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This paper discusses the individual book ownership marks used in the Gdańsk Library from the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century. In the first two centuries of existence of the Library of the Council of the City of Gdańsk, three subsequent copperplate bookplates were used as ownership marks. Established in the beginning of the 19th century, the City Library in Gdańsk marked its collections with seals with eight (six pre-war and two post-war) different patterns changed over time; they were imprinted using ink. The founding of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the mid-20th century resulted in the use of a further seven different seals.
Today, bookplates are no longer used to mark the collections of the Gdańsk Library. However, these ownership marks continue to be made to mark special occasions; some of them are described in this paper.
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Helena Dzienis

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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The article attempts to present the functioning of the Gdansk Library under the patronage of the Polish Academy of Sciences. As of 1 January 1955, the scientific department of the Municipal Library in Gdansk was taken over by the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the thus established separate institution received new statutes regulating the activity of the Library and the scope of the development of its collections. Until the four-hundredth anniversary of the Gdansk Library (the establishment of Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis), descriptions of the history of the Gdansk PAS Library were mainly based on reports drawn up by the heads of the institution. It is on their basis that one may trace the difficult space and storage and warehouse conditions in which employees of the Library carried out their statutory tasks, with the constantly growing collections and the increasing load of services. The paper also reports the scientific works of employees of the Library as well as the editorial activity of the institution, including works documenting the collections of the Library. An important way of familiarising the general public with knowledge on the Gdansk Library and its collections was through exhibitions and displays organized by employees of the information and special collections departments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Helena Dzienis

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Numizmatów i Ekslibrisów
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On 9 April 1945, Polish authorities officially took over one of the most valuable library holdings in Europe collected at the Danziger Stadtbibliothek (previously Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis). The most important tasks included the protection of the building and the bringing back of the most valuable items which towards the end of the war were taken away from Gdansk. They were found in the cellars of the Old Town Hall, in the Malbork Castle, and in the Pelplin Seminary.
The team of devoted librarians headed by dr. Marian Pelczar, director, spent the first year of their work on the tidying of the interior of the building, cleaning and shelving the relocated book collections and safeguarding the abandoned libraries in Gdansk and in its vicinity. Despite the extremely difficult conditions, it was as early as on 22 June 1946 that the readers and Polish science were provided with access to the Library’s resources which, in particular as regards Polonica, to that date were little known to scholars, not only Polish ones.
The tasks of the reborn Municipal Library were determined in its Organisational Charter adopted by the College of the City Board on 25 April 1946. The facility had a double nature: it functioned both as an educational library (the centre of a network of public reading rooms and libraries) and a scientific library (which included an information and bibliography centre). These two directions of activity determined the history of the Library until the end of 1954, when its scientific department was taken over by the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the educational one was merged with the Provincial Library.
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Maria Pelczar
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The present paper describes the Manchu Collection in the Jagiellonian University Library in Cracow which was a part of the former Prussian State Library in Berlin. The historical Manchu collection comprised over 300 items (call numbers, including “duplicates” of the same title). The paper offers a historical sketch of the forming of the collection as well as short description of some interesting items.

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Hartmut Walravens
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The Library of the Council of the City of Gdańsk was initially managed by the Collegium Scholarchale – a city authority responsible for the supervision of the schools of Gdańsk. Since the 1650s, one of its members occupied the prestigious position of the protolibrarian, i.e. the custodian of the Gdańsk bookery. For the next one and a half centuries the most eminent members of the city patrician milieu carried out the duty, caring for the institution that was entrusted to them to a greater or lesser extent. Some of them limited their work solely to supervising book purchases, while others engaged themselves in improving the conditions in which the Library was functioning – by acquiring additional funds, planning and supervising renovations or developing the catalogue of the holdings. The article presents the figures of the subsequent nineteen protolibrarians and – above all – the place of the Library curator in their cursus honorum. It also explains what kind of education and experience were required to be appointed to this position.
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Index librorum qui ex donatione, munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothecae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Cat. Bibl. 1.

Hanow M. Ch., Proto-scholarcharum et proto-bibliotecariorum Gymnasii Academici Gedanensis meritorum memoria saecularis saeculi eiusdem secundi, paucis adumbrata et exhibita ipso Athenaei die natali Idibus Jun. MDCCLVIII, [w:] Acta jubilaei secundi Gymnasii Gedanensis anno Domini MDCCLVIII die XIII Junii solenniter celebrati publicis impensis prelo subiecta, [Gedani1759].

Hanow M. K., Wspomnienie zasług protoscholarchów i protobibliotekarzy Gdańskiego Gimnazjum Akademickiego wielce znakomitych, szlachetnych i gorliwych, przygotowane i przedstawione dokładnie w dniu jubileuszu Gimnazjum, 13 czerwca Roku Odkupienia Pańskiego 1758, oprac. i tłum. R. Dzięgielewski, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 3: Wybór źródeł od XVI do XVIII wieku, red. Z. Nowak, Gdańsk 2008, s. 473–532.

Bellwon J., Księgozbiór Ludwika Ajchlera zachowany w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej, „Libri Gedanenses”, t. 2/3 (1969), s. 5–33.
Bibliografia [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 401–408.
Bieńkowska B., From Negation to Acceptance. The Reception of the Heliocentric Theory in Polish Schools in the 17th and 18th Centuries, [w:] Reception of Copernicus Heliocentric Theory, ed. J. Dobrzycki, s. 79–116.
Binkowska D., Ludzie Biblioteki. Christian Gottfried Ewerbeck (1761–1837), [w:] Między Gdańskiem a Santiago. 600-lecie konsekracji kościoła św. Jakuba fundacji szyprów w Gdańsku, red. B. Siek, A. Szarszewski, P. Paluchowski, Gdańsk 2015, s. 229–241.
Bogucka M., Przemiany społeczne i ustrojowe (1570–1655), [w:] Historia Gdańska, t. 2: 1454–1655, red. E. Cieślak, Gdańsk 1982, s. 543–578.
Budzyński J., Dawne humanistyczne Gimnazjum Akademickie w Gdańsku w XVI i XVII wieku, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 4: W progach muz i Minerwy, red. Z. Głombiowska, Gdańsk 2008, s. 7–69;
Christian Gabriel Schröder (von Schröder), [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 256.
Dzienis H., Gerhard Cimmermann i jego księgozbiór ofiarowany Bibliotece Rady Miasta Gdańska, „Libri Gedanenses”, t. 33 (2016), s. 5–27.
Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1: Szkice z dziejów, red. E. Kotarski, Gdańsk 2008.
Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie. Księga pamiątkowa dla uczczenia czterechsetnej rocznicy założenia Gimnazjum Gdańskiego 1558–1958, Gdynia 1959.
Hirsch T., Geschichte des Academischen Gymnasiums in anzig in ihren Hauptzügen dargestellt, Danzig 1837.
Kaczor D., Christian Schröder, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 215–217.
Kaczor D., Gottfried Bentzmann, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 243–245.
Kaczor D., Johann Ernst Schmieden, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 222–225.
Kaczor D., Samuel Wolff, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 240–242.
Kizik E., Koszty utrzymania Gimnazjum Akademickiego, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie…, s. 43–65.
Kościelak S., Abraham Groddeck, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 245–246.
Kościelak S., Dzieje wyznaniowe Gdańska od XVI do początku XIX wieku, [w:] Gdańsk protestancki w epoce nowożytnej. W 500-lecie wystąpienia Marcina Lutra, t. 1: Eseje, red. E. Kizik, S.Kościelak, Gdańsk 2017, s. 64–91.
Kościelak S., Johann Gottfried von Diesseldorf, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 240–242.
Kościelak S., Salomon Gabriel Schumann, [w:] Poczet sołtysów, burmistrzów…, s. 242–243.
Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej 1596–2016, red. A. Baliński, A. Frąckowska, M. Otto, Gdańsk 2017.
Kubik K., Wybór źródeł do dziejów oświaty i nauki Pomorza Gdańskiego w XVII i XVIII wieku, „Gdańskie Zeszyty Humanistyczne” R. 6 (1963) nr 11, s. 31–103.
Kubik K., Mokrzecki L., Trzy wieki nauki gdańskiej. Szkice z dziejów od XVI do XVIII wieku, Wrocław– Warszawa–Kraków–Gdańsk 1976.
Lis S., 1681 (2) Protobibliotekarz Johann Ernest Schmieden, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 58–59.
Madeja-Grzyb M., 1655 Protobibliotekarz Adrian Engelcke, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 40–41.
Mokrzecki L., Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie – zarys dziejów, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 13–41.
Mokrzecki L., Refleksje o Gimnazjum Gdańskim w dobie I Rzeczypospolitej, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 5: Źródła i artykuły, red. L. Mokrzecki, M. Brodnicki, Gdańsk 2012, s. 37–52.
Nowak Z., Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis 1596–1817, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 1…, s. 109–132.
Nowak Z., Gdańszczanie na studiach w Królewcu w XVI i XVII wieku, „Rocznik Gdański”, R. 57 (1997) z. 2, s. 121–134.
Nowak Z., Michała Krzysztofa Hanowa wspomnienie zasług protobibliotekarzy gdańskich XVII i XVIII w., [w:] Bibliologia dyscypliną integrującą. Studia ofiarowane Profesor Barbarze Bieńkowskiej, red. M. Mlekicka, Warszawa 1993, s. 145–151 („Z Badań nad Polskimi Księgozbiorami Historycznymi”, tom specjalny).
Ogonowska E., Engelke (Engelcke) Adrian, [w:] Słownik Biograficzny Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego, t. 1: A–F, red. S. Gierszewski, Gdańsk 1992, s. 389.
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Otto M., 1632 Pierwsza aukcja dubletów, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 22–23.
Otto M., 1654 Protobibliotekarz Gabriel Schumann, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 38–39.
Otto M., 1661 Protobibliotekarz Joachim Schrader, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 44–45.
Otto M., 1662 Protobibliotekarz Benjamin Engelcke, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 46–47.
Otto M., 1665 Protobibliotekarz Christian Schröder, [w:] Kronika Biblioteki Gdańskiej…, s. 48–49.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Michalska

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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The article treats of one of the most innovative series in the Polish humanities after the 1945, the Poznań German Library. The series is a scientific-editorial project initiated 1996 to introduce readers in Poland (both specialists and nonspecialists) into the most important questions of German history, sociology, political science etc. in the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century.

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Łukasz Musiał
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The bibliography includes printed matriculation albums of universities, registers of members of student fraternities and nationalities preserved in the holdings of the PAS Gdańsk Library. The matriculation albums are a valuable source of information in biographic, genealogical, cultural and social research. Due to their merits as important scientific tools they were edited and published as early as in the 19th century. The bibliography includes sources dated 1289–1944 from 59 towns and 14 European countries (listed in the article under the modern country names), the oldest of which is matriculation record of the University in Bologna, the last one is a list of Polish students of the Medical Department at University in Königsberg. The items in the catalogue are arranged according to the names of the mentioned towns (in the Polish version). Within the category of the towns the author enumerates the matriculation albums, registers of nationalities and student fraternities, as well as other kinds of records, all arranged in alphabetical order. The sources that were impossible to be allocated to any of the above mentioned groups were placed in the appendix.
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Stefania Sychta
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This paper attempts to look at the history of the Gdańsk bookery in the context of the metaphor used by Samuel Schelwig in 1677, describing the Library of the Gdańsk City Council as a memorial erected owing to the donations of the subsequent generations – people willing to secure gratitude from the future generations through their participation in this noble project. The text also shows this practice in earlier, 15th-century realizations as exemplified by the collections of St. Mary’s Church Library, and presents the role of the commemorative function for the implementation of the idea to establish the current Gdańsk PAN Library in 1596. Here, this event is shown as a natural consequence of the city authorities being presented with the monastery library belonging to St. Franciscan monks from Gdańsk and the collection of books of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio, as well as the Gdańsk elite’s efforts to secure an institution of memory for the city and educational back-up facilities for local schools.
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Index librorum qui ex donatione munificentia et liberalitate philomusorum Bibliothcae Magnifici et Amplissimi Senatus Gedanensis inserti sunt, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, sygn. Cat. Bibl. 1.

Assmann A., Cultural memory and western civilization. Arts of memory, Cambridge 2011.
Brodnicki M., Athenae Gedanenses Ephraima Praetoriusa, Gdańsk, 2016.
Cieślak K., Kościół – cmentarzem. Sztuka nagrobna w Gdańsku (XV–XVIII), Gdańsk 1992.
Cubrzyńska-Leonarczyk, M., Proweniencja, [w:] Encyklopedia książki, t. 2, red. A. Żbikowska-Migoń, M. Skalska-Zlat, Wrocław 2017, s. 466a–467b.
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Hirsch T., Die Ober-Pfarrkirche von St. Marien in Danzig, Th. 1–2, Danzig 1843.
Jaśniewicz A., Portrety Giovanniego Bernardino Bonifacio (1517–1597), [w:] Włochy w Gdańsku, t. 1: Eseje, red. M. Kaleciński, Gdańsk 2019, s. 139–151.
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Kubicki R., W trosce o zbawienie – testamenty kupców Gdańska i Elbląga z drugiej połowy XV i początku XVI w., „Rocznik Zachodniopomorski”, R. 31[40] (2016) z. 1, s. 111–128.
Lepacka A.M., Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio i jego przyjaciel Basilius Amerbach. Kwestia portretu renesansowego, [w:] Między Italią a Rzeczpospolitą. Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio d’Oria (1517– 1597 – perpetuus viator, red. A. Baliński, B. Gryzio, M. Michalska, Gdańsk 2019, s. 107–132.
Müller M.G., Między niemieckim konfesjonalizmem a polską tolerancją. Konflikty wyznaniowe między luteranami a ewangelikami reformowanymi w Gdańsku w drugiej połowie XVI wieku, [w:] Gdańsk protestancki w epoce nowożytnej. W 500-lecie wystąpienia Marcina Lutra, red. E. Kizik, S. Kościelak, Gdańsk 2017, s. 92–109.
Nowak Z., Kultura, nauka i sztuka w Gdańsku na przełomie dwóch epok [w:] Historia Gdańska, t. 2: 1454–1655, red. E. Cieślak, Gdańsk 1982, s. 352–402.
Nowak Z., Po starą księgę sięgam ze wzruszeniem, Gdańsk 2008.
Oliński P., Fundacje mieszczańskie w miastach pruskich w okresie średniowiecza i na progu czasów nowożytnych (Chełmno, Toruń, Elbląg, Gdańsk, Królewiec, Braniewo), Toruń 2018.
Rollau J., Przywilej dotyczący klasztoru Szarych Mnichów na Przedmieściu Gdańska [1555], przeł. M. Gaworska, [w:] Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie, t. 5: Źródła i artykuły, red. L. Mokrzecki, M. Brodnicki, Gdańsk 2012, s. 19–20.
Schelwig S., O początkach biblioteki gdańskiej. List i rozprawa, tłum. Z. L. Pszczółkowska, Gdańsk 1992.
Schwartz F., Die Anfange der Danziger Stadtbibliothek, „Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen“, Jg. 52 (1935) Heft 4.
Szteinke A.J. OFM, Rękopisy doby staropolskiej prowincji małopolskiej reformatów w Bibliotece Głównej Prowincji Franciszkanów-Reformatów w Krakowie, [w:] Piśmiennictwo zakonne w dobie staropolskiej, red. M. Kuran, K. Kaczor-Scheitler, M. Kuran, współpr. D. Szymczak, Łódź 2013, s. 15–25.
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Gryzio
1 2

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
  2. Szkoły Doktorskie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk
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For the Gdansk Library, participation in the Nights of Museums is an effective way of execution of its didactic and science-promoting goals defined in its mission. The interesting main themes, presentation of the library’s rich collections, as well as the involvement of the organisers and the participating staff members all translated into the success of the nine editions of the event between 2011 and 2019. Their subsequent main themes were: A night with Johannes Hevelius from the treasury of the Gdansk Library, Fashion for books – fashion in books, Horror in the library, The world of the library on one night, Taking a book to further than the horizon, The Library as a Garden, Gedanum domus nostra – Our home – Gdansk, In mari vita tua – In the sea is your life, Genius – on the 500th death anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. During the past Night of Museums, visitors to the Library were most impressed by the displays in the Reading Room of Historical Collections. Such presentations are sometimes the only opportunity to have a close contact with valuable manuscripts, old printed books, prints, and other special collections, and to hear competent staff members talking about them. Regular attractions of the Night of Museums included displays referring to the theme of the event in the exhibition room and a sale of library publications in the hall of the historical building at ul. Wałowa 15. The subsequent organisers of the project, also in cooperation with other cultural institutions from the Tri-City, each time enriched the programme with fascinating talks, thematic workshops, and even concerts. During the subsequent editions of the Night of Museums, the Gdansk Library hosted an average of 670 visitors, which testifies to the value of this tool of promotion of the library.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Śliwa

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Nowej Książki
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The article presents a selection of 15th century printed matters on the topic of broadly understood medicine, which are currently kept by the Gdansk PAS Library. They testify to the Gdansk culture in the area of the knowledge on health and hygiene in the 15th century and in a slightly later period. The majority of the said printed matters originate from the collections of Gdansk church libraries, while the presence of items of other origin (private owners) makes it possible to trace the road medical incunabula came to Gdansk to finally find their way to the resources of the Gdansk library.
The author of the article explains the modesty of the Gdansk medical literature resources with the fact that there was not a single university functioning in the city by the River Motlawa in the early modern period. The presence of this kind of incunabula in church libraries and private collections of books indicates that the knowledge they contained was applied for personal use rather than in professional medical practice, although some of the items in question originate from book collections belonging to doctors.
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Beata Gryzio

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Starych Druków
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Magnus Bruski (1886–1945) was ordained to the priesthood in 1913. Bruski’s whole life was strongly connected with Gdansk. His duties as a priest were manifold and comprised remaining the office of a parish priest at St. Nichola’s Church (1935–45) and a vicar general of the diocese of Gdańsk (1934–38). Bruski actively worked in the Free City of Gdańsk succumbed at that time to National Socialism. He was frequently criticised for popularising the knowledge about the Polish language among German clergymen. Bruski died of typhus on July 9th, 1945. The St. Nichola’s Church’s book collection including the private library of Magnus Bruski (75 items) was lucky enough to be preserved only thanks to support from the Dominican friars in 1945. The collection is now a part of the holdings of PAN Gdansk Library. It is now a testimony of their owner’s great need of personal development and his mission to prevent and reduce alcohol abuse in Gdańsk.
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Aleksander Baliński
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The present Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences is the second oldest, unbrokenly operating, publicly available library in today’s Poland. Even on the European scale there are only a few libraries that are of similar age or older. There are many works on the history of the Gdansk Library and its growing collection of books through the centuries. Apart from a brief look at history, this particular article focuses, however, on one other aspect – loans of special collections for exhibitions organized outside the Library by external institutions – the so-called “loan service”. Such modern transformation of an old institution indicates the power of the library and its custodians not only to engage in cultural preservation, but also fostering culture. We should see the special collections loan service in the same light – as reaching out to the public instead of waiting for the public to reach the library. This fact alone indicates a growing shift in the understanding of the library as a service provider. For the purposes of this article, the Gdansk Library has subjectively selected five of the most important and interesting examples of external exhibitions that have used its “special collections loan service” between 2011 and 2020.

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Wanda Pętlicka
Zofia Tylewska-Ostrowska
Anna Walczak
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Stanisław Hebanowski (1912–1983) was a well-known theatre director and translator of plays. At the age of 57 years, he moved to Gdansk, which marked the beginning of his most prolific artistic creativity and the period of some of his greatest achievements in the Polish theatre. Hebanowski’s collection of books, which, in the representative part of 4,000 volumes, made its way to the Gdansk Library, reflects its owner’s broad, not only theatrical, interests. Almost all the books are signed and provided with ordering numbers and letter markings indicating their belonging to a particular section – according to the author’s language or the topic of a given item. The provenance of the books is indicated by markings and annotations of their previous owners: apart from gifts and items purchased in second hand and ordinary bookshops in Gdansk, Krakow, Lwow, Poznan and Warsaw, the collection also includes books originating from theatres in Gdansk, Lodz and Poznan, and school libraries in Krakow and Tarnogora, university libraries from Krakow and Poznan, monastery libraries from Kolomyia and Stanislawow, and a public library in Rzeszow, along with ones previously belonging to various individuals. Some of the books from Hebanowski’s library – printed texts of theatre plays – include numerous annotations made by their owner – testimonies to the director’s preparation for the staging of the appropriate drama.
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Maria Sokołowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych
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The year 2000 was the year of the creation of ‘The Polish Library‘ also known as ‘Beauty Unknown‘. This year is the 20th anniversary of her birthday and at the same time a great opportunity to recall the creation content and promotion of this impressive 50 volume collection. The following article is dedicated to these events.

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Michał Jamiołkowski
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The engraving presenting a view of the interior of the Library of the Council of the City of Gdansk was made in 1687 – just like the other 56 engravings showing the city in Reinhold Curicke’s work Der Stadt Dantzig historische Beschreibung (Amsterdam and Gdansk 1687). The author of the article analysed the view in terms of its style, technique and iconography. Reaching back to 1596, she presented the circumstances in which the Library of the Council of the City of Gdansk was established in its initial location, referring to the political situation in the Commonwealth after Sigismund III Vasa, a supporter of the counter-reformation directed at the Protestant Gdansk, ascended to the throne. Analysing the artistic value of the view on the interior of the Library, the author accentuated the appropriate decorum, differentiating the engraving in question from Curicke’s other illustrations forming a part of his work. According to the author, the above resulted from the fact that the city authorities wanted to highlight the role of child-rearing, education and science in the development of Gdansk. The message was expressed in a baroquising style allegorizing the image of science. It is this intention which makes the view of the interior of the Library different from the other realistic views of the structures, fragments of the city and suburban areas of Gdansk.
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Krystyna Jackowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Grafiki
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An obituary of Cecylia Zofia Gałczyńska, an archaeologist and librarian, who wrote among other things about the collection of ancient art in the Jagiellonian University’s Museum and the history of Szczecin, in particular prominent scholars from this city, Erwin Ackerknecht and Walther Amelung.
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Joachim Śliwa

  1. Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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Th e article describes two Cyrillic Gospels from the Kórnik Library: BK 11985 and BK 896. It presents the cultural context of their creation, as well as their history, content, illuminations and a short lexical description. Both codices were the result of a cultural and spiritual revival in the Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Both of them were luxury, professionally made goods; their copyists were experienced specialists. BK 896 represents a higher level of artistry. In view of their lexical characteristics, the manuscripts can be classifi ed as the third so-called Mount Athos-Tyrnovo linguistic redaction of the Gospel.
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Marzanna Kuczyńska
Maya Ivanova

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM
  2. Bułgarska Akademia Nauk, Centrum Naukowe im. Cyryla i Metodego
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The Kórnik Library is one of the oldest and most valuable establishments in Poland. By creating a library during the Partitions of Poland and collecting valuable old books and manuscripts, Tytus Działyński intended to save and foster Polish culture and traditions for posterity. Heir to Tytus – Jan Działyński – secured and expanded the Library. Having no heir himself, Jan Działyński left the Działyński inheritance to his nephew, Władysław Zamoyski, who continued his grandfather's and uncle's work. Just before his death, Władysław Zamoyski donated the entire inherited property to the Polish nation. In 1924, he established a Foundation meant to supervise the Library, a museum and the Institute of Dendrology. The Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation operated until 1953 when it was taken over by the Polish Academy of Sciences and has remained within its structure until today. The library continues assembling, developing and sharing its collections. The latest technologies have enabled us to provide the library and museum collections to the largest possible number of readers. The collections have been successively digitized and made available on the Digital Platform of the Kórnik Library created as part of the EU project POPC.02.03.01-IP.01-00-002/15 “Digital access to the resources of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the Library”.

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Edyta Bątkiewicz-Szymanowska
Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek
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In 2010, three Polish scholars published A Preliminary Report on the Wanli Kanjur Kept at Jagiellionian Library, Kraków.1 It was at this time the world began to know that the Jagiellonian Library has an incomplete collection of the Tibetan Kanjur printed in the Wanli period (1573–1620), as well as many other Tibetan texts, manuscripts and xylographs.2 The library also possesses a huge collection of Chinese Buddhist literature, including the Yongle Northern Canon. There is also a scripture that does not belong to the Chinese Buddhist Canon, or Daoist Canon, or Baojuan ����.3 In June 2017, the author discovered one volume of the Buddhist text entitled Saddharmapuṇdarīka Sūtra in the Tangut language. This is particularly precious as it is the only extant copy worldwide. These volumes of the Tibetan Kanjur and the Yongle Northern Canon were obtained by a German scholar and collector named Eugen Pander (1854–1894?) who got acquainted with the reincarnated Tibetan Buddhist Master Thu’u bkvan Khutugtu of Yonghe Temple in Beijing. The volumes were shipped to Berlin around 1889 where they were placed in the Museum of Ethnography in Berlin and later moved to the State Library in Berlin. In 1943, the Allied Forces began to bomb Berlin and the Germans made an effort to hide their treasures. They transported over 500 boxes of books from the State Library in Berlin to Książ castle, and then to the Cistercian monastery in Krzeszów. After WWII the region was on the Polish side of the border. All the treasures, including Beethoven’s manuscript of the “Ninth Symphony,” and the Mozart’s manuscript of “Magic Flute,” were transferred as a deposit to the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków.

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Darui Long
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The article presents the significant role of director Marian Pelczar in the post-war rescuing of the collections of the Municipal Library in Gdansk (currently Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences). The actions related to the protection of book and manuscript collections after the Second World War were of key importance for the reconstruction of the Polish libraries and library science. Of particular importance was the period from 1945 until 1946, when the fate of the physical survival of many library materials hung in the air. Dr Marian Pelczar lavished tender care on the most precious collections of the Municipal Library and managed to extend them to include fragments of historical books and manuscripts from the region of Pomerelia. Acting during the exceptionally difficult post-war times, he contributed to the preservation of the precious heritage of regional, domestic, and European written culture of various provenance.
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Ryszard Nowicki

  1. Instytutu Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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This paper seeks to present the characteristic types of collectors’ marks with the coat of arms of Gdańsk on the historical bindings of books from the collections of the Gdańsk Library. The city’s coat of arms as adopted in 1457 did not undergo any changes in the subsequent centuries, although its graphic form did. Its various elements were transformed relatively frequently, which created a sequence of heraldic varieties. This concerned in particular the shape of the escutcheon, as well as the representation of the crosses and the crown. The images of the two lions supporting the escutcheon also underwent changes. We have managed to identify more than twenty different representations of the coat of arms from the 16th–18th centuries on the original bindings of the gradually extended collection of manuscripts and early printed books.
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Bogucka M., Gdańsk jako ośrodek produkcyjny w XIV–XVII wieku, Warszawa 1962.
Cubrzyńska-Leonarczyk M., Polskie superekslibrisy XVI–XVIII wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie. Centuria druga, Warszawa 2001.
Dutkowski J., Suchanek A., Corpus nummorum Gedanensis, Gdańsk 2000.
Dzienis H., Katalog zbioru numizmatycznego Biblioteki Gdańskiej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wrocław– Warszawa–Kraków–Gdańsk–Łódź 1984.
Gumowski M., Herby miast polskich, Warszawa 1960.
Kopicki E., Katalog podstawowych typów monet i banknotów Polski oraz ziem historycznie z Polską związanych, t. 2: Monety ostatnich Jagiellonów, Stefana Batorego i Zygmunta III: 1506–1632, Warszawa 1976.
Sipayłło M., Polskie superexlibrisy XVI–XVIII wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie. Warszawa 1988.
Wagner A., Superekslibris polski. Studium o kulturze bibliofilskiej i sztuce od średniowiecza do połowy XVII wieku, Toruń 2016.
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Helena Dzienis

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80–858 Gdańsk
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Since 1987, the poets Teresa Ferenc and Zbigniew Jankowski have been gradually donating their substantial archives containing personal documents, diplomas and honourable mentions, photographs, hand-written versions of their published works, notes with ideas concerning changes to their works, correspondence, and press cuttings from the period between the 1940s until the beginning of the 21st century, to the collections of the Gdansk PAN Library. At the moment, the Manuscripts Workshop keeps about 600 manuscript accession units; the most recent materials date to 2016.
The extensive correspondence of both poets may become a source material for research into the history of Polish literature in Pomerania in the second half of the 20th century. It makes up one of the most sizeable epistolary materials in the letter collections kept by the Library. Among the correspondents of the Sopot poets there are names who have found a perpetual place in the canon of Polish literature, such as Anna Kamieńska, Tadeusz Różewicz, Wisława Szymborska and Fr. Jan Twardowski.
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Sabina Drożdziecka

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Rękopisów
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The paper aims to give the results of initial research on the collection of incunabula from the St John’s church in Gdańsk. The collection constitutes significant part of PAN Biblioteka Gdańska. The author reconstructed the size and contents of the collection on the basis of the original church catalogues, marks of ownership and the physical details of the items. The books were gathered in the St John’s church from the time of the collections foundation until the 20th century. The paper establishes also the losses sustained by St John’s church’s library during World War II. Thanks to the incunabula’s content analysis the author determines the thematic focal points of the collection.
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Beata Gryzio
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The medieval manuscripts of St. Mary’s Church Library ( Biblioteka Mariacka) are the oldest part of the collections of the Gdansk Library, with some items dating back to the 12th century. In view of their topics and history, they provide a priceless testimony to the history of Pomerania. The value of the manuscripts lies not only in their contents and ornamentation, but also in the fact that they include parchment documents bound by Gdansk bookbinders, which have survived in an excellent condition. The uniqueness of the collection was confirmed by the missal Missale secundum notulam dominorum Teutonicorum (Ms. Mar. F 332) being entered on UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” Polish National Register in 2016.
After 1921, not a single study discussing the provenance of books kept in St. Mary’s Church Library was written. This paper is an attempt to partially fill in the gap – to indicate the scribes and owners of the most valuable manuscripts. Among the latter, special attention should be devoted to clergymen connected with St. Mary’s church: Andreas Slommow, Heinrich Calow, and Johannes Zager, a lawyer Nicolaus Velan, and a scribe Johannes Rasoris from Nidzica.
For the purposes of this article, books kept by the Library were divided into sections: theology, philosophy, law and medicine; manuscripts related to the Teutonic Order were also given a separate section. Such a division may help the readers use the library holdings. The text also discusses the most important wartime losses.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Larczyńska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych

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