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The article connects two issues: the city as text and neoclassical trends in urban design in the second half of the 20th century. These issues are presented on the examples of ideal cities: Washington 2000 – a design of Leon Krier, Nowa Huta and the residential complex of Ricardo Bofill in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. As a continuation of the ideal European city Shanghainese Lingang is presented designed by GMP.

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Ernestyna Szpakowska-Loranc
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It is proved that one of V. Nabokov’s most famous novels Invitation to a Beheading is a fictional narrative with a complicated interaction of various types of story‑telling instances. There are persons of a non‑diegetic narrator, who incorporates the features of an all‑knowing and a limited teller, explicated with a different degree of definiteness; a diegetic narrator – the main hero, – who is thinking his state over, is talking to himself, is writing a letter to his wife; a non‑personalized narrator, similar to the abstract narrator in a set of traits; and a hardly definable narrator, who is telling the text story addressing the main hero in the second person and who can be identified as a non‑diegetic or a diegetic narrator talking to himself. The article defines the correlation of these indefinitely outlined story‑telling instances (convergence, binding, juxtaposition), ones identified with difficulty. Conducted is a lingual differentiation of the mentioned story‑tellers’ expression, mainly, via deictic elements (mostly, pronouns); addresses; the “historical past” and “historical present” tenses; predicates that mark the participants’ diegesis or non‑diegesis as well as various intonational and stylistic means (the expression of evaluation, diminutive or augmentative noun forms and others). It is considered perspective to attempt to classify the lingual means of expressing the types of story‑telling instances in different belles‑lettres genres, to analyze the semantic and pragmatic reasons for forming the “story” and the “discourse” of a narrative. In general, the problem of the linguistic “dimension” of narratives is a perspective direction of investigation where there can be revealed semantic and pragmatic categories of production and perception of any type of narration, firstly, belles‑lettres – fictional by dint of its deep nature.
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Batsevych F., Sazonova Ya., Aktualˊni problemy suchasnoyi linhvonaratolohiyi, «Visnyk Lʹvivsʹkoho universytetu. Seriya filolohichna» 2020, vyp. 72.

Connolly J., Zagadka rasskazchika v «Priglashenii na kaznˊ» V. Nabokova, [v:] Russkaya literatura XX veka. Issledovaniya amerikanskikh uchenykh, Sankt‑Peterburg 1993.

Genette G., Figury III: Povestvovatelnyj diskurs, [v:] G. Genette, Figury, Moskva 1998, t. 2.

Kotelnikova T.M., Tema tvorchestva v romane V. Nabokova «Priglashenie na kaznˊ», [v:]

Nabokov V., Priglashenie na kazn, [v:] V. Nabokov, Sobranie sochinenij v chetyreh tomah, t. 4, Moskva 1990.

Schmid W., Narratologiya, Moskva 2008.

Tammi P., Problems of Nabokov’s Poetics. A Narratological Analysis, Helsinki 1985.

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Floriy Batsevych

  1. The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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Belarus is a typical borderline country featuring multi-ethnicity, including various cultures, denominations and languages co-existing one near the other. Current socio-linguistic situation in Belarus may be defined as socially conditioned diglossia. Russian is the language of the governing elites, all-level education, popular culture and mass-media. Urban inhabitants speak almost entirely Russian, and the majority of village inhabitants speak Belarusian dialects. When, during Lukaszenka’s rule, Belarusian language fell once again in disgrace, it once again became a symbol of national revival and a fighting tool of opposition. Representatives of democratic elites speak Belarusian, but only when they hold informal meetings or political events. Based on biographic interviews held with the representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia in Belarus, the Author has revealed a process of the narrators’ discovering an importance of a mother tongue as a sign of national identity. The process of realizing the importance of the Belarusian language in the life of an individual, as well as ethnic community, as well as a process of conscious learning of the language is, for contemporary Belarusians, one of the stages of shaping national identity. Learning the language is followed by participating in Belarusian symbolic culture and remembering history and reviving common memory, which finally leads to conscious identity with a mother land in a symbolic sense, which is broader than purely territorial reference.

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Natalia Mamul
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The word ‘narrative’ is used unusually often in the social sciences. The basic aim of this article is to draw the attention of social researchers, particularly sociologists, to problems with narrative theory. Narratology constitutes an important source of inspiration for sociologists. There are many perspectives and analytical approaches to the theory of the narrative. In this article, it is viewed from the perspective of sociological thought inspired by phenomenology and hermeneutics. Narration should certainly not be perceived as synonymous with other notions, as it has its own history and meaning. The author points, however, to the possibility of a link, on sociological grounds, between narrative and life history (biography) as two different but mutually interacting ideas.

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Piotr Kulas
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The paper depicts the relations between historian person and history cognition, especially the influence of his mind inclinations to cognitive biases on narrative.
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Maciej Dymkowski
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This article is an attempt to represent the aspirations of the Polish aristocracy during the First World War by imagining the dreams of Maria Lubomirska – wife of Prince Zdzisław Lubomirski, arguably the most important Polish politician in Warsaw at the time. Lubomirska and her circle attended séances led by a popular medium, and they saw what they wanted to see, just as they perceived the changing political tides in the same way. Though aristocrats were in some sense already anachronistic at this time, they still wished to maintain their superior social and political position into the future. Lubomirska in particular envisioned an independent Poland led by a king. The idea of Poland becoming a monarchy may seem absurd in hindsight, but as the article shows, if we return to this moment in history without teleological presumptions it was a likely outcome until the last days of the war. Text in italics comes directly from Lubomirska’s diary.

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Zachary Mazur
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Guidebooks are practical texts that accompany people in navigating through an unknown space. Along with guiding and helping in the logistic organisation of the trip, they narrate the story of the selected place, city or region. Due to this last function, guidebooks can be a valuable source in historical research. Referring to Moscow and Kyiv Soviet guidebooks, the paper discusses the connection between text composition and historical narrative. Using the methodology of semio-tics, the article shows that different elements of city space such as houses, streets, monuments, museums etc. communicate messages about history, society, and identity. Since the city space is a big “warehouse” of objects and meanings, not all of them will be incorporated into the tourist space. The article shows which places were included (but also excluded) in Moscow and Kyiv tourist routes and depicts their connection with the canon of historical events. The paper also looks more closely at the ideological and rhetorical features of guidebook texts and how they reflect the dominant historical narrative.
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Assmann, Jan. Pamięć kulturowa. Pismo, zapamiętywanie i polityczna tożsamość w cywilizac-jach starożytnych, przeł. Anna Kryczyńska‑Pham. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2015.
Barthes, Roland. „Dyskurs historii”, przeł. Adam Rysiewicz, Zbigniew Kloch. Pamiętnik Lite-racki LXXV (1984): 225–236.
Barthes, Roland. „Semiology and the Urban”. W Rethinking Architecture. A Reader in Cultural Theory, red. Neil Leach. London, New York: Routledge, 1997.
Chatman, Saymoure. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1978.
Cultural Memory Studies. An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook, red. Astrid Erll, Ansgar Nünning, Sara B. Young. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2008.
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De Certeau, Michel. Wynaleźć codzienność: sztuki działania, przeł. Katarzyna Thiel‑Jańczuk. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2008.
Dlugach, Vladimi,. Petr Portugalov. Osmotr Moskvy. Moskva: Moskovskij rabochij, 1938.
Dvinskij, Emmanuil. Tri chasa v Moskve. Moskva: Moskovskij rabochij, 1978–1979.
Evstigneeva, Nadezhda, Oleg Oberemko. „Modeli analiza narrativa”. Chelovek. Soobshchestvo. Upravlenie 4 (2007): 95–107.
Hennaut, Benoît. „Building Stories around Contemporary Performing Arts: The Case of Romeo Castellucci’s Tragedia Endogonidia”. W Beyond Classical Narration: Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges, red. Jan Alber, Per Krogh Hansen, 97–117.
Berlin‑Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2014. Herman, David. Basic Elements of Narrative. Oxford: Wiley‑Blackwell, 2009.
Kaganskij, Vladimir. Kulturnyjlandshafti sovetskoeobitaemoeprostranstvo. Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2001.
Kovalenko, Olena. „Narracje historyczne w sowieckich przewodnikach turystycznych po Moskwie i Kijowie (1922–1991)”. Praca doktorska, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2019.
Kovecses, Zoltán. Język, umysł, kultura. Praktyczne wprowadzenie, przeł. Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik, Magdalena Buchta. Kraków: Universitas, 2011.
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Louvel, Liliane. Poetics of the Iconotext, red. Karen Jacobs, przeł. Laurence Petit. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.
Mosher, Harold F. „Towards a Poetics of «Descriptized» Narration”. Poetics Today 12, nr 3 (1991): 426–445.
Rucinskaja, Irina. „Putevoditel kak instrument konstruirovanija regionalnykh dostoprimecha-telnostej (vtoraja polovina XIX – nachalo KHKH v.)”. Vestnik Moskovskogouniversiteta. Lingvistikai mezhkulturnajakommunikacija 2 (2011): 53–63.
Rucinskaja, Irina. Putevoditelkakfenomenmassovojkultury. Obrazyrossijskikhregionov v provin-cialnykhputevoditeljakhvtorojpoloviny XIX – nachala XX veka. Moskva: Lenand, 2014.
Schmid, Wolf. Narratologija. Moskva: Jazyki slavjanskoj kultury, 2003.
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The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, red. David Herman, Manfred Jahn, Marie‑Laure Ryan. London, New York: Routledge, 2005.
Topolski, Jerzy. Jak się pisze i rozumie historię. Tajemnice narracji historycznej. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2008.
White, Hayden. The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation. Baltimore, London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1987.
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Olena Kovalenko

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
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The major part of the paper is describing practice of using oral history method in the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theater” Center in Lublin. This cultural center started collecting testimonies in 1995 and formally created the Oral History Program in 1998. Educational and artistic exemplars include most of activities there: using oral history as a background in exhibitions, artistic celebrations and long-term programs, commemorations (about Righteous Among the Nations, Holocaust Survivors etc.).
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Andrzej Zinczuk
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The paper aims to analyse the relationship between the city space and the art present in public spaces and narrative located therein. Analysis of selected examples of contemporary art in urban space and literature allows the conclusion, that interdisciplinary narrativity descending from a literary work, allows for the transfer of meanings from public art objects to the city space and individual narratives of recipients. Not just the meanings, that the artists intend to convey, but also the meanings individually interpreted by those, who observe the work.

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Ernestyna Szpakowska-Loranc
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Starting from the polyphonic enunciation present in Aixa de la Cruz’s novel, this article tries to bring out the complexity of the corresponding process of literary translation. With the achievement of the same outcome on the communicative and stylistic level through the mediation between the instances of the polyphonic dimension of the source text and the pragmatic implications in the Italian translation, the author of this article demonstrates how the relationship of “equivalence” between the two texts can be based on the utterance and its functions and on how the pragmatic and textual dimension of the reported discourse structurally supports the encounter between the two texts.
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Chiara Sinatra

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
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This article discusses a book written by Lisa Brooks Our Beloved Kin. A New History of King Philip’s War (2017)1 in the context of a debate it raised in The American Historical Review because of the methodology its author used. Lisa Brooks, an Early American historian and a Native American, applied in her study of King Philip’s War (1675–1676) a methodology and resource materials advised by The Native American Indigenous Studies Association. This methodology and some of her findings were critiqued by a historian David Silverman, which stirred a debate in this journal, to which leading Native American historians were invited by the editors of the journal. This article tries to cover the debate and the contribution of the new methodology in understanding American colonial history. At the end this article places Our Beloved Kin among books published about Native Americans on the Polish book market.
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Apess, William. „Eulogy on King Philip, as Pronounced at the Odeon, in Federal Street, Boston”. W On Our Own Ground, red. Barry O'Connell, 275–310.
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Carlson, David. „Review of Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip’s War by Lisa Brooks, and Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast by Christine M. Delucia”. Early American Literature 55, 1 (2020): 235–240.
Deloria, Philp J. „Cold Business and a Hot Cake”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 537–541.
DeLucia, Christine M. „Continuing the Intervention: Past, Present and Future Pathways for Native Studies and Early American History”. AHR Exchange, The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 528–532.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall. Pieśń ziemi. Rdzenna mądrość, wiedza naukowa i lekcje płynące z natury, tłum. Monika Bukowska. Kraków: Znak, 2020.
Kleinberg, Ethan; Joan Wallach Scott; Gary Wilder. „Tezy o teorii i historii”, tłum. Ewa Domańska i Tomasz Wiśniewski. Historyka 49 (2019): 289–299.
Lear, Jonathan. Etyka w obliczu spustoszenia kulturowego, tłum. Marcin Rychter. Warszawa: Kronos, 2013.
O’Brien, Jean M. „What Does Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Do?”. AHR Exchange, The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 542–545.
Pleasant, Alyssa Mt.; Caroline Wigginton; Kelly Wisecup. „Materials and Methods in Native American and Indigenous Studies: Completing the Turn”. Early American Literature 53, 2 (2018): 407–444. DOI 10.1353/eal.2018.0044.
Pleasant, Alyssa Mt. „Contexts for Critique: Revisiting Representations of Violence in Our Beloved Kin”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 533–536.
Rowlandson, Mary. Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1681 [2009]). (Project Gutenberg,‑h/851‑h.htm).
Silverman, David. „Living with the Past: Thoughts on Community Collaboration and Difficult History in Native American and Indigenous Studies”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 519–527.
Silverman, David. „Historians and Native American and Indigenous Studies: A Reply”. The American Historical Review 125, 2 (2020): 546–551.
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Elżbieta Wilczyńska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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The aim of this text is to reflect upon Polish research on the art of women. The analysis focus on syntheses, published in book form, devoted to a group of female artists working at a specific time and place. This analysis shows the shape of research on women’s art in Poland, the consequences of it and the perspectives for the future.
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Karolina Rosiejka

  1. Uniwersytet Artystyczny im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz w Poznaniu
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In this article, the authors confront the thesis found in historical discourse about the dominance of male figures in historical narratives present in the public sphere. In order to do so, they analyse the new research field that is the social networking site YouTube and the most popular channels on historical topics contained therein. The main research question is whether women are marginalised in the narratives contained in the sources discussed, in which contexts they appear and what is the reception of the films in which they appear. In addition, the authors look at the question of the form of historical narratives. The study combines quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, correspondence analysis) as well as qualitative methods (Northrop Frye’s typology of story motifs. For this purpose, 551 films were analysed, which were then annotated using seven groups of tags corresponding to the content of the sources ‑ concerning the func-tioning of female characters and the subject matter of the films. As a result of the analyses carried out, it was observed that the thesis of the absolute dominance of male characters in historical narratives does not fully hold true under the conditions of Web 2.0 sources in terms of quantity, while in terms of content it cannot be accepted unreservedly in the context of the very diverse use of female themes in social media resources.
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Wiktor Werner
Nell Sypniewska
Zuzanna Szymczak
Maciej Stachura
Adam Stryjakowski
Borys Staszak
Adrian Trzoss
Cyprian Kleist

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The aim of this article is to present selected methodological threads of the discussion on the status of historical sources which took place in Polish post‑war historiography. In the article, I present the concepts of the historical source formulated in 1957–1989, mainly by Gerard Labuda and Jerzy Topolski. Further in the text, I will present the discussion about Topolski’s concepts and characterize the peculiarities of contemporary history as regards historical sources. In the light of the presented classification of sources, I will reflect on the status of the documents created by the apparatus of repression of the Polish People’s Republic.
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Krzysztof Brzechczyn
1 2

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
  2. Historical Research Office, Institute of National Remembrance, Poznań Branch
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The paper examines the special historiographic evidence: the lost last book of the well‑known Polish historian and methodologist Professor Jerzy Topolski entitled “New Methodology of History”. Only its working outline in the form of an extensive table of contents has survived, but this does not prevent the author from making interesting hypotheses as to its meaning.
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Jan Pomorski

  1. Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin
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The main goal of this paper is to present a fully developed concept of Paul A. Roth’s philosophy of history to the Polish reader. Of course, it is just an introduction, but with the interview it should be a good starting point for further analysis. These seem desirable given Roth’s very ambitious programme, which in addition is based on “old facts”; that is, an analytical philosophy of history and science. The rapprochement between the two “visions” is not only a philosophical consideration, but also responds to the often-raised voices of practitioners. This introduction refers primarily to Roth’s latest book, indicating a possible interpretation. This “reading” is conducted by indicating the historical context, recalling philosophical analyses and determining the validity of the proposed solutions in order to decide how much science there is in history and vice versa.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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The author asks about the applicability of postcolonial criticism to the study of the culture of Central and Eastern Europe, especially Galicia. She presents the voices of Polish and Ukrainian proponents of this method, as well as those who are sceptical about the possibility of adapting it to the analysis of Central European culture. She indicates the factors which complicate transferring the theory of postcolonial studies to the Habsburg monarchy and the peoples living there, and defines the conditions that should be taken into account for the use of postcolonial theory to be persuasive. She presents the benefits of postcolonial criticism as applied to the analysis of literature created in Galicia, noting the hegemonic historiography contained in the literature and the narrative forms establishing the hierarchy of cultures, and protecting the value and superiority of one’s own culture – a phenomenon that has not been investigated.

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Danuta Sosnowska
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Orhan Pamuk, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006, is one of the most interesting and versatile of contemporary writers whose prose contributes to the understanding of the cultural background of the Orient and the Occident forged out of the juxtaposition of Islam and Christianity. As a might-have-been artist, who is currently an amateur photographer, the author, in an uncommon way, visualizes the continual wonder towards colors in the surrounding reality featuring in his fictional and non-fictional texts. The most important aspects of Pamuk’s works, however, are the journeys near and far and those within oneself, as well as the wanderings through cities, especially those of his native Istanbul. Aside from the returns home and to the motherland, Pamuk contrasts the inspiring voyages out with the voyages into the collective and individual past, in all their historical and political complexity. The present paper is an overview of Orhan Pamuk’s works from the perspective of colors and the aforesaid passages, which remind his readers of travelling as a basic topos of the course of human existence.
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Liliana Sikorska

  1. Wydział Anglistyki, Uniwersytet im. AdamaMickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The following paper, in its sense, is a summary of the broad qualitative and quantitative authorial research on the historically-themed materials from the social media video platform YouTube. The main research problem dealt with the matter of the meaning of the historical narrative for the contemporary polish society and the specificity of its historical consciousness. 635 videos from 6 channels since 2013 till 2019 were analyzed. Authors point out the relation between the quantitative analysis of the videos’ topics with the current trends of interests in history present in the society. Functioning of the most popular videos’ trends were emphasized and its connection with their qualitative layer of the historical narrative. Further research on the hypothesis on the ethnocentric interest in history was conducted. Slightly advantage of the political and military narrative was observed and a little less advantage of the factographical and processual perspective in history which is the matter for the further analysis. Conducted research showed that interest in history on the YouTube platform confirms the special status of the XX century and II World War narrations in the historical consciousness of the Polish society.

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Wiktor Werner
Adrian Trzoss
Dawid Gralik
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Some consider the multiculturality of Wrocław to be its obvious and socially legitimised “property”, whereas others view it as controversial and refutable construct. In the paper, we would like to investigate the multiculturality of the Lower Silesia’s capital taking into account its internal differentiation, which is mostly due to the adjudicating authorities – city authorities, its citizens and researchers — as well as observable dynamics. Hence, we propose to inspect the following: firstly, the real differentiation of the social structure of Wrocław’s inhabitants and its transformations related mostly to the influx of Ukrainians, who change the ethnic cityscape; secondly, the politics of municipal authorities regarding the promotion and strengthening of the city’s image as the multicultural, open and tolerant “meeting place”, as well as initiatives inscribed therein and other observable, contradictory events; thirdly, the evaluation of Wrocław’s multiculturality and its selected aspects performed by the city’s inhabitants and revealed in the research on this phenomenon in 2011 and in two editions of Social Diagnosis of Wrocław (2014 and 2017).

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Kamilla Dolińska
Julita Makaro
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This article deals with the role of empathy in the work of Olga Tokarczuk. It begins with an examination of the autocritical reflections in her essays, most notably her view of literature and its functions. This is followed by a discussion of the range of emotional involvement presented in her fiction and the role of empathy in her narrative strategy. The article argues that empathy is at the heart of her creativity and her understanding of literature.
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Anna Łebkowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
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The article studies the problems of forming intentional deformations of a narrative category of event in the prose of a famous Russian absurdist of the 1920s‑30s, a member of the avant‑garde collective Oberiu – Daniil Kharms. The study defines the main regularities of generating “normal” textual events as well as the mechanisms for their deformations and destructions within a narrative “story” and its “discourse”. The most important reasons for the “ludic” absurdity of events within D. Kharms’ short stories are the unintelligibility of the described objects, the ontological absurdity of the objects of events, the absurdity of the heroes’ behaviour and thinking, the sequence (multiplication) of events, the violation of structural order and the integrity of the described objects and their constituents, among others. The absurdization of events in the narrative “discourse” is presupposed by a set of semantic and pragmatic devices, in particular: the author’s assumed inability to create an event’s manoeuvring or to build the plot; the violation of the logic of the development of the plotline; making the modus and modality elements of the story weird; shifting points of view and their focuses, to name a few. The author’s intentional deviations within the “story” and the “discourse” of the belles‑lettres narrative cause communicative senses characteristic for an absurd type of writing: the senses of mental “charming”, which border on the reader’s cognitive “stupor”, as well as numerous senses of an evaluative and ludic character generated by the common “background” of the reader’s consciousness and borrowed, so to say, from “standard” belles‑lettres text types and narratives. The article outlines the perspectives of lingual‑narrative studies into weird (absurd, in particular) belles‑lettres texts.
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Флорій Бацевич

  1. Львівський університет імені Івана Франка
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The article aims to prove that the narrative structure of The Stormy Life of Lasik Roitschwantz by Ilya Ehrenburg can be viewed as a starting point for understanding the overriding idea of the novel. In the material for interpretation among other things analysed what follows: the similarity between the narrative of the fi rst few chapters and the skaz narrative (Russian oral form of narrative) based on the defi nition of formal mimesis, the introduction to a “foreign word” narrative (the protagonist using reported speech and free indirect speech), the restriction of the storyteller’s role (which is the overriding element of the skaz narrative) and simultaneously putting the protagonist at the forefront, the language markers used in order to mask the convergence between the storyteller’s and the protagonist’s points of view. As a result, the article implies that the presence of a skaz storyteller allows analysing the fi gure of Lasik Roitschwantz not as a character from a book or of a certain type, but rather as a human being in a universal sense.

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Agnieszka Ścibior
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This contribution presents some results from a comparison of a sample of Italian texts, specifically those produced by native Italian informants, with: 1) on one side, a parallel sample of written productions by native Polish speakers; 2) on the other side, a sample of parallel texts produced in Italian by a group of Polish native speakers learning Italian as a second language. The presence of main and secondary sequences identified according to the Quaestio model is investigated, as well as the use of faithful and unfaithful anaphoras.
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Maciej Durkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski

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