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The article is an attempt of providing basic information on the Polish Register of Ships – (rejestr okrętowy), its legal principles, construction and mode of operation. The text is by no means a comprehensive legal analysis of this institution – such a study would have necessitated much more time and effort, but it is rather a synthetic guidance on how the register is designed, how it works, or at least how it should have worked and what sort of purposes it primarily serves. The publication reflects a present status of legislation in Poland, i.e. the respective regulations of the Polish Maritime Code enacted in 2001. It should be noted that a draft of a new Polish Maritime Code has recently been prepared, that designs the Polish Register of Ships in a slightly different, more flexible and up-to-date, mode. However, at the moment, we are not able to predict when the new regulations might be enacted and become applicable. Polish maritime hypothecation and mortgage are subject to a separate study that shall be presented in the near future.

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Krzysztof Kochanowski
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A parcel is the most important object of real estate cadastre. Its primary spatial attribute are boundaries, determining the extent of property rights. Capturing the data on boundaries should be performed in the way ensuring sufficiently high accuracy and reliability. In recent years, as part of the project “ZSIN – Construction of Integrated Real Estate Information System – Stage I”, in the territories of the participating districts, actions were taken aimed at the modernization of the register of land and buildings. In many cases, this process was carried out basing on photogrammetric materials. Applicable regulations allow such a possibility. This paper, basing on the documentation from the National Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation Center and on the authors’ own surveys attempts to assess the applicability of the photogrammetric method to capture data on the boundaries of cadastral parcels. The scope of the research, most importantly, included the problem of accuracy with which it was possible to determine the position of a boundary point using photogrammetric surveys carried out on the terrain model created from processed aerial photographs. The article demonstrates the manner of recording this information in the cadastral database, as well as the resulting legal consequences. Moreover, the level of reliability of the entered values of the selected attributes of boundary points was assessed.
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Piotr Benduch
Agnieszka Pęska-Siwik
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The perceptual text is the one described by means of sense organs and having specific cohesion tools which include among others lexis belonging to the perception modus, so called introductory predicates indicating specific perception acts, synesthetic expressions, the observer as well as spatial and locative syntactems. Text architectonics is determined by the change of the speaker’s position (observer, perceiver), his transition within the text time and space.

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Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
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The following paper discusses the anthroponymy of Białystok region in the late 19th and early 20th century with the focus on patronyms ( otchestva) excerpted from the church registers of the Orthodox parish in Łapy dated 1898‑1915. It was established that the majority of the patronyms were derived from the Orthodox (Church‑Slavonic) variants of proper names (e.g., Dionisiyev, Emilіanova), although the study confirms the presence of the cases where non‑canonical variants of baptismal names were used (e.g., Denisov, Emel’yanova). Moreover, the graphic notation of the patronyms reflects the rules enforced in the period prior to the final spelling reform; simultaneously, the observed trends point to the removal of doublets and the deviation from the Church‑Slavonic pattern. Despite the commonality of patronyms in their short forms (e.g., Yakovlev, Kirillov, Ivanova), the full forms of otchestva in the parish registers (e.g. Yakovlevich, Kirillovich, Ivanovna) were detected as well. Their occurrence can be explained by several factors, such as an effort to differentiate between identical surnames, or the social origin of the name owner and his profession. Nonetheless, the discussed dependencies between the short and full forms are not unconditionally consistent.
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Michał Mordań

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok
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The bibliography includes printed matriculation albums of universities, registers of members of student fraternities and nationalities preserved in the holdings of the PAS Gdańsk Library. The matriculation albums are a valuable source of information in biographic, genealogical, cultural and social research. Due to their merits as important scientific tools they were edited and published as early as in the 19th century. The bibliography includes sources dated 1289–1944 from 59 towns and 14 European countries (listed in the article under the modern country names), the oldest of which is matriculation record of the University in Bologna, the last one is a list of Polish students of the Medical Department at University in Königsberg. The items in the catalogue are arranged according to the names of the mentioned towns (in the Polish version). Within the category of the towns the author enumerates the matriculation albums, registers of nationalities and student fraternities, as well as other kinds of records, all arranged in alphabetical order. The sources that were impossible to be allocated to any of the above mentioned groups were placed in the appendix.
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Stefania Sychta
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The paper, which is a textlinguistic-codicological analysis, presents an attempt to show the specific features of the Russian administrative language in the registrations in the parish register from Busko-Zdrój of the 19th century. The aim of the exploration is to answer the question whether the examined annotations can be regarded as a pattern of the registration in a parish register and so as a text type. The author focuses on the structure and characteristics of the different registrations. The background for such defined research area is the outlining of structure and function of the parish registers and their notes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr A. Owsiński
Michał Mordań

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  2. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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A testbench is built to verify a functionality of a shift register IC (Integrated Circuit) from stuck-at-faults, stuck-at-1 as well as stuck-at-0. The testbench is supported by components, i.e., generator, interface, driver, monitor, scoreboard, environment, test, and testbench top. The IC consists of sequential logic circuits of D-type flip-flops. The faults may occur at interconnects between the circuits inside the IC. In order to examine the functionality from the faults, both the testbench and the IC are designed using SystemVerilog and simulated using Questasim simulator. Simulation results show the faults may be detected by the testbench. Moreover, the detected faults may be indicated by error statements in transcript results of the simulator.
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H.M. Chasrun
Robert Lis

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indonesia
  2. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
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The article analyzes the implementation of dialogicality in the artistic discourse referring to dialogue as a form of explication of dialogicity in text communication, as a special type of speech interaction which serves as the most relevant means of verbalizing the speaker’s communicative intentions and is represented by a question/answer complex of stimulus/reaction exchange. Based on the voluminous factual material, the explication of dialogic intentions is traced in two typological registers of communication: tolerant and a-tolerant; it is indicated that, on the one hand, the addressant/addressee continuum of speech interaction conveys a be-nevolent atmosphere and expresses the modality of interlocutors’ mutual understanding and tolerant attitude about themselves being realized through various modal-intentional utterances, primarily interrogative, and stimulating and optative constructions, the use of which contributes to the progress of the communicative process; on the other hand, there is a-tolerant register – a natural phenomenon that reflects the imbalance in relations between communicating parties, the principled incompatibility of views, a conflict in general, represented by counter-questions, echo-questions, evil wishes incentive imperatives, invectives, etc.

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Світлана Шабат-Савка
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After an introduction (§1), all the Ugaritic terms for occupations, professions and social classes are set out in a classified list together with their cognates in other Semitic languages and their equivalents in Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European and other language groups (§2). There are also sections on composite expressions (§3) proper nouns (§§4–5) and both syllabic Ugaritic and Ugaritian Akkadian terms in these categories (§6). A table sets out the results (§7), with statistics for distribution (§8) and language (§9) and finally there are some conclusions (§10).

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Wilfred G.E. Watson
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A class of Xorshift Random Number Generators (RNGs) are introduced by Marsaglia. We have proposed an algorithm which constructs a primitive Xorshift RNG from a given prim- itive polynomial. We also have shown a weakness present in those RNGs and suggested its solution. A separate algorithm also proposed which returns a full periodic Xorshift generator with desired number of Xorshift operations.

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Susil Kumar Bishoi
Surya Narayan Maharana
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This paper provides an overview of the effects of timing jitter in audio sampling analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), i.e. PCM (conventional or Nyquist sampling) ADCs and sigma-delta (ΣΔ) ADCs. Jitter in a digital audio is often defined as short-term fluctuations of the sampling instants of a digital signal from their ideal positions in time. The influence of the jitter increases particularly with the improvements in both resolution and sampling rate of today's audio ADCs. At higher frequencies of the input signals the sampling jitter becomes a dominant factor in limiting the ADCs performance in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and dynamic range (DR).

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Zbigniew Kulka
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This article focuses on mobility of companies in the European Union in the light of the Court of Justice’s judgment in the C-106/16 Polbud – Wykonawstwo sp. z o.o. case. The Court of Justice has once again interpreted the treaty provisions relating to the EU freedom of establishment in the context of cross-border conversion of companies. The in-depth analysis of the case from the substantive law perspective as well as from the conflict-of-law perspective has raised some doubts with regard to the background of the judgment. Therefore, the article assesses whether the cross-border transfer of a seat took place in the Polbud case or the cross-border conversion, or possibly a new company has come into existence. Most of the analysis is aimed at exposing the risks related to the companies’ mobility under the rules adopted in the Polbud judgment, in particular in the absence of respective European and national regulation.

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Sylwia Majkowska-Szulc
Arkadiusz Wowerka
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A novice advanced architecture of 8-bit analog to digital converter is introduced and analyzed in this paper. The structure of proposed ADC is based on the sub-ranging ADC architecture in which a 4-bit resolution flash-ADC is utilized. The proposed ADC architecture is designed by employing a comparator which is equipped with common mode current feedback and gain boosting technique (CMFD-GB) and a residue amplifier. The proposed 8 bits ADC structure can achieve the speed of 140 megasamples per second. The proposed ADC architecture is designed at a resolution of 8 bits at 10 MHz sampling frequency. DNL and INL values of the proposed design are -0.94/1.22 and -1.19/1.19 respectively. The ADC design dissipates a power of 1.24 mW with the conversion speed of 0.98 ns. The magnitude of SFDR and SNR from the simulations at Nyquist input is 39.77 and 35.62 decibel respectively. Simulations are performed on a SPICE based tool in 90 nm CMOS technology. The comparison shows better performance for this proposed ADC design in comparison to other ADC architectures regarding speed, resolution and power consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anil Khatak
Manoj Kumar
Sanjeev Dhull

  1. Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana, India
  2. Faculty of USICT, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India
  3. Faculty of ECE, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana, India

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