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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Bertrand Russell depicts the relation of mysticism to three other areas of human activity: philosophy, science, and religion, and thus: its special role. In his essay Mysticism and Logic (1914), Russell defines mystical thinking as beliefs in (1) the existence of special insight, (2) the unity of all things, (3) the unreality of time, and (4) the effacement of the boundaries between good and evil. Although he considers full mysticism – as a belief about the ontic structure of the world – to be erroneous – as a life attitude he attributes to it an element of wisdom that is lacking in other areas of human intellectual activity. Mysticism proves wrong also at the epistemological level, i.e. as a certain test of truth. But in its spirit of inquiry, it contains something that science also benefits from, and from which, therefore, scientific philosophy should take its cue. What additionally gives mysticism its value is the claim of impartial contemplation which gives rise to an attitude of love towards the whole world. Significantly, it was the combination of the best features of mystical thinking with scientific thinking and method which gave rise to Russell’s advocacy of scientific philosophy. In light of this, I argue that according to Russell mysticism is not an exclusively religious phenomenon, which is demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that he attributes two aspects of mysticism to the field of mathematics.
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Tatiana Barkovskiy

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-047 Warszawa
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We discuss epistemological and methodological aspects of the Bayesian approach in astrophysics and cosmology. The introduction to the Bayesian framework is given for a further discussion concerning the Bayesian inference in physics. The interplay between the modern cosmology, Bayesian statistics, and philosophy of science is presented. We consider paradoxes of confi rmation, like Goodman’s paradox, appearing in the Bayesian theory of confirmation. As in Goodman’s paradox the Bayesian inference is susceptible to some epistemic limitations in the logic of induction. However, Goodman’s paradox applied to cosmological hypotheses seems to be resolved due to the evolutionary character of cosmology and the accumulation of new empirical evidence. We argue that the Bayesian framework is useful in the context of falsifiability of quantum cosmological models, as well as contemporary dark energy and dark matter problem.

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Jakub Mielczarek
Marek Szydłowski
Adam Krawiec
Paweł Tambor
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Quantum logic emerged in the 1930s as a response to the question of whether the conceptual changes initiated in physics by quantum mechanics required a revision of logic. In the English-language literature, John von Neumann is considered the founder of quantum logic, while the Polish literature points to Zygmunt Zawirski. Zawirski was the first researcher who suggested that quantum mechanics may follow a different logic than classical logic. He was the first researcher in the field of manyvalued quantum logic, but his influence ultimately proved to be limited. John von Neumann, on the other hand, along with Garrett Birkhoff, started the now dominant field of algebraic quantum logic. It turns out that despite their differences in assumptions and methods, what they have in common is their commitment to subjecting the design of quantum logic to two requirements - consideration of Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle and reconciliation of the resulting logic with probability calculus.
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Elżbieta Drozdowska

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
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Selected scientific contacts of Jacek Hawranek and Jan Zygmunt with Professor Bogusław Wolniewicz in the period from the end of the 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century are presented in this essay. They concerned the algebraic aspects of the ontology of situations and from one moment – one only question that was posed by Wolniewicz in his note A question about join-semilattices (Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 19/3, 1990, pp. 108–108), and resulted in the Hawranek & Zygmunt paper Wokół pewnego zagadnienia z dziedziny półkrat górnych z jednością (“Some comments on a question about semilattices with unit”) (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 1445, Logika 15 (1993), pp. 59–68) containing an answer to Wolniewicz’s question. The Hawranek & Zygmunt paper is reprinted below, and the essay might be also treated as a kind of an analytical and historical introduction to it. The story of contacts Wolniewicz – Hawranek & Zygmunt has been told with the help of the preserved correspondence between the three persons. In his letters Professor Wolniewicz appears as a passionate researcher, open to discussion, ready to share his research successes and difficulties with others.

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Jan Zygmunt
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Hydrocarbon production under certain geological conditions of these deposits can cause surface subsidence and deformation of the terrain surface. Such deformations appear as subsidence troughs of considerable range and the magnitude of the subsidence depending on the total thickness of the reservoir, compaction properties of reservoir and on the number of other factors. In the past there have been widely recognized magnitudes of the subsidence up to 9 meters. The stress zones in the subsidence trough may affect the buildings and surface structures. However there have been well known some cases of destroyed boreholes or pipelines belonging to the gas or oil mine. Therefore there is a requirement to analyze the possibility of occurrence unfavorable phenomenon on the ground surface, to monitor surface deformations during production and to protect surface infrastructure located in the range of mining influences. In the paper the issue of surface subsidence caused by hydrocarbon production has been presented. The cause - effect relationship between the compaction of thereservoir rock and the subsidence of surface area has been assumed. The prediction model base on the influence function and on the superposition of elementary influences. For the purpose of building damage protection a new model of risk assessment has been developed. This model base on the elements of fuzzy logicallows to incorporate in the analysis the quantitative and qualitative factors that contribute to the risk of building damage. Use of the fuzzy logic made it possible to obtain one value which clearly discriminate the risk of buildings damage. However, risk analyzes of damage to the large number of buildings has been required additional tools. The spatial analysis has been made by using GIS. The subjects of the paper have been illustrated with a practical example.

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Ryszard Hejmanowski
Agnieszka Malinowska
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System aksjologiczny Elzenberga od strony logiki budowany był świetnie, ale załamał się, gdyż był źle posadowiony antropologicznie. Po pierwsze, opierał się na aksjomacie Rousseau (melioryzm), głoszącym, że rozum zwraca wolę stale ku lepszemu. Ponadto zawierał aksjomat drugi – ujmujący ogólniej stosunek rozumu do woli. W postaci kanonicznej aksjomat ten brzmi: (AE) „Jeżeli wiemy, że coś powinno być, to powinniśmy też chcieć, żeby było”. Formalnie tę niby prostą i oczywistą formułę można wyrazić dwojako: (AE1) O(wx(Op) ⇒ chx(p)); (AE2) wx(Op) ⇒ O(chx(p)). (W obu wersjach poprzednik oznacza rozum, a następnik wolę.) Analiza logiczna ujawnia jednak, że wszelka oczywistość z aksjomatu Elzenberga się ulatnia. Elzenberg stawia się swoim aksjomatem w jednej z dwu wielkich tradycji zachodniej myśli etycznej: na linii Sokrates – Tomasz – Kant. To etyczny intelektualizm, któremu naprzeciw staje etyczny woluntaryzm (czy lepiej: woluntatyzm), reprezentowany przez linię Augustyn – Anzelm – Duns Szkot – Hume – Schopenhauer. Otóż intelektualizm etyczny jest poglądem fałszywym – chimerą czy iluzją. Jedyną przyczyną ludzkich działań jest osobowa wola; rozum jest bierny – na dobro i zło ślepy. Nie on dyktuje woli, co ma chcieć, tylko ona dyktuje to sobie sama, autonomicznie. „My” i „nasza wola” to jedno; a rozum stoi obok.
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Bogusław Wolniewicz
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In this paper I present Bertrand Russell’s contacts with Polish readers and outstanding Polish writers. In paragraphs 2 and 3 I discuss books by Russell that were published in Poland and mention his personal contacts and correspondence. Russell exchanged letters with L. Chwistek, J. Conrad‑Korzeniowski, M. Dziewicki, G. Herling-‑Grudziński, S. Leśniewski, W. Lutosławski and A. Tarski. Interesting comments on his philosophy were offered by M. Ossowska, K. Twardowski, J. Salamucha and M. Heitzman. Paragraphs 4 and 5 discuss the influence that Russell’s logical ideas have exerted on the development of logic in Poland, especially in the works of L. Chwistek and S. Leśniewski.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Katedra Nauk Spo-łecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
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The basic element of a project organizing construction works is a schedule. The preparation of the data necessary to specify the timings of the construction completion as indicated in the schedule involves information that is uncertain and hard to quantify. The article presents the methods of building a schedule which includes a fuzzy amount of labour, time standards and number of workers. The proposed procedure allows determining the real deadline for project completion, taking into account variable factors affecting the duration of the individual works.

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E. Plebankiewicz
P. Karcińska
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Wprowadzenie wyjaśniające do tematu wojen i konfliktów zbrojnych jako czynników kształtujących ład międzynarodowy odnosi się do zasadniczej terminologii i problematyki, z uwzględnieniem ich przedmiotu, zakresu znaczeniowego i kontekstu narracyjnego. Dotyczy to takich zjawisk i faktów historycznych jak wojna, konflikt, sztuka wojenna, walka, pokój, ład międzynarodowy, przełomy i cykle hegemoniczno/ geopolityczne, które są najczęściej definiowane i przyjmowane przez pryzmat poszczególnych dyscyplin naukowych, historii, socjologii, prawa, politologii, stosunków międzynarodowych i wojskowości. Zatem nie stanowią domeny doświadczeń stricte militarnych. Odwieczna wykładnia określa bowiem wojnę jako narzędzie i środek do osiągnięcia politycznego celu jakim jest pożądany pokój. Konflikty międzynarodowe zaś występują tu głównie nie jako podrzędne wobec wojny starcia militarne, a jako kategorie niezgodności między stronami dążącymi do dominacji religijnej, etnicznej, gospodarczej, społecznej itp. Postrzeganie zjawiska pokoju zdeterminowane kantowskim „wiecznym pokojem” należałoby natomiast interpretować jako okresy geopolityczne/hegemoniczne, wyznaczane osiągnięciami militarnymi dla utrzymania lub zdobycia dominacji (władzy, panowania).
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Krzysztof Komorowski
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This paper sets out to characterise and analyse logical atomism of Bertrand Russell. Main tenets of that theory are described by reference to Russell’s lecture Facts and Propositions (1918) and to other publications by that author. The essential claims of Russell’s position are discussed and confronted with tenets of ontology of situations developed by Bogusław Wolniewicz, a position inspired by logical atomism of Ludwig Wittgenstein. The author argues that several of Russell’s theses on logical atomism can be interpreted in the light of Wolniewicz’s ontology of situations. Finally, some minor concluding remarks are offered that can help to develop an ontology conceived in the spirit of the ontology of logical atomism. 366 Janusz Kaczmarek
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Janusz Kaczmarek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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John Rawls’s idea of the ‘veil of ignorance’ offers an opportunity to reflect on liberal‑democratic freedom of speech. Rawls’s method is to make political rules a priori, i.e. to give them the status of general principles hopefully applicable in most cases of real life. The rules of liberal‑democratic justice are formal in a way that makes them comparable to rules of formal logic. Encouraged by this similarity, we may ask: What logical form should be given to publicly discussed opinions allowed in a liberal democracy – when ‘allowed’ is meant in its legal or moral sense? The opinions expressed in the form of the particular judgment („Some S’s are P’s”) should obviously be always allowed in a public debate. But we must note that liberal democracies of our time tend to be more and more essentialist in the matter of ‘political correctness’. However, it is dangerous for law and political decisions to follow this new form of social prejudice. Liberal democracy turns in such circumstances into ‘ideological democracy’, and therefore becomes one that is no longer ‘liberal’. The opinions expressed in the form of general judgments („All S’s are P’s”) should always be permitted in public debate but only as a rhetorical (or emphatic) way of presenting personal beliefs. We should not try to make a political use of the logical ‘principle of double negation’. In logic, it is natural to assume that „Every S is P” implies that „No S is not‑P”. But in politics every citizen should be allowed to say instead that „Some S’s are not‑P’s”. The rules of law and political correctness must not restrict our freedom in this respect.
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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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In Tractatus Logico‑Philosophicus Wittgenstein referred to a relatively small number of philosophers, and Fritz Mauthner was one of them, although his work is nowadays largely forgotten. In thesis 4.0031 Wittgenstein claimed that his critique of language was quite different from Mauthner’s project. What could it mean then for contemporary discussions on the Tractatus? In this paper it is argued that for Wittgenstein it amounted to rejection of both the resolute and the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus. On the one hand, Mauthner thought that language could not be exhaustively analyzed by semantics and logic. On the other hand, he believed that one of the greatest illusions of philosophers who investigated language was the conviction that one of the most fundamental features of language is its referential function. These are the claims that the proponents of the radical interpretation read into the Tractatus. But thesis 4.0031 shows that they are wrong. Moreover, in his critique of the referential function of language Mauthner associated states of affairs directly with brain states of a given agent. As for the representatives of the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus, they attribute to theses 5.54–5.5422 a similar view on the relation between man and the world. Hence, thesis 4.0031 falsifies their reading, as well.
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Marek Dobrzeniecki

  1. Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie, ul. Dewajtis 3, 01‑815 Warszawa
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In the article I indicate and synthetically discuss issues that can be found in the achievements of Bertrand Russell, and which can be included in the domain of metaphilosophy. I point to Russell’s philosophical inspirations and to his views on philosophy. His views are intertwined with the threads of the traditional understanding of philosophy and innovative elements. These innovative elements include assigning a special role to mathematical logic, of which Russell is one of the founders, and emphasizing the role of analysis in philosophical research. It is also characteristic of him to emphasize the role of science for philosophical reflection. At the same time, however, Russell rejects the radical slogans of logical positivism. This justifies the thesis that in his oeuvre there are threads of both traditional and innovative understanding of philosophy and its tasks.
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Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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The protection of Polish architectural heritage in the former eastern borderlands, accomplished through the conservation and technical securing of historical structures, constitutes one of the main programmes that are implemented by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Currently, many Polish historical buildings in the former eastern borderlands are in a very bad technical condition. The load-bearing systems of these elements, as well as elements of their finish, require immediate emergency securing work. The basic steps that precede conservation work are emergency structural works, which guarantee the durability and stability of the entire historical substance. The specifics and complexity of the problem of the failure of historical buildings often demands an in-depth analysis of a series of factors that are difficult to measure and which are responsible for the cause and effect relationship during the early stage of the technical evaluation of a structure. The analyses of failures of numerous historical structures, for instance that were carried out by the authors, have become the inspiration for the search for effective methods of analysis that would allow for an in-depth analysis of the causes and effects of the failures in question. The DEMATEL method (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) that has been presented in this work, and its fuzzy extension, has lately become one of the more popular methods used in the cause-and-effect analysis of various phenomena. The authors demonstrated how this method works on the example of the evaluation and securing of the load-bearing system of the XVII Collegiate church of the Holy Trinity in the town of Olykha in the Volhynskiy Oblast, Ukraine.

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G. Śladowski
R. Paruch
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Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska została założona w 1895 roku przez Kazimierza Twardowskiego we Lwowie. Dla Twardowskiego i jego uczniów racjonalizm, jasność i precyzja języka oraz stosowanie logiki w filozofii były metodologicznymi fundamentami Szkoły. W pierwszej części tekstu autor rozważa charakter i wartość metafilozoficzngo programu przyjmowanego w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. W drugiej partii przedstawia się filozofię Henryka Elzenberga (1887–1967), jednego z najoryginalniejszych filozofów polskich XX wieku. W sferze jego zainteresowań znajdowały się: aksjologia ogólna, etyka, estetyka i historia filozofii. Część końcowa ma charakter porównawczy, gdzie omawiam stosunki między metafilozofią Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej a ideami metafilozoficznymi Elzenberga.
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Ryszard Kleszcz
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The linguistic philosophy (Oxford School) is a trend in analytical philosophy, critical about the claims of formal logic. Its followers want to investigate problems using an analysis of ordinary language. Peter F. Strawson is one of the most prominent representatives of this line of thoughts. He is also a philosopher who has done a lot toward a rehabilitation of metaphysics in British philosophy. In my paper I present an analysis of Strawson’s metaphilosophical ideas and I offer a critical discussion of Karl R. Popper’s attitude to linguistic philosophy.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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The article consists of two parts. In the first one (introductory) I recall—following Edmund Husserl, Stanisław Ossowski and Adam Schaff—the main formulations of the “principle of transparency of the sign.” In these formulations it is usually said about (1) the transparency of the sign regarding objects denoted by the sign (denoted, designated and/or named), or (2) the transparency of the sign regarding its meaning (respectively, events, states of affairs and facts designated by the sign). However, as Husserl pointed out, one can also speak about (3) the transparency of the sign in relations to the activities and mental states of the sign’s users (senders and recipients). After all, only due to the transparency of the sign understood in this way, it is possible for people to communicate with each other, thus the sign can also has an expressive and communicative function. In turn, the second part of the article (essential) contains a reconstruction of the Leon Koj’s approach; Koj gave a consistently formalized form to the theory of sign based on the principle of transparency— the form of an axiomatized logical system (using Quine's formalism from his Mathematical Logic). One of Koj's main goals was also to indicate the close relationship between semantics and pragmatics, and even the primacy of pragmatics over semantics. Formal-logical tools have also shown that the theory of sign based on the principle of transparency neither contravene The Law of Non-Contradiction (at least in its psychological formulation), nor contain or imply semantic antinomies such us antinomy of the liar. Because it is a theory easily negotiable with Alfred Tarski’s theory of language levels.

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Józef Dębowski
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According to Kurt Gödel, Bertrand Russell misinterpreted the incompleteness theorem, but did it in ʻa very interesting manner’. To understand what he meant we need to consider their attitudes to defining truth. Even more revealing is the discussion of two fundamental approaches to logic: one is universalistic, and assumed by both Russell and Gödel, and the other is model‑theoretical, Alfred Tarski’s style. It turns out that a misleading or erroneous interpretation can be interesting, as it reveals something fundamental. William Byers claims that truly great ideas in mathematics and about mathematics are in a way false, as they lead to errors, but at the same time they can help to make advances in math. Logicism provides a good example. In addition it may be mentioned that when Russell argued in its favor, he committed a logical fallacy.
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Stanisław Krajewski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieś-cie 3, 00-047 Warszawa

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