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This article contributes to the growing literature on Art. 7 TEU by showcasing the strong and weak points of this provision in the context of the on-going rule of law backsliding in Hungary and Poland – backsliding which threatens the very fabric of EU constitutionalism. The article presents the general context of the EU’s institutional reactions to the so-called “reforms” in Poland and Hungary, which are aimed at hijacking the state machinery by the political parties in charge. Next it introduces the background of Art. 7 TEU and the hopes the provision was endowed with by its drafters before moving on to analysis of its scope and all the mechanisms made available through this instrument, including the key procedural rules governing their use. The author posits that it may be necessary to put our hopes in alternative instruments and policies to combat the current rule of law backsliding, and the article concludes by outlining three possible scenarios to reverse the backsliding, none of which are (necessarily) connected with Art. 7 as such.

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Dimitry Kochenov
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The paper deals with the problem of defi nite article in the Gothic Bible. More specifically, it concentrates on the differences and similarities of use between the target language, i.e. Gothic, and the source language, i.e. Greek, with special attention being paid to the case of the article – nominative, genitive, dative or accusative. It is part of a larger endeavor aiming at the analysis of the whole Gothic Bible in this respect. This time the Gospel of John is taken into consideration, following an earlier study which concentrated on the Gospel of Matthew. In the paper it will not only be observed how frequently Gothic omits the definite article in places where Greek uses it in the Gospel of John, but also in what way the cases of the definite article vary in both languages due to their grammatical specificities.

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Ireneusz Kida
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The article gathers comments on selected articles to be found in the 1964 Constitution of Afghanistan - the third in Afghanistan’s history but at the same time the first in many respects, not only because of its modern, by the standards of the time, nature, as it was supposed to change the nature of the monarchy from an absolute into a constitutional/parliamentary one. The text is divided into four parts: (0) Introduction, where the aims of the analysis and reasons for writing the text have been presented; (1) Historical perspective of the Afghanistan’s constitutional movement; (2) In-depth comments on: (i) Royal Promulgation, (ii) The Preamble, and (iii) nineteen articles; as well as (3) Conclusions.
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Mateusz M.P. Kłagisz

  1. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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Apart from verbs, languages possess morphemes which are related to time without this connection being obvious to the speakers or felt by them. Such is the case of the articles, certain prepositions, conjunctions and particles. In the present article, I analyse particularly the indefinite and definite articles. These create a sequence that actualises a noun and then reactualises it, giving it thereby a past. Thus, I describe actualisation with the help of articles, but I also take up to discussion sequential and contextual actualisation. The examples I quote come mainly from French but, since actualisation is a general linguistic phenomenon, some of them represent languages which are structurally different from each other. The temporality rendered by the grammatical morphemes can express either past time or future time.
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Hans Lagerqvist

  1. Universite d’Uppsala, Sweden
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The article examines the disciplinary preferences of medical and psychology writers of research articles (RAs) in the use of epistemic lexical verbs (ELVs), regarding their frequency, prominence, distribution across the RA sections, and recurrent phraseology. The results show that disciplinary affiliation affects these phenomena, as more ELVs are found in psychology than in medicine. Both groups prefer speculative judgements and quotative evidence and most frequently use ELVs in Discussions. Yet, psychology authors are more balanced in their preferences and rely on a wider selection of frequent ELVs which are often combined with self-mention. Medical authors are more inclined towards deductive ELVs. Disciplinary differences are also observed in the choice of the specific ELVs, their frequency distributions and phraseology in the distinct RA sections.
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Tatiana Szczygłowska

  1. University of Bielsko-Biala
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The paper compares the employment of the definite article in the Gothic version of the Gospel of Luke and in its Greek counterpart which served as the basis for the Gothic translation. Although the Gothic text is usually said to be a word-for-word reflection of the Greek text, we demonstrate that just like in the case of the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John, which were of concern in our previous studies, there are enormous differences between the two languages especially in the domain of the definite article, not only in terms of amount but also in terms of the cases used – nominative, genitive, dative or accusative.
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Ireneusz Kida

  1. Institute of Linguistics University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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The article studies the use of linking adverbials (LAs) in English-medium articles by Polish and Anglophone scholars representing medicine and psychology, attempting to reveal discipline- and culture-specific preferences in the choice, frequency and distribution of linkers. The results show that disciplinary and linguacultural constraints impact on LA use. Variation across disciplines reflects differences in the knowledge base and its rhetorical management, as there are significantly more LAs in psychology than in medicine. Cross-cultural variation determines the choice of specific LA (sub)categories in line with the authors’ linguacultural backgrounds, target readers and publication contexts. These findings can raise academic writers’ awareness of culture- and discipline-driven aspects of adverbial cohesion in English academic prose.
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Tatiana Szczygłowska

  1. Institute of Neophilology University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland
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Academic authors employ various language means in order to construct and disseminate knowledge, to sound persuasive, to undergird their arguments, but also to seek agreement within the academic community. The aim of this paper is to analyse a selected group of rhetorical strategies used by Anglophone and Czech authors of Linguistics research articles (RAs) and research theses (RTs). These strategies are assumed to vary in both academic genres since the position of their writers within the academic community differs. Even though authors of RAs have to meet reviewers’ requirements in order for their article to be published, so their relative position may be lower than that of the reviewers’, authors of RAs may have the same “absolute status” as the reviewers may be just as expert in that particular field. By contrast, the status of research students is lower than that of their evaluators both in relative and absolute terms. Even though students may gain some learned authority in presenting an original contribution, their assessors command both learned and institutional authority, hence are endowed with a higher status. Apart from comparing rhetorical strategies used in RAs and RTs, the paper focuses on cross-cultural differences between Anglophone and Czechacademic writing traditions.

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Jana Kozubíková Šandová
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The study is a retrospective‑analytical review of approaches to fixing female nominations in the Ukrainian lexicography explanatory and aspect‑based, and in particular, bilingual. Particular attention is here paid to the reflection of female nominations in the dictionaries of the 20th and 21st centuries due to their grammatical, semantic, word‑forming and stylistic characteristics, formation of the tradition of dictionary fixation of the Ukrainian female nominations as well as the problem of developing unified approaches to their lexicography. The parameters of description and comparison were as follows: the status of female nominations as separate units of lexicographical description, the nature of grammatical marking, peculiarities of semantic description in definition and illustration, indication of the nature of derivatives regarding the original masculine nominatives and their variants as well as a system of special dictionary notes. The study is based on the material of historical dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 14th to 18th centuries, bilingual explanatory dictionaries of the early 20th century and Russian‑Ukrainian dictionaries published in the nineteen twenties and thirties during the “period of Ukrainization”, explanatory dictionaries of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, neological, aspectal lexicographical editions, and in particular the latest dictionaries of the Ukrainian language.
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Алла Архангельська

  1. Оломоуць, Університет ім. Ф. Палацького
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The acquisition of the definite article by LS/L2 Italian learners represents a very delicate issue, on the one hand, in relation to the mother tongue and other known languages and, on the other, to the range of uses of this part of the discussion (among others, cf. Chini 1995a; Pallotti 1998). The research is exploratory, and the results allow us to examine a sector of applied linguistics and language teaching that is still little investigated (Krámský 2016).
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
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This article critically evaluates the summary procedure introduced by Protocol No. 14 to the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted within the reform of the European Court of Human Rights system. The summary procedure, now set out in Art. 28(1)b of the Convention, was instituted in order to facilitate expediency and to reduce the case load of the Court. This article argues that while judicial economy is a legitimate goal, the summary procedure under Art. 28(1)b has considerable deficiencies that undermine some of the systemic goals and core values of ECHR law. There is a manifest lack of remedies vis-à-vis the choice of the procedure, choice of applicable law, and no appeals against final decisions rendered in the course of the summary procedure. Notably, the concept of “well-established case-law” seems to be neither clear nor reliable, as evidenced in the cases analysed in the article. These cases, which involve the issue of socially- owned property in Serbia, serve to demonstrate some of the significant errors in interpretation and decision-making which can result from application of the summary procedure.

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Sanja Djajić
Rodoljub Etinski

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