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The purpose of the article is to at least partially fill in some gaps in the study of the Kyivan Rus’ literary heritage. Firstly, the author proposes to consider fragments of the Tale of Bygone Years ( PVL) as independent literary works that deserve a separate study. These works may have their own textual history and distinct individual style. In order to clarify the textual history of the work, we use both direct evidence (manuscripts of the Tale of Bygone Years) and indirect evidence, in particular, the paraphrase‑translations of Jan Długosz, Maciej Stryjkovskii, and seventeenth‑century Old Ukrainian authors. Secondly, the article makes accessible for the first time a complete fragment of the PVL published from the Ostroh (Khlebnikovsky) manuscript only, including the accentuation, which is of great importance for the study of the textual history and literary formation of the PVL. Thirdly, the article provides a detailed poetologic analysis of the Tale of Olga’s Wars with the Derevlyans, shows its compositional independence from the subsequent stories about Olga, and explores its complex poetic form, built on rhetorical repetitions of the series of vocabulary, as well as on the counting of syllables and accents.
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Butler F., A Woman of Words. Pagan Ol’ga in the Mirror of Germanic Europe, „Slavic Review” 2004, vol. 63.
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Nazarii Nazarov

  1. Paris, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, invited researcher
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The present article introduces a new approach to the Old Russian texts by revealing metrical patterns underlying seemingly prose texts of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let. These patterns proved to be a shared feature of Eastern Slavic oral epic traditions. Thus, ideas of Ivan Franko about metrical character of the chronicles and Ivan Nikiforov’s claim about metrical affi nities of Eastern Slavic epic traditions are developed and enriched by up to date linguistic as well as ethnomusicological observations. Metrical affi nities of certain fragments of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let and Eastern Slavic epic give new clues to the possible persistence of oral epic in written form and consequently broaden the range of Old Russian texts that can be regarded as epic. Poetical epic corpus, enlarged in this way, gives a new relevant context to Slovo o polku Igoreve, authenticity of which can be proven now with more certainty on the basis of metrical affi nities with the fragments of chronicle of presumably oral origin.

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Nazarij Nazarow
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The paper discusses the problems of the calibration process of very close range semi-metric digital cameras. Using such cameras for precise measurement of small objects, the photographs have to be taken at a very large scale, ranging from 1 :20 to 1:50. To ensure the submillimetre accuracy of the photogrammetric measurement, the specific calibration tests and procedures for determination of the interior orientation parameters, including the coefficients for image systematic errors, must be applied. The results of two calibration approaches, based on 3D and 2D calibration tests, have been presented in the paper. The experiment is a part of the research project concerning the numerical modelling of small 3D fragments of the broken archaeological items for reconstruction of the context of the archaeological monument.
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Aleksandra Bujakiewicz
Michał Kowalczyk
Piotr Podlasiak
Dorota Zawieska
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Image sequences, in particular digital video sequences, are characterised by the features which result in their high potential as measurement data. However, as early as at the stage of visual assessment of digital film images, originating, in particular, from amateur cameras, occurrence of some deformations may be observed, which may highly influence the results of measurements performed using these images; such deformations differ from deformations occurred in the case of static photographic images. It results both, by the method of image recording, using an electronic shutter and interlaced or progressive scanning, as well as the method of file recording and compression. It is worth to notice the systematic nature of such deformations, which highly depend on mutual motions of a camera and recorded objects. The objective of presented research works was to develop the mathematical description of image deformations, as a function of motion parameters. This would allow for adaptation of the camera calibration process to the demands of sequential imaging, as well as for modification of algorithms of measurements using self-calibration, and, as a result, minimisation of deformations. Another objective was to analyse the influence of deformations, typical for digital film images, on the results of measurements performed using these images, by means of series of experiments, which were based on multiple calibration of static and a moving camera, also with the use of a spatial test field. The first part was made by developing formulas based on some geometric relations, using some simplifications. On the stage of experimental research a certain degree of compatibility of experimental results and theoretical assumptions were confirmed.
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Tomasz Markowski

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Jianwei Wang
1 2
Deyun Chen

  1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
  2. College of Computer Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, Harbin 150050, China
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Previous research has utilized the duration ratio and occasionally the duration difference as single-value metrics to measure and compare the temporal acoustics of durationally contrastive vocalics (short vs. long vowels), which allow researchers to reduce two values (short and long) to one, but express a relationship instead of representing the vocalic duration values directly. The duration ratio may even be misleading when comparing two languages or dialects, as it is possible to exhibit a similar ratio but differ in durational acoustics, or vice versa. The current study proposes two alternative statistical metrics: a duration metric and a difference metric. The duration metric is an intermediate (mean-like) value between the duration of the short and long vocalics, and the difference metric is a ± value that can be added to or subtracted from the duration metric to obtain the duration of long or short vocalics. We conduct a production experiment on Arabic and Japanese vocalics and analyze the data using both traditional measures and the proposed metrics. The findings show that the proposed metrics better predict the language from which the vocalic duration values were obtained. Such results suggest that the proposed metrics are better candidates for measuring and comparing the temporal acoustics of vocalics.
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Yahya Aldholmi

  1. Department of Linguistics, College of Language Sciences King Saud University
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This paper mainly concentrates and discusses on sugarcane crop, the variety of cane seeds available for sowing; various cane diseases and its early detection using different approaches. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques are used to analyze agricultural data like temperature, soil quality, yield prediction, selling price forecasts, etc. and avoid crop damage from a variety of sources, including diseases. In the proposed work, with particular reference to eight specific sugarcane crop diseases and including healthy crop database, the neural network algorithms are tested and verified in terms quality metrics like accuracy, F1 score, recall and precision.
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K J Kavitha
K Krishna Prasad

  1. GM Institute of Technology, VTU
  2. Srinivas University, Mangalore
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Optimal estimation of water balance components at the local and regional scales is essential for many applications such as integrated water resources management, hydrogeological modelling and irrigation scheduling. Evapotranspiration is a very important component of the hydrological cycle at the soil surface, particularly in arid and semi-arid lands. Mapping evapotranspiration at high resolution with internalised calibration (METRIC), trapezoid interpolation model (TIM), two-source energy balance (TSEB), and soil-plant-atmosphere and remote sensing evapotranspiration (SPARSE) models were applied using Landsat 8 images for four dates during 2014–2015 and meteorological data. Surface energy maps were then generated. Latent heat flux estimated by four models was then compared and evaluated with those measured by applying the method of Bowen ratio for the various days. In warm periods with high water stress differences and with important surface temperature differences, METRIC proves to be the most robust with the root-mean-square error ( RMSE) less than 40 W∙m –2. However, during the periods with no significant surface temperature and soil humidity differences, SPARSE model is superior with the RMSE of 35 W∙m –2. The results of TIM are close to METRIC, since both models are sensitive to the difference in surface temperature. However, SPARSE remains reliable with the RMSE of 55 W∙m –2 unlike TSEB, which has a large deviation from the other models. On the other hand, during the days when the temperature difference is small, SPARSE and TSEB are superior, with a clear advantage of SPARSE serial version, where temperature differences are less important.
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Tewfik A. Oualid
Abderrahmane Hamimed
Abdelkader Khaldi

  1. University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Laboratory of Biological Systems and Geomatics, P.O. Box 305, Route de Mamounia, 29000, Mascara, Algeria
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The purpose of this study was to develop a sound quality model for real time active sound quality control systems. The model is based on an optimal analytic wavelet transform (OAWT) used along with a back propagation neural network (BPNN) in which the initial weights and thresholds are determined by particle swarm optimisation (PSO). In the model the input signal is decomposed into 24 critical bands to extract a feature matrix, based on energy, mean, and standard deviation indices of the sub signal scalogram obtained by OAWT. The feature matrix is fed into the neural network input to determine the psychoacoustic parameters used for sound quality evaluation. The results of the study show that the present model is in good agreement with psychoacoustic models of sound quality metrics and enables evaluation of the quality of sound at a lower computational cost than the existing models.
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Mehdi Pourseiedrezaei
Ali Loghmani
Mehdi Keshmiri

  1. Mechanical Engineering Group, Pardis College Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
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In this paper, a modified sound quality evaluation (SQE) model is developed based on combination of an optimized artificial neural network (ANN) and the wavelet packet transform (WPT). The presented SQE model is a signal processing technique, which can be implemented in current microphones for predicting the sound quality. The proposed method extracts objective psychoacoustic metrics including loudness, sharpness, roughness, and tonality from sound samples, by using a special selection of multi-level nodes of the WPT combined with a trained ANN. The model is optimized using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the back propagation (BP) algorithms. The obtained results reveal that the proposed model shows the lowest mean square error and the highest correlation with human perception while it has the lowest computational cost compared to those of the other models and software.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mehdi Pourseiedrezaei
Ali Loghmani
Mehdi Keshmiri
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Face Sketch Recognition (FSR) presents a severe challenge to conventional recognition paradigms developed basically to match face photos. This challenge is mainly due to the large texture discrepancy between face sketches, characterized by shape exaggeration, and face photos. In this paper, we propose a training-free synthesized face sketch recognition method based on the rank-level fusion of multiple Image Quality Assessment (IQA) metrics. The advantages of IQA metrics as a recognition engine are combined with the rank-level fusion to boost the final recognition accuracy. By integrating multiple IQA metrics into the face sketch recognition framework, the proposed method simultaneously performs face-sketch matching application and evaluates the performance of face sketch synthesis methods. To test the performance of the recognition framework, five synthesized face sketch methods are used to generate sketches from face photos. We use the Borda count approach to fuse four IQA metrics, namely, structured similarity index metric, feature similarity index metric, visual information fidelity and gradient magnitude similarity deviation at the rank-level. Experimental results and comparison with the state-of-the-art methods illustrate the competitiveness of the proposed synthesized face sketch recognition framework.
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Sami Mahfoud
Abdelhamid Daamouche
Messaoud Bengherabi
Abdenour Hadid

  1. University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Laboratory of Signals and Systems, Boumerdes, 35000, Algeria
  2. Center for Development of Advanced Technologies, P.O. Box 17 Baba-Hassen 16303, Algiers, Algeria
  3. Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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