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Tunisian women folk songs have not found themselves among those subject matters enjoying a large amount of interest on the part of scholars, although attitudes in academic circles towards this area of folklore differ. Recently, however, a gradual increase of interest in folk songs can be noticed. Researchers have become aware of the importance of exploring folk songs both with respect to their contents and language. Hopefully this will lead to an increase in scholarly research in this field.

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Jamila Oueslati
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This article examines the problem of the significance of literature, not just folk literature, in Ryszard Berwiński's Studies in Folk Literature from the Historical and the Scholarly Perspective, published in Poznań in 1854. This subject was largely marginalized in discussions of this magisterial work because of what could seem as the author's inordinate preoccupation with demonology. This article looks again at his approach, which deserves a reappraisal. The discussion is divided into three parts. The first part examines the terms used by Berwiński to describe folk literature and texts that are connected with it in various ways, which for him and other 19th‑century researches constituted the essence of folklore. The second part focuses on those types of texts Berwiński regarded as crucial for the study of the sources of folk belief, while the third reviews his vision of the cultural and social role of literature in the 19th century. Together, these analyses reconstruct Berwiński's view on the functioning of literature in folklore studies and, more broadly, in the processes of the creation of a communal identity.
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Sabina Raczyńska

  1. doktorantka, Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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This review deals with a comprehensive publication on the role of trees in the folk tradition of Slavs. The author of the review appreciates the interdisciplinary focus of the book, which is based on deep knowledge in the field of folklore, Slavonic dialectology and etymology. She also highly values the extremely rich material (folklore, ethnographic and linguistic).
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Agapkina T.A., 2000, Etnograficheskiye svyazi kalendarnykh pesen. Vstrecha vesny v obryadakh i fol'klore vostochnykh slavyan, Moskva.
Agapkina T.A., 2002, Mifopoeticheskiye osnovy slavyanskogo narodnogo kalendarya. Vesenne‑letniy tsikl, Moskva.
Agapkina T.A., 2010, Vostochnoslavyanskiye lechebnyye zagovory v sravnitel'nom osveshchenii: Syuzhetika i obraz mira, Moskva.
Agapkina T.A., 2019, Derev'ya v slavianskoy narodnoy traditsii: Ocherki, Moskva.
Akhtarov B., 1939, Materiali za balgarski botanichen rechnik, Sofia. Kott F.Š., 1878, Česko‑německý slovník zvláště grammaticko‑fraseologický, t. 1, Praha.
Machek V., 1954, Česká a slovenská jména rostlin, Praha.
Marzell H., 1977, Wörterbuch der deutschen Pflanzennamen, sv. 3, Stuttgart ;Wiesbaden.
Polívka F., 1902, Názorná květena zemí koruny české, sv. 4, Olomouc.
SlDrev, 1995–2012 = Slavyanskiye drevnosti. Etnolingvisticheskiy slovar', ed. N.I. Tolstoy, vol. 1–5, Moskva.
SlMif, 2002 = Slavyanskaya mifologiya. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar', ed. S.M. Tolstaya, Moskva.
SRNG, 1965– = Slovar' russkikh narodnykh govorov, sostavil (z II t. gl. red.) F.P. Filin (F.P. Sorokoletov, S.A. Myznikov), Moskva ; Leningrad/Sankt‑Peterburg.
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Ilona Janyšková

  1. Etymologické oddělení Ústavu pro jazyk český, Akademie věd České republiky, Brno
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The author defends the thesis that language is an attribute of a nation and as such it is offi cially protected by the international legal system irrespective of the number of its speakers; thus, there is no such phenomenon as a “little language”. Linguistic minorities speak their mother languages or some dialectal variants of those languages

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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The present article introduces a new approach to the Old Russian texts by revealing metrical patterns underlying seemingly prose texts of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let. These patterns proved to be a shared feature of Eastern Slavic oral epic traditions. Thus, ideas of Ivan Franko about metrical character of the chronicles and Ivan Nikiforov’s claim about metrical affi nities of Eastern Slavic epic traditions are developed and enriched by up to date linguistic as well as ethnomusicological observations. Metrical affi nities of certain fragments of the chronicle Povest vremennykh let and Eastern Slavic epic give new clues to the possible persistence of oral epic in written form and consequently broaden the range of Old Russian texts that can be regarded as epic. Poetical epic corpus, enlarged in this way, gives a new relevant context to Slovo o polku Igoreve, authenticity of which can be proven now with more certainty on the basis of metrical affi nities with the fragments of chronicle of presumably oral origin.

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Nazarij Nazarow
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The officials behind the Soviet onomasticon development campaign chose desktop calendars, a publicly available and widely circulated printed medium, to serve as a vehicle for the propagation of the new revolutionary anthroponomy. The paper looks into the masculine names recommended for general use by Universal Desktop Calendars issued by the State Publishing House in 1924–29. Mimicking the Russian Orthodox Church Calendars, its editors proposed their readers from up to six (in 1924–1926) to three (in 1927–1929) masculine names for each day. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the total body of the existing calendar material, the paper proceeds to classify the proper names by their actual source, including: Orthodox Church calendars, Catholic canons, antique mythology, later world literature and folklore sources, celebrated names of the past, toponyms, the Slavic name corpus, and, of course, ideologized sovietisms. The general picture of the sovietisized name list is accompanied with a description of its five-year dynamics refl ecting annually introduced modifications.

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Władimir Miakiszew
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The poetic system of calendar and ritual folklore is especially characterized by parallelism, which is a stylistic device based on the homogeneous syntactic structure of two or more adjacent language units, mainly text lines, which seem to be symmetric. Parallelism is often supported with an expressive comparison of the ideas which can be called “psychological parallelism” – between the life of nature and fragments of a human life. This helps create the parallel “world of nature” and the “world of a person”. Parallelisms in ritual folklore works make the poetic images of characters, their actions, thoughts and feelings more expressive. Quite often the object and the subject of the action are compared based on the category of movement. Lexical and semantic and syntactic structures in calendar and ritual songs are based on associative and semantic relations as a form of systemic coordination and regularity of folklore thinking and are built upon a similarity of action. The majority of them are related to matrimonial motives. The article also focuses on negative parallelisms. Similar to comparisons, they were first used to specify the essence of the phenomena and only later became the means for any emotional colouring of the main images.
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Etnohrafichni materialy, zibrani Vasylʹom Kravchenkom na Volyni ta po sumizhnykh huberniyakh, z peredm. M. Hladkoho, Zhytomyr 1911.

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Галина Коваль

  1. Львів, Інститут народознавства НАН України
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Here is an analysis of the tale of the marriage of al-Hadhād (of the Himiar royal dynasty) with a woman of jinn found in Arabic sources dated from the 9th to 12th centuries. In the light of archaeological data and other folklore sources collected by scholars in the last 60 years (Serjeant, Daum, Rodionof), this tale could be interpreted as a foundation myth, with its strong anthropological and political implications, for the community of Maʾrib, the capital city and the main site of Sabaic religiousness in pre-Islamic times. It could also provide some keys of interpretation of a more general religious sensitivity in Arabia encompassing polytheistic or monotheistic creeds.

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Daniele Mascitelli
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The city of Homs, formerly known as Emesa, strategically located in the central region of Syria, has been long linked to a folk belief that portrays its inhabitants as mad and fool. Historical and traditional sources also link the alleged madness and foolishness of the Homsians to the day of Wednesday, the so-called “Day of the Fool” or “Homsians’ Feast”, which is considered a special day. The legend regarding the “Day of the Fool” and its celebration during Wednesdays has been passed down orally in the local culture and its origins likely trace back to ancient times when the city was still called Emesa. Therefore, this article attempts at reconstructing history and origins about this folk belief, and exploring the reasons behind the supposed madness and foolishness of the inhabitants of Homs and their connections to Wednesdays by comparing three studies published after 2000s in Arabic by Homsian intellectuals, namely Al-Aḥmad, Samʽān, and Kadr.
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Najla Kalach

  1. University of International Studies of Rome, Italy
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The article is devoted to the concept a cemetery in memoirs about forced relocation from flood zones in Ukraine as a result of the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Fragments about the relocation of cemeteries are given. Studies are folk beliefs, nominative vocabulary for events, loci, characters, subjects, permanent themes and main folklore plots. The following main ideas are highlighted: the impossibility of any complete relocation of a cemetery; interfering with a cemetery contains potential danger and provokes the wrath of the dead; the installation of a tombstone cross restores the sacredness of the tomb, consolidates the resettlement community, and actualizes the memory of its historical past.
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Iryna Koval-Fuchylo

  1. M. Rylsky Institute for Art Folklore Studies and Ethnology of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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In the first part of this article the author suggests a new etymology for the East Slavic adjective horošiĭ ʻgoodʼ (in Old Russian ʻbeautifulʼ) – from IE *ker(ə)- ʻburn, blazeʼ extended by the determinative -s-: richly attested *kor-s- > Proto Slavonic *xor-x- (> *xoršьjь) with the affective x-, like many other words. As proposed by many scholars, one of the variants of this root is present in Slavonic *krasa ʻbeautyʼ that corresponds to the original meaning of the adjective horošiĭ. The determinative -s- is commonly used for extending the root *ker(ə)-. The second part deals with three proper names in the (Old) Russian mythology and folklore that come, in the author’s opinion, from Iranic languages. The analysis of the early Old Russian written sources (The Ostromir’s Gospel and chronicles) allows to approve that the original form of the theonym Xors was Xorŭsŭ coming from the genitive form of the Iranian word for ‘sun’ in the truncated compound name (most likely, ‘son of the sun’ as a name of the deity of sunrise). The name of the tale bird Mogoveĭ/Magoveĭ corresponds to Avestan (Gath.) magavan-, adj. ‘belonging to the Zoroastrian community’, Old Indic maghá-van(t)- ‘generous; giver (also an epithet of Indra)’, Old Persian magav-, an adjective denoting a Median tribe whose representatives had got the rank of priests, ‘magic, magician’, Pāli maghavā, the name of Sakka. This name corresponds to another fairy bird name recorded on the same territory (in the basin of the Mezen, the region of Archangelsk) ‒ Vostrogot (Vostrogor) that continues Young Avestan a-srāvayaT.gāθā ‘not chanting the Gathas’; i.e., these two mythonyms form an opposition based on the semantic feature ‘initiated ‒ uninitiated (into the Zoroastrian doctrine and ritual)’.

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Максим Ююкин
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This text is an attempt to analyse the ways of existence of heroes “living differently” – ghosts, phantoms, those invisible in the works of Elena Dolgopyat. In her works, the line between life and death becomes blurred: a hero who rose from the grave may turn out to be more alive than a man who did not die but exists in a sense of nonsense. He may also not notice his own death. The impure force functions in the world and is presented on a par with living characters, which is a characteristic feature of magical realism. The writer presents the non‑living, drawing on Slavic folklore tradition, as I try to show. I also juxtapose Dolgopyat’s stories with Alexander Etkind’s research on memory and trauma in Russian culture, considering them to be their exemplification.
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Urszula Trojanowska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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Folklore plays a crucial role in the preservation of the local heritage, and it can provide valuable information regarding cultural and religious norms, language, and environment of that people. The folktale is one of the many forms of folklore and it represents the product of the individual traditional heritage that originates from a population’s collective cultural imagination and background. In the Arabian Gulf societies, the oral tradition of storytelling has been prominent for a very long time and it has somehow been preserved until fairly recent times. The folktale belongs to the Emirati intangible cultural heritage, and it constitutes a deeply rooted element related to Bedouin tribal clans and to the desertic and maritime environments which characterised the territory. The United Arab Emirates is very attentive to the conservation of their heritage, both at national and international levels. This study provides a socio-cultural and linguistic analysis of the Emirati folktale, based on a sample of three stories from Al-Ain, written in Emirati Arabic, which share a common feature: the wickedness of wives.
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Najla Kalach

  1. University of International Studies of Rome, Italy
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Maciej Rak's book is a very reliable and well‑structured study, based on unknown manuscripts by Jan Karłowicz, found in 2017 in the Scientific Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences (AN PAN) and the Archive of the Polish Academy of Learning (PAU) in Kraków. An in‑depth analysis of Karłowicz's archives, i.e. the files of Lexicon of Polish Dialects [ Słownik gwar polskich], Lexicon of Polish Mythology [ Słownik mitologii polskiej] and the Little Lexicon of Lithuanian Mythology [ Słowniczek mitologii litewskiej], carried out on the broad comparative background, allows us to take a broader look at the scholar's achievements in the field of Polish dialectology as well as at his pioneering role in developing the concept of an ethnolinguistic lexicon. The reviewed study shows Karłowicz as a researcher who perfectly understands the linguistic and cultural realities of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Lithuanian aspirations to construct their own identity, separate from the Polish one.
The monograph Jan Karłowicz in the Light of Archival Materials restores this nineteenth‑century researcher with broad humanistic horizons to his proper place and rank in the history of science, not only in linguistics. It provides accurate arguments for re‑evaluating a very critical review of the Lexicon of Polish Dialects, published by Kazimierz Nitsch in 1911. For a long time, this criticism had had a very negative impact on the general assessment of Karłowicz's output by other linguists. All the more, we need to appreciate Maciej Rak's insightful attempt of breaking the aforementioned negative opinion and providing new interpretation of Karłowicz's unpublished works, that can be seen as a valuable heritage of the culture created during the period of Partitions of Poland.
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Zofia Sawaniewska‑Mochowa

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa

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