact on the reception of the Vincenz’s work in the Polish readership after WW2. This is why the 1980 edition has been used as the source of analysed toponymic material. The main finding is that the analysed toponymy is of heterogeneous and (to a certain extent) hybrid nature, combining Polish, Ukrainian, and dialectal Hucul linguistic properties, which perfectly coincides with general tendency in the use of geographical names of the Hucul region in texts produced in the Polish language from the mid-19th century. The names used by Vincenz in the book written in the period 1930–1936 seem to faithfully reflect some specific characteristics of Hutsul toponymy in the 1930s (as discussed by the linguist Stefan Hrabec in his dissertation). Finally, some instances of toponyms’ declension present in “Prawda starowieku” are discussed together with some examples of (partially folk) etymologies codified by Vincenz in his work.

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Wojciech Włoskowicz


Water names, using the genetic-motivational criteria, can be divided into two superior groups: deappellative and deproprial hydronyms. Among the hydronyms derived from proper names, one can distinguish between the detoponymic and deanthroponymic. The names of flowing waters from anthroponyms are the subject of this article. Preliminary statistical data regarding deanthroponymic potamonyms in the Vistula river basin, their chronology, naming models, word formation bases and geographical distribution are presented. The results of the analysis show that the deanthroponymic potamonyms account for approximately 6.8% of the names of flowing waters of the Vistula river basin, estimated at more than 13,500. They appear sporadically in documents as early as in the 13th century, with only 12% visible until the 16th century, with most of them not being noticed until the 19th and 20th centuries. Such a statistical distribution is typical for the names of the flowing waters of that basin. Deanthroponymic names of rivers represent a variety of naming models, but most often appear as a part of compound names created with the suffix -ów, one-word formations with the same suffix and derivatives from the suf. -ka. They mainly identify objects located between the Soła River and the Dunajec River, especially in the Dunajec River basin, so in mountainous and submontainous areas, as K. Rymut claimed. The basis of such potamonyms are mainly personal names with different motivations, rarely being ethnonyms and first names.

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Urszula Bijak


In the paper, on the basis of several dozen examples of hydronyms from eastern and north-eastern Mazovia, the erroneous attribution of written sources and, as a consequence, their incorrect identification and location were shown. These kinds of mistakes can be found in toponymical, hydrographical and historical publications. It is the result of taking attestations from the context of the source, poor knowledge of the history and the geography of the studied area, as well as the poor knowledge of Latin and the lack of verification of hypotheses found in older literature.

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Elżbieta Kowalczyk-Heyman


The article contains preliminary considerations on the principles of the standardization of geographical names in Poland, in particular the names of physiographic objects. The notion of a country’s language policy has been referred to as one of its tools is the standardization of geographical names. The general objectives of the Polish language policy were listed as such: the assertion of legal status of the Polish language as the first language in Poland; the assertion of conditions for the development of national and ethnic minority languages in the country; the construction of a Polish- language national and state community. Legal acts concerning Polish language and geographical nomenclature were indicated. It was stated that the assumed effect of political and linguistic actions should be to develop a nomenclature in correct Polish, one which is pragmatically effective, rooted in tradition and, as a result of this study, one should expect to achieve an optimal course of the language communication process in each communicative community. Then, the criteria of the linguistic correctness of geographical names applied to date were discussed and similarities indicated in the standardization procedure with regards to geonyms and specialist terms. The rules of the detailed standardization procedure will be presented in the second part of the article

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Ewa Wolnicz-Pawłowska


Wśród wiejskiej ludności rosyjskiej, zgodnie z ludową tradycją, używane były specyficzne nazwiska nieoficjalne, tzw. ulichnye familii (przydomki). Zwyczaj ten był znany również wśród duchoborców (wspólnoty religijnej wywodzącej się z prawosławia) w Rosji i na Zakaukaziu. Rodziny o tym samym nazwisku używały dodatkowych określeń, które powstawały na skutek niewielkiego zasobu nazwisk w tej społeczności i problemów identyfikacyjnych. Przydomki te, przekazywane następnym pokoleniom, przenoszone między osadami, stały się uznaną formacją antroponimiczną, pomagającą w budowaniu sieci pokrewieństwa i organizowaniu życia społecznego mieszkańców wsi. Kiedy duchoborcy wyemigrowali do Kanady w 1899 roku, kontynuowali tę praktykę nazewniczą aż do początku XX wieku. Współcześnie ulichnye familii zniknęły niemal wśród tej wspólnoty w wyniku tendencji asymilacyjnych, rozproszenia tej zwartej kiedyś grupy i modernizacji społeczeństwa. Artykuł przedstawia analizę onomastyczną tego typu nazw zwyczajowych: czynniki społeczne sprzyjające ich powstaniu, procesy nazwotwórcze, sposób, w jaki były używane i przekazywane, oraz przyczyny ich zaniku. Do artykułu dołączono spis nieofi cjalnych nazwisk duchoborców zebranych podczas wywiadów terenowych i badań dokumentów archiwalnych.

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Jonathan J. Kalmakoff


We wstępnej części pracy zaprezentowano przykłady z leksyki chorwackiej dokumentujące proces antroponimizacji apelatywów (np. apelatyw kovač → nazwisko Kovač), apelatywizacji antroponimów (np. nazwisko Penkala → apelatyw penkala) oraz transonimizacji (np. hydronim Una → imię Una). Wszystkie wymienione przejścia są dowodem na to, że nie ma ostrej granicy pomiędzy leksyką onimiczną i apelatywną, ani wśród klas leksyki onimicznej.

Zasadnicza część artykułu poświęcona jest tzw. czystej transantroponimizacji typu imię Vinko → nazwisko Vinko. W wyniku takich procesów dochodzi później do różnych kombinacji homonimicznych par antroponimów w zestawieniach typu: David David; David Vinko, Vinko David; David NovakJosip David). Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że w przypadku homonimii imienia oraz nazwiska kontekst nie pomaga we właściwym zrozumieniu komunikatu zawartego w zestawieniu antroponimicznym, wskazane zostały konsekwencje, jakie ta homonimia może mieć dla komunikacji. Wymieniono również przykłady zestawień antroponimicznych typu Saša Pavlić (na podstawie imienia nie można stwierdzić, czy mowa o mężczyźnie czy kobiecie) oraz Ivan Vinko Boris (trudno rozstrzygnąć czy osoba nosi dwa imiona czy jest dwojga nazwisk), które „tłumią” informację onimiczną.

Autorka dochodzi do wniosku, że granice między imieniem a nazwiskiem nie są ostre oraz zwraca uwagę na potrzebę przemyślanego dobierania imienia dziecku, które dziedziczy nazwisko utworzone od imienia w procesie czystej transantroponimizacji.

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Anđela Frančić


The article concerns the history and unique nature of local names derived from exonyms, such as Alexandria, Spain and Lisbon. It describes both past and contemporary onyms, i.e. the names of housing estates, such as Little Tuscany, and apartment buildings, such as Rome, London and Mont Blanc, which are the continuations of the toponymic model launched in the past. The author embeds this model of names in a broader cultural context by referring to language universals. In addition to the rich collection of the oldest biblical names that have been transferred to present names, transfers of old names can be observed among contemporary names. In the past (in the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries), these were mainly the names of countries and, less frequently, those of cities, lands and geographic objects. Today, toponyms are usually based on the names of European cities, attractive geographic objects (lakes, rivers, islands, mountains, volcanoes) and, more rarely, states. While the names of biblical lands were fascinating and attractive in the past, they are almost absent in contemporary names, and if they are present, they concern culturally fixed images such as that of Eden. Both formerly and today, the creators of this kind of names show a longing for the creation of a new world which is no longer inhabited by God in a strictly religious dimension, but a secular one where happiness, peace and joy are sought. In both characterised spaces, the names transferred serve commemorative functions and also imitate coveted spaces which cannot be physically inhabited but can at least be imitated by their names. Formerly, they were real imago mundi representing sacred places (e.g. names such as Calvary). Today, they are created as part of the contemporary architectural tendency for coherence in planning space, names and design.

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Małgorzata Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska


The article expands and modifi es the contexts in which literary onomastics currently operates. This strictly interdisciplinary field of research, primarily originating from linguistics, has sought out the contexts that triggered non-obvious meanings of names readable in the artistic work from the outset. The references were varied – stylistics, textology, philosophy, structural poetics. All of them significantly enriched onomastic analyses, leaving some fundamental sense of insufficiency at the same time. That is the reason why we propose the project of the connection between literary onomastics and — now extremely extensive — theoretical thought. The article is not the end of this discussion, but rather an exploratory study and the beginning of scientific research. Consequently, there is no one ordering and chronological concept with a clear conclusion, but the main aim is to show the analysis of the claims relevant for further research. Therefore, several concepts of theoreticians interested in proper names in literature were discussed (far from a common phenomenon in this case). From the research projects analyzed, including among others: U. Eco, J.F. Lyotard, P. de Man, there emerges a clear conviction of the need to end the search for a referential, texted name. In this place it refers, on the one hand, to itself, establishing its own unreal meaning (image-forming, phonic, intertextual); on the other, it concerns the author’s system of naming (and beyond), which is also an epistemological concept. The starting point of these diagnoses was the thoroughly interpreted self-analysis of artistic works made by Marcel Proust; for further analysis, the thesis of Walter Benn Michaels was also employed, which brings interest in proper names from literature to the domain of artistic experiences. The conducted analysis (designing future literary onomastic research) leads to the fi nal conclusion that the proper name indicates the essence itself, the arche of our existence.

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Magdalena Graf
Paweł Graf

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