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In this paper, a new set of intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators have been introduced under the environment of intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs). For this, firstly focused on some existing aggregation operators and then new operational rules known as Dombi operation have been pro- posed which make the advancement of flexibility behavior with the parameter. Based on Dombi operation laws, some new averaging and geometric aggregation operators namely, intuitionistic fuzzy Dombi weighted averaging, ordered weighted averaging and hybrid weighted averaging operator, classified as IFDWA, IFDOWA and IFDHWA operators respectively and intuitionistic fuzzy Dombi geometric, ordered weighted geometric and hybrid weighted geometric operators, labeled as IFDWG, IFDOWG and IFDHWG operators respectively have been proposed. Further, some properties such as idempotency, boundedness, monotonicity and commutative are investigated. Finally, a multi-attribute decision-making model has been developed for the proposed operators to select the best mutual fund for investment. The execution of the comparative study has been examined with the existing operators in this environment.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Chiranjibe Jane
Madhumangal Pal
Guiwu Wei

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