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The paper formulates several critical observations about the official (established by Polish legal statutes) rules of evaluation scientific publications. These rules are based on so-called parameterization, that is, ascription of points to papers and books published by scientists. The criticism is made from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences, although some assertions have a more general character. Although the author shares the opinion that evaluation of science is necessary, he points out several disadvantages of parameterization. One of them consists in the fact that the ascription of points to publications uses a relatively weak scale, that is, based on the ordering relation. This feature essentially limits the range of mathematical operations admissible to results of measuring in such a way. This situation results in conventional character of parameterization, contrary to expectations that it successfully display the real value of scientific achievements. The paper illustrates this problem by concrete examples as well as shows that parameterization makes possible pathological cases stemming from political and world-view preferences.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
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The article shows the history of the Spanish and American editions of the novel Dalla parte di lei by the Italian-Cuban author Alba de Céspedes and the process of its retranslations starting from the several English versions of the text used as “text-pivot”. Through the investigation of the author’s intense correspondence with her publishers and taking into account Berman’s “Retranslation hypothesis” and Venuti’s approach within the Translation Studies, this work demonstrates how, in the 1950s, one of the most popular Alba de Céspedes’ novel used to be translated in other languages through different editing, revision and retranslation practices depending on the public of readers. In particular, Francoism censorship was decisive in editorial choices for the Spanish edition of the text.
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Chiara Sinatra

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
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The new evaluation rules proposed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in July 2018 are set to cure some of the ailments of the existing system, notably the “punktoza” phenomenon (i.e. publishing for volume, not scientific quality). However, it should be pointed out that the method of fixing old “bugs” might in fact create some new ones. In this article I discuss three elements of the proposed regulations, namely: the principle of “inheritance of prestige”, treatment of chapters in edited volumes, and possible variants of ministerial registry of academic publishers. To address those issues empirically I use an existing dataset covering citation of books in 2009–2013 (Torres-Salinas et al. 2014). While the new evaluation rules apply relatively high value to chapters in edited volumes, they in fact have disproportionately low scientific impact. What is more, the correlation between citation of books and chapters in edited volumes is very low, casting doubt on the assumed “inheritance of publishers' prestige”. Finally, there seems to be a high risk that the registry of publishers will not reproduce the exponential distribution observed in the actual structure of scientific impact (and apparently sought by the new system), thereby jeopardizing validity of such evaluation.

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Ireneusz Sadowski
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NHST (null hypothesis significance testing) is the most popular statistical paradigm in psychology. Mistakes in interpretation of its assumptions and their consequences are topic for methodological and statistical discussion for over fifty years. Article presents two problems associated with NHST that are particularly prevalent in psychology: identifying non-significant results with research failure and conducting underpowered research. They can contribute to increase in exploiting questionable research practices in order to obtain desirable, significant outcomes. Three practices: p-hacking, HARKing and selective publishing are described, along with analysis of their impact on replication crisis in psychological science.

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Karolina Karpe
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The paper discusses the history of Clara Bernthal, a postcard publishing house from Gdańsk founded in 1898. The author provided information about the founder of the publishing house and the postcards on the basis on the archival materials. The text has been supplemented by a catalogue of Clara Bernthal postcards from Biblioteka Gdańska’s holdings. Collectors, museum registrars and librarians will find this information helpful in identifying publication dates of the postcards.
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Marta Pawlik-Flisikowska
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This article provides an overview of French translations of prose and drama on the Hungarian book market between 2000 and 2020. The quantitative and qualitative analysis is based on data from the National Library of Hungary comprising 39,792 entries, of which 2,479 are translations from French. The analysis focuses on the position of French compared to other source languages, the distribution of translations according to their literary genre, and publishers actively involved in the publication of French literature. Results indicate that French ranks third after English and German, accounting for 6.2% of the records in the sample, and is rarely used as an intermediary language for translation. Novels are the genre most frequently translated, while translations of dramatic works are sporadic. The three most active publishers of French translations in Hungary comprise one publisher of classic and contemporary literature, one of digital books and one of children’s literature.
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Adrienn Gulyas

  1. Universite Du Service Public, Budapest, Hongrie
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Rzeczy Piękne [Beautiful Things] (1918–1932) was a monthly publication of the Adrian Baraniecki Municipal Industrial Museum in Cracow. Among its distinctive features were a sophisticated graphic layout and eye-catching initials. The latter are remarkable for one more reason. While decorative initials are usually associated with of book design, it is rare to find a set of artistic ornaments commissioned specially for a periodical. This study has shown that the initials owe their distinct character not only to the ideas of the arts and crafts association Warsztaty Krakowskie [Cracow Workshops] but also to an original and attractive technique of composition.

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Magdalena Koziak-Podsiadło
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Science at the state level consists of two distinct and heterogeneous systems: the global science system and national science systems. National science systems are deeply embedded in global science, and states seek to use global knowledge for domestic economic needs. However, harnessing the wealth of global knowledge can only be done through scientists. Consequently, the scientific strength of states in practice depends on the scientific strength of individual scientists. Their ability to collaborate internationally and to tap into the global scientific network is crucial. By remaining outside it and working within local research programs, the academic community risks being marginalized, losing the interest of national research funding patrons, and losing the ability to influence the development of science.
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Marek Kwiek

  1. Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną, Katedra UNESCO Badań Instytucjonalnych i Polityki Szkolnictwa Wyższego UAM w Poznaniu
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In this text, we analyze the limitations of using academic age as a proxy for biological age in the whole national science system, for which we consider both biological age and academic age of all researchers from all Polish universities, holding at least a PhD degree and participating in global academic science through international publications (N = 20 569). An approximation of a researcher's functioning in global science is having at least one publication indexed in the Scopus database in the analyzed decade 2009–2018. Thus, using the example of comprehensive data from the entire national system of science, we estimate the extent of limitations of using academic age as a proxy for biological age depending on selected independent variables and analyze both the practical and methodological implications of using academic age in academic career research, which is one of the most important components of quantitative studies of science.
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Marek Kwiek
Wojciech Roszka
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This article discusses the challenges and problems caused by predatory journals in scholarly communication. By focusing on the editorial practices, I describe the case of Dr. Anna Fraud (Anna O. Szust in Polish): a bogus scientist created by four Polish scholars. Dr. Fraud became a member of editorial boards in over 40 scientific journals although she is a fake person and, obviously has no experience in journal editing. The present paper aims to show that scientist always have to care about a quality control and a peer review system. The article concludes with a presentation of the ‘Think. Check. Submit’ Initiative which provides useful and helpful tools for analysing journals by potential contributors.

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Emanuel Kulczycki
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This article is confrontational with the theses presented in the paper: O pewnym (chybionym) studium przypadku [About a (wrong) case study ] (Chybińska 2017), which is the answer to the issues presented in the article: Etyka w przekładzie specjalistycznym a kompetencje tłumacza tekstów specjalistycznych — studium przypadku [Ethics in specialized translation and competence of specialist translator: case study] (Boroch 2017). In this article (Boroch 2017), the methodological principles in the specialist translation and the substantive and ethical consequences of their violation have been presented. Exemplary material was the Polish translation of Henryk Hiż's article: Peirce's Influence on Logic in Poland (Hiż 1997, 264–270) published in ”Studia z Filozofii Polskiej” in 2015 (Hiż 2015, 21–29) along with a biographical section (Chybińska 2015, 29–33) which both constitute a coherent publication. The article has raised the following issues: (1) the lack of justification of the basis of translation, i.e. the primacy of the manuscript over the printed version, that is the last one controlled by the author; (2) inconsistency with regard to termination of translation; (3) unauthorized introduction of a Polish neologism “dylematyczny” derived from the (non-existent) English lexical unit “dylemmatic” (Sic!); (4) proposal of the notation of Peirce's law: (p, q, r ) (Sic!).

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Robert Boroch
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This article was prompted by a joint declaration made on 28 September 2015 by the Archbishops of Cracow and Warsaw and the state authorities of the two cities that they would provide means for publishing project ‘A Critical Edition of the Literary Works of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II’. This decision, marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyła in May 2020, signalizes the importance of the project which goes beyond a standard publication of an author’s complete works. The series was inaugurated by the publication in 2018 of Volume One (Juvenilia, 1938–1946), whose editors are expected to continue working on the following volumes. The author of this article takes a look at the first collected works edition of The Poetry and Dramas of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II, published in 1979 (it actually went to press in 1980) under the directorship of Jacek Woźniakowski and authorized by John Paul II himself. It was in fact a complete edition as its editors succeeded in collecting all of Karol Wojtyła literary works from the moment he enrolled at the Seminary until his election as Pope in 1978. All the texts used for that edition were collected at source and in that respect can hardly be surpassed. For over forty years it offered a reliable store of Karol Wojtyła’s poems and plays to ordinary readers, translators, producers of plays and public ceremonies. In this article we can find a first-hand account of the story of that first edition from its inception, the role of the editors of the weekly Tygodnik Powszechny, the decisions taken at the Znak head office and the author’s own contribution as editor. It is at this point that he explains the decision to exclude from their edition Karol Wojtyła’s juvenila from his student years.

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Jan Okoń
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Polish scholarly magazines Biblioteka Warszawska [Warsaw Library] (1841–1914) and Ateneum (1876– 1901) devoted a quite a lot of attention to recent discoveries in the field of ancient history, cultural history and descriptions of foreign countries. This article discusses materials on the ancient Middle East published in both of these periodicals.

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Leszek Zinkow
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Over the last three decades the German Bauer Media empire has systematically invested in the Polish media market. Due to a well-devised business strategy Bauer Media Group not only have built up a strong market position but continued to expand despite the global decline of the print industry. While successfully broadening its offer to new readers, the company managed to hold on to its key segments, i.e. women’s press, entertainment and TV magazines, teen and computer magazines. This article examines Bauer Media’s presence in Poland since 1991. It combines an outline history of its Polish operations with a close analysis of the company’s key market expansion decisions, quantitative transformations of its print offer and its response to the new, more digital and more social, media environment.

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Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska
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This article analyzes the editoral and thematic structure of Polish school ephemera on the basis of seventeen single-issue publications of this kind published in Poland’s eastern voivodships in the interwar period. The author traces the origin of the texts and the process of its composition (gathering and selection of materials, editorial revisions, technical issues), examines the themes and tries to assesses the participation of students and teachers as well as the cooperation of the local community in each project. Finally, she reassesses of the role and the objectives of such publications.

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Katarzyna Zimnoch
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This article looks at the history and contents of the quarterly Dawna Sztuka [Old Art] published in Lwów in (1938–1939), dedicated to the history of art and archaeology. Founded by Professor Stanisław Jan Gąsiorowski, the periodical was intended, among others, as a platform for establishing ties with researchers from abroad and presenting the work of Polish archaeologists and art historians to the academic community and readers all over the world.

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Aleksandra Lubczyńska
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This article analyzes the financial situation of the biggest print media in Poland and the strategies of coping with declining sales and advertising revenue.
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Jolanta Dzierżyńska-Mielczarek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Świętokrzyska 21D, PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article examines three aborted publishing projects involving popular science magazines from the early 19th century, two of them in Cracow, one in Kalisz. Their history has been reconstructed thanks to the publishers' prospectuses found in collections of the Jagiellonian Library.

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Danuta Hombek
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The Gdańsk publishers of printed music included both large, energetically operating companies, and small firms we know of only from single publications. The majority of them are booksellers who, just like in the 17th and 18th centuries, financed – and sometimes also copied in their own printing establishments – the items they were selling. Additionally, they not only extended the range of goods in their bookshops to include stationery, works of art and instruments, including grand pianos, but also offered a broad range of services, such as the lending of books and printed music, and even organising concerts. During the period in question, the range of publications covered school and church songbooks (mostly Protestant), but also compositions designed to entertain, with the dominating role of the grand piano as a solo and accompanying instrument. What marked out Gdańsk at the end of the 19th century/ beginning of the 20th century, was its published works for male choirs, addressed to the city’s numerous singing associations.
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Kartoteka drukarzy gdańskich XIX i XX wieku, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska.

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„Hofmeister Monatsberichte”,
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Eduard Sobolewski,
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Hermann Buchholz, Pos=3&identifier=251_SOLR_SERVER_1652492539RISM
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog,
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: A.G. Harpf,
Michalak J.M., Carl Anton Reichel, ANTON
Michalak J.M., Ludwig Traugott Granzin, LUDWIG_TRAUGOTT
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Reinhold Bergell,
Vogel B., Instrumenty muzyczne – budownictwo, Tabela: Budowniczowie instrumentów muzycznych, BUDOWNICTWO
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Agnieszka Kubiak

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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Czarny Paryż [The Back Paris] is a crime novel written by Jolanta Fuchsówna, journalist and writer, and Jan Brzękowski, leading poet of the Cracow Avant-garde who lived in Paris, and serialized in the Cracow daily Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny in 1932, but not published as a book. In this article two typescripts of the novel are analyzed and compared with the printed text, taking note of all the corrections and amendments introduced by the authors. An integral supplement to this textual study is an extract from Chapter XIII ‘A Party in the Studio of the Japanese Man’ reproduced in two versions, 1) with footnotes and modernized spelling, and 2) the original text from the typescript with all annotations.

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Iwona Boruszkowska
Aleksander Wójtowicz
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The paper aims to give a comprehensive account of books by Polish authors published in B. Z. Milski’s publishing house in Gdańsk in the 1890s. Bernard Zygmunt Milski was the founder and editor of “Gazeta Gdańska”. The author discussed Polish books published between 1891 and 1900. Milski deserves all of the credit for publishing “Krzyżacy” by Henryk Sienkiewicz in 1900. From among various periodicals and supplements published by Milski only the book calendars have been described in the article.
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Ewa Czerniakowska

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