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The article considers the problem of proverb stability and modifications, difference between the terms modification and transformation. Characterized are the main methods of transformation of the proverb “The devil is not as terrible as it is depicted” in newspaper discourse and social networks, while the functional potential of anti‐proverbs formed on its basis is described. The author draws the conclusion that standard modifications within the national paremiological corpus cannot be perceived as textual or occasional modifications. They should be taken as systemic variations within the language norm that exist in the mind of native speakers, ones that do not add another semantic meaning and are not recognized by native speakers as proverb deformations. Differences between proverbs (sayings of an edifying character, which contain the centuries‐old experience of the people) and anti‐proverbs (the authors consider anti‐proverbs to be the semantic antithesis of proverbs) are highlighted. The authors pay special attention to the study of the semantics of proverbs and their transformants to identify any relevant semantic and cognitive characteristics. The productive transformation of classical proverbs convinces one of the heredity of folk wisdom, the change of the deep meaning and formal plan of the original proverbs testifies to their adaptation to new social and historical conditions and values. As a result of the investigation it was observed that proverbs as with folklore small genre texts are flexible, open to transformation, reproduction, semantic and textual deviations. These communicative units are distinguished with dynamism, evolution, formal and semantic deviations. They go back to the precedent texts, starting their new life.
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Valentyna Kalko
Mykola Kalko

  1. Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University
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The object of the study presented in the paper are Yiddish proverbs. The aim of the paper is a linguistic analysis of selected proverbs and their connections with the Polish-language context. The Yiddish language namely has developed in contact with other languages, and one of the languages highly relevant for the Yiddish language, influencing its development, was the Polish language. The richness of Yiddish proverbs has also left its mark on the Polish language, as is evidenced by the presence of Jewish proverbs in Polish. The focus here lies on lexical and structural phenomena characteristic for both languages. Under examination is the extent to which the structure of Yiddish proverbs corresponds with the structure of the Polish language and what lexemes are the result of an interaction at the language level and the sociocultural level.

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Anna Pilarski
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A famous Russian folk song, proverbs and sayings about a mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law are the key elements of the analysis of the relations between a son‑in‑law (a younger member of the male family) and a mother‑in‑law (an older member of the female family). This analysis is also based on the etymological data and the author tries to answer the question: what is the hidden relation between the two families the members of whom are married? Many papers have been written on that matter. This article describes this relation as a gradual process of building the indirect connection between the mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law. This is a symmetric/asymmetric relations which only seems to be mutually linked and tied. The emerged and shaped relation attitude direction – from mother‑in‑law to son‑in‑law – is presented here as the act of attracting and repelling. By means of fulfilment and satisfaction it implies the necessity of the adaption but not subordination as well as the hidden favour of the unlimited reproductive power. On the other hand i.e. the direction from the son‑in‑law to mother‑in‑law, the attitude is completely different which means the partial rivalry and repelling attraction. The daughter (from the mother‑in‑law side) and the fiancée/wife (from the son‑in‑law side) is completely out of these relations.
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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This article examines substandard vocabulary in Russian proverbs attested in collections going back to the period from the end of the 17th century. Our analysis of collections published in the 18th through to 20th century shows that their authors’ excessive prudery and moral purism along with state‑imposed censorship severely affected both the nature of folklore as a genre and the history of the Russian language. In later reprints one often detects an intentional corruption of the text possibly caused by either censorial demands or by the well‑intentioned self‑censorship of the editors who redacted the proverbs and replaced “lowly” lexical items with socially acceptable ones based on their idea of contemporary moral norms. Any investigation of Russian phraseology of the 17th‑18th centuries must therefore be based on primary sources such as manuscripts or early printed books.
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Birgegård U., Glossariy russkogo razgovornogo yazyka kontsa 17‑go veka, “Russian Linguistics” 1975, vol. 2, issue 3‑4.

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Елена Николаева
Сергей Николаев

  1. Санкт‑Петербург, Российский государственный гидрометеорологический
  2. Санкт‑Петербург, Институт русской литературы (Пушкинский Дом) РАН
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The article analyses phraseological and paremiological borrowings in the Russian language of the era of Peter the Great. The end of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries was a time of intensive political, economic and linguistic transformations in Russia. From the “window to Europe”, which was opened at that time, a powerful stream of innovations, primarily lexical ones, poured into Russian life and the Russian language. This borrowed vocabulary has been fundamentally studied by both domestic and foreign linguists, and has become an object of lexicographic description. The process of borrowing phraseological units and proverbs of the Petrine era has been studied much less than borrowed vocabulary. The reason for this is the different way of borrowing such linguistic units: if the borrowed vocabulary is easily recognized by a foreign language root words, then phraseological units and proverbs perceive European innovations mainly by the literal translation of components, i.e. tracing, which makes them “their own” in the composition of lexical components. The article analyses the phraseological units and proverbs that were mastered in the time of Peter the Great in the form of half calks and calks, characterizes the common and different features in the adaptation of these types of units to the Russian language, emphasizes the methodological difficulties in their identification as Europeanisms. Special attention is paid to phraseological and paremiological borrowings from the Dutch and German languages, something typical for the era of Peter the Great.
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Валерий Мокиенко

  1. Санкт‑Петербург, Санкт‑Петербургский государственный университет

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