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This paper presents the results of an extensive investigation of asphalt concrete beams with geosynthetics interlayer. The subject of the research is an evaluation of infl uence of geosynthetics interlayer applied to bituminous samples on their fatigue life. The results of the tests evidences that when geosynthetics are used, the fatigue life depends mainly on the type of bituminous mixture, the type of geosynthetics, and the type and the amount of bitumen used for saturation and sticking. The amount of bitumen used to saturate and fix the geosynthetic signifi cantly changes the samples fatigue properties. Essential positive correlation between fatigue and parameters of interlayer bonding (shear strength, shear stiffness) occurs in both testing temperatures.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Zieliński
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The paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary FEM model was carried out. The main distinguishing feature of the model is the assignment of material parameters of coarse aggregate and bituminous mortar to randomly selected finite elements. The parameters of the mortar are selected by trial and error to match the numerical results to the experimental ones. The stiffness modulus of the bituminous mortar is, therefore, a substitute parameter, taking into account the influence of many factors, including material degradation resulting from the aging and changing environmental conditions, the influence of voids, and contact between the aggregate and the bituminous mortar. The use of the Monte Carlo method allows to reflect the scattering of the results obtained based on laboratory tests. The computational algorithm created in the ABAQUS was limited only to the analysis of the global mechanical bending response of the SCB sample, without mapping the failure process in detail. The combination of the results of laboratory tests usually carried out on a limited number of samples and numerical simulations provide a sufficiently large population of data to carry out a reliable statistical analysis, and to estimate the reliability of the material designed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Cezary Szydłowski
Łukasz Smakosz
Marcin Stienss
Jarosław Górski

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering, 11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  2. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Structural Mechanics, 11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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The paper presents the results of an extensive investigation of asphalt concrete specimens with geosynthetic interlayer. The subject of this research is evaluation of influence of geosynthetics interlayer applied to bituminous pavements on interlayer bonding of specimens. The results of the tests proves that when geosynthetic is used, the bonding of interlayer depends mainly on the type of bituminous mixture, the type of geosynthetic, and the type and amount of bitumen used for saturation and sticking of geosynthetic. The amount of bitumen used in order to saturate and fix the geosynthetic significantly changes the interlayer bonding of specimens.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Zieliński
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The goal of this work is to compare different constitutive models in the nonlinear static characteristic analysis of asphalt concrete core dams. The Duncan E-μmodel, Duncan E-B model and double-yield-surface model are three major constitutive models in the nonlinear static prediction of earth-rockfill dam. In this paper, an earth-rockfill dam with asphalt concrete core-wall in an actual hydraulic engineering is employed to compare the three models. The finite element model of the core-wall dam is proposed. Nonlinear static analysis of the dam is carried out and the static characteristics are obtained to study the differences generated from different constitutive models. Numerical results show that both the stress extremum and the stress distribution of dam body with three different models are coincident one another. In the deformation analysis of dam body and core-wall, the maximum values of sedimentation with the Duncan E-μmodel and the Duncan E-B model, which are greater than the value with double-yield-surface model, are close to the practical test data though the deformation distributions with three models are in good agreement. But, the analysis results of core-wall stress with double-yield-surface model are proper and more reasonable than the other models.

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Z. Hong
Z. Hongyan
D. Jianke
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The paper presents the results of the study of the effect of a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthetic wax on the resistance to permanent deformation of the AC 11S asphalt concrete. The synthetic wax was dosed at 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5% by weight of bitumen 35/50. The compaction temperatures were 115ºC, 130ºC and 145ºC. The criteria adopted for measuring the resistance to permanent deformation included the following parameters: stiffness modulus at 2, 10 and 20ºC, permanent deformation (RTS), fatigue life determined using the indirect tensile fatigue test (ITFT) and resistance to rutting (WTSAIR, PRDAIR). The test results confirmed the positive infl uence of F-T synthetic wax on enhancing the permanent deformation resistance of asphalt concrete placed at lower compaction temperatures compared to that of standard asphalt concrete compacted at 140ºC.

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M. Iwański
G. Mazurek
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Asphalt mixtures are commonly used for the pavement construction for national roads with a high traffic load, as well as local roads with low traffic load. The constructions of local road pavement consisting of thinner, more flexible layers located on less stable subbase than the pavement of national roads, require reinforcement with asphalt layers characterized by increased fatigue life. Technologies that allow quick repairs and reinforcements, while improving the durability of the road pavement are being sought. Such technologies include the use of modifications of asphalt mixtures with special fibers. The paper presents the results of investigations of the properties of asphalt mixtures modified with innovative basalt-polymer fibers FRP. On the basis of the obtained test results according to the Marshall method, stiffness modulus and fatigue durability, the technical properties of asphalt mixtures with FRP fibers addition were improved. This technology significantly increases the fatigue life of asphalt concrete dedicated for repairs and reinforcements of road pavements.

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P. Radziszewski
M. Sarnowski
A. Plewa
P. Pokorski
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The paper presents the comparison of dynamic modulus and phase lag in different loading conditions for asphalt concrete mixture with or without reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) addition. For each mixture, 6 samples were tested using the four point bending beam method, at four temperatures and at six frequencies. The results of the study were subjected to the analysis of the statistical significance of differences between mixtures. The graphic form of results presentation includes Black curves and Cole-Cole plots. Then, matching the sigmoidal functions enabled the creation of master curves of the complex stiffness module and the phase shift angle, being a function of the load frequency. It has been observed that the mixture with the addition of RAS has higher stiffness and elasticity in the range of higher temperatures (20°C and 30°C) and lower load frequencies, which results in higher values of the complex stiffness module and lower values of the phase lag. At 0°C, the behavior of both mixtures is very similar, while at 10°C significant differences between the tested mixtures were found only for low frequency loads (up to 5 Hz). Test results have shown that mixtures with the addition of RAS have a lower thermal sensitivity in terms of the complex stiffness modulus and phase lag than the reference mixture. The above results confirmed an improvement in rutting resistance for RAS mixes observed in previous work.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Zieliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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The paper presents the dependence of ITS results at the elevated temperature (40°C) on rutting parameters, i.e. proportional rut depth (PRDAIR) and wheel tracking speed (WTSAIR), obtained at the temperature of 60°C. The asphalt mixture samples were prepared in the gyratory compactor, but ITS tests were conducted with typical Marshall press, at a loading rate of 50 mm/min. Correlation analyses show a strong relationships between ITS results and rutting parameters, whereby the correlation coefficients obtained are higher for the PRDAIR parameter (r = -0.88) than WTSAIR (r = -0.81). Using the obtained regression functions, the prediction limits as well as confidence limits were calculated, which allowed to develop criteria for assessing resistance to rutting on the basis of ITS test, and taking into account the technical requirements in Poland.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Zieliński

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