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In the submitted study, the author shows that Paul in the propositio (12,1-2) the section of encouragement (12,3-15,13), although he does not use the word syneidēsis directly, but the words used in it refer to him in conjunction with his basic functions and prove in this way how fundamental it is to renew the mind in the right, i.e. salvifically effective, education of Christian conscience. He does so in the encouragement context to make the recipients aware of how important it is to have a renewed mind and conscience in being and continuing to become a Christian in everyday and concrete living as well as practicing faith in Jesus. With propositio, he makes the foundation on which he builds the paraclesical message of the Letter. It clearly states that permanently renewed by the Gospel of God mind, is an absolute condition for an uninterrupted evangelical renewal of conscience. Thus, renewed in this way conscience is the only deity of mercy granted to sinful humanity, which guarantees constant faithfulness to its norms of judgment with God’s justice revealed in Christ, the Son of God, or his absolute righteousness, which is an indispensable condition for achieving eternal salvation.

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Zdzisław Żywica
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In this article, the imperial idea and civilising missions in the Habsburg Monarchy, mainly of the nineteenth century, are refracted through the prism of the legacy of enlightened absolutism. The article tries to dispel mythologies about its demise around 1800, and about those who could subscribe to its programme throughout the nineteenth century. It questions templates of national history writing which too unanimously connect the Enlightenment to the origins of the various national revivals of the early nineteenth century, and discusses concrete examples of enlightened absolutism’s civilising impulses, among them law, Roman imperial patriotism, and the Catholic religion.

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Franz Leander Fillafer
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Th e article describes two Cyrillic Gospels from the Kórnik Library: BK 11985 and BK 896. It presents the cultural context of their creation, as well as their history, content, illuminations and a short lexical description. Both codices were the result of a cultural and spiritual revival in the Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Both of them were luxury, professionally made goods; their copyists were experienced specialists. BK 896 represents a higher level of artistry. In view of their lexical characteristics, the manuscripts can be classifi ed as the third so-called Mount Athos-Tyrnovo linguistic redaction of the Gospel.
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Marzanna Kuczyńska
Maya Ivanova

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM
  2. Bułgarska Akademia Nauk, Centrum Naukowe im. Cyryla i Metodego
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The article addresses poetic monologues in the works of the Belarusian poet Anatoly Sys, one of the founders and creative leader of the legendary literary group “Tutejšyja” (‘Locals’) (1986-1989). The poet turned to poetic monologue at different periods of his work, being especially active in the second half of the 1980s, during Gorbachev’s perestroika and the new wave of Belarusian national revival. Exhibiting outstanding acting abilities, Anatolʹ Sys recited his poetic monologues at parties and illegal rallies, hiding national revival and anti-Communist ideas relevant for his time behind the guise of famous historical figures – Apanas Filipovič, Zmicier Žylunovič, Alesʹ Harun, Karusʹ Kahaniec and others. In addition to their journalistic sharpness, A. Sys’s best poetic monologues are of a high artistic quality with a universal philosophical content, which has allowed them to pass beyond time and become a part of the golden fund of 20th-century Belarusian poetry (Monologue of a “Local”, Monologue of Apanas Filipovič, Monologue of an Unfrocked Priest, Monologue of an Apostate, Monologue of Karusʹ Kahaniec).

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Siergiej Kowalow
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After 1918 it was by no means uncommon for literary critics of renown to give up their familiar pursuits and move on to new fields. This article traces and brings to light the largely forgotten literary criticism of Władysław Jabłonowski, better known as an influential politician and journalist. He had made his name as a prolific literary critic with the rising tide of the Young Poland movement, but, as life resumed in an independent Poland, he scaled down his activity in that field quite considerably. Moreover, he abandoned the ‘empathic’ model of Modernist criticism for a steady commitment to classical aesthetics, especially as it manifested itself in French literature, of which he was always a great admirer. In this new phase he remained invariably loyal to nationalist ideology and a mythologized idea of ‘the West’.
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dzieła i teksty W. Jabłonowskiego:

●„Amica Italia” (Rzecz o faszyzmie). Wrażenia i rozważania, Poznań–Warszawa–Wilno– Lublin 1926.
●Chwila obecna (dążności i usposobienia), Warszawa 1901.
●Dokoła Sfinksa (Studia o życiu i twórczości narodu rosyjskiego), Warszawa 1910.
●Dwie kultury. Studya historyczne i literackie, Warszawa 1913.
●Faszyzm a machiavellizm, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1927, nr 24.
●Franciszek Mauriac, „Myśl Narodowa” 1933, nr 33.
●Humanista na wygnaniu (Léon Daudet), „Myśl Narodowa”, 1929, nr 36, 37.
●Italia współczesna, „Myśl Narodowa” 1932, nr 21.
●Jak z rogu Amaltei…, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1938, nr 50.
●Jeszcze jedna krucjata, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1938, nr 7.
●Kryzys powieści, „Gazeta Warszawska” 1932, nr 274–276.
●Krytycyzm w krytyce literackiej, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1929, nr 15, 16.
●Maskarada się kończy, „Myśl Narodowa” 1935, nr 18.
●Nowa powieść autorki „Pożogi”, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1929, nr 7.
●Niemiec o Francji, „Myśl Narodowa” 1932, nr 37.
●O pewnym „arcydziele” współczesnem, „Myśl Narodowa” 1935, nr 19.
●Odczyty o Leopardim, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1939, nr 34.
●Paweł Bourget (wspomnienie pośmiertne), „Myśl Narodowa” 1936, nr 1.
●Pokłosie Barrèsa, „Myśl Narodowa” 1928, nr 8.
●Poruszyły się płazy, „Myśl Narodowa” 1925, nr 13.
●Słońce Prowansji (Fryderyk Mistral), „Myśl Narodowa”, 1929, nr 42.
●Sto pięćdziesiąta rocznica Wielkiej Rewolucji, „Myśl Narodowa” 1939, nr 28.
●W obronie Zachodu, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1927, nr 20.
●W odwiecznej sprawie (Uwagi o sztuce i krytyce), „Melitele. Noworocznik Literacki”, Kraków 1902.
●U wezgłowia chorej Europy, „Myśl Narodowa” 1932, nr 47.
●Uwagi o Wielkiej Rewolucji, „Myśl Narodowa” 1928, nr 23.
●W hołdzie Maurras’owi, „Myśl Narodowa” 1927, nr 19.
●Wesoła wiedza, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1929, nr 20.
●Wielki czarodziej, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1934, nr 52.
●Wizerunki wielkopolskie, „Myśl Narodowa”, 1937, nr 51.
●Wśród obcych, Lwów 1905. ●Z ojczyzny Danta. Szkice i wrażenia, Warszawa 1921.
●Z okazji jubileuszu Ch. Maurras’a, „Myśl Narodowa” 1936, nr 36, s. 564.
●Ze studiów dantejskich, „Myśl Narodowa” 1933, nr 42.
●[Żydzi Rudnickiego], „Nowe Książki” 1938, z. VI.

inne dzieła:

●Biernacki A., Władysław Jabłonowski (1865–1956), „Polski Słownik Biograficzny” 1962– 1964, t. X,
●Brzozowski S., Dzieła pod redakcją Mieczysława Sroki. Współczesna powieść i krytyka, wstępem poprzedził T. Burek, oprac. J. Bahr i M. Rydlowa, teksty z rękopisu opracował M. Sroka, Kraków–Wrocław 1984.
●Chlebowski B., [rec. Rozpraw i wrażeń literackich], „Książka” 1908, nr 4.
●Chmielowski P., Dzieje krytyki literackiej w Polsce, Warszawa 1902.
●Fryde L., Drogi współczesnej krytyki literackiej, „Wiedza i Życie” 1938, z. 12 [w:] tenże, Wybór pism krytycznych, oprac. A. Biernacki, Warszawa 1966.
●Głowiński M., Ekspresja i empatia. Studia o młodopolskiej krytyce literackiej, Kraków 1997.
●Hutnikiewicz A., Młoda Polska, Warszawa 1994.
●Kaźmierczyk Z., Władysław Jabłonowski a wileńska szkoła myślenia o Rosji, [w:] Poza rusofobią a rusofilią?, red. E. Mikiciuk, Słupsk 2019.
●Leśmian B., Dokoła Sfinksa. Studia o życiu i twórczości narodu rosyjskiego, „Prawda” 1910, nr 8 [cyt. za:] tenże, Dzieła wszystkie. Szkice literackie, zebrał i opracował J. Trznadel, Warszawa 2011.
●Kiwior-Filo M., „Rewolucja faszystowska” w interpretacji Władysława Jabłonowskiego, „Studia na Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem” 2011, t. 33.
●Mowy Mussoliniego, wybrał, przełożył i przedmową poprzedził W. Jabłonowski, Warszawa 1927.
●Skiwski J.E., O krytyce naukowej i profetycznej, „Myśl Narodowa” 1928, nr 15 [w:] tenże, „Na przełaj” oraz inne szkice o literaturze i kulturze, oprac. M. Urbanowski, Kraków 1999.
●Skórczewski D., Spory o krytykę literacką w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, Kraków 2002.
●Speina J., Władysław Jabłonowski, [w:] Obraz literatury polskiej. Literatura okresu Młodej Polski, s. 5, t. IV, Kraków 1977.
●Stern A., O zmianę metod naszej krytyki, „Wiadomości Literackie” 1928, nr 31.
●Urbanowski M., Od Brzozowskiego do Herberta. Studia o ideach literatury polskiej XX wieku, Łomianki 2012.
●Wyka K., Felietonomania, „Tygodnik Ilustrowany” 1937, nr 38 [w:] tenże, Stara szuflada i inne szkice z lat 1932–1939, oprac. M. Urbanowski, Kraków 2000.
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Maciej Urbanowski

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The article presents personal memories of Professor Aleksander Koj’s alumni. Professor Aleksander Koj was a world-class biochemist of significant scientific achievements, a renowned authority in the field of acute-phase response regulation and acute-phase proteins. He was an excellent academic, a true Master, admired and followed by many Polish biochemists. Thrice he served as the Rector of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He navigated the University through a difficult time of political transformation in Poland, modernized the management system of the University and led to the commencement of the construction of the new University campus. He was the co-creator and the first Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland. He will be remembered as a devoted community worker aiming at strengthening the bond between the Polish community abroad and our homeland, propagating knowledge, promoting the concept of European integration, democracy and tolerance, as well as the collaboration between scientists, artists and men and women of culture. He was wise, righteous, and noble. Many had the honor of calling him their friend, and a great many saw in him a moral authority.

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Joanna Bereta
Hanna Rokita

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