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The ‘incriminated (suppressed) text’ and its removal remains the key object on the conceptual map of censorship studies. In this approach to censor ship the analysis focuses on demonstrable facts of official intervention in the media, the documentation of the process as well as the reconstruction of the effects of individual gagging orders for the author, the publisher and the editor in charge. An alternative, historical approach to censorship takes a much broader view of the subject. It looks at the institutions involved, their competences, procedures and aims (ranging from prevention to repression) as well as the tools at their disposal. The latter approach, systemic and comparative in scope, requires ‘digging up’ considerably more information than establishing the fact of a censor’s intervention.

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Grażyna Wrona
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Marta Hirschprung (born in Cracow in 1903, died 1942?) was a journalist, translator, editor of the children’s magazine Okienko na Świat (A Little Window on the World) and author of countless articles for the press. This article is an attempt at finding out the forgotten facts from her life and reconstructing her biography. While analyzing her contributions to the Gazeta Żydowska (The Jewish Newspaper) in 1940–1942, special attention is paid to her editorial work on its children’s supplements Nasza Gazetka/Gazetka dla Dzieci i Młodzieży (Our Little Paper/The Little Paper for Children and the Young People, 1940–1941).

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Monika Szabłowska-Zaremba
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This paper is a contribution to research on the reflection on art in literary criticism and cultural journalism of the interwar period. It discusses the interest in graphic arts of the Silesian born right-wing reviewer and literary critic, Alfred Jesionowski (1902–1945?), which resulted in his popularizing discussions on the works of such artistic personalities of the interwar period as Paweł Steller (wood engraver and watercolourist), Stanisław Brzęczkowski (wood engraver) and Jan Kuglin (typographer).
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Olga Płaszczewska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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This paper examines how Latvian communities abroad reacted to and were influenced by a change of the first magnitude in the political life of their homeland, namely, the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on November 18, 1918. News of the proclamation, first of all, necessitated diaspora Latvians choosing attitudes towards the new phenomenon, which highlighted the political pre‑dispositions of the different groups within the diaspora. Polarisation of opinions was followed shortly by a wave of activities both in support of and against the new Republic. These activities included gathering financial resources for war victims and state institutions in Latvia, public relations campaigns in diaspora host countries, political lobbying etc. The establishment of the Republic of Latvia also profoundly influenced and intensified the internal formation processes within the diaspora. A marked increase of activity is observable in all fields of engagement that are characteristic of an active ethno‑national diaspora: the internal organisational structure was further developed; contacts with the homeland intensified; mutual links between geographically distant diaspora groups became closer. The great political changes in the homeland gave the Latvian diaspora the push necessary to fully develop and become an active ethno‑national diaspora.
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Kristīne Beķere

  1. University of Latvia
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W artykule przedstawiono wybrane przykłady projektów wzorcowych szkól jedno- i dwuklasowych z okresu międzywojennego zalecanych do realizacji w niepodległej Polsce. Omówione zostały projekty wybitnych polskich architektów i ich główne cechy, takie jak forma architektoniczna, układ funkcjonalny i sposób organizowania przestrzeni wokół szkół zgodnie z ustalonymi przepisami prawnymi.
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Elżbieta Przesmycka
Ewa Miłkowska
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W artykule przedstawiono czasopismo pt. „Światfilm: tygodnik teatr, kino, plastyka, radiofonia, sport” wydawane w Wilnie w latach 20. XX wieku. Było to pismo o tematyce filmowej, teatralnej i ogólnokul-turalnej. Analiza czasopisma ukazuje tematykę zamieszczonych w nim materiałów, zaangażowanie redaktorów i autorów artykułów, a przede wszystkim cel i rolę wydawania tego typu czasopism. Umieszczone na łamach „Światfilmu” materiały dokumentują rozwój sztuki filmowej i teatralnej na Wileńszczyźnie w badanym okresie.
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Katarzyna Zimnoch

  1. Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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This article analyzes the editoral and thematic structure of Polish school ephemera on the basis of seventeen single-issue publications of this kind published in Poland’s eastern voivodships in the interwar period. The author traces the origin of the texts and the process of its composition (gathering and selection of materials, editorial revisions, technical issues), examines the themes and tries to assesses the participation of students and teachers as well as the cooperation of the local community in each project. Finally, she reassesses of the role and the objectives of such publications.

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Katarzyna Zimnoch
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This paper investigates the situation of Galician refugees in the Habsburg Empire during the last year of the First World War. The majority of the refugees returned home following the eastward movement of the frontline in 1915 (i.e. after the Gorlice‑Tarnów campaign). However, many others stayed deep within the Austro‑Hungarian Empire till the end of the war. According to the official reports of the Ministry of the Interior, there were still 90 thousand refugees (25% Poles, 28% Jews, and 46% Ukrainians, then known as Ruthenians) receiving social benefits from the state in the Austrian part of the Empire on 1st September 1918. Moreover, one can add countless refugees who stayed in the interior of the Empire at their own expense. The situation became even more complicated when the feelings of enmity on the part of the local inhabitants escalated. Pressed by society, the local authorities started expelling the refugees. As a consequence, some of them returned home, while others still stayed in exile in search of a better life. What is even more interesting is that some of them (mostly Jews) emphasised the lack of a bond with the new Polish state born in November 1918.
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Kamil Ruszała

  1. Jagiellonian University
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The independence of newly born (or reborn) states at the end of 1918 raised the question of the future of the aristocratic families who had built their position in the pre‑war empires. An interesting example of such dilemmas arose in Poland. This was connected with the fate of two originally German‑speaking families. One of them was a branch of the imperial Habsburg family that settled in Żywiec (German: Saybush) in western Galicia. The other: rich and powerful family of Hofburg von Pless having their main seat in Pszczyna (German: Pless) in Prussian Upper Silesia. They were both members of the absolute elite of European aristocracy, being related to many noble and royal families and playing important roles in the political and economic life of Austro‑Hungary and Germany. What they also had in common was the fact, that their estates were located in a borderland between different ethnic and national groups. After the end of World War One, almost all these properties became part of the independent Polish state. As a result, the new administration treated the families with serious distrust. However, their national choices were different: the Habsburgs of Żywiec started to consider themselves as pure Polish, while the Hofburgs radically adhered to their German self‑identity. This article shows what the criteria were behind these choices.
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Mateusz Drozdowski

  1. Pedagogical University of Cracow
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The Vistula Pomeranian (the former Prussian province of West Prussia) remained the longest dependent part of the partitioning power of Poland, which was reborn after 1918. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Polish population of these lands, whose original ethnic component was Kashubians, strengthened their national awareness under the influence of modernisation processes. As in the entire Prussian partition, the dominant factor here was the idea of national solidarity built around an attachment to Catholicism. The defeat of Germany in World War I was associated by the local Poles with the incorporation of Pomeranian lands into the borders of the Polish Republic. The decisions of the Paris Conference of 1919 were awaited with hope and enthusiasm. Independence, however, brought disappointment caused by the economic crisis, as well as the inability of the central authorities to deal with the native population. Against this background, there were conflicts and misunderstandings throughout the entire interwar period. After 1920, the slogans of regional particularism gained popularity among the indigenous Pomeranian population. However, the German threat of the yoke forced local political and social activists to respond to the idea of unification of Pomeranian lands with the rest of the country, pushed by the central authorities.
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Tomasz Krzemiński

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
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The author of the article deals with the subject of the Russian period of Tadeusz Miciński’s work (1873‑1918). The rationale here being the discovery of many ‘new’, previously unpublished articles by the writer. In turn, the context was published by G. Bobilewicz years ago: Tadeusz Miciński i Rosja. Szkic do tematu (2008). The author presents the state of research, discusses the previously unknown texts by the author of Nietota, and finally gives new facts about Miciński’s stay in Russia (from 1915‑1918). The author discusses the literary activity of Miciński from the First World War onwards. This encompasses largely journalistic texts: articles, manifestos, open letters, travel reports from the front and from the life of Polish soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front.
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Marcin Bajko

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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In the course of the 19th century the landscape of the village Mogiła and its environs acquired the status of a religious and cultural heritage site. An ancient mound of the legendary Princess Wanda and the associations of the Kościuszko Uprising (1794) exerted a strong appeal to the imagination of Polish writers and their readers. Moreover, as the article argues, the great reverence which was attached to Cracow, Poland’s old royal capital, rubbed off on Mogiła. Made in 1949, the decision to build Nowa Huta, a giant steelworks and a modern new town, at that very place meant the desecration of a portion of the fabric of Poland’s national heritage.
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Anna Grochowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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Józef Szajna – as director and set designer – staged Cervantes’ Don Quixote on three occasions, twice in Poland (i.e. at Teatr Ludowy in Nowa Huta, 1965, and at Teatr Studio in Warszawa, 1976) and once in Spain (Alcalá de Henares, 1993). His creative approach characterized by the blurring of the boundary between the human world and the world of things, or the objectification of human beings and the animation of mere objects, enabled him to lay bare the contradictions at the heart of Cervantes’ novel. In Szajna’s spectacles the circus show and fun fair theatricals interacted with scenes that stirred up memories of war and the Holocaust. Drawing on a broad range of materials including reviews, photos, the text of Lidia Zamkow’s stage adaptation of Cervantes’ novel, the film version of the play Cervantes and Szajna's own statements the article tries to get a grip on the key aspects of his Polish dramatic adaptations of Don Quixote and Cervantes’ biogra-phy and to assess what insights they may contribute to the interpretation of the novel and its central character, the iconic knight-errant.
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Katarzyna Osińska

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa
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This article examines a cycle of poems by Maria Kurecka, the acclaimed writer and translator, in which she mourns the loss of her husband, Witold Wirpsza, who died in 1985. Held by the archives of the Pomeranian Library in Szczecin, these unpublished poems were written in the final years of her life. In this article they are positioned and read against the background of Polish funerary poetry and its traditions. Apart from having single poems published in literary magazines, Maria Kurecka produced just one volume of poetry, Trzydzieści wierszy ( Thirty Poems, 1987). In fact, though, there may be quite a lot of poems that she chose to keep private. Remembered as an outstanding translator of German literature, Maria Kurecka the poet is virtually unknown. It is hoped that by drawing attention to her poetic work this article will contribute to a better appreciation of her achievement.
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Mariusz Strzeżek

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
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This article outlines the rise and development of popular science periodicals in Poland from the 18th century until 1939. Their history begins in 1758 with the publication of Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone [Latest Economic and Learned News]. Our corpus includes 128 periodicals representing a great diversity of formats and content.

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Ewa Wójcik
Grażyna Wrona
Renata Zając
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A volume of poems Życia mego kwiat [ The Flower of My Life] by Maria Czajkowska, née Grabińska, published posthumously in 1921 – alongside her brother's (Stefan Grabiński) horror play Ciemne siły [ Dark Forces] – includes just over twenty poems, mostly sonnets, written in the poetic style characteristic of the Young Poland movement. Most of them seem to have been written between 1917 and 1918, after the death of Maria Czajkowska’s sister Jarosława; yet even those that may predate that tragic event are steeped in a mood of unrelieved melancholy and grief. Together, they can be read as a record of the poet’s spiritual biography, dominated by the trauma of waiting for death and the burden of a miserable and unhappy life. With her allegiance to Young Poland's mannered style, replete with metaphors of illness, demise and destruction, Czajkowska may appear outmoded in the post-war literary scene, and yet her poems cannot be denied an originality and authenticity of their own. Moreover, her dark introvertism is not unlike the Gothic strain of her brother’s popular fiction.
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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

  1. Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź
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Maria Hagen-Schwerin was a 19th-century novelist and poet. She was a prolific author of popular romances with aristocratic heroes and plots that revolve around love and marriage in high society. However, what kept Mrs Hagen in the public eye was her unconventional life style, her debts and an unending string of affairs whose sensational twists eclipsed anything that could be found her polite fiction. Her feuds, especially with another controversial woman of the fin-de- siècle Cracow, the playwright and novelist Gabriela Zapolska, were the talk of the town. Maria Hagen descended, on her father's side from a long line of nobles (Łoś) and on her mother's side from one of Cracow's wealthiest merchant families (Kirchmayer). Her elder brother Wincenty Łoś was an acclaimed writer and art collector. It is no exaggeration to say that Maria Hagen was heir to a family legacy of great achievements and of great scandals, too, in politics as well as in economic and social life. Some of her ancestors also ventured into literature thus building a family tradition which continued for three centuries. Maria Hagen picked up that thread and became a successful writer in her day. Now she belongs to that large category of writers once famous, but quickly forgotten. The problem lies not in the fact that nobody reads her books, but that her work has attracted virtually no attention from students of nineteenth-century literature and culture, and, astonishingly enough, no critical study of her work has been written for over 150 years since her death.

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Klaudia Kardas
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This article is an attempt to re-read Tadeusz Miciński's poem ‘Blood-red Snow’ (‘Krwawy śnieg’, 1914) in the context of a tragedy that took place in February 1914 at Zakopane, or more precisely, in Kościeliska Valley in the Tatras. It was there that Jadwiga Janczewska, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's fiancée, took her life by shooting himself in the head. Her suicide prompted Miciński, a close friend of Witkiewicz, to write the ‘Blood-red Snow’, a poetic reportage infused with ambiguity, which presents a highly subjective vision of the tragic event and its circumstances. Read out of context, the poem seems be just another product of the poet's fascination with the philosophy of the occult (Luciferianism). However, when its real-life context is restored, the heady symbolism turns out to be a camouflage of a poème à clef, a genre which ‘Blood-red Snow’ actually exemplifies. The poem is an instant reaction to a dramatic event. To make sense of it one does not need to be familiar with the whole story of the relations between Miciński and Witkiewicz. What is perhaps worth noting is that their relationship soured after Jadwiga Janczewska's suicide, which triggered an unending blame game on all sides. While the public held Witkiewicz responsible for the young woman's death, he himself put the blame on Miciński and, first and foremost, on Karol Szymanowski. These controversies are, however, beyond the scope of the 'Blood-red Snow'.

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Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel
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This article deals with the first phase of Jerzy Jankowski’s severing ties with the Young Poland movement and his access to the futurist avant-garde. His conversion to the new poetic worldview, which he pioneered in Poland, was reflected in his articles and poems published in Widnokrąg [Horizon], a magazine he founded in 1913 to replace Tydzień [The Week], of which he was the main publisher. The rebranding came on top of disagreements between the magazine’s contributors. The divergent views focused on the assessment of Tadeusz Miciński’s novel Xiądz Faust. In May 1913, in his former magazine, Jankowski heaped praises on it. However, the following year, when it came up for debate in the Widnokrąg between Miciński’s aficionado Zygmunt Kisielewski and the skeptically-minded Leon Choromański, Jankowski sought to distance himself from both the emotionalism and the intellectualism of his colleagues. By that time he was absolutely adamant that the antinomies of Young Poland’s high art were a trap. Now that the worship of art striving for timeless perfection would have to give way to an unpretentious concern for ‘fugitive art’, the time was ripe for working out a new aesthetic, centered on the thrilling ‘beauty of big cities’, cabaret, cinema, and modern machines. Jankowski broke with his erstwhile mentor Ferdynand Ruszczyc and Zenon Przesmycki-Miriam, to follow the incomparably more exciting Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Meanwhile, Choromański made one last attempt to bring the young man back on track by writing an article, in which he argued that Futurism was crude, and shallow, a throwback rather than a modern breakthrough. However, his warnings made no dint in Jankowski’s faith in futurism. For him its triumph was a matter of historical necessity. And, he had already thrown in his lot with the new movement by publishing his first futurist poems, ‘Spłon lotnika’ [‘Pilot in flames’] and ‘Maggi’.

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Radosław Okulicz-Kozaryn
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Ekphrases are fairly common in the literature of the Young Poland movement, with descriptions of paintings of women making up a notable portion of such visual representations. This article examines the functioning of the motif of a woman’s portrait in the work of writers of the late 19th and early 20th century, including Stanisław Przybyszewski, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Jan August Kisielewski, Karol Irzykowski, Wacław Berent and Stanisław Grudziński. The analyses, guided by feminist literary theory, focus on the implied artist's control over the painted figure (man over woman, but also the woman artist over the male recipient), the ways in which the work of art can becomes a vehicle of subconscious truths, the correspondences between emotions and colours.
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Literatura podmiotu

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Authors and Affiliations

Lidia Kamińska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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