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Tekst prezentuje filozoficzno-filologiczną analizę pojęcia świadomości uwarunkowanej (rnam shes) w filozofii tybetańskiej, z jej korzeniami w myśli indyjskiej. Kontekstem rozważań jest buddyzm, ujęty jako system zmierzający do transformacji świadomości uwarunkowanej w świadomość pierwotną.
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Artur Przybysławski
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In this article, I compare two positions – emergentism and panpsychism, in relation to the problem of the nature of consciousness. I analyze arguments offered in support of both positions and undertake to question them. I focus on panpsychism as the less known and more controversial position. Panpsychism and emergentism are considered “metaphysical hypotheses”. Finally I propose emergentism as a preferable position in view of the fact that it is impossible to defend panpsychism as a coherent position, compatible with science.

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Maciej Dombrowski
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W dotychczasowej recepcji Dialogów Stanisława Lema przyjmuje się, że cała moc argumentacyjna skoncentrowana jest na dialogu ostatnim, w którym pisarz — używając terminologii z zakresu cybernetyki — poddaje krytyce ustrój centralnie sterowany. Autorka podejmuje polemikę z przyjętą opinią i wskazuje na inne zadanie, które postawił przed sobą Lem: czy możliwe jest, a jeśli tak, to pod jakimi warunkami, przeszczepienie ludzkiej świadomości na elektromózg? Tym tropem podąża autorka w niniejszym artykule, analizując warunki konieczne i wystarczające do przeprowadzenia transferu świadomości na nośnik niebiologiczny. Przedstawia też stanowisko Lema w odniesieniu do teorii tożsamości osobowej, koncepcji świadomości czy roli, jaką przypisuje on technologii.
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Karolina Owczarek
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The article deals with the problem of the national consciousness of Polish peasants in the Congress Kingdom of Poland in the 19th century. Author's analysis is based on historical research carried out in the last century.
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Maria Krisań
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Consciousness was the guiding thread of Edmund Husserl's phenomenological investigations. He understood it as a critique of experience and the metaphysics and science based on it. Phenomenology is a critique of cognition, a method of investigation and questioning. In his later writings Husserl defined consciousness as a “system of intentional functions,” a “system of intentional operations.” Its correlate is a coherent and regularized world. One of the most important aspects of the system of intentional functions are habitualities—patterns, mental representations which arise in the process of “typification” and henceforth guide our ordinary thinking and acting. Thanks to them, the type of object, its features and properties are predetermined and, in principle, the ways of knowing it are determined. My task is to characterize the broad context of habituality formation, that is, the stream of consciousness and the possibilities of feeling and movement of the bodily subject. I will discuss in turn the temporal structure of experience and its dependence on the movement and action of the bodily subject, and then characterize the form of general intimacy with the world. It is in this context of “indeterminate reality” that the constitution and evocation of the deposited sense, the anticipation of the type of object and its qualities play out. In conclusion, I will make some remarks about habituality as a source of empirical concepts.
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Marek Maciejczak

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych, plac Politechniki1, 00-614 Warszawa
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Krytyka jakości debaty publicznej w Polsce i jej spolaryzowanej konstrukcji jest szeroko obecna nie tylko w dyskursie naukowym, ale także w dyskursie tych, którzy ją współtworzą. Celem prezentowanych badań jest, po pierwsze, analiza samowiedzy medialnych elit symbolicznych na temat strukturalnych i komunikacyjnych problemów debaty publicznej, zwłaszcza związanych z polaryzacją medialną, oraz na temat własnej pozycji i uwarunkowań udziału w dyskursie publicznym. Po drugie, celem jest problematyzacja świadomości dyskursowej badanych, czyli ich kompetencji rozróżniania rzeczywistości i jej dyskursowego naddatku oraz gotowości krytycznej analizy swojego wkładu w debatę publiczną. Analizowany materiał empiryczny pochodzi z 21 wywiadów pogłębionych przeprowadzonych od czerwca do października 2021 roku z dziennikarzami, publicystami i publicznymi intelektualistami, którzy są związani z ogólnopolskimi mediami opiniotwórczymi. Choć badani formułują pogłębioną, często radykalną krytykę elit symbolicznych, to dość rzadko są gotowi do krytycznej autoanalizy oraz zakwestionowania substancjalnego charakteru polaryzacji medialnej i dostrzeżenia w jej diagnozie reprodukcji dyskursu o podziałach społecznych.
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Magdalena Nowicka-Franczak

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The aim of this paper is defined in the two title questions related to Roman Ingarden’s research: (1) What constitutes the specificity and uniqueness of human cognitive system? (2) Is Roman Ingarden’s answer defensible in the light of today’s naturalistic tendencies? In response to the first question, the multidimensional structure of human being is indicated, thanks to which man has access to the sphere of values. In the axiological and ontological aspect the power of man to create new realities is emphasized. In the epistemological and ontological aspect three dimensions of this structure are shown, which are correlated, complex and relatively isolated systems of body, soul and consciousness. Next, in response to the second question, Ingarden’s nonreductive approach is discussed against the background of information processes and the issue of self-knowledge. However, his strong ontological assumptions are shown as well. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that Ingarden’s main research strategy remains consistently grounded in ontology (and in this sense it is anti‑naturalistic), but in some aspects it is compatible with today’s naturalist approaches favored in neurocognitive studies.
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Urszula Żegleń

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji, ul. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń
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The goal of this article is to show the interdependence of the reception of Don Quixote and the concept of identity. The argument is founded on the rejection of Don Quixote perceived as an invented character from the world of fiction and treating him instead as a Cartesian subject, in possession of the cogito faculty and defined by the truth. The Cartesian project, though, comes under pressure when the cogito constitutes itself by telling a story about itself. Cartesianism, a philosophy of consciousness, contains an embryo of a new reflection about subjectivity. With the new approach comes a positive reappraisal of the figure of Don Quixote and an acknowledgement of the key role of fiction in the process of becoming human. The liberation of identity from the tyranny of substantialism and the foundation of the subject on action has paved the way for treating the goals of action as originals produced by the subject rather than copies or reproductions.
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Iwona Krupecka

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański
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O tym, w jaki sposób zwiększać społeczną świadomość problematyki wodnej, opowiadają prof. Monika Kalinowska i dr Agata Goździk z Instytutu Geofizyki PAN.

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Monika Kalinowska
Agata Goździk
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The article investigates the level of language awareness manifested by the advanced learners of Polish as a FL (146 students of the Polish Language Course attending the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland). The exact focus is on learning outcomes (areas of language progress and regress), and perception of the Polish language material learnt (including grammar, vocabulary and phonology), an emphasis being put on most problematic issues. Having presented learners’ opinions and reflections on language, implications for teachers including teaching materials raising language awareness are offered.

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Marzena S. Wysocka
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The article argues that, paradoxically, Roman Ingarden is unable to demonstrate that the world „exists” in any essential sense of the word „existence”, since he assumes (in line with Edmund Husserl) an ego-centered, living-through model of pure consciousness, and thus, again following Husserl, he postulates as the starting point of his considerations the existence of two separate realms of individual objects: the realm of pure consciousness (understood in a Husserlian manner as a stream of experiences) and the realm of objective world. Consciousness is grasped as a set of acts, not contents. However, consciousness (as pointed out in neo-Kantianism by Paul Natorp and in phenomenology by Jean-Paul Sartre) is something primary, in which only later on the world and the real existing subject can be constituted as such; hence consciousness cannot be equated with any subject whatsoever. Consciousness does not constitute anything but is a position from which we can see the constitution itself. Thus conceptualized consciousness does not contain the lived experience of the world but stands closely to the being itself. The fact that we have the living-through experience of the world is only secondarily conjectured by the subject already constituted in the primary consciousness. The failure of Ingarden’s project is caused by his Cartesian assumption regarding the primacy of the empirical conscious subject (a view shared with Husserl), his co-opting of the British- -empiricist model of epistemology, namely the distinction between the ‘sense data’ and ‘intentional grasping of the sensuous data’, in conjunction with something what Hermann Schmitz has called ‘metaphysics of the solid object’. In the aftermath of these considerations those aspects in Ingarden’s philosophy which truly lead toward realism are revealed.
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Andrzej Lisak

  1. Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii, ul. G. Narutowicza11–12, 80-233 Gdańsk
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The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct Roger Scruton’s views on patriotism and the attitudes of nationalism and oikophobia that endanger proper love of homeland. According to Scruton, patriotism is identical with loyalty to the people who inhabited a certain territory and share common culture, customs and history. The feeling of national loyalty so understood is peaceful by its nature and stabilizes the democratic system. Besides patriotism, Scruton distinguishes two attitudes, of worship of one’s nation and of hostility towards it. The first attitude may transform into nationalism, and then deifies nation and leads to wars and conflicts in history. Unlike the former, the attitude of hostility towards own nation (oikophobia) justifies development of transnational institutions that limited sovereignty of the democratic nation-states and – indirectly – undermine the sovereignty of one’s people. In the final part of the paper I paraphrase the concepts of nation presupposed in the attitudes of patriotism, nationalism and oikophobia, as they are discussed in the theoretical apparatus used by Leszek Nowak in his deformative conception of culture.

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Krzysztof Brzechczyn
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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Gdzie abstrakcja spotyka się z rzeczywistością.
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Krzysztof Sikorski

  1. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The purpose of this article is to indicate the most important aspects of the tragedy of human existence as they were encompassed in the philosophy of Emil Cioran. The first aspect is the non-existence of God and the consequences of this non-existence for man. With the disappearance of God, the consolation through the idea of salvation, the promise of life after death, and the meaning of existence also disappear. The second aspect is the fatality of the historical process. Man is the object of history rather than the subject. Progress is an illusion, as are utopias. The third aspect is Cioran’s perception of birth as a misfortune. We are born in order to die, but before we die, we must face suffering. Human is an abnormal animal. We are not able to maintain happiness. Doing evil comes too lightly to human beings and it is too natural. Consciousness is the fourth aspect of the tragedy of existence. Awareness is associated with suffering (and is a product of suffering). Awareness of having body is terrifying – and the awareness of inevitable death can be paralyzing for humans. Eventually there are two main ways of finding relief from the tragedy of existence, in the thought of Cioran: the idea of the suicide and laughter. They are effective, but to a small extent.
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Tomasz Lerka

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Historii, Katedra Filozofii, ul. Katowicka 48, 45-052 Opole
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The concept of the existence of the absolute being can be characterized by four criteria which correspond to four existential aspects of the ultimate reality. In volume one of the Controversy over the Existence of the World Roman Ingarden argues that the absolute being is to be characterized as self-sustained, primary, self‑activated and independent. When some general remarks are put aside, the article focuses on arguments that have been adduced by the author in support of three claims. (1) Ingarden accepts the existence of the absolute being and flanks it by additional seven kinds of relative beings. The author finds the abundance supernumerary in the material world. (2) No material (or physical) object possesses properties (or existential moments) that belong to the absolute being. (3) There are fundamental reasons which exclude the possibility that the physical world (the manifold of all material objects) can be identified with the absolute being (absolute existence).
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Marek Łagosz

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51-149 Wrocław
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the assumptions and implications of Roman Ingarden’s concept of consciousness as a relatively isolated system in the context of contemporary discussions on mechanistic model of scientific explanation. Starting with a presentation of Ingarden’s position, I try to show that the key problem of the theory of consciousness is the discovery of its neurobiological mechanisms. The systemic approach proposed by Ingarden is only the first step towards a theory that integrates the phenomenology of consciousness and a mechanistic framework. The next step is to show that research on the mechanisms of consciousness is a natural extension and deepening of the systemic approach.
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Robert Poczobut

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Instytut Filozofii, Plac NZS 1, 15-420 Białystok
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Weak mysterianism defines the situation in philosophy of mind in which we can neither formulate a solvable problem of consciousness nor prove that it is unsolvable. To develop the issue the author starts with a description of the theories and concepts described as mysterious. General mysterianism is a position in the philosophy of mind, according to which we are admittedly able to indicate scientific issues but cannot formulate them as scientific problems and thus solve them. These issues are called ‘mysteries’ by Noam Chomsky. The article presents several argumentation strategies typical for mysterian theories – evolutionary closure, autonomy of consciousness, and methodological mysterianism of William Seager. Each is subject to criticism, which shows that the mysterian argumentation is non-conclusive. It turns out, therefore, that the problem of mysteriousness is that indicating the possibility of mysteries in science does not entail a proof that we are dealing with specific mysteries (first and foremost the mystery of the mind).

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Witold Marzęda
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In the author’s opinion the traditional image of a human is incorrect: it is not the rational soul that directs people’s behaviour, but a set of programs (neural applications) recorded in the brain. The ego (sense, awareness, will) is able to block their action as long as the upbringing of the person in question has created the right habits and thus initiated proper programs in the brain. Human (as well as animals) turns out to be a combination of the matter (‘body’), spirit (‘ego’) and abstracts (neural applications). The difference between humans and animals is the complexity of human’s neural software and the ability to pursue the non-utilitarian purposes.

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Jędrzej Stanisławek
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The concept of conscience is analyzed here in two different ways: the systematic and the historical-literary. As to the first, systematic perspective, I distinguish (in part 1) three levels of conscience and on every level I identify two opposite categories (conscience that is ‛individual’ versus ‛collective’; ‛emotional’ versus ‛intellectual’; ‛motivating ex ante’ versus ‛evaluating ex post’). In the second, historical-literary perspective, I analyze two literary cases of fictional characters usually thought of as being guided or affected by conscience. The first case is the ancient Greek tragedy and here I offer (in part 2) a comment on the Sophoclean Antigone and the Euripidean Orestes presenting them both as dramas that contain an exemplary formulation of the phenomenon of conscience. Although Antigone and Orestes express their main principles of action in apparently different words, I suggest (in part 3) the two poetical visions of conscience are equally based upon a highly emotional behavior called pathos by the Greek. Thereby I provide a reason, why ancient philosophers created a new concept of conscience intended as an alternative to the poetical vision of human behavior. The new philosophical concept of conscience was based upon an axiological behavior called ethos. I also coin (in part 4) a concept of the ‛community of conscience’ where I distinguish four ‛aspects of solidarity’ in conscience, namely, somebody’s own self, a group of significant persons, a group of the same moral principles, and a sameness of life. In the end I turn (in part 5) to a historical-literary case in Joseph Conrad’s last novel The Rover (1923), which provoked a lively discussion among Polish authors and seems useful as an illustration of several levels of ‛solidarity of conscience’.

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Łukasz Kowalik
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According to Nicolai Hartmann, the correlativistic prejudice is the claim that a being must be a correlate of a subject, and this, he argues, is the main prejudice of Husserl’s phenomenology taken as an eidetic science of transcendental consciousness with its correlates. In contrast to Hartmann, the author of this article claims that Husserl’s conception of the noetic-noematic correlation does not lead to the correlativistic prejudice. Husserl distinguishes between two concepts of object: the noematic ‛object simpliciter’ (the pure X) and the ‛object in the How of its determinations’ (a noematic sense), and he demonstrates that the noematic ‛object simpliciter’ transcends the limit of actual noetic-noematic correlation, it is a correlate of the Idea in the Kantian sense of the term and this idea cannot be intrinsically given in its content. In the article the author shows that Husserl’s concept of the noematic ‘object simpliciter’ as a pure X is similar to Kant’s concept of transcendental object as ‛something in general = X’. In analogy to a transcendental object, noematic ‛object simpliciter’ is partially knowable and it appears to be an irrational fact in its unknowable rest. As a consequence, the ‛object simpliciter’ is something more than a correlate of consciousness and retains always its extra-noematic content. Therefore, the world is only partially correlative to the possibility of experience.

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Piotr Łaciak
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The Author presents philosophical commentaries to the Polish translation of Wilhelm Dilthey's Formation ofthe Historical World in the Humanities.
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Izabela Szyroka
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Retracing the history of the investigation of memory - starting with the incentives of antiquity and, passing by the modem times as well as by the XIX century-constitutes a starting point from which one can proceed to the discussion of trends prevailing in contemporary analyses of the issue of interdependencies between history and the memory. As a result, the Author is able to confirm the usefulness of the investigation of memory for historical research, its advantages and the changes necessitated by approaching the subject of memory.
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Anna Gabryś

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