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In 2016–2018 Google ran a special fund to support innovation in European journalism. This article is based on the analysis of over 600 descriptions of successful projects from the Google Digital News Initiative website. The aim of the survey was to get the picture of the digital innovations implemented in the framework of competing projects and to find out whether the language of the descriptions reveals how the participants define their vision of digital innovations in journalism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Andrusiewicz

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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The paper, which is a textlinguistic-codicological analysis, presents an attempt to show the specific features of the Russian administrative language in the registrations in the parish register from Busko-Zdrój of the 19th century. The aim of the exploration is to answer the question whether the examined annotations can be regarded as a pattern of the registration in a parish register and so as a text type. The author focuses on the structure and characteristics of the different registrations. The background for such defined research area is the outlining of structure and function of the parish registers and their notes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr A. Owsiński
Michał Mordań

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  2. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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By analyzing the individual stages of the building's life cycle, it can be easily concluded that the building's exploitation process is the longest and at the same time it is the justification for the construction project related to the construction of this building. In the course of the building's exploitation, various phenomena occur that affect its condition and thus the possibility of unlimited use. These are natural phenomena, as well as phenomena derived from external influences, which often lead to deterioration of the building's condition, or even its degradation. In response to these phenomena, maintenance, renovation and modernization activities are undertaken. Technical management is related to the identification of these phenomena, programming of adequate measures and their implementation. The conducted analysis of the results of the survey in the group of property managers allows to state categorically that the process of technical management is relatively little supported by IT tools and is still based on individual analysis and often intuitive actions. The article presents the possibilities of applying an innovative approach in the acquisition and collection of information about the technical condition of buildings, indicating the legitimacy of standardizing information forms and using them in building a database of cases of the CBR (case based reasoning) inference system.
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Marcin Gajzler

  1. DSc., PhD., Eng., Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Ul. Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
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The perceptual text is the one described by means of sense organs and having specific cohesion tools which include among others lexis belonging to the perception modus, so called introductory predicates indicating specific perception acts, synesthetic expressions, the observer as well as spatial and locative syntactems. Text architectonics is determined by the change of the speaker’s position (observer, perceiver), his transition within the text time and space.

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Jolanta Lubocha-Kruglik
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The present article addresses the subject of technical specialist text, its discursive features and, what follows, its potential within the complex context of communica-tion and functionality. What shall be analysed herein is a specific genre of the text, i.e. product information, along with its distinctive properties treated as a tool for exerting influence. The analysis shall be conducted while taking into account both inter- and intra-industry specialist communication. Consideration shall be given to the intertextual sphere, the functions and conventional structure of the text, its interactive roles and formulative level, i.e. the linguistic means and structures through which the speech acts inherent in the genre and necessary in the communication process are performed.
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Marzena Będkowska-Obłąk

  1. Schlesische Universität
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Researching intersemiotic relationships between dance and literature poses a real challenge to both literary scholars and choreologists. Fascinating as it is, this aspect of the performative arts is exceptionally difficult to study due to the nonverbal nature of dance. However, once we assume that the two spheres of human expression are complementary, it should be possible to identify a number of intriguing interrelations between the two and to gain insight into a complex web of mutual inspiration and dependency. This article attempts to revisit some of the most important studies dealing with the representation of dance in fiction and the interpretation of dance as text. The list includes both Polish and foreign authors whose work could provide an inspiration and starting point for further research, including comparative studies.
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Agnieszka Narewska-Siejda

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The article substantiates the importance of using an interdisciplinary approach to the study of language personality. A variety of scientific concepts about the content, level model and structural‑component composition of the linguistic persona are demonstrated; information on the formation of this phenomenon in the field of related humanities, in particular in the relationship of linguistics, literature, psycholinguistics, psychology, medicine. Within the framework of psycholinguistics, classifications of language personality depending on normative or specific speech are distinguished. Traced is the migration of the term ‘accentuation’ from medicine to linguistics.
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Vitaliia Papish

  1. Uzhhorod National University
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The article is a contribution to the methodology of reading and interpreting Dostoevsky’s famous novels. It owes its genesis to the refl ection upon the evolution of literary theory discourse in XX century and upon transformations in global (mainly Russian and Western) reception and modes of interpreting the oeuvre of the great Russian artist. The aim of the text is to prepare ground for reorienting Polish “dostoevskology” from the dominant reconstructive course onto the more creative, interpretative one. The order of my inquiries presents itself as follows. In the fi rst part of the article I focus on the questions of ideas, the protagonist and narrative techniques in Dostoevsky so that to highlight the specifi city of the writer’s approach to these issues. It will allow me to speak up for the minimum of methodological awareness which implies acknowledgment of the paradigm of polyphony, polysemy and complexity of Dostoevsky’s text. Perhaps it will also become possible to reveal some gaps in the hitherto existing state of research, debunk several stereotypes still functioning in Polish “dostoevskology”, and draw attention to still unrecognized interpretative clues in context of those crucial aspects of Dostoevsky’s work. In the second part I will reconstruct several most popular approaches to Dostoevsky’s text which differ in terms of understanding of what the relation between the reader and the text should comprise of. I will try to determine the benefi ts they can bring but also to sensitize to pitfalls they may entail. In the fi nal, third part of the study I will propose a project of a new interpretative approach which would rise to the challenge of Dostoevsky’s “spirit” as well as the spirit of his text the way it is construed by the most advanced contemporary critical studies and as I have learnt to perceive it.

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Michał Kruszelnicki
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The poetic system of calendar and ritual folklore is especially characterized by parallelism, which is a stylistic device based on the homogeneous syntactic structure of two or more adjacent language units, mainly text lines, which seem to be symmetric. Parallelism is often supported with an expressive comparison of the ideas which can be called “psychological parallelism” – between the life of nature and fragments of a human life. This helps create the parallel “world of nature” and the “world of a person”. Parallelisms in ritual folklore works make the poetic images of characters, their actions, thoughts and feelings more expressive. Quite often the object and the subject of the action are compared based on the category of movement. Lexical and semantic and syntactic structures in calendar and ritual songs are based on associative and semantic relations as a form of systemic coordination and regularity of folklore thinking and are built upon a similarity of action. The majority of them are related to matrimonial motives. The article also focuses on negative parallelisms. Similar to comparisons, they were first used to specify the essence of the phenomena and only later became the means for any emotional colouring of the main images.
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Галина Коваль

  1. Львів, Інститут народознавства НАН України
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The article shows the history of the Spanish and American editions of the novel Dalla parte di lei by the Italian-Cuban author Alba de Céspedes and the process of its retranslations starting from the several English versions of the text used as “text-pivot”. Through the investigation of the author’s intense correspondence with her publishers and taking into account Berman’s “Retranslation hypothesis” and Venuti’s approach within the Translation Studies, this work demonstrates how, in the 1950s, one of the most popular Alba de Céspedes’ novel used to be translated in other languages through different editing, revision and retranslation practices depending on the public of readers. In particular, Francoism censorship was decisive in editorial choices for the Spanish edition of the text.
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Chiara Sinatra

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
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A very particular form of reception of the Don Quijote de la Mancha is musical reception. In transcoding from narrative prose to the language of the Opera, the librettist shows his personal knowledge of the work of Miguel de Cervantes, read in the original text or in translation. Since the eighteenth century, in some librettos written in Italian, adherence to the hypotext, albeit interpreted in a new light, leads in some passages to an authentic rewriting of the play. The aim of this article is to show the processes of transcoding de Cervantes’ novels based on significant Italian librettists.
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Maria Caterina Ruta

  1. Università degli Studi di Palermo
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In this article attention is paid to improving the quality of text document classification. The common techniques of analysis of text documents used in classification are shown and the weakness of these methods are stressed. Discussed here is the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods, which is increasing the quality of classification. In the proposed approach the expanded terms, obtained by using information patterns are used in the Latent Semantic Analysis. Finally empirical research is presented and based upon the quality measures of the text document classification, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is proved.

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Bożena Śmiałkowska
Marcin Gibert
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The article studies the problem of the Yekaterinoslav urban text formation in Russian literature. The image of the city in the poem by Alexander Pushkin Brothers‑Robbers is analysed; the real (historical) image of Yekaterinoslav is considered in correlation with the image depicted in the poem, determined are the functions of romanticist topoi in the creation of the Yekaterinoslav text, while revealed are the peculiar features of the formation of the urban myth within the Yekaterinoslav text itself. The process of shift from the image of a real Yekaterinoslav city to the image of the ideal (non‑material) one, from a “physical” image to the “metaphysical” is investigated. There is a process of poeticizing a small city in the work of art, representing the primary stage of forming a myth about the city. After analysing the correlation of the Yekaterinoslav myth with the aesthetic constants of romanticism (the motif of freedom and predatory liberty, images of the noble robber and rebellious character, the motif of rejection, correlation with the utopian tradition) we may conclude that within the poetics of the urban text Alexander Pushkin reinterprets and transforms the traditional categories of romanticist poetics. The author’s characterization of the robber character diminishes the romantic ideal, revealing the other, “trivial” nature and interpreting rebellion not as a rejection or desire for freedom, but as a crime. Such a twist in depicting the image of a rebellious character stipulates a different interpretation of the theme of freedom, transforming it into the theme of guilt and punishment. Thus, the motifs of rejection, rebellion and repentance, compositionally uniting the development and understanding of the theme of predatory liberty in the poem, are interpreted in the metaphysical image of the city. Such a function of the city image determines the peculiar narrative structure of the poem at the level of plot, composition and style.
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Анна Степанова

  1. Дніпро, Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля
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The article tackles issues of the pedagogy of place, with a special emphasis on the urban context. On the basis of fundamental theses asserting that a city is a text (Vladimir Toporov) and that places are pedagogical (Maria Mendel) – the author concentrates on symbols. Definition of this concept, as well as de3 nitions of its particular exemplifications, create a theoretical basis for further practical considerations. Presenting methodology of a research project Reading the City (Czytanie miasta) conducted in the years 2015–2016, the author creates new research challenges for pedagogues. Presentation of wide variety of city symbolism, encompassing both cultural manifestations (towers, bridges) and a realm of nature (mountains, river), leads to proposed educational applications. Descriptions of realized animations based on research form a summary of this article.

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Kamila Kamińska
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It is the objective of this paper to analyse selected English Renaissance translations of the Book of Psalms in the light of their reception. In particular, I intend to illustrate how a strong preference for a familiar rendition over a new one (regardless of its quality and status) showed itself in the textual composition of the most important book of the Anglican Church – the Book of Common Prayer. Discussion of the Psalm translation selected for the five successive versions of the Book of Common Prayer against the backdrop of the emergence of new renditions of the Psalms leads on to formulating a desideratum for sound methodology which would express the level of similarities between texts in mathematical terms and in this way objectivise assessments of Psalter renditions. The paper offers a preliminary attempt at such methodology by applying the cosine distance method. The obtained results need to be verified on a larger corpus of data, but they are promising enough to consider this method an important step towards assessing Psalm translations.
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Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
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The aim of this article is to examine early English references to those involved in storing, selling and making medicinal preparations. Also, we will attempt to find out how early pharmacists were perceived by other medical practitioners. The study is mainly based on the language material from two medical corpora Middle English Medical Texts (MEMT) and Early Modern English Medical Texts (EMEMT). In order to make the list of references to early pharmacists as comprehensive as possible, the online editions of the following dictionaries have been consulted: Historical Thesaurus of English (HTE), Middle English Dictionary (MED), and Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
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Marta Sylwanowicz

  1. University of Warsaw
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Many legal texts are produced in repetitive and standardised communication situations; they are therefore subject to unification and are consequently characterised by formulaicity. Formulaicity can be regarded not only as a significant but also as a constitutive textual property. The aim of this article is to attempt to present formulaicity as a textual property and descriptive category of legal texts and to describe its characteristics both at the level of text structure and at the level of formulation, using the example of the German text type 'Gesetzestext'.
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Małgorzata Ewa Płomińska

  1. Institut für Sprachwissenschaft Schlesiche Universität, Kattowitz, Polen
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The history of literature and art history were not included in the programme of my historical studies (1960–1965). Naturally, all history professors would usually include something about art and literature in their lectures on “their” historical period, but not as a key element. Efforts were made to separate history and belles‑lettres (in its various manifestations). A strongly positivist vision of research and transferring its results to the general public was cultivated – which had its advantages in the face of ideological pressure on science in the People's Republic of Poland. Today, the function of both historical sources and statements on history are frequently taken on by literature, which I define very broadly: literary texts (sometimes even of clearly inferior quality), political texts, diaries and journals, journalistic reports, petitions, defence speeches, sometimes letters. Also interesting for the historian is the route these texts take to the reading or listening public, as well as their reception, sometimes their renaissance after many years. There is no need to add that with such an approach, the people who are the authors of even outstanding historical works are not necessarily those who are professional historians.
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Marcin Kula

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski (emeritus)
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The aim of this article is to present selected methodological threads of the discussion on the status of historical sources which took place in Polish post‑war historiography. In the article, I present the concepts of the historical source formulated in 1957–1989, mainly by Gerard Labuda and Jerzy Topolski. Further in the text, I will present the discussion about Topolski’s concepts and characterize the peculiarities of contemporary history as regards historical sources. In the light of the presented classification of sources, I will reflect on the status of the documents created by the apparatus of repression of the Polish People’s Republic.
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Krzysztof Brzechczyn
1 2

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
  2. Historical Research Office, Institute of National Remembrance, Poznań Branch
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The article is devoted to a well known book of Miłorad Pavić Khazar Dictionary. The discussed work is. unusual, as it merges literature with historical writing. As such, it presents an interesting alternative to traditionally understood historiography.
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Andrzej Radomski
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This paper seeks to acquaint the readers with problems related to Wojciech Kętrzyński’s 1893 edition of Epitaphium Dithardi abbatis [ Epitaph of abbot Dithard] in volume six of Monumenta Poloniae Historica. In contrast to the information the scholar disseminated which was subsequently commonly adopted, Epitaphium Dithardi abbatis was not a part of the hand-written collection of the so-called Oliva sources ( Fontes Olivenses). This laudatory work in a verse form, in honour of the first abbot of the Oliva monastery, was probably created in the 13th century, and today is known mainly from the 17th-century epitaph tablet surviving in the Oliva Cathedral in Gdańsk, which Wojciech Kętrzyński did not see personally. He issued Epitaphium Dithardi abbatis taking as the basis a copy of the text surviving in the Kórnik manuscript call no. BK 65, copied from this tablet in 1749. Today, in view of the existence of an older copy of the text, included in the Gdańsk manuscript (APG, call no. 940/422) copied not from the tablet but from the 15th-century polychrome, Kętrzyński’s edition should be considered insufficient.
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Tomasz Zuzek

  1. Biblioteka Kórnicka

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