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Balmont’s only contribution to Russian Symbolist Drama is discussed in the forthcoming article as an attempt of quitting narcissistic “lyrical solitude”, which parallels Blok’s situation upon staging the play Balaganchik. Motifs of the mythologeme of Narcissus scattered all over Balmont’s poetry and prose, given narcissistic features of his individual character seem to reinforce that a subtle decoding of the myth as a sujet of semiosis, constitutes one of the chief constructive principles of the play. By means of contrasting allusions to the Blue Flower of Novalis Balmont accentuates metamorphosis via dematerialisation and transmutation coded in the myth. The pattern of colour and fl oral imagery juxtaposing the complementary yellow and blue is meant to reveal the harmony of universal correspondences shown through the omnipresent principle of the Eternal Feminine.
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Józsa György Zoltán
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Radosław Ptaszyński devoted over 700 pages of his book to Stanisław Stomma, a catholic intellectual who, during his life was confronted with two totalitarian systems, German Nazism and Soviet Communism. Stomma remains until today a symbol of „stommizm”. This name, created basing on a Stomma’s surname remains a symbol of political realism, and willingness of compromise (with direct limits), and accompanied by a strong moral integrity. Stomma, a devoted catholic played also an important role in the long process of Polish-German reconciliation. According to the Author “stommizm” itself can be recognised as a new kind of heroism, however remote from other well-known patterns of heroism.

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Robert Żurek
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The article analyzes the implementation of dialogicality in the artistic discourse referring to dialogue as a form of explication of dialogicity in text communication, as a special type of speech interaction which serves as the most relevant means of verbalizing the speaker’s communicative intentions and is represented by a question/answer complex of stimulus/reaction exchange. Based on the voluminous factual material, the explication of dialogic intentions is traced in two typological registers of communication: tolerant and a-tolerant; it is indicated that, on the one hand, the addressant/addressee continuum of speech interaction conveys a be-nevolent atmosphere and expresses the modality of interlocutors’ mutual understanding and tolerant attitude about themselves being realized through various modal-intentional utterances, primarily interrogative, and stimulating and optative constructions, the use of which contributes to the progress of the communicative process; on the other hand, there is a-tolerant register – a natural phenomenon that reflects the imbalance in relations between communicating parties, the principled incompatibility of views, a conflict in general, represented by counter-questions, echo-questions, evil wishes incentive imperatives, invectives, etc.

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Світлана Шабат-Савка
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My paper examines both the reading of Russian classics by the American writer George Saunders and the critical reception of his book, A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: in Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life, in Russia and Poland. The primary objective is to analyse Saunder’s method of reading Russian classics and how he discusses it with his students. The author appreciates the universal, humanistic values of Russian classic stories and their potential to cultivate readers’ empathy. The central theme of interest revolves around alterity, as the reading itself can be considered a form of encountering the “other.” The paper poses questions regarding the quality of dialogue between participants who do not share the same heritage and language, and how their reception is influenced by diverse cultural backgrounds and different historical moments of publication. Additionally, the paper discusses the reactions of Russian and Polish critics to Saunders’ book.
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Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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The aim of the article is twofold: to introduce a Polish adaptation of the Self-Talk Scale (STS) by Brinthaupt et al. (2009), including psychometric properties of the method, and to present some empirical results focusing on relationships between inner speech and other variables, like temperamental and personality traits, selected features of characteristic adaptations, and the self. In a Polish sample of 1,321 participants (770 women) aged 18–70 years ( M = 26.62, SD = 8.30), the internal structure of the scale consisting of self-criticism, self-reinforcement, self- management, and social assessment was confirmed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which showed an acceptable fit of the four-function model to the empirical data. However, according to EFA, two functions, self- management and social assessment, constituted one common factor. Internal consistency of the total score was high, α = .87 and .88, in two samples, as well as for particular functions, from .73 to .85. Validity of the STS was confirmed with the Internal Dialogical Activity Scale – Revised (Oleś et al., 2020). Moreover, STS results corresponded with traits like endurance and neuroticism; characteristic adaptation, like love for life; characteristics of the self, like reflection and rumination; and slightly with tolerance for ambiguity.
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Piotr K. Oles
Katarzyna Pasternak
Aneta Kozioł
Jan Kutnik

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
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Das Vernunftelement, das dem Glauben zugeordnet ist, den Glauben auch sucht, ist gegenwärtig – zwar nicht so deutlich, wie es früher war – ausschließlich in der philosophie präsent. Denn gegenwärtig beeinfusst dieses element den Glauben von den unterschiedlichen Bereichen der allgemein dominierenden Wissenschaften her. Die neueste Geschichte des Verhältnisses zwischen kirche und Wissenschaft ist durch kongresse, Symposien und tagungen, die einen interdisziplinären charakter haben, geschrieben. In den Begegnungen bemühen sich theologen im gemeinsamen Gespräch mit den repräsentanten der Human- und naturwissenschaften um größere Harmonie zwischen den jeweiligen Wissenschaften. Die Absicht des Artikels ist die Analyse der Verlautbarungen der kirchlichen Lehre von papst pius iX (1792–1878) bis zum papst Benedikt XVi (*1927). Besonderes werden die Ansprachen des papstes Johannes paul ii (1920–2005) an die Mitglieder der päpstlichen Akademie zum thema: im Verhältnis der kirche zu Wissenschaft bzw. naturwissenschaft analysiert. Solche interesse seitens des kirchlichen Lehramtes spricht die Anfrage der profanem Wissenschaften, die neben ihren ständigen Spezialisierungen auch für die Weisheitsdimensionen der wissenschaftlichen forschungen offen bleiben. Das Verfahren bewegt sich in drei Schritten. Zuerst wird die unmöglichkeit eines Widerspruchs zwischen christlichen Glauben und Wissenschaft dargestellt (1). Dann wird auf das fundament für die Gespräche zwischen kirche und Wissenschaft – die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Autonomie zwischen der irdischen und ewigen Ordnung – hingewiesen (2). Zum Abschluss werden nachkonziliare Dokumente, die auf die kooperation zwischen kirche und Wissenschaft hinweisen, analisiert. Als resultat wurde nachgewiesen, dass die kirchliche Lehre eindeutig auf eine evolution der Öffnung der kirche auf Wissenschaft zeigt. Die nachkonziliare Dokumente weisen nicht nur auch auf eine Möglichkeit und notwendigkeit der Zusammenarbeit zwischen kirche und Wissenschaft, sondern auch beschreiben einige Bedingungen dieser kooperation. Es geht in dieser kooperation in ersten Linie um die Suche nach der Wahrheit und gegenseitiges erkennen.

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Ks. Andrzej Anderwald
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This article brings together two authors/two poems and makes them enter into an intertextual dialogue that involves the discourses of the new materialism (Catherine Malabou), postphenomenology (Natalie Depraz and Marc Richir) and Delphic maxims. Concepts like plasticity, transformation masks, alterations in the passage of time (chronos, kairos, aeon), subjectivity, emotional excess, and the living body are used to establish the foundations a poetic conversation, which, for all one knows, may be fortuitous or in a way preordained.

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Iwona Misiak

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