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This article analyses one of the trials aiming to bridge the incommensurability gap between special relativity and quantum mechanics in the form of postulating the quantum principle of relativity. The postulate is argued here to be rather a conventionalist stratagem than a new paradigm in theoretical physics. It is worth emphasising this claim does not assess the scientific value of the analysed work at all. Moreover, I draw attention to favouring both the mathematical instrumentalism and the ontic character of probability in the article in question.
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Jakub Kopyciński

  1. Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Al. Lotników32/46, 02-668 Warszawa
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The article presents a comparative analysis of various classifi cations of both sciences’ and management sciences’ paradigms in terms of their pragmatism and adequacy regarding organization research. Furthermore, the aim of the article is also to justify the thesis about the high usefulness of research model proposed by Keneth D. Strang. Strang’s model, based on the concept of researcher’s socio-cultural philosophy, allows on the one hand to overcome the theoretical incommensurability and on the other hand makes it possible for representatives of various paradigms to cooperate with each other. The article contains also refl ections on the paradigm as a key factor affecting both the development of management sciences and the practice of management. The choice of a specifi c paradigm, i.e. research ideology, has a decisive impact on the results of research, as well as the generalization of practice. The paradigm defi nes the research strategy, selection of research methods and inference rules. Furthermore, it infl uences the education process, and thus has an impact on shaping the worldview of scientists, entrepreneurs as well as managers.

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Bronisław Bombała
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The article attempts to prove that Darwinism in popular culture plays a role of a theory of everything. Bestselling authors of popular science such as Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins and Bill Bryson have acquainted general public with the theory of evolution, and its newest facet — the Modern Synthesis. Darwinian paradigms, as defined by Thomas Kuhn, are also used in popular books on cosmology, sociobiology, psychology, and religious studies. Moreover, the Darwinian grand narrative of evolutional history shapes the way in which contemporary mass culture presents the history of our planet in numerous educational TV series. Last but not least, Charles Darwin himself has recently become a popular icon and the story of his life is remade in a growing number of fiction and non-fiction books and movies.

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Dominika Oramus
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The paper analyses Thomas S. Kuhn's theory of the development of science interpreted as a sociological conception. Kuhn's visions of dealing with history as well as eventual controversies connected with its application are discussed.
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Ewa Kopczyńska
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This article discusses Grzegorz Uzdański’s verse novel Wypiór (2021, the title is a pun on the word ‘upiór’, Pol. spectre) which is multifaceted commentary on the Romantic tradition and the ‘Romantic paradigm’, epitomized in the figure of Adam Mickiewicz transformed into a vampire. The pop-cultural frame invites the reader to pursue all kinds of links between Wypiór and the gallery of the living dead, ghosts and spectres in Mickiewicz’s stories (conceived both as characters from the past and a metaphoric projections of the Romantic poet). The article compares the references and allusions in Uzdański’s novel to Mickiewicz’s own text as well as the text of another contemporary comic horror novel, Ale razem z naszymi umarłymi ( But Not Without Our Dead) by Jacek Dehnel. The analyses, which rely on a methodological toolkit inspired by Jacques Derrida’s hauntology, offer a more accurate reading of Wypiór and highlight its place in the contemporary reception of Romanticism with its predilection for haunting, ghosts or persistent spectral presence.
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Michał Gliński

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ
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This article focuses on the developments which led to the construction of a Polish paradigm of press studies. An analysis of the methodological premises and contributions of researchers involved in that process in the 1950s and 1960s indicates that the key role in developing a such a paradigm was played by Mieczysław Kafel. It must be said, though, that his concept of press studies was not adopted by all specialists in field. As a result Polish press/media studies exhibit considerable differences of approach (paradigmatic structure).
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1. Budzyk K., Niektóre problemy metodologiczne badań prasoznawczych, „Prasa Współczesna i Dawna” 1958, nr 3.
2. Budzyk K., Z badań nad prasą współczesną i czytelnictwem, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 1957, t. 1, nr 3.
3. Butkiewicz T., Z problemów badań historycznoprasowych, „Kwartalnik Prasoznawczy” 1957, nr 3.
4. Cieślikowa A., Historia mediów na łamach „Zeszytów Prasoznawczych”, [w:] Z eszyty Prasoznawcze. Analiza zawartości [1957–2012]. Metody — tematy — autorzy, red. M. Kawka, R. Filas, P. Płaneta, Kraków 2016. 5. 6. 5. Cieślikowa A., Walery Pisarek (1931–2017), „Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej” 2018, nr 2.
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21. Kniagininowa M., Pisarek W., Poradnik językowy. Podręcznik dla pracowników prasy, radia i telewizji, wyd. I Kraków 1965, wyd. II Kraków 1969.
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Tomasz Mielczarek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego ul. Uniwersytecka 17, 25-406 Kielce
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The main purpose of the article is to present the achievements of J.A. Gierowski in his research into the Saxon times, i.e., the period of the reigns of August II and August III Wettin in the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth (1697‑1763). For a long time, this period was assessed negatively in historiography. There was a widespread view that both for the Polish‑Lithuanian state and for Saxony, those years meant decline and catastrophe. Gierowski, who began his scientific work after World War II, carefully analysing Polish and German archival sources, created his own paradigm of research on Saxon times. After rejecting extreme assessments, Gierowski focused on the following elements of this paradigm: 1. the problem of internal reforms 2. a general assessment of the importance of the Polish‑Saxon union and its conse-quences 3. the problem of the place in Europe, i.e., diplomatic activity, and 4. the economic and social situation combined by the “one‑person rulers” of states. This model of research proce-dure has been accepted by historians.
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Jarosław Porazinski

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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The paper considers Timothy Snyder’s applied methodology of history. Snyder’s original field of interest as a professional historian was historical biography, but it did not take him long to put transnational history at the centre of his attention. The author posits that Snyder’s practice in this historiographic paradigm has laid the foundation for his greatest academic achievements, leading to him being recognized as one of the best historians working today.
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Jan Pomorski
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The aim of this paper is to discuss selected formal and pragmatic aspects of the Austro-Hungarian military name policy in the last quarter of the 19th and in the early 20th century. In the introductory section the proprial status of the names of military units (which constitute a part of military chrematonymy) is discussed. An attempt is made to outline the location of these names on the classificatory map of chrematonomastics as well. A brief discussion of the historical and terminological background of the Austro-Hungarian military unit names follows. The most important concepts of the theory of name and naming policy are outlined. The presentation of the analysed onymic material covers unit names included in the officer lists (Schematismen) of the Austro-Hungarian forces as well as names present in the paper seals (Verschlussmarken). On the basis of the material, polymorphism of the discussed names is shown in the sense that obligatory and facultative elements of the names may appear in different ways and within various syntactic name models, depending on the context (including continuous text within which a name is used). Two main syntactic models of the discussed names are proposed. The orthographic and syntactic rules of unit numbering and the ways of embedding geographical names and names of patrons and honorary regiment owners (Inhaber) into unit names are outlined. The meaning and spelling of the expressions imperial-royal (k.k. = kaiserlich-königlich) and imperial and royal (k.u.k. = kaiserlich und königlich) are explained.

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Wojciech Włoskowicz
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From Methodology of the Pastoral Theology


Pastoral theology conducts four kinds of research: monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research.

The first kind of research is characterized by the common aim and method, the second has the common aim but the methods are different, the third one has both different aims and methods, the forth one has the same methods but different aims. Contemporary pastoral theology requires multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research, and the pastor of this theology needs to possess the necessary qualifications to do his job properly.

The paradigm of pastoral theology is based on the practical syllogism. In the construction of this syllogism, the major preamble of faith contains the general principles of the given case, while the minor preamble of faith contains the analysis of the contemporary reality; the conclusion is normative and timely. In each phase of the pastoral theology research, there are used various working methods.

In the first phase of the pastoral theology research (the ecclesiastical phase), apart from the deductive method, there are employed other methods such as: the comparative method, the positive method, exegesis, the interpretation of the text and analogy, etc. The second phase of the research (kairological) includes the historical and theological method, sociological and theological method, and the methods commonly used in the empirical science, such as: observation, interview, soundings, a study based on a questionnaire, and a study based on documents. The study of documents uses such methods as: the historical method, criticism and interpretation of the source material, comparisons, the analysis of the text etc. The third phase (praxeological) of the research of the pastoral theology paradigm, uses synthesis, interpretation and classification, etc.

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Ks. Ryszard Kamiński
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Sulla metodologia di omiletica


L’omiletica fa parte della teologia pratica. Essa ĺ una riflessione scientifica sulla predicazione della parola di Dio nella situazione d’oggi. L’omiletica viene suddivisa in fondamentale, materiale, formale e particolare. L’oggetto di studio omiletico sono: testi della Sacra Scrittura, documenti della Chiesa, testi teologici ed anche i testi delle omelie, prediche e conferenze, come anche, pi raramente, i dati dell’esperienza umana. I metodi della ricerca sono quelli applicati nelle scienze non teologiche; ále conclusioni derivati da questa ricerca hanno per sempre un carattere teologico.

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Ks. Wiesław Przyczyna
Ks. Gerard Siwek

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