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The author in his article deals with the role that Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Messiah, the Gebirah, played in the economy of salvation. The title Gebirah means the dignity of the king’s mother and the special power of her influence. Therefore, the Books of Kings almost always mention the name of the king’s mother by introducing the description of each Judah ruler from the Davidic dynasty from which the Messiah was born. The dignity of Gebirah was given to the king’s mother at the time of her son’s enthronement. The king’s mother received the prestigious title of Gebirah (2 Kings 5:3; Jer 13:18), because she gave birth to her son (geber), who became king (2 Sam 23:1). They mention three texts of the Bible about the mother of the Messiah, depicting an important figure of a mother’s role (Genesis 3:15; Jes 7:14 and Mich 5:2). Both the figure of the king and his mother prefigure the Messianic King Jesus (2 Sam 7:10-17) and his mother Mary. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, considered to be a messianic personification of the entire people of Israel, becomes the new Daughter of Zion. Mary as the messianic Gebirah is actually the Mother of the Church.

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Gabriel Witaszek
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The article presents a forgotten initiation novel The adventures and travels of Nikodim The Elder written by one of the representative of the Silver Age period, Aleksey Skaldin. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the symbolic images of earth included in terms of their esoteric philosophy. Symbols and key elements show that the earth theme is a starting point of initiation for the main protagonist.
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Kinga Okroj

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk
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The article focuses on the relationship between language, identity and immigration in the Andreea Simionel’ case with her debut book, Male a est (Italo Svevo Edizioni, 2022). The author was born in 1996 in Botoşani, Romania, and in 2007 moved with her family to Turin, in Italy. The linguistic analysis presents some aspects of interference between Romanian and Italian in the language of the novel (borrowings, calques, linguistic stereotypes, xenisms), highlighting the author’s creative operation.
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Afrodita Carmen Cionchin

  1. Università Dell’ovest di Timisoara
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This article discusses and expands on two related issues. The first is the unexplored reasons for the departure of Polish migrant women: the forced migration phenomenon. The author describes the system behind forced migration as created at the intersections not only of care, gender and migration regimes but also of legal regimes. Second, the author points out that the close relation between forced migration and the process of ‘unbecoming a wife in the transnational context’ creates a distinctive type of trans-national motherhood experience. In order to explain the specificity of these types of experiences better the author introduces a new typology of transnational motherhood biographies. The case study of Al-dona is representative of the experiences of some Polish women in the period under study, 1989–2010.

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Sylwia Urbańska
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Signal analysis performed during surface texture measurement frequently involves applying the Fourier transform. The method is particularly useful for assessing roundness and cylindrical profiles. Since the wavelet transform is becoming a common tool for signal analysis in many metrological applications, it is vital to evaluate its suitability for surface texture profiles. The research presented in this paper focused on signal decomposition and reconstruction during roundness profile measurement and the effect of these processes on the changes in selected roundness profile parameters. The calculations were carried out on a sample of 100 roundness profiles for 12 different forms of mother wavelets using MATLAB. The use of Spearman's rank correlation coefficients allowed us to evaluate the relationship between the two chosen criteria for selecting the optimal mother wavelet.

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Włodzimierz Makieła
Stanisław Adamczak
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This article examines how migration to Wales modifies Polish Catholic families’ religious practices. It focuses on how the First Communion ceremony is performed. Within the Polish migrant community I witnessed three distinct ways of arranging this. Some families travelled to Poland to their parish churches of origin. Of those who celebrated it in Wales, some did so in a Polish church, others in their children’s Catholic school’s church. These choices had different effects. Holding First Communion in Poland confirmed children’s Polish identity and home-country bonds. It exemplified both the fluidity of the families’ intra-European migration experience and the strength of transnational networking. Hold-ing it in the local Polish parish reinforced both families’ and childrens’ identification as Polish Catho-lics. In the school’s church, it strengthened migrant families’ negotiations of belonging and their children’s integration into the Welsh locality. Mothers’ active involvement in all settings led some to contest Polish religious customs and revealed emerging identifications related to children’s wellbeing and belonging. Unlike arrangements traditional in Poland, families’ religious practices in Wales seem to have become more individual, less collective.

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Aleksandra Kaczmarek-Day
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The article is devoted to study of the structure of the artistic expanse in Marina Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical essay Mother and Music. This structure is rich and complex; containing the following elements: concrete-geographical, spatial-physical, archetypal, emotional-psychological, sacred‑spiritual as well as others. Each of them, to one degree or another, reflects the peculiarities of the writer’s worldview, her creative manner, as well as her subjective attitude to the objective phenomena of surrounding reality. In the holistic context of this essay, the author contrasts two grandiose Universes – the mother’s world with her music and the daughter’s world with her poetry. The relativity and variability of the relevant spatial, psychological and other parameters emphasize the absoluteness of those eternal values of existence, on which the masterly organized system of Tsvetaeva’s prose is based.
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Ирина Бетко

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko‑Mazurski w Olsztynie
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This paper takes into account questions formulated by the Holy Mother. Her thought and consideration on the revealed word serves as pattern of theological thinking and key to understanding of the relationship between theology and other sciences. This study is based on the Church’s magisterial documents, papal teaching, as well as theological and philosophical statements. The matter of theology determines its principles, start point and methods. Its criteria consider the universal requirements of reason but, unlike in other sciences, are deeply and indispensably enrooted in ecclesial community. The purpose also distinguishes theology in the scientific world and confers particular meaning concerning its pragmatism, benefits and importance.
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Izabella Smentek

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
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This article portrays a pair of artistically gifted women, Wanda Młodnicka née Monné (1850–1923) and her daughter Maryla Wolska (1873–1930), each with a diverse range of interests, including painting, music, and, first and foremost, literature. Their achieve-ment (both original works and translations) achievement has been largely forgotten. This article attempts to find out what inspired the two women, to identify those points of their artistic endeavor they had in common and those that determined their individual profiles, while paying special attention to the mother-daughter relationship.
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Krystyna Zabawa

  1. Akademia Ignatianum, Kraków

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