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Strefa brzegowa południowego Bałtyku to miejsce gdzie zazębia się oddziaływanie z jednej strony wód morskich a z drugiej wód lądowych. Oddziaływanie to szczególnie dobrze widoczne jest w jeziorach przybrzeżnych. Na warunki makroskalowe nakładają się lokalne warunki hydrologiczne oraz dla poszczególnych jezior specyficzne cechy morfometryczne ich niecek i hydrologiczne zlewni, co powoduje zmianę stosunków wodnych poszczególnych obiektów hydrograficznych. Na te wszystkie warunki naturalne nakłada się od ponad ośmiu wieków działalność człowieka. W efekcie mamy do czynienia z licznymi zagrożeniami naturalnymi i antropogenicznymi wpływającymi już nie tylko na pojawiające się zmiany w strukturze jeziora, lecz wręcz zagrażające jego istnieniu.
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The issues covered by the work are important and topical as sinkholes that develop in large numbers over shallow mining excavations pose a great threat to public safety. In Upper Silesia (Poland), the formation of sinkholes can be observed even for a period of over 100 years following the termination of mining works. An effective method of risk elimination consists of filling the voids with a binding material with strength properties similar to those of the rocks surrounding the void. The application of fly ash is very suitable for this purpose, the use of which also has an ecological aspect. The literature studies presented in the paper indicate the possibility of making mixtures with the use of fly ash that has the required strength parameters. The compressive strength of the mixtures after solidification is up to 3 MPa, or even up to 7 MPa, and in some cases, up to 15 MPa. Most of the voids at shallow depths are found in coal seams, in which the compressive strength at shallow depths amounts to approx. 5 MPa. Thus, by filling the void with such material, we can ensure conditions similar to those prevailing before the excavation was made. The paper presents a case study involving the formation of a sinkhole above a dog heading and an ex post forecast made with the use of two selected methods. These methods yielded results affirming that the development of a sinkhole in the considered conditions is certain. Then, using the said methods, the impact of the filling level of the void on the possibility of sinkhole development was analyzed. The obtained results indicated the necessity to fill the void to around 90% with the use of one of the methods and its complete filling with the use of the other method.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Strzałkowski
Ewa Strzałkowska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation, Gliwice, Poland


Perception takes into account the costs and benefits of possible interpretations of incoming sensory data. This should be especially pertinent for threat recognition, where minimising the costs associated with missing a real threat is of primary importance. We tested whether recognition of threats has special characteristics that adapt this process to the task it fulfils. Participants were presented with images of threats and visually matched neutral stimuli, distorted by varying levels of noise. We found threat superiority effect and liberal response bias. Moreover, increasing the level of noise degraded the recognition of the neutral images to higher extent than the threatening images. To summarise, recognising threats is special, in that it is more resistant to noise and decline in stimulus quality, suggesting that threat recognition is a fast ‘all or nothing’ process, in which threat presence is either confirmed or negated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Magdalena Król


The importance of skin colour is often neglected in empirical studies of negative attitudes towards minori-ties. In this study we use data from the 2014/2015 wave of the European Social Survey to analyse explicitly racist attitudes in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. The data was collected before the refugee crisis of 2015–2016, which gives the study a unique opportunity to analyse these attitudes in three of the countries that were among the most hostile to migrants in the EU. The study demonstrates how theoretical perspectives commonly used in explorations of negative attitudes based on ethnicity may be effectively used to analyse racist attitudes. The results show high levels of racist attitudes in both Hungary and the Czech Republic, despite there being very few non-white immigrants in these countries, while, in Poland, the racist attitudes are less widespread. Realistic threats seem to be of little importance for understanding racist attitudes – in contrast, symbolic threats appear to be very important for understanding them. There is also the surprising result that voters for more moderate political parties are no less racist than voters for the more radical political parties in any of the three countries.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

David Andreas Bell
Zan Strabac
Marko Valenta

  1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Social Work, Norway
  2. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Norway


The uncertainty, threats and risks are unavoidable aspects of human existence. The response to them is trust, the expectation of beneficial, future actions of others (individuals, institutions, organizations). Risk and trust take unique forms during pandemic. Risk is global, universal, hard to assess and attached to common, everyday actions. Trust, the bridge over the abyss of uncertainty, is directed toward three addressees: the government, medicine (medical science, services and products), and the other members of society. For each category the expectations are different. These theoretical considerations are applied and illustrated by the brief history of the pandemic in Poland.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Sztompka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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Analizując cele zrównoważonego rozwoju wyróżniono trzy kluczowe aspekty kształtowania ulic przyjaznych dla pieszych: funkcjonalny, społeczny i środowiskowy. Zgodnie z nimi przedstawiono główne zagrożenia dla tej grupy użytkowników występujące w przestrzeni polskich ulic. Na podstawie analizy treści standardów i dobrych praktyk projektowania z ostatnich lat dla wybranych polskich miast, wskazano główne kierunki podejmowanych działań i rozwiązania służące eliminacji zagrożeń, składające się na współczesne tendencje kształtowania ulic miejskich.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michelle Mbazuigwe
Kinga Kimic

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences — SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Department of Landscape Architecture


Międzynarodowa konwencja z Nairobi o usuwaniu wraków weszła w życie 14 kwietnia 2015 r. Do chwili obecnej (31 października 2019) została ona ratyfikowana przez 47 państw, w tym Australię, Kanadę, Chiny, Indie, Republikę Południowej Afryki i większość państw morskich Unii Europejskiej.

Zasadniczym celem konwencji z Nairobi jest ustanowienie ram prawnych dotyczących możliwości działań podejmowanych przez państwa nadbrzeżne w zakresie usuwania wraków stanowiących zagrożenie lub przeszkodę nawigacyjną, albo zagrożenie dla środowiska morskiego. Konwencja ma w założeniu wypełnić istniejącą przed jej wejściem w życie lukę prawną w zakresie możliwych działań państw nadbrzeżnych w stosunku do wraków znajdujących się poza ich terytorium. Zgodnie z jej postanowieniami państwa mogą rozszerzyć zakres stosowania konwencji na morze terytorialne.

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza nowych uprawnień i obowiązków państw nadbrzeżnych oraz znaczenia konwencyjnych pojęć dotyczących zagrożeń nawigacyjnych i środowiskowych powodowanych przez wraki. W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały także wyzwania regulacyjne, którym sprostać muszą państwa nadbrzeżne w procesie implementacji postanowień konwencji. Ostatnia ze wspomnianych kwestii analizowana jest przede wszystkim z perspektywy państwa, które jeszcze nie wdrożyło postanowień konwencji, niemniej jednak w artykule przedstawiono także rozwiązania wybranych państw, które konwencję ratyfikowały.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Justyna Nawrot
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska


The article herein presents the method and algorithms for forming the feature space for the base of intellectualized system knowledge for the support system in the cyber threats and anomalies tasks. The system being elaborated might be used both autonomously by cyber threat services analysts and jointly with information protection complex systems. It is shown, that advised algorithms allow supplementing dynamically the knowledge base upon appearing the new threats, which permits to cut the time of their recognition and analysis, in particular, for cases of hard-to-explain features and reduce the false responses in threat recognizing systems, anomalies and attacks at informatization objects. It is stated herein, that collectively with the outcomes of previous authors investigations, the offered algorithms of forming the feature space for identifying cyber threats within decisions making support system are more effective. It is reached at the expense of the fact, that, comparing to existing decisions, the described decisions in the article, allow separate considering the task of threat recognition in the frame of the known classes, and if necessary supplementing feature space for the new threat types. It is demonstrated, that new threats features often initially are not identified within the frame of existing base of threat classes knowledge in the decision support system. As well the methods and advised algorithms allow fulfilling the time-efficient cyber threats classification for a definite informatization object.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Timur Kartbayev
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov
Aliya Doszhanova
Valery Lakhno
Feruza Malikova
Sharapatdin Tolybayev


The paper presents the probabilistic model of fibrillation currents containing two components with different frequencies. An analysis was conducted of the threat of ventricular fibrillation which occurs in consequence of the electric shock with the highest permissible contact shocking voltage of the network frequency (50 Hz), taking into account the threat caused by the second component of the voltage which has the frequency higher than the network frequency. The sample results of calculations apply to the probability of the ventricular fibrillation in case of a shock caused by the highest permissible contact shocking voltage, for the defined time of shock duration, without and with the participation of an additional voltage component with higher frequency. The formula has been presented for the calculation of the highest permissible contact shock voltages with taking into account the voltage component of the frequency higher than the network frequency. The results of calculations indicate that a considerable reduction of the highest permissible contact shock voltage is necessary in order to compensate for a growth of the ventricular fibrillation threat caused by the presence of an additional component with the frequency other the network frequency. This applies in particular to the long shock duration times and low frequencies (up to 500 Hz) of an additional component of the shocking voltage.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Włodzimierz Korniluk
Dariusz Sajewicz
Edward Anderson


The purpose of this article is to identify and assess environmental risks that may have the greatest impact on the future of humanity. They were divided into two basic groups, i.e. for natural processes and resources. In addition, climate change is described as different group. The authors decided, that a holistic approach to this issue is more desirable than dividing it into two above-mentioned groups. The comparison of various threats was possible due to the application of identical assessment criteria, such as: the harmfulness, rate of spread, scope and moment of occurrence of a given group of threats. Each of the listed criteria has been evaluated on a five-point scale, where 1 has the smallest and 5 the largest impact force. The obtained results show the leading importance of natural processes in maintaining the existing Earth system. In addition, the authors point to a greater risk of problems related to renewable resources than non-renewable one. As a result, it can be assumed that the current degradation of natural processes and excessive use of resources is likely to lead to the risk of global disasters.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Konrad Prandecki
Artur Michałowski


The paper depicts a complex, distributed information system aimed at promoting cybersecurity awareness at the national level. The system, that is built in accordance with the Act on National Cybersecurity, passed by the Polish Parliament, enables collecting and processing in near-real time available information on the security status of essential services and digital services and, also, provides for assessment of negative impact of the identified threats concerned with the provision of those services. Advanced access control and dissemination mechanisms, for secure information sharing within the system, are provided in order to aggregate distributed knowledge and use this information for online security risk analysis and for generation and distribution of early warnings.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Amanowicz


In this paper we present an architecture for run-time reconfiguration of network-enabled ubiquitous devices. The whole idea is based on a policy-based system where the whole decision-making (e.g. anomaly detection-related) logic is provided in a form of an externally loaded policy file. The architecture is verified through real-life implementation on an embedded system whose sensitivity can be easily modified should a need arise in run-time without affecting network device/segment (and thus potentially a number of network services) so that they continue working while the re-configuration process is triggered.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Pelc
1 2
Dawid Galus
Mariusz Gola
Aleksandra Kawala-Sterniuk

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics, Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland
  2. School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich, London, UK


Almost every construction investment should contain elements of risk forecasting, whose validity depends, among other things, on the correct assessment of potential threats. These risks were defined by the Authors as risk factors that were characterized and then grouped on the basis of performed research in the scope of their identification. Due to lack of method of scheduling railway investments on the construction market, including risk assessment, a research effort was undertaken [14-17], the result of which is the proposed method. The article presents the main assumptions of the original method of rail investment planning, which on the one hand, will take into account the impact of potential threats identified previously by the Authors, and, on the other, will allow project managers to refer to the conditions in which the implementation of a specific facility is planned. The assumption was made that the method, relatively easy to implement, supported by an appropriate computational program, will encourage teams planning the implementation of railway undertakings to its application and will improve the reliability of the schedules they develop.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Kowalski
M. Poloński


Building upon Gasiorowska and Zaleskiewicz's (2021, 2023), we explored how a control threat and attachment style influence social relationship preferences. This experiment aimed to investigate how experiencing a control threat affects individuals with secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment patterns when they can choose between seeking assistance from the market, asking a close person for help, or coping with the situation alone. Participants with different attachment styles were randomly assigned to either the lack of control condition ( n = 290) or the having control condition ( n = 277). Individuals with an anxious attachment were more inclined to choose the market-exchange option and less likely to select the agentic and communal options when faced with a control threat. Meanwhile, those with an avoidant attachment exhibited a higher tendency to choose the agentic option, while their preference for noncontingent help decreased after exposure to the control threat. Surprisingly, secure attachment individuals showed an increased preference for noncontingent help and decreased preferences for market exchange and self-reliance when exposed to the control threat compared to when they had control. These findings suggest that participation in market relationships may meet vital psychological needs and serve as a safeguard against attachment insecurities.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agata Gasiorowska
Tomasz Zaleskiewicz

  1. SWPS University SWPS University, Wrocław, Poland
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W artykule przedstawiono zespół pałacowo-parkowy w Kościelcu, obecnie dzielnicy Chrzanowa, i składające się na jego genius loci wartości materialne i niematerialne, w tym różne formy sacrum tu występujące. Omówiono opracowane dla obiektu studia historyczno-krajobrazowe oraz projekt rewaloryzacji parku pałacowego, który stał się przestrzenią publiczną. Materiały kartograficzne pozwoliły w części odtworzyć historyczny układ komunikacji i wnętrz parkowych. Wobec bardzo skromnej ikonografii i materiałów źródłowych zastosowano studia porównawcze, wykorzystano też ówczesne poradniki zakładania ogrodów. Rozważano też potencjalne zagrożenia parku i sfery sacrum w sytuacji przekształceń i zmian funkcji.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agata Zachariasz

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture


One of the most common and dangerous conflicts in contemporary democracies is related to cultural differences in understanding of the basic principles of social organization. Such conflict is developing also in Poland. Its most recent manifestation is the serious confrontation between the new appointed Minister of Education and Science of the Polish government and the large part of the Polish scientific community. In the first part of the paper, I analyze on the basis of his publication the minister’s socio-political worldview. I am implying that it may explain his conflict arousing policy. I am focusing on his concept of the natural law and his use of this concept, on his understandings of democracy and secular state, and on his interpretation of minority rights in democracy. I am concluding that he represents the ultraconservative (right-wing) version of the Roman Catholic worldview and is trying to impose its implications on the Polish education as well as scientific institutions. In the second part of the paper, I am analyzing sociopsychological preconditions of cultural conflicts and factors that may determine the radicalization of these conflicts.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Reykowski


Occupational risk is closely related to work environment. For the same positions, but in different working conditions threats and level of risk can be different. For this also estimating the degree of damage hazard the largest possible should be adopted effects. However, when estimating probability occurrence of threats should include, among others: working conditions, events from the past, or possible employee behavior (in particular those that may be the cause of an accident at work). The source of the above information may be data from statistics or observations of work stations. The article presents the assessment of occupational risk at the position of the laser cutter operator, which was carried out using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method. According to this method, occupational risk is determined on the basis of two parameters, i.e.: consequences of C and probability of consequences P. In turn, the probability of consequences is the sum of three factors: frequency of hazard F, probability of event O and avoidability or damage limitation A.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michal Palega

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