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This article presents Gdansk calendars by the mathematician Johann Gottlieb Bartoldi (1736–1788), which were published from 1776 until 1789. The almanacs were entitled: “Neuer und Alter Kunst- und Tugend-Calender”, “Neuer und Alter Haus- und Geschichts-Calender” and “Allgemeiner Landwirtschafts-Calender”. This text highlights those aspects which depict the traditionalism and conservatism of the calendars, originating from the beginning of the eighteenth century.
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Piotr Paluchowski
1 2

  1. Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
  2. Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Gdańska
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The officials behind the Soviet onomasticon development campaign chose desktop calendars, a publicly available and widely circulated printed medium, to serve as a vehicle for the propagation of the new revolutionary anthroponomy. The paper looks into the masculine names recommended for general use by Universal Desktop Calendars issued by the State Publishing House in 1924–29. Mimicking the Russian Orthodox Church Calendars, its editors proposed their readers from up to six (in 1924–1926) to three (in 1927–1929) masculine names for each day. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the total body of the existing calendar material, the paper proceeds to classify the proper names by their actual source, including: Orthodox Church calendars, Catholic canons, antique mythology, later world literature and folklore sources, celebrated names of the past, toponyms, the Slavic name corpus, and, of course, ideologized sovietisms. The general picture of the sovietisized name list is accompanied with a description of its five-year dynamics refl ecting annually introduced modifications.

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Władimir Miakiszew
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The poetic system of calendar and ritual folklore is especially characterized by parallelism, which is a stylistic device based on the homogeneous syntactic structure of two or more adjacent language units, mainly text lines, which seem to be symmetric. Parallelism is often supported with an expressive comparison of the ideas which can be called “psychological parallelism” – between the life of nature and fragments of a human life. This helps create the parallel “world of nature” and the “world of a person”. Parallelisms in ritual folklore works make the poetic images of characters, their actions, thoughts and feelings more expressive. Quite often the object and the subject of the action are compared based on the category of movement. Lexical and semantic and syntactic structures in calendar and ritual songs are based on associative and semantic relations as a form of systemic coordination and regularity of folklore thinking and are built upon a similarity of action. The majority of them are related to matrimonial motives. The article also focuses on negative parallelisms. Similar to comparisons, they were first used to specify the essence of the phenomena and only later became the means for any emotional colouring of the main images.
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Галина Коваль

  1. Львів, Інститут народознавства НАН України
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The aim of the work is to determine the exact place and date of Kazimierz Stronczyński’s birth and death. An analysis of documents reveals that he was born on 24th July 1809 in Piotrków Trybunalski and died on 10th November 1896 in the same town.


Kazimierz Stronczyński was one of the greatest 19th century Polish numismatist, who is sometimes called the father of Polish medieval numismatics. Even though his life, career and works are very well known, in works devoted to Kazimierz Stronczyński’s life we can find several different dates and places of his birth and several different dates of his death. The following text, based on original documents, explains exactly when and where Kazimierz Stronczyński was born and died.

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Bartłomiej Czyżewski
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The present paper examines the textual evidence, mainly the late Vedic codifications of the domestic rituals Gṛhya sūtras and Hindu religious and legal duties Dharma śāstras, related to the name giving tradition in ancient India. Issues are addressed: why according to tradition a brāhmaṇa should have two names, and why one of these names should be the nakṣatra (lunar constellation) name? How the secret ( guhya) stellar name was chosen? How name giving practices are related to the concept of the sacred speech in Indian religious culture? The historical and textual analysis of the Sanskrit sources, besides of the historical approach to religious studies shall be applied as the principal methodological tools. Conclusion is made that the Indian name derived from the nakṣatra was vitally connected with the of the individual and his super-personal power lying behind, and kept secret less enemies may do mischief to the man through it. The adoption of a second, secret name was assumed also for success and distinction in life.
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Audrius Beinorius

  1. Vilnius University, Lithuania

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