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In the presented work the limnological characteristics of the Reservoir Nakło-Chechło elaborated on the basis of investigations carried out in 1996 has been shown. The results of investigations on thermal and oxygenic conditions existing in the Reservoir and the change dynamics of selected physico-chemical indicators of water quality in the Reservoir Nakło-Chechło are described. The paper describes aspecific example of acidotrophy of the Nakło-Chechło Reservoir as a result of anthropopressure. The results of chemical analysis of water in the Nakło-Chechło Reservoir and evaluation of the dynamic changes of various indicators with the atmospheric precipitation quantity on the basin superficies have shown that the Reservoir is under strong hydrological and chemical influence of the precipitation, which generally is acidic and has a very low total hardness. The exceptional vulnerability for acidification due to deficiency in water buffering capacity was, however, the decisive factor. The discharged weak buffering capacity of the Reservoir water facilitates the influence of direct precipitation and through superficial run off. The results of chemical analysis show high state of water quality in the Reservoir Nakło-Chechło as regards amount of indicators which describe water mineralization degree.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Agata Domurad
Eligiusz Kowalski
Jerzy Kozłowski
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In 1998 microbiological investigation of water on eleven sample points, of the greatest antropogenie reservoir in the West-part of Upper Silesian Region was carried out. Total numbers of psychrophiles, mesophiles, Coliform bacteria was determined. In the estuary of Kłodnica river Coli-coefficient was 0.00004, coefficient of Coli-faecal type was 0.0009. These values indicate severe water pollution with faecal matter over the standards for waters and sewage waters. With the distance from estuary of Kłodnica river microbiological pollution factors decrease was observed. After 1 km Coli-coefficient was 100-product decrease. In the sample point at the end of longitude profile, near the dam vicinity, values of those indicators successfully decreased to 0.1 of the Coli-form and 1 for Coli-faecal type. In the 4 sample points along the length of left bank of second part of reservoir (West-part) the differentiation of water quality was observed between I and III quality classes. Decrease of numbers of faecal streptococci by flow-line from 6000 in the estuary of the Kłodnica river to 15 in the pelagic point and 4 in the end of reservoir was determined. Decrease in microbiological factor is the greatest on the first 1000 meters of longitude profile of the reservoir. Very important in decrease of bacteria numbers is sedimentation process of alochtonie suspended solids.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Aleksandra Smyłła
Aleksandra Starczyńska
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Changes in capacity of water reservoir Cedzyna during its exploitation since 1972 till 2003 are presented in the paper. Analyses were based on cross sections of the reservoir’s basin from before its fulfillment (1967) and those measured with the echo sounder Ceeducer in 2003. Silting of reser-voir was predicted based on empirical methods. The volume of reservoir was found to decrease by 112.8 thousand m3 during 31 years of its exploitation and reservoir’s life span was assessed at 685 years. An error analysis was additionally made of calculating the surface area of a cross section at varying number of sounding sites. It was found that there was no need to note too many coordinates and depths and for the Cedzyna reservoir the distance between measurement sites up to 16 m was sufficient.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Bodulski
Jarosław Górski
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The results of investigation on the amount and chemical composition of biogas emitted from bottom sediments of polluted Dzierżno Duże dam reservoir have been presented. The bottom sediments could be a resource of considerable quantity of biogas, e.g. methane. The dilution of methane in water is similar to that of oxygen. The presence of methane dissolved in the water deteriorates environmental conditions. The quantity of biogas depending on temperature ranged from 2 to 12 dm3/m2*d. The biggest singular grow exist in the water temperature 10-15°C. Chemical composition for biogas is dependent on the temperature. Along with the water temperature growth from 7 to 24°C, participation of methane in the biogas increased from 73% to 85%, and the participation of nitrogen from 3.9% to 22.47%. The participation of carbon dioxide decreased from 22% to 4.5%. The heterogeneous process of biogas emission arc running in the kinetic and diffusion area is dependent on temperature. In the low temperature the progress of the process is controlled by the speed of biochemical reaction. The progress of the diffusion process grows in a high temperature, and in the range of 15-24° C the processes is controlled by diffusion of substrates and products of reaction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Jerzy Mazierski
Eligiusz Kowalski
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The pathogenetic bacteria are in flowed to the Dzierżno Duże dam-reservoir by highly polluted Kłodnica River. Their considerable number decreases along with distance within the reservoir. From the Kłodnica River estuary and in the distance 700 m, the water quality is classless (coefficient of Coli - fecal type was 0.002 - 0.008). In the 1500 m distance water quality was III and II class purification. Near the Kłodnica River estuary the number of streptococci fecal-type, rod-shaped bacteria (Clostridium) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was big (MPN 2400). The FC/FS index (fecal coliform/fecal enterococci) was 4. It is indicative of human-fecal pollution. No diversification in the number of staphylococci depending on sample point localization was recorded. The research by traditional and the latest methods did not confirm the presence of Salmonella in the water of reservoir. The investigations of staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa seem to confirm the role of zooplankton as an important element (consumption of biocenosis feeding on bacteria pressure) in the selfpurification processes. The patho-rnicrobiological pollution of the reservoir is a factor, due to recreational function of its east part of.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Smyłla
Katarzyna Glowacka
Maciej Kostecki
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Badania nad przeżywalnością bakterii w wodzie prowadzono na szczepach: Escherichia coli K 12 J62- l oraz Escherichia coli KI 2 J62- l RI otrzymanych od cir P.J. McDermott' a z Uniwersytetu w Staffordshire. W wodzie pobranej z 2 punktów zbiornika Dzierżno Duże: filtrowanej (0,5 um - Syn por), sterylizowanej oraz po wprowadzeniu dodatkowego substratu odżywczego - glukozy, porównano przeżywalność plazmidowego i bezplazmidowego szczepu £. Coli. Wykazano, że liczba komórek bakteryjnych wprowadzonych do wody obniża się z różną szybkością zależnie od obecności czynników biotycznych. Obserwowano znaczący spadek liczebności bakterii w próbkach wody sączonej (92% i 46% w 3 dniu doświadczenia). Jest to prawdopodobnie wynikiem obecności w wodzie bakteriofagów charakterystycznych dla Ee coli Kl 2, których obecność, specyficzną zarówno dla szczepu plazmidowego jak i bezplazmidowego stwierdzono w użytej do badań wodzie. W próbkach wody sterylnej, pozbawionej flory autochtonicznej, obserwowano powolny, niewielki spadek liczebności od 7 do 21 dnia. W zastosowanym układzie doświadczenia nie stwierdzono istotnego polepszenia przeżywalności w obecności plazmidu. a niekiedy lepiej przeżywał szczep bezplazmidowy. Wprowadzenie glukozy spowodowało, że mimo obciążenia metabolicznego jakim jest plazmid dla komórki, przeżywalność obydwu szczepów była zbliżona.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Nadgórska
Aleksandra Smylła
Maciej Kostecki
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The main objective of the study was to evaluate if macrophytes structure and trophic status of dam reservoir Kraśnik on a small lowland river Wyżnica are determined by phosphorous loadings. Studies were conducted seasonally in May, July and October during the years 2008-2009. Samples were taken at four sites: Site 1 - inflow of the Wyżnica River to pre-dam, Site 2 − pre-dam, Site 3 − dam reservoir and Site 4 - outflow of the Wyżnica River from dam reservoir. Physical and chemical parameters (temperature, Secchi disc depth, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, total suspension, chlorophyll-a, TP and P-PO4) were measured in water samples. Together with water parameters there were estimated biomass of phytoplankton and species composition and biomass of emergent, floating-leaved and submerged macrophytes. Concentrations of TP, chlorophyll-a and Secchi disc depth were used to calculate trophic state index of Carlsson for dam reservoir and its pre-dam. Based on mean water current, mean residence time of water in dam reservoir and concentrations of TP and P-PO4 loadings (g m-2) flowing into dam reservoir with the Wyżnica River were calculated. The results showed visible negative effect of phosphorous loadings on both macrophytes composition and trophic state of the reservoir. The marked changes concerned soft vegetation. High P loadings (7.74 g m-2 of TP and 6.03 g m-2 P-PO4) during the spring of 2008 caused the disappearance of characeans meadows. In 2009, the presence of rigid hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum L.), the species typical for eutrophic lakes was noted. This unrooted submerged plant uptakes dissolved orthophosphates directly from the water column.

Values of Carlsson index (51.4 ≤ TSI ≤ 68.2) indicate the eutrophic state of dam reservoir Kraśnik. During summer season in dam reservoir there were observed algal blooms (biomass of phytoplankton exceed 10 mg WW dm-3) and low water transparency (Secchi disc depth ranged from 0.4 to 0.65 m). During the two-year studies in dam reservoir Kraśnik a high reduction of P loadings, mostly dissolved orthophosphates was observed. Dependently on season, reduction of P-PO4 loadings ranged from 52% (July 2008) up to 91% (May 2009). The reduction of TP was lower and reached values from 15% (May 2008) to 48% (July 2009).

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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Tarkowska-Kukuryk
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The aim of the present work was to analyse the results of investigations on the heavy metals content in the water of the Nakło-Chechło Reservoir. In this study the importance of this element in the characteristic of aquatic environment is stressed. Small content of heavy metals has excluded the possibility of the discharge of municipal and industrial sewage. All of these toxic substance included in water have confirmed that the Nakło- Chechło Reservoir is under strong hydrological and chemical influence of the precipitation and surface run off from the Reservoir basin area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Domurad
Maciej Kostecki
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This study includes hydrologie characteristics of the Potok Toszecki basin area and the results of chemical analysis of water quality of the Potok Toszecki. These investigations were carried out in following periods: from March 1993 till May 1994 and from January 1997 till June 1998. The results of investigations on the chemical parameters of water quality were compared with analysis, carried out in 1976. Under the results of this investigations water quality of the Potok Toszecki - a watercourse, which flows to the Pławniowice Reservoir - was defined and essential factors, connected with character of the basin area have been shown. Classification of several parameters was achieved under the official decree of the ministry of environmental protection from November 5th 1991. On the basis of this classification it was found, that the main risk for the Pławniowice Reservoir are biogenie substances and suspension, inflowing to the Reservoir together with the water of the Potok Toszecki. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water managements action will be taken.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Jerzy Kozłowski
Agata Domurad
Bartłomiej Zych
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Determined concentrations of BTEX and PAHs in bottom sediments of strong polluted dam- reservoir Dzierżno Duże (Western Part of Upper Silesian Region in South of Poland) are presented. Hydrocarbons (PAH) concentrations have not grown since 1979. The effect of adaptation process of microbiological groups to PAH degradation over the long period of pollution in the anthropogenic ecosystem is presented. Organic pollutants are deposited in the bottom of the Kłodnica river estuary. Total PAHs concentration in bottom sediments was estimated about 30 mg/kg dry weight near the Kłodnica estuary and it gradually decreases. In the distance of 700 m from first part of the water reservoir, PAH concentration is lower than 80% of the concentration, which was determined in the first sampling points of the estuary. In the present ecosystem the hydrocarbons are the element of strong environmental contamination.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Marianna Czaplicka
Anna Węglarz
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The paper presents the conversion dynamics of basic nitrogen and phosphorus forms as main factors initiating eutrophication process in Naklo-Chechlo reservoir. Limnological investigations of recreation reservoir were carried out in the period from January to December 1996. The results of chemical analyses of water samples taken in two collecting points of the reservoir and a composition of surface run-off from the basin area, have been presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Agata Domurad
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A trial to determine the atmospheric precipitants and their role as the element of pollutants budget in transport of pollutants into water ecosystems has been presented. Total dawnfall method were used with sedimentary funnels of 0.28 m2 . The pH, conductivity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, organic nitrogen, phosphates, organic carbon, chlorides, sulphates, calcium, magnesium and heavy metals (iron, zinc, lead and cadmium) were determined. The analysis results are similar to the results obtained at other sample points of Upper Silesia. The range of pollutant concentration changes indicate the objective factors for the analysis results dispersion. With the method apllied, only average values of concentration can be used for the evaluation of the chemical status of downfall waters and atmospheric air. The atmospheric precipitants thought underestimated are siginificant source for pollutants (nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals) introduced directly to the trophogenical zone of water ecosystem. In the case of the Kłodnica hydro-junction reservoirs, the loads of nitrogen and phosphorus from atmospheric precipitations are determined as "dangerous surface loading". The presence of considerable loads of magnesium in the precipitations indicates the possibility of chemical precipitation of polyphosphates from epilimnion zone, and are consequence the quicker transportation of phosphorus to the bottom sediments. It can activate the intra-reservoir enrichment process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
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The aim of the present study was to examine changes in species composition and density of ciliates in an adjacent river, ccotone and reservoir zone (Zemborzycki Reservoir, Eastern Poland). Quality and quantity structure of planktonie ciliates showed visible differences between studied zones; the highest species diversity and abundance were observed in the ecotone (water/water). The lowest species diversity and abundance were noted in the Bystrzyca River. Independent on the zone, ciliates community was dominated by bacterivorous species with the lowest proportions of algivorous tax a. The present study showed that density of protozooplankton rose with the increase of nutrients delivery and TOC concentration in water.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Mieczan
Monika Tarkowska-Kukuryk
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The contents of total P and its bioavailable forms. as well as of Fe, Al, Mn, Ca, and OM in the bottom sediments of the Solina-Myczkowce (S-E Poland) cascade of reservoirs, are presented. Notwithstanding a relatively low calcium content, it is the apatite fraction that accounts for the largest share of total phosphorus in the shallower parts of the Solina and Myczkowce Reservoirs. In turn, while contents of iron and aluminium (and manganese in the Solina Reservoir) are high, the fraction containing non-apatite inorganic phosphorus accounts for the smallest portion of the total phosphorus in the bottom sediments of both reservoirs. Bottom sediments of the Solina Reservoir are also characterised by significant correlations between total phosphorus content and aluminium content. Otherwise, significant correlations are reported for only some of the stations at each of the reservoirs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lilianna Bartoszek
Janusz A. Tomaszek
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This article is a continuation of the topic of artificial water bodies in Ukraine, which was started in our previous publication in 2020. It was devoted to accounting and monitoring of ponds at the local and national levels. Reservoirs play important role in water supply for various sectors of the economy. For this reason, much more attention is paid to reservoirs by the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine (Ukr. Derzhavne ahentstvo vodnykh resursiv Ukrainy), the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ukr. Ministerstvo ekolohii ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy), scientists and specialists. The main tasks of the article are: to establish patterns of territorial distribution of reservoirs in administrative regions and river basins districts; to identify the role of large and small reservoirs in the balance of river runoff regulation. There are 1054 reservoirs in Ukraine, so it can be considered a country rich in reservoirs. The volume of the cascade of six reservoirs on the Dnieper River and the Dniester Reservoir is 85%, other reservoirs – 15% of the total number. At the same time, there are 1047 other reservoirs (middle, small and very small), which provide for regional needs and which have their own patterns of distribution throughout the country. The main trend in their creation was water supply of industrial regions, in particular Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and others. About 28% of reservoirs are leased. These reservoirs also require clear accounting and monitoring at the national level, attention from water management and environmental organizations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Valentyn Khilchevskyi
Vasyl Grebin
Sergiy Dubniak
Myroslava Zabokrytska
Hanna Bolbot

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
  2. Institute of Hydrobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
  4. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article presents changes in the thickness and duration of the ice cover found in the restored anthropogenic water reservoir of Pławniowice. It also defines the role the ice cover plays in the formation of the reservoir limnological cycle. Characteristic and significant changeability of the ice cover thickness and duration was observed. The changes in the ice cover demonstrate that they are cyclical but not regular. The ice cover did not always form in the analyzed period. It happened twice, i.e. in 1988 and 2007 (a gap of 20 years). The longest lake freezing period lasted 119 days. Changes in the ice cover duration also show certain periodicity. The shortest periods occurred approx. every 7 years. Maximum values of the ice cover thickness ranged between 10 and 52 cm. There is a relation between the ice cover thickness and its duration period. The rate of increase in the ice cover thickness varied between 0.296 and 3.6 cm/d. The hypolimnion removal impact on the ice cover duration period and thickness was not observed. On the other hand, the ice cover duration period affects the spring circulation duration. Thus, it has an influence on the oxygen balance of the limnic ecosystem.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
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From March to October 1998 carried out hydrochemical and hydrobiological researches on retentional water reservoir Przeczyce on the Czarna Przemsza river were. Surface area of this reservoir is 570 ha. Maximal depth is 10 m, total volume 20 mln m3• In results self-purification processes water in the ecosystem is in I and II quality class. In the saprobity clasassification it is in betamezosaprobic class. Low number of macrobenthos organisms is the result of the Czarna Przemsza river pollution. In the I Part of this paper results of hydrochemical investigation was given.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Deryło
Lubomir Narloch
Maciej Kostecki
Piotr Szilman
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In the period from March to October 1998 hydrochemical researches on a dam-reservoir Przeczyce were carried out. This resevoir is an effect of the partition of Czarna Przemsza valley, by ground barrier. Surface area of the reservoir is 570 ha, and its total cubic content is 20.75 mln m3 of water. Researches proved that in effect of systematic conveyance of pollutans by the Czarna Przemsza River, water quality in the reservoir is in eutrophy state. Raised concentration of orto-phosphates in output originating from washing out of drainage basin soils (the Schindler coefficient is 64), and from domestic sewage causes, notwithstanding relatively low concentration of nitrates, a threat for the reservoir. Disadvantageous nitrogen-phosphorus proportion, which amounts 56 od a tributary stream, 20 in the reservoir, and 14 in a autflow, is conducive to eutrophication of the reservoir. This proportion indicates that in Przeczyce dam-reservoir phosphorus is the agent limiting use of nitrogen in the process of primary production. Balance of nitrogen and phosphorus, and especially that a load of phosphates leaded to the reservoir counterbalances itself with a load of water diversion. This evidences the loss of the reservoir ability to lay surplus nutrients, especially phosphorus, in bottom sediments, and consequentlyattests to the near moment of starting the process of anrichment from the inside of ecosystem. In the next, last part of this paper, results hydrobiologically (macrobentos) investigations will describe.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Deryło
Maciej Kostecki
Piotr Szilman
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The study presents the results of the research into different phosphorus forms in the bottom sediments of anthropogenic limnic ecosystems i.e. the reservoirs of Pławniowice, Rybnik and Goczałkowice (SP). The bottom sediments of dam reservoirs were investigated by chemical extraction procedure for phosphorus forms. The lowest value of the mean AAP form percentage in the Pławniowice bottom sediments reflected the effect of reclamation with the hypolimnetic removal that had been conducted in the reservoir since 2003. The highest percentage of the RDP form (2%) was found in the Goczałkowice bottom sediments. The order of the specific speciation forms in the bottom sediments of the examined reservoirs was:

Rybnik: AAP > EP > WDP > RDP; 4,630> 3,740 > 117 > 65 > 3.5 mgP/kg

Pławniowice: AAP > EP > WDP > RDP; 916 > 783 > 107 > 15 > 1.4 mgP/kg

Goczałkowice: AAP > WDP > EP > RDP; 686 > 628 > 51 > 7 > 0.14 mgP/kg

The mutual correlations between the phosphorus speciation forms (AAP : EP : WDP : RDP) were as follows:

Rybnik: 1,323 : 1,068 : 33 : 18 : 1;

Pławniowice: 654 : 559 : 76 : 11 : 1;

Goczałkowice: 4,900 : 4,485 : 364 : 50 : 1.

The comparison of the mean concentration values for specific phosphorus forms in the bottom sediments of the three investigated reservoirs demonstrated that the Rybnik sediments had the highest contents of phosphorus. The contents in Pławniowice and Goczałkowice were 5-7 times lower

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Krystyna Janta-Koszuta
Katarzyna Stahl
Bartosz Łozowski

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