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The perceptual text is the one described by means of sense organs and having specific cohesion tools which include among others lexis belonging to the perception modus, so called introductory predicates indicating specific perception acts, synesthetic expressions, the observer as well as spatial and locative syntactems. Text architectonics is determined by the change of the speaker’s position (observer, perceiver), his transition within the text time and space.

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Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
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The noise perceiving issue is very subjective and depends on several factors, such as: the living environment in which each person has grown and developed, the education they have received, the culture in which their life principles have formed and, last but not least, the social and financial status. Therefore, in order to establish effective actions in multiple directions when it comes to any urban noise analysis, it is very important to know the perception and the subjective reactions of the individuals involved. The paper respects this idea, presenting the results of a sociological study on urban noise, applied in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The intention was to capture the reactions of the permanent residents of the city, but also of the people in transit, as well as to analyse the changes that occurred as result of the implementation of the Environmental Noise Directive (European Commission). The study shows that 75.2% of the respondents consider that the noise in the city has increased in the last ten years and 58% of them have rated the noise as level 4 or 5 on a five point scale. Information related to noise maps and actions taken to reduce community noise has no sufficient dissemination. There is also a medium to low reaction of the population in correlation to the declared noise annoyance.

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Diana Ioana Popescu
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The performance of binaural processing may be disturbed in the presence of hearing loss, especially of sensorineural type. To assess the impact of hearing loss on speech perception in noise regarding binaural processing, series of speech recognition measurements in controlled laboratory conditions were carried out. The spatial conditions were simulated using dummy head recordings played back on headphones. The Intelligibility Level Difference (ILD) was determined by measuring the change in the speech reception thresholds (SRT) between two configurations of a masking signal source (N) and a speech source (S), namely the S0N90 condition (where numbers stand for angles in horizontal plane) and the co-located condition (S0N0). To disentangle the head shadow effect (better ear effect) from binaural processing in the brain, the difference between binaural and monaural S0N90 condition (so-called Binaural Intelligibility Level Difference, BILD) value was calculated.

Measurements were performed with a control group of normal-hearing listeners and a group of sensorineural hearing-impaired subjects. In all conditions performance of the hearing-impaired listeners was significantly lower than normal-hearing ones, resulting in higher SRT values (3 dB difference in the S0N0 configuration, 7.6 dB in S0N90 and 5 dB in monaural S0N90). The SRT improvement due to the spatial separation of target and masking signal (ILD) was also higher in the control group (8.1 dB) than in hearing-impaired listeners (3.5 dB). Moreover, a significant deterioration of the binaural processing described by BILD was found in people with sensorineural deficits. This parameter for normal-hearing listeners reached a value of 3 to 6 dB (4.6 dB on average) and decreased more than two times in the hearing-impaired group to 1.9 dB on average (with a deviation of 1.4 dB). These findings could not be explained by individual average hearing threshold (standard in audiological diagnostics) only. The outcomes indicate that there is a contribution of suprathershold deficits and it may be useful to consider binaural SRT measurements in noise in addition to the pure tone audiometry resulting in better diagnostics and hearing aid fitting.

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Anna Pastusiak
Dawid Niemiec
Jędrzej Kociński
Anna Warzybok
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Charles Travis argues that perception has no representational content and consists only in the relation of direct presentation (acquaintance) of mind‑independent particulars. He bases his argument on an interpretation of Gottlob Frege’s writings. I argue against Travis that, according to Frege, not only perceptual beliefs but also perception as a presentation of particulars has representational content. The paper identifies three problems for the claim that perceptual acquaintance involves representation.
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Paweł Grad

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Professor Piotr Francuz conducted innovative experimental research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. He was the author of numerous publications on perception and information processing, audiovisual communication, imagination and perception of beauty, and psychology methodology. The paper presents the Professor's scientific profile and his research, teaching, and organizational achievements. Professor passed away on November 14, 2020.
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Jerzy M. Brzeziński
Piotr K. Oleś

  1. Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki UAM
  2. Instytut Psychologii KUL
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W artykule przedstawiono narzędzie – rozmyte mapy kognitywne FCM, które może być wykorzystane do modelowania percepcji krajobrazu. Metodologia pozostawia szanse na wprowadzenie uzupełniających lub alternatywnych zasad oceny, źródeł danych i zastosowań. Narzędzie FCM nadaje się do określania różnych scenariuszy działań, w zależności od np.: przewidywanych trendów użytkowania gruntów lub celów przyjętych w strategii planowania przestrzennego. Zarządzanie krajobrazem kulturowym wymaga uczestnictwa społeczności (zwłaszcza lokalnych) w procesie kształtowania krajobrazu tak, aby możliwy był wzrost jego jakości i akceptacji przy jednoczesnym minimalizowaniu konfliktów przestrzennych. Włączenie budowy map kognitywnych FCM jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces podejmowania decyzji na jednym z etapów (np. partycypacji społeczności lokalnej) w planowaniu przestrzennym umożliwia spełnienie tych wymagań.
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Marta Skiba
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This study investigates listeners’ perceptual responses in audio-visual interactions concerning binaural spatial audio. Audio stimuli are coupled with or without visual cues to the listeners. The subjective test participants are tasked to indicate the direction of the incoming sound while listening to the audio stimulus via loudspeakers or headphones with the head-related transfer function (HRTF) plugin. First, the methodology assumptions and the experimental setup are described to the participants. Then, the results are presented and analysed using statistical methods. The results indicate that the headphone trials showed much higher perceptual ambiguity for the listeners than when the sound is delivered via loudspeakers. The influence of the visual modality dominates the audio-visual evaluation when loudspeaker playback is employed. Moreover, when the visual stimulus is present, the headphone playback pattern of behavior is not always in response to the loudspeaker playback.
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Bartłomiej Mróz
1 2
Bożena Kostek

  1. Multimedia Systems Department, Gdansk, Poland
  2. Audio Acoustics Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
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The paper presents the characteristics of the attitude that students have towards electric cars and the significance of distinguished attitude elements in creating interest in the purchase of such vehicles. Electric cars are the new type of vehicles that have an electric motor and use the electricity stored in batteries. They are introduced to the market, but for various reasons the volume of sales is not high. So far, it is not sufficiently known how electric vehicles are assessed by Poles. The presented research is an attempt to know what the attitude towards this type of vehicle. The attitude model tested in this research includes three areas: knowledge about them, emotions that they evoke and potential behaviors. The participants were students of Rzeszów University of Technology – a group of young people who are potential consumers of new technologies. The obtained results indicate that electric cars are rather unknown. At the same time, they arouse great interest and their image is very positive. The attitude characteristics towards this type of vehicle is supplemented by perceived limitations: too high of a purchase price, lack of sufficient information about them and unsatisfactory technical parameters, mainly the long time needed to recharge the battery and the insufficiently long distance with one recharge. The interest in the purchase is dependent on positive emotions, and the lack of sufficient information is an obstacle in thinking about buying such a vehicle. Understanding the attitudes of Polish students towards electric cars can be helpful in adapting information about such cars to potential customers, which in turn may affect the level of interest and sales volume.

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Ryszard Klamut
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The study was conducted to identify significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young Polish adults during COVID-19 epidemic outbreak. The web-based cross-sectional survey was applied to 975 Polish respondents (755 female, 77.44%) aged 18-35 years. They were divided into two age groups: younger (18-25) and older (25-35). All participants completed: General Functioning Questionnaire (GFQ), COVID-19 Risk Perception Scale (C-RPS), State Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S), and General Sense of Threat to Life Scale (GSTLS). The Polish adults aged 18-25 years manifested significantly higher psychological distress, state anxiety, and a sense of threat to life, but they perceived less risk in COVID-19 epidemic compared to older participants. Risk perception and a sense of threat to life were indirectly related to state anxiety and psychological distress. Significant predictors of psychological distress in the group of young adult Poles during the COVID-19 epidemic are: state anxiety, risk perception, and a sense of threat to life, where risk perception and a sense of threat to life mediate the relation between state anxiety and psychological distress.
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Beata Mirucka
Urszula Bielecka
Maria Mirucka
Natalia Kępińska

  1. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  2. University of Bialystok, Białystok, Poland
  3. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  4. SWPS University, Warsaw, Poland
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Semi-structured individual in-depth interviews were conducted to explore and compare which social norms with regard to the debt-incurring process are important to Poles with various experiences of indebtedness. Thematic analysis within a constructionist framework identified the social norms important in the borrowing process for Poles and revealed, as expected, a number of differences between people with various indebtedness experiences. Model borrowers have a significantly different approach to debt than unreliable debtors and non-borrowers. Model borrowers seem to be oblivious to the negative sides of loans as well as indicate fewer reasons for justifying not repaying obligations than others. For unreliable debtors, loans are a quick way to solve financial problems. They borrow money out of necessity rather than to finance any larger, long-term investments and have their own private rules for borrowing. Non-borrowers, although aware of borrowers’ higher standard of living, emphasize that debt is associated with permanent stress and psychological burden. Model borrowers, unlike the others, declare that in their immediate vicinity are only those who use and pay their loans in a timely manner.

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Anna Maria Hełka
Małgorzata Wójcik
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The paper investigates the interdependence between the perceptual identification of the vocalic quality of six isolated Polish vowels traditionally defined by the spectral envelope and the fundamental frequency F0. The stimuli used in the listening experiments were natural female and male voices, which were modified by changing the F0 values in the ±1 octave range. The results were then compared with the outcome of the experiments on fully synthetic voices. Despite the differences in the generation of the investigated stimuli and their technical quality, consistent results were obtained. They confirmed the findings that in the perceptual identification of vowels of key importance is not only the position of the formants on the F1 × F2 plane but also their relationship to F0, the connection between the formants and the harmonics and other factors. The paper presents, in quantitative terms, all possible kinds of perceptual shifts of Polish vowels from one phonetic category to another in the function of voice pitch. An additional perceptual experiment was also conducted to check a broader range of F0 changes and their impact on the identification of vowels in CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) structures. A mismatch between the formants and the glottal tone value can lead to a change in phonetic category.

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Mariusz Owsianny
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This study aims to investigate how grazing is perceived across the Curvature Subcarpathians (Romania) by farmers. We investigate farmers’ attitudes toward and understanding of grazing practice and associated processes involving small ruminants (sheep and goats). Additionally, we review the scientific literature and new discussions about grazing vs overgrazing terms and changes in the Romanian small ruminant livestock. Results of the survey on the total of 101 case studies from villages in 3 counties (Damboviţa, Buzau, and Vrancea) show that: (i) grazing is differently perceived; (ii) most of the areas designated for grazing are located near riverbanks (over 55%); most of the respondents reported that the areas intended for grazing are quite close to the inhabited areas; distances are less than 2.5 km; and over 60% of respondents believe that the areas are continuously subject to soil degradation processes; (iii) answers given in connection with the issues addressed provide both relevance to the Curvature Subcarpathians (6792 km2) and the potential impact of higher pressure of grazing on local areas due to the discouragement of specific transhumance policies (more than 60% required subsidies). The average stocking density is about 4.7 head per ha. In general, beyond different farmers’ perceptions, a scientific question remains open regarding the quantitative impact of grazing on hydrological processes. Hence, a field survey (e.g., rainfall-runoff experiments) to assess grazing pressure on water and soil resources will be performed.
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Gianina Neculau
1 2
Gabriel Minea
1 2
Nicu Ciobotaru
1 2
Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac
Sevastel Mircea
Oana Mititelu-Ionuș
Jesús Rodrigo-Comino

  1. University of Bucharest, Research Institute of the University of Bucharest, 90 Panduri Street, Sector 5, 050107, Bucharest, Romania
  2. National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, 97 E Bucureşti – Ploieşti Road, Sector 1, 013686, Bucharest, Romania
  3. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, Romania
  4. University of Craiova, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Craiova, Romania
  5. University of Granada, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, Granada, Spain
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We conducted pre-registered replications of 15 effects in the field of judgment and decision making (JDM). We aimed to test the generalizability of different classical and modern JDM effects, including, among others: less-is- better, anchoring, and framing to different languages, cultures, or current situations (COVID-19 pandemic). Replicated studies were selected and conducted by undergraduate psychology students enrolled in a decision-making course. Two hundred and two adult volunteers completed an online battery of replicated studies. With a classical significance criterion (p < .05), seven effects were successfully replicated (47%), five partially replicated (33%), and three did not replicate (20%). Even though research materials differed from the originals in several ways, the replication rate in our project is slightly above earlier reported findings in similar replication projects. We discuss factors that may underlie replication results (success vs. failure). We also stress the role of open science practices such as open data, open research materials, pre-registration, and registered reports in improving the replicability of results in the JDM field.
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Agata Sobkow
Marcin Surowski
Angelika Olszewska
Nina Antoniewska
Katarzyna Barcik
Urszula Bartkiewicz
Agnieszka Brzeska
Adrianna Brzozowska
Oliwia Budrewicz
Jakub Choja
Kamila Choma
Patrycja Chorbotowicz
Michalina Filimoniak
Łukasz Filip
Paweł Gambuś
Weronika Gierlik
Tomasz Gonczar
Katarzyna Goryczka
Maksymilian Góra
Marta Haczek
Weronika Hetmańczuk
Zuzanna Holka
Aneta Janosz
Nikola Kikowska
Joanna Kołcun
Zuzanna Kozłowska
Monika Kujawińska
Marcin Kuleszczyk
Aleksandra Lach-Galińska
Katarzyna Latacz
Adam Ławniczak
Katarzyna Majewska
Klaudia Makowska
Marta Mamzer
Iga Marciniszyn
Adam Masternak
Magdalena Matuszek
Jonasz Mehr
Ewelina Miela
Monika Mleczko
Paulina Morga
Magdalena Niemczyk
Damian Ostrowski
Jagoda Pełdiak
Kamil Piotrowicz
Antoni Płuciennik
Oskar Ryśkiewicz
Weronika Sekuła
Małgorzata Sikora
Natalia Sikora
Daria Sitko
Agata Sobczak
Julia Sosenko
Sonia Stando
Katarzyna Starek
Łukasz Ślak
Jagoda Świtała
Natalia Świtniewska
Agnieszka Tyc
Olga Urban
Natalia Wcisło
Katarzyna Wiśniewska
Joanna Wodzińska
Aleksandra Zabiełło
Monika Żygadło
Tomasz Zaleskiewicz
Jakub Traczyk

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities; Faculty of Psychology in Wroclaw
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The paper presents the results of the research on the assessment of environmental conditions in selected university buildings — focused on building-surroundings relations. The research was conducted in 5 buildings in a few academic centers in Poland, using questionnaire technique. The respondents were students of architecture, art, psychology and landscape architecture, in the surveyed buildings (N=184). Analysis of the results — apart from the main finding of the general lack of the ‘space for students’ (including both individual workplaces and recreational spaces) — revealed the important role of the surroundings for the way of use and description of the buildings. ‘Location’ and generally ‘external’ elements such as garden, greenery and small architecture for recreation, the ‘edges’ of the building (such as the elevation and the roof) as well as the direct visual connections, constituted the largest group among all respondents’ ‘strengths’ of analyzed buildings. A significant and puzzling exception in this group is the latest in the analyzed WICA building in Lublin — best evaluated in terms of functionality but also described with the most neutral terms (on the ‘positive’ scale), whose students (N=31) in their assessments and descriptions do not take into account (or do not notice) the building-environment relationship. The analysis of the results revealed individualized image of the places. ‘Functionality’ occured to be not the only one predictor of behavioral and emotional bonds with places; the important role is also — as it seems — played by a ‘friendly’ environment. This — basing on the analysis of the content — means both selected aspect of urban relationships (accessibility, public transportation, facilities), but also the quality (beauty and utility) of landscape architecture.
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Angelika Lasiewicz-Sych

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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The present study is the first attempt at examining the perception and evaluation of 10 internationally known political and religious leaders’ English pronunciation. 40 Polish students’ assessed their speech samples in terms of the degree of foreign accentedness, comprehensibility and acceptability. We examine whether the following factors affect the assessors’ judgements: their personal attitude to the speakers, the students’ level of English proficiency and the genetic proximity between between the speakers’ and the listeners’ L1s combined with the raters’ familiarity with foreign accents of English. It is demonstrated that the listeners’ attitude to the speakers has no impact on the ratings of the samples’ comprehensibility and accentedness, but plays an important role in their evaluations of acceptability. The participants’ level of English proficiency is crucial for their assessment of comprehensibility, but not accentedness and acceptability. Finally, the genetic proximity between the involved languages and the listeners’ familiarity with varieties of foreign-accented English are shown to be relevant for all the presented accent jugdements.

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Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska
Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz
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In the article an interactive text-reading platform based on the Text 2.0 framework is presented. An experiment was carried out to investigate the reading behaviour of Italian language learners using this platform. Average reading time and comprehension scores did not differ across the conditions (a dedicated eye tracker PCeye Go, webcam-based eye tracking and mouse-only interaction). Additionally, participants in all the groups rated high on the perceived usefulness of the developed platform and overall reading experience. The implications of using such a tool for interactive reading are presented in this paper.
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Akshay Mendhakar
Katarzyna Sierak
Monika Płużyczka
Helmut Leder

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
  2. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
  3. Universität Wien
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A concept of the vector space of imperceptible observation errors in linear Gauss-Markov models with uncorrelated observations, initially proposed in the earlier work of the author, is presented together with some improvements and new developments. The gross errors falling into that vector space pass absolutely undetected through all possible statistical tests set in the least squares estimation and unnoticeably distort the resulting values of one or more of the model parameters. The relationship is established between the concept of imperceptible gross errors and the concept, proposed by other authors, of the gross errors which can be detected but not identified due to specific properties of a network's structure. The theory is illustrated with a simple numerical example.
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Witold Prószyński
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The concept of body image can be considered on many levels, but constant is the fact that it is a mental image: of the size, shape, and form of one’s own body, influencing one’s overall self-image. Previous multifaceted research shows that perceptions of body image can be influenced among other things by physical activity or personality. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between body image perception and personality, considering individuals who regularly practice physical activity (N= 104). The following research tools were used: IPIP- BFM-20, Body Esteem Scale and a questionnaire consisting of questions allowing for the respondents’ characterization. Analysis of the collected data revealed that almost half of the respondents are currently dissatisfied with their body image. It was also noted that those who were satisfied with their body image scored statistically significantly higher on two of the five personality traits measured: Extraversion and Emotional Stability. The results obtained showing the relationship between personality and body image perception are consistent with previous studies in which the type of physical activity and its frequency were not examined.
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Wiktoria Kujawa
Krzysztof Zabiegliński
Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska

  1. University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland
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This study aimed to acquire a better understanding of the personal and contextual characteristics that could affect educators’ reports and perceptions of student-to-student bullying behaviors. This study included two hundred and eighteen early childhood educators working in daycare centers for children from 2-and-a-half to 4- 5 years old in Greece. Preschool Peer Bullying Scale-Teacher Form (PPBS-TF) questionnaire was used to examine educators’ reported student-to-student bullying experiences in Greek childcare centers. This study’s results concerning student-tostudent bullying involvement indicate that there were gender differences in the participants’ perceptions of bullying behaviors. This information could be useful in understanding better this phenomenon and its relation to gender.
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Iraklis Grigoropoulos

  1. International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Bierwiaczonek (2013: 201-202) proposed an analysis of the polysemy of the verb see based on propositional metonymic mappings. In Matusz (2020) I supported this claim with a short dictionary analysis. In the present paper, I propose a similar analysis of the polysemy of hear based on propositional metonymy processes. In order to do that a short dictionary analysis is performed to determine the basic non- metonymic meaning of the verb and to distinguish the senses motivated by metonymic mappings. The analysis performed on the basis of three dictionary sources shows that a significant number of senses of hear may plausibly be explained as cases of PART FOR WHOLE propositional metonymic patterns. The metonymic shift may be demonstrated on the basis of State-of-Affairs Scenarios (SASs), as proposed by Panther and Thornburg (1999), due to the fact that within such scenarios the stage of auditory perception constitutes a particularly salient stage (a stage of SAS for SAS). Alternatively, some dictionary samples are ambiguous between the PART FOR WHOLE metonymic interpretation and the metaphoric reading wherein metonymy plays an active role in the emergence of the metaphoric shift. Thus, reference to metonymy-metaphor interaction appears indispensable. In the paper, I propose an analysis of such cases based on Ruiz de Mendoza and Díez Velasco (2002), who consider the role of metonymic domain expansion within the source of the metaphoric mappings.
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Łukasz Matusz

  1. University of Silesia
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Becoming more and more a multidisciplinary domain of study, the development of research in second language acquisition, and even more visibly in multilingualism, has moved away from its sole focus on cognitive aspects to social-affective dimensions. Consequently, research in these areas makes more extensive use of research methodology characteristic of social sciences. The focus on identity brings together issues of social context and the construction of one’s identity through negotiation of who we are, how we relate to the outside world and how we position ourselves in relation to others (Pavlenko 2001). Language is the main tool in this construction/ negotiation through the acquisition/learning and use of multiple languages. In relation to the development of one’s multilingual identity, the major distinction has to be made between acquiring a language in its natural context (the case of one’s mother tongue or immigration) and learning it in formal contexts. Block (2014) believes that the issue of identity can only be studied in a natural environment of language acquisition, and not in a formal instruction context. This article aims to confi rm or reject the above belief, based on evidence from various studies of bi- and multiple language users and how they perceive their identities and their relation to the languages in their possession. It includes a pilot study of trilingual language learners and their understanding of how the individual languages they know (L1, L2, L3) build their identities and the way they enrich, impoverish or challenge who they see themselves to have been by birth (Gabryś-Barker 2018). The issues discussed relate to external (other people, situations, contexts) and internal identity-building factors (individual affectivity, personality features).

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Danuta Gabryś-Barker
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The aim of the study was to examine how the wording of a question about audio, visual and audiovisual stimuli can affect the assessment of the environment. The participants of the psychophysical experiments were asked to rate, on a numerical scale, audio and visual information both separately and together, combined into mixes. A set of questions was used for all the investigated audio, visual, and audio-visual stimuli. The participants were asked about the comfort or the discomfort caused by the perceived stimuli presented at three different sound levels.
The results show that there are no statistically significant differences between the assessment of comfort and discomfort associated with visual samples. Actually, the comfort and discomfort ratings are equivalent to the extent that a discomfort rating can be represented as the opposite to the comfort rating, i.e. the discomfort rating is equal to the 10 minus comfort rating.
In general, the results obtained for audio and audio-visual samples were the same, with only a few exceptions that were dependent on sound level. No statistically significant differences were found for the loudest stimuli, but there were some exceptions for the softener cases. Based on the results, we show that only for visual stimuli both scales are totally interchangeable. When presenting audio and audio-visual samples, only one scale should be applied – either discomfort or comfort, depending on the context and the character of the stimuli.
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Jan Felcyn
Anna Preis
Marcin Praszkowski
Małgorzata Wrzosek

  1. Department of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  2. Institute of Philosophy, Szczecin University, Szczecin, Poland
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The head-related transfer function (HRTF) is dependent on the position of the sound source (both direction and distance) and is also affected by individual anatomical parameters. Individualized HRTFs have been shown to affect the perception of sound direction, but have not been considered in distance perception. This work aims to discover, by means of psychoacoustic experiments for a virtual reproduction system through a pair of in-ear headphones, the effect of individualized HRTF on auditory distance perception for a nearby sound source. The individualized HRTFs of six subjects and the non-individualized HRTFs of a mannequin at seven distances between 0.2 and 1.0 m and five lateral azimuths between 45X and 135X in the horizontal plane were processed with white noise to generate binaural signals. Further, the individualized and non-individualized HRTFs were used in the auditory distance perception experiments. Results of distance perception show that the variance of distance perception results among subjects is significant, the reason could be the stimuli are lack of dynamic cue and early reflections, or the auditory difference of distance perception among subjects. However, via the analyses of mean slope of perceptual distance and correlation between the perceptual and real distance, we find that the individualized HRTF cue has insignificant influence on distance perception.

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Guangzheng Yu
Liliang Wang
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The distinction between primary and secondary qualities, most famously outlined by Galileo, and subsequently supported, inter alia, by Descartes and by Locke, has widely been considered one of the crucial factors in the development of modern idealism. In its contemporary form, the distinction identifies some of the perceived properties as mental phenomena due to their content and structural dependence on the mind. However, this account of the primary/secondary distinction is largely different from its original version developed by the above-mentioned philosophers, within whose work the mental being of the perceived qualities was demonstrated objectively, from the conceptually-derived nature of matter, and not subjectively, by referring to the mind’s participation in the cognitive process. It was only at the next stage of the early modern subjectivisation of sense perception, best exemplified by such philosophers as Arnold Geulincx and Richard Burthogge, that the creative role played by the mind in sensation and, consequently, the mind-dependency of the sensible qualities was recognised – a turn influenced by the reinterpretation of Aristotelian philosophy offered by Jacopo Zabarella and the Paduan school, as well as by anti-Aristotelianism of the kind developed in Netherlands. Furthermore, the two different approaches to the primary/ secondary distinction can be linked with two main types of post-Cartesian idealism, i.e. Berkeleian and Kantian – a claim for which illustrative evidence from British philosophy, namely from Berkeley’s and Burthogge’s respective theories, can be drawn.

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Bartosz Żukowski

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