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The article studies the use of linking adverbials (LAs) in English-medium articles by Polish and Anglophone scholars representing medicine and psychology, attempting to reveal discipline- and culture-specific preferences in the choice, frequency and distribution of linkers. The results show that disciplinary and linguacultural constraints impact on LA use. Variation across disciplines reflects differences in the knowledge base and its rhetorical management, as there are significantly more LAs in psychology than in medicine. Cross-cultural variation determines the choice of specific LA (sub)categories in line with the authors’ linguacultural backgrounds, target readers and publication contexts. These findings can raise academic writers’ awareness of culture- and discipline-driven aspects of adverbial cohesion in English academic prose.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tatiana Szczygłowska

  1. Institute of Neophilology University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland


Pluralism and multiculturalism are new terms in biblical studies . Pluralism used in social sciences means a conditio of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious or social groups maintain their unique cultural identities. Multicultu-ralism focuses on interactions between different groups and communities within the confines of a common society. This paper aims at analysing the practice and models of pluralism in the Bible and the evaluation of pluralism in the biblical context (from separatism in the Abraham days until the multicultural Christian community in the first century). Christianity existed as a pluralistic community from the beginning. Paul the Apostle presents the Church as the body of Christ and interactions within the Chri-stian community consisting of Jews and Gentiles are illustrated by relations between members of the body. The mission of the Church is based on various models of incul-turation (contextualisation). All of these models intersect with one another in different ways. Pluralism in the biblical studies manifests itself also in the use of different Bible translation strategies and various methods of biblical exegesis and interpretation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kalina Wojciechowska
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The Kharkiv text of Ukrainian literature is examined for the first time from the point of view of a cross‑cultural analysis of the iconic work by H. Kvitka‑Osnovʹyanenko The Foundation of Kharkiv. The expediency for introducing this concept into academic circulation is argued for because of the traditional covering of Kharkiv and Sloboda Ukraine in literature, culture, and history. Substantiated are the conditions and specifics of the integral text about the city and the formation of identity under the influence of frontier psychology. Emphasized are the differences between the creation of national stereotypes and the birth of an independent worldview, and postcolonial experience.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Артур Малиновський

  1. Одеський національний університет ім. І.І. Мечникова
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

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