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This paper describes multiple electric field control methods for foil coils in high-voltage coreless linear actuators and their sensitivity to misalignment. The investigated field control methods consist of resistive, refractive, capacitive and geometrical solutions for mitigating electric stress at edges and corners of foil coils. These field control methods are evaluated using 2-D boundary element and finite element methods. A comparison is presented between the field control methods and their ability to mitigate electric stress in coreless linear actuators. Furthermore, the sensitivity to misalignment of the field control methods is investigated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T.A. van Beek
J.W. Jansen
E.A. Lomonova


Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje i dyskutuje futurologiczne rozważania zawarte w książce Superinteligencja. Scenariusze, strategie, zagrożenia autorstwa Nicka Bostroma. Bostrom koncentruje uwagę na takich kwestiach jak określenie hipotetycznych sposobów osiągnięcia superinteligencji, jej charakteru oraz różnych postaci manifestacji owej technologii, przedstawienie zagrożeń wiążących się z tak potężnymi systemami, a także skonstruowanie strategii mających na celu zapobieganie niepożądanym działaniom superinteligentnych bytów. Refleksje Bostroma są istotną częścią obecnego dyskursu na temat rozwoju sztucznej inteligencji oraz związanych z nim problemów etycznych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Kozera

  1. Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii, UMCS, Lublin, Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, Lublin


Many industrial rotating machines driven by asynchronous motors are often affected by detrimental torsional vibrations. In this paper, a method of attenuation of torsional vibrations in such objects is proposed. Here, an asynchronous motor under proper control can simultaneously operate as a source of drive and actuator. Namely, by means of the proper control of motor operation, it is possible to suppress torsional vibrations in the object under study. Using this approach, both transient and steady-state torsional vibrations of the rotating machine drive system can be effectively attenuated, and its precise operational motions can be assured. The theoretical investigations are conducted by means of a structural mechanical model of the drive system and an advanced circuit model of the asynchronous motor controlled using two methods: the direct torque control – space vector modulation (DTC-SVM) and the rotational velocity-controlled torque (RVCT) based on the momentary rotational velocity of the driven machine working tool. From the obtained results it follows that by means of the RVCT technique steady-state torsional vibrations induced harmonically and transient torsional vibrations excited by switching various types of control on and off can be suppressed as effectively as using the advanced vector method DTC-SVM.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Hańczur
1 2
Tomasz Szolc
Robert Konowrocki

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Schneider Electric Polska Sp. z o.o, ul. Konstruktorska 12, 02-673 Warsaw, Poland


The study objective was to investigate the influence of microbiologically obtained surfactin on the feeding and development of Oulema melanopus and Oulema gallaeciana on spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum) and spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare). The purified bioproduct was applied to the leaves of cereal plants at a concentration of 660.5 mg · l –1. The tests were conducted as a no-choice test and a choice test. Pest feeding and egg-laying were analyzed. The addition of surfactin to the food reduced the feeding of female and male tested insects as compared to controls. Male pests caused less damage to plants than females. Insect feeding on surfactin-treated plants was low in the first days of the experiment. The tested insects laid fewer eggs on plants treated with the biosurfactant. In terms of food selection, both female and male Oulema spp. were much more likely to choose food to which surfactin had not been applied. It can thus be concluded that surfactin can contribute positively to the biological control of beetles of the genus Oulema under natural conditions. However, further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms by which analogues of this compound limit the development of this cereal pest in its natural environment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Koim-Puchowska
Robert Lamparski
Joanna Maria Dróżdż-Afelt

  1. Department of Biotechnology, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Department of Biology and Plant Protection, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland

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