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The presented paper reports data from malacological and pedological studies carried out at sites representing diverse biotopes (beech wood, coniferous forest, and meadow) located 2 km away from the Dyckerhoff Cement Plant in Sitkówka-Nowiny in 1992 and in 2008–2009. The studies aimed to determine physicochemical properties of soils exposed to cement and limestone dust emission and to identify composition of snail communities inhabiting three different biotopes in relation to physicochemical properties of soils, and to grasp the dynamics of the alkalization-dependent changes in physicochemical properties of soils and their impact on the composition and ecological structure of malacofauna.

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Jadwiga Anna Barga-Więcławska
Anna Świercz
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The paper is focused on the palaeographic development of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, during the maximum extent of the Sanian 2 (MIS 12) ice sheet and its retreat. The studies were based on archival cartographic data, coupled with new lithological and petrographic analyses of limni- and fluvioglacial sands, i.e., grain-size composition, quartz grain morphology and heavy mineral analysis, as well as analysis of the erratic material of tills. The results confirm the regional variability of the erratic material in the Sanian 2 tills and point to the long-term development of fluvioglacial sands cover documenting cold climate conditions. They also evidence that the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains was the area where two oppositely directed ice sheet lobes (Radoszyce and Sandomierz) advanced during the Sanian 2 Glaciation and that deglaciation of the area took place in two stages. Huge quantities of meltwater released at that time contributed to the intensification of earlier initiated karst phenomena, as well as filling of the existing caves by fluvioglacial sands.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
Krzysztof Cabalski
Jan Urban
Michał Cyglicki

  1. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Adama Mickiewicza 33, PL- 31-120, Kraków
  3. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975, Warszawa, Poland
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The aim of this study was to reconstruct the evolution of the Eemian palaeolake in the Żabieniec site (Garwolin Plain, Central Poland); it identifies changes in the water level and the trophic status of the lake resulting from panregional factors, including climate changes occurring during individual phases of the last interglacial, and local geologic-geomorphological factors shaping the palaeoenvironment using multi-proxy methods (palaeobotanical analyses, subfossil Cladocera and diatoms analyses as well as determinations of the stable isotopes). A record was obtained of all seven Regional Pollen Assemblage Zones (RPAZs) according to Mamakowa’s description of the Eemian pollen succession (1989), and of the changes in microfossil assemblages and isotopes in palaeolake sediments associated with lake evolution. Special attention was paid to the Middle Eemian RPAZ 4 (i.e. hazel phase) of the climatic optimum; all proxies associate this with the highest water level and a warm humid climate. During the E5/E6 RPAZs, the eutrophic lake transformed very quickly, and a transitional peatbog was formed. The higher humidity of the late Eemian resulted in another increase in water level. The multi-proxy record of the Żabieniec palaeolake which we obtained was compared to those of other Eemian water bodies in the Garwolin Plain and in Central Poland that exhibit sedimentation gaps especially during the younger part of the E5 RPAZ.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Żarski
Kamil Kultys
1 2
Joanna Mirosław-Grabowska
Abdelfattah Zalat
Anna Hrynowiecka
Karolina Łabęcka
Sławomir Terpiłowski
Irena Agnieszka Pidek

  1. Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, al. Kraśnicka 2d, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
  2. ECOTECH-COMPLEX , Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Głęboka 39, 20-612 Lublin, Poland
  3. Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818, Warszawa, Poland
  4. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, 31527 Tanta, Egypt
  5. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Marine Geology Branch, Kościerska 5, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland
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The article presents results of research of three sections (Kuców 9, 10 and 16). Two of them record fluvial and lacustrine interglacial sediments and the third, cold-stage glaciolacustrine sediments. They were formed inside the Miocene– Pliocene syncline depressions in a central part of the southern horst within the Kleszczów Graben. Fluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Middle Pleistocene Interglacial (Mazovian or Ferdynandovian in the Czyżów Formation) are described from the Kuców 9 and 10 sections. Their sediments are located in marginal parts of a buried river valley and within an oxbow palaeolake, then covered by glaciofluvial deposits of the Ławki (Early Saalian) and Rogowiec (Late Saalian) Formations. The Kuców 16 section comprises ice-dam sandy lithofacies (Kuców Formation, Elsterian) of a marginal part in a proglacial lake. Two pollen diagrams of K65/15 and Kuców 9 sections represent the Mazovian (Holsteinian) succession, although in the Kuców 9 section some features are typical for the Ferdinandovian succession.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Krzyszkowski
Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska
Małgorzata Nita
Dariusz Wieczorek

  1. University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 50-137 Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Poland
  2. University of Łódź, Department of Geology and Geomorphology, 90-139 Łódź, Narutowicza 88, Poland
  3. University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Będzińska Str. 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
  4. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Holy Cross Branch of Jan Czarnocki, Zgoda 21, 25-953 Kielce, Poland
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GPR method is perfectly suited for recognizing of sedimentary facies diversity in shallowly occurring sediments if there is a contrast of electrical properties between and/or within each layer. The article deals with the issue of the correlation between GPR surveys results and sedimentological analyses. As a result of this correlation a conceptual model of depositional systems of studied areas was developed. Studies were performed in two areas located in central Poland, where glacial deposits formed in the Middle Polish (Saalian) Glaciation are present. The study was based on 49 sediment samples and 21 GPR profiles. Analyses of lithofacies as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition of deposits of collected samples were carried out, showing the diversity of glacial deposits in both study sites. During GPR measurements shielded antenna with a frequency of 500 MHz was used which allowed high-resolution mapping of the internal structure of deposits and to identify four characteristic radar facies. Correlation of GPR profiles with point, one-dimensional sedimentological studies allowed the unambiguous interpretation of the GPR image and draw conclusions about the formation environment of individual units. Geophysical and sedimentological data obtained during study provide a new and detailed insight into selected glacial deposits in central Poland.

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Anna Lejzerowicz
Anna Wysocka
Sebastian Kowalczyk
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The paper concentrates on seasonal and spatial variations of sub-daily water temperature dynamics in lowland agricultural streams. Temperature monitoring was carried out in 24 sampling sites distributed along the tributaries of the Wkra River during the hydrological year 2021. Statistical analysis of the obtained data documented the highest water temperature dynamics in the morning, from 5:00 to 9:00 CEST, while the lowest – from 14:00 to 18:00 CEST. Seasonally, greater water dynamics were noted in the winter, expressed by a coefficient of variation reaching up to 100%. Spatially, the highest dynamics occurred in sites with the lowest proportion of riparian vegetation, while the lowest dynamics was related to higher catchment area. In the winter, the minimum daily values were recorded most frequently in the morning hours, while maximum values in the afternoon. A similar pattern was observed in the summer, but with much lower dispersion of the relative frequencies. It was found that in the winter, the dominant influence on temperature dynamics was exerted in the upstream catchment area, while in the summer, a negative relationship with riparian shade was marked. The findings suggest that the presence of riparian vegetation reduces diurnal dynamics of water temperature and is simultaneously extremely important in prolonging the duration of optimum fluctuation, responsible for the proper development of poikilothermic organisms.
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Authors and Affiliations

Weronika Skorupa
Maksym Łaszewski

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Krakowskie Przedmieście St, 30, 00–927 Warsaw, Poland

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