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This article focuses on the problem of rituality in contemporary political discourse. It describes the specificity of manifestations of rituality in political discourse on the example of the Russian variant. The material for research is served by the official public texts of utterances made by V.V. Zhirinovsky published in the party newspapers of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in year 2021. The study was carried out using discourse analysis. In the theoretical part definitions of ambiguous terms are given, which undoubtedly include discourse, political discourse, and ritual. Their accepted definitions and concepts are indicated. Observations are made on the linguistic forms of ritual expression in politics, which are mainly associated with the performance of a specific political function. It has been proven that rituality in political discourse is opposed to informativeness and manifested in the fulfilment of the assigned specific political role and tasks in society.
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Gabriela Dudek-Waligóra

  1. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The poetic system of calendar and ritual folklore is especially characterized by parallelism, which is a stylistic device based on the homogeneous syntactic structure of two or more adjacent language units, mainly text lines, which seem to be symmetric. Parallelism is often supported with an expressive comparison of the ideas which can be called “psychological parallelism” – between the life of nature and fragments of a human life. This helps create the parallel “world of nature” and the “world of a person”. Parallelisms in ritual folklore works make the poetic images of characters, their actions, thoughts and feelings more expressive. Quite often the object and the subject of the action are compared based on the category of movement. Lexical and semantic and syntactic structures in calendar and ritual songs are based on associative and semantic relations as a form of systemic coordination and regularity of folklore thinking and are built upon a similarity of action. The majority of them are related to matrimonial motives. The article also focuses on negative parallelisms. Similar to comparisons, they were first used to specify the essence of the phenomena and only later became the means for any emotional colouring of the main images.
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Галина Коваль

  1. Львів, Інститут народознавства НАН України
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The Holocaust constitutes one of the most powerful symbols in the history of humankind. Its memory, and in particular its irrefutable relationship with anti-Semitism, should trigger strict scrutiny every time anti-Semitic attitudes re-emerge, even if disguised as seemingly harmless words or actions. This applies also to legal measures, neutral on their face but which, in their consequences, may have an adverse effect on Jews, and thus raise the suspicion of anti-Semitic implications. Such implications are visible in the recent phenomena that serve as the two case studies for the present article: boycotts of Israel and bans on ritual slaughter (Shechita). While in the case of anti- Israeli boycotts, the core arguments relate to international anti-discrimination law and policies, in relations to the Shechita bans claims about violation of the religious freedom of observant Jews prevail. At the same time, in both cases strong references to the Holocaust and the memory of its victims are being invoked, allowing one to raise objections as to the status of the relevant legal developments. Here again history and memory enter into the public and legal discussions, legislative processes, and courtrooms.
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Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias

  1. Assistant professor, Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
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This article is an analysis, based on school textbooks, of the norms governing literacy practices in elementary education. These latter are treated as a kind of ritual: the symbolic behaviour impacting not so much the manner of the mental representation of reality as the corporeal-perceptive organization of experience. The aim of the article is to show that (1) contrary to classic literacy theory, writing is not always a tec because in many situational and institutional contexts writing practices are not instrumental but ritual practices, and (2) writing is not solely a tool of the intellect corresponding to a set manner of conceptualizing the world, language, and the self, but also a kind of social tool for the discipline of the body: the acquiring of a certain corporeal-perceptive disposition.

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Marta Rakoczy
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This article examines how migration to Wales modifies Polish Catholic families’ religious practices. It focuses on how the First Communion ceremony is performed. Within the Polish migrant community I witnessed three distinct ways of arranging this. Some families travelled to Poland to their parish churches of origin. Of those who celebrated it in Wales, some did so in a Polish church, others in their children’s Catholic school’s church. These choices had different effects. Holding First Communion in Poland confirmed children’s Polish identity and home-country bonds. It exemplified both the fluidity of the families’ intra-European migration experience and the strength of transnational networking. Hold-ing it in the local Polish parish reinforced both families’ and childrens’ identification as Polish Catho-lics. In the school’s church, it strengthened migrant families’ negotiations of belonging and their children’s integration into the Welsh locality. Mothers’ active involvement in all settings led some to contest Polish religious customs and revealed emerging identifications related to children’s wellbeing and belonging. Unlike arrangements traditional in Poland, families’ religious practices in Wales seem to have become more individual, less collective.

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Aleksandra Kaczmarek-Day
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This paper invites not to reflect on festivals as a celebration or a transgression but to observe them as «a play with» meaning and communication. The author considers the folklore as a genuine laboratory of observation of everyday life. He illustrates his analysis with the examples of the Binche Carnival (Belgium) and of Labour Day (1st of May) and gives an interpretation with G. Bateson’s concept of «play», as the English anthropologist had used to describe the play of animals at fighting. This leads the author to strongly insist on the small details of behaviours always imprinted with a “not” characteristic of ritual contexts.

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Albert Piette
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Based on the author’s assembled field materials and analysis of historical, folkloristic and ethnological as well as ethnolinguistic literature, the article provides specific research into the symbolic functionality of honey in the ritual and mythological semiosphere of Ukrainians of the Carpathians and Precarpathian region, in particular – the ritualism of Christmas Eve as the prologue to Christmas. Established has been the extremely high semiotic status of honey and the presence of a stable range of polysemantic meanings. The multi‐vector semantics of honey, which was a universal symbol of sweetness, is revealed; a mediator with the afterlife; a container of the sacred; a bearer of the healing properties and connotations of the enchantment, an apotropaic, a cultural symbol that nominated the boundaries of “his”, organized by the presence of the human space. The ritual practice of tasting honey (as a separate dish or as a component of other dishes and drinks) at a pre‐Christmas dinner is considered universal not only for Ukrainians, but for many European nations.
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Ulyana Movna

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The figure of a woman in folk songs is understood from the point of view of philosophical, moral and ethical, aesthetical criteria. The article analyses the ethnic image in different folk genres – calendar and ritual (carols, spring songs, Petrivka songs, Kusta songs, harvest songs) and the family and ritual (wedding and baptizing). The main methods of representation revealed are those by artistic parallelism, comparative expression, and metaphorical comprehension. A very important role in the architectonics of folk lyrics is played by floral, astral and other images‐symbols. Special attention is paid to the main attributes of a girl (the braid, the wreath) which distinguished her in daily life from a married woman and singled out is also the concept of the creation and perception of the traditional female image. Ukrainian ritual songs are imbued and have brought to our times the aesthetic characteristics of a young maiden. The psychology of the ethnos, its emotionality, its attentive attitude to the woman as an equal partner in the family is traced in folk songs. The conclusion drawn is one about the important role of a Ukrainian woman in the upbringing and directing of youth to marriage, sticking to the moral and ethical norms in the family, community and society.
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Hanna Sokil

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The present paper examines the textual evidence, mainly the late Vedic codifications of the domestic rituals Gṛhya sūtras and Hindu religious and legal duties Dharma śāstras, related to the name giving tradition in ancient India. Issues are addressed: why according to tradition a brāhmaṇa should have two names, and why one of these names should be the nakṣatra (lunar constellation) name? How the secret ( guhya) stellar name was chosen? How name giving practices are related to the concept of the sacred speech in Indian religious culture? The historical and textual analysis of the Sanskrit sources, besides of the historical approach to religious studies shall be applied as the principal methodological tools. Conclusion is made that the Indian name derived from the nakṣatra was vitally connected with the of the individual and his super-personal power lying behind, and kept secret less enemies may do mischief to the man through it. The adoption of a second, secret name was assumed also for success and distinction in life.
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Audrius Beinorius

  1. Vilnius University, Lithuania

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