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We used simple sequence repeat markers and 25 morphological characters to characterize 18 Tunisian fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars. Morphological traits suggested a high level of variation in the germplasm. Principal component analysis (PCA) differentiated the studied cultivars. In the derived dendrogram the cultivars clustered independently of their geographical origin and sex of trees. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic polymorphism with the observed phenotypic variation. Using six microsatellite primers, 39 alleles and 59 genotypes were identified. The high values of polymorphism information content (PIC), ranging from 0.67 to 0.85, confirmed the effectiveness of microsatellite analysis for determining molecular polymorphism and characterizing the studied cultivars. Multilocus genotyping unambiguously distinguished all the cultivars. The ability of each type of feature to differentiate cultivars of this crop is discussed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Olfa Saddoud
Ghada Baraket
Khaled Chatti
Mokhtar Trifi
Mohamed Marrakchi
Messoud Mars
Amel Salhi-Hannachi


Analogicznie do innych religii, islam – obok doktryny – zawiera obszerne przesłanie etyczne, które jest głęboko zakorzenione w wierze w Boga. W przekonaniu muzułmanów cała etyka wyrasta z Koranu, a przykład życia proroka Mahometa daje objaśnienie dla koranicznych nauk. W konsekwencji ludzkie czyny wyrażają posłuszeństwo bądź nieposłuszeństwo wobec Boga. Jednocześnie, zwłaszcza wskutek kontaktów z kulturą grecką, już w pierwszych wiekach islamu ukształtowało się odmienne, bo filozoficzne ujęcie zagadnień etycznych. W centrum etycznych pojęć islamu jest charakter ( khuluq) rozumiany jako stan duszy. Tutaj kształtują się cnoty, ale i wady, które prowadzą człowieka odpowiednio do dobrego lub złego postępowania. Po zarysowaniu zagadnień podstawowych niniejszy artykuł analizuje i przedstawia niektóre kwestie szczegółowe, jak główne cnoty i wady, komplementarność kobiecości i męskości, tematyka małżeństwa i rodziny oraz świętość ludzkiego życia, implikująca niegodziwość moralną aborcji czy eutanazji.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ks. Sławomir Nowosad
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Schody terenowe są obiektami architektury krajobrazu kształtującymi charakter przestrzeni. Omówione tu badania prezentują w bliższym ujęciu historyczne schody w otoczeniu wpisanego na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO Zamku w Budzie. Jako pierwsze przeanalizowano dominujące efekty przestrzenne, widoki, punkty formalnie ważne i motywy dostrzegane podczas korzystania ze schodów. Jako drugą — na podstawie kryteriów, takich jak skala, materiały, wielkość, jakość przyległych terenów zieleni itp. — sformułowano macierz oceny. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie dowodów na potencjał schodów terenowych do wpływania na otwarte przestrzenie i widoki w historycznych środowiskach miejskich.
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Budapest (1786–1794) — A budai vár helyszínrajza [Survey map of Buda Castle], https://maps.arcanum.com/hu/browse/city/budapest/, (accessed: 3.05.2021).
Budapest (1837) — Pest-Buda–Óbuda áttekintő térképe a jelentős középületek rajzával és látképekkel /Vasquez/ [A general map of Pest-Buda-Óbuda with the main public buildings and views /Vasquez/], https://maps.arcanum.com/hu/browse/city/budapest, (accessed: 3.05.2021).
Budapest (1867–1873) – Pest és Buda kataszteri térképsorozata az 1872–1920 közötti változások utólagos jelölésével [A series of cadastral maps of Pest and Buda with later notes of the changes between 1872–1920], https://maps.arcanum.com/hu/browse/city/budapest/, (accessed: 3.05.2021).
Budapest (1874-1917) — Buda belterületének kataszteri térképsorozata, az 1871 és 1920-as évek közötti út- és ingatlan-kiterjedések feltüntetésével [A series of cadastral maps of the inner parts of Buda, depicting the plot boundaries between 1871 and 1920], https://maps.arcanum.com/hu/browse/city/budapest/, (accessed: 3.05.2021).
Cane, P.S. (1927), Modern gardens — British and foreign, London: Reiach.
Dalányi, L. (1981), Környezetarchitektúra, Budapest: Mezőgazda.
Gerő, L. (ed.) (1975), Várépítészetünk [Hungarian Castel Architecture], Budapest.
Harris, C.W., Dines, N.T. (ed.) (1998), Time-saver standards for Landscape Architecture: Design and Construction Data, New York.
Holme, C. (1907), The gardens of England in the Southern and western counties, London: The Studio.
Holme, C. (1908), The gardens of England in the Midland and Eastern counties, London: The Studio.
Horler, M. et al. (1955), ‘Budapest Műemlékei I. / Monuments of Budapest I. [in:] Pogány, F. (ed.) Magyarország Műemléki Topográfiája IV. Budapest Műemlékei I., Budapest.
Jávorka Sándor lépcső a Logodi utcától a Lovas út felé nézve. Képeslap [Postcard] Source: Fortepan/Album015 1936, https://fortepan.hu/hu/photos/?q=Budapest%20I.,%20l%C3%A9pcs%C5%91, accessed: 3.05.2021).
Jekyll, G., Hussey, C. (1927), Garden ornament, 2nd ed, London–New York: ‘Country Life’ Ltd–Scribner.
Landphair, H.C, Klatt, F. (1981), Landscape architecture construction, New York: Elsevier.
Ormos, I. (1955), Kerttervezés története és gyakorlata, Budapest: Mezőgazda.
Sudell, R. (1953), Garden Planning, London: English Universities Press.
UNESCO World Heritage Site: Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue, https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/400, (accessed: 29.04.2021).
Zimmermann, A. (2015), Constructing landscape, Basel: Birkhäuser.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Máté Sárospataki
Brigitta Christian-Oláh
Patrícia Szabó

  1. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science— MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Design


François de Curel (1854-1928) went down into the history of the French theater as an author of ‘thesis plays’. However, his works contain the features of the so-called ‘drama crisis’ which manifests itself at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, by the rejection of the canonical rules advocated since Aristotle. In fact, by analyzing A False Saint (1892), we are forced to note that the writer is undermining the dramatic structure by shifting his gaze from action to the study of the souls of the characters. Deprived of all will, they slowly get bogged down in their shady as inert world. In this way, the French playwright puts emphasis not on ‘acting character’ but on ‘retrospective character’ (passive) who dwells on his unhappy life.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Kaczmarek
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved huge popularity in solving problems in image analysis and in text recognition. In this work, we assess the effectiveness of CNN-based architectures where a network is trained in recognizing handwritten characters based on Latin script. European languages such as Dutch, French, German, etc., use different variants of the Latin script, so in the conducted research, the Latin alphabet was extended by certain characters with diacritics used in Polish language. To evaluate the recognition results under the same conditions, a handwritten Latin dataset was also developed. The proposed CNN architecture produced an accuracy of 96% for the extended character set. This is comparable to state-of-the-art results found in the domain of identifying handwritten characters. The presented approach extends the usage of CNN-based recognition to different variants of the Latin characters and shows it can be successfully used for a set of languages based on that script. It seems to be an effective technique for a set of languages written using the Latin script.

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  3.  D. Połap and M. Woźniak, “Flexible neural network architecture for handwritten signatures recognition”, Int. J. Electron. Telecommun. 62, 197–202 (2016).
  4.  M. Milosz and J. Gazda, “Effectiveness of artificial neural networks in recognising handwriting characters”, J. Comput. Sci. Inst. 7, 210‒214 (2018).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Edyta Lukasik
Malgorzata Charytanowicz
Marek Milosz
Michail Tokovarov
Monika Kaczorowska
Dariusz Czerwinski
Tomasz Zientarski


Celem artykułu Teologia fundamentalna wobec naukowości teologii jest ukazanie wkładu teologii fundamentalnej w badania metateologiczne. Do zasadniczych rozważań wprowadza krótkie przedstawienie głównych etapów rozwoju teorii teologii. Pozwala ono wskazać, w którym momencie w dociekania metateologiczne włącza się teologia fundamentalna i jaki stan badań zastaje. Udział teologii fundamentalnej w tych dociekaniach zostaje zaprezentowany w dwóch punktach: badania teologicznofundamentalne w obszarze ogólnej teorii teologii oraz w obszarze teorii teologii fundamentalnej. Zarówno w jednej, jak i w drugiej dziedzinie teologia fundamentalna posiada liczne publikacje i znaczące osiągnięcia merytoryczne. Wynika to z pewnością z faktu, że wielu teologów fundamentalnych zalicza metateologię do ważnych przedmiotów swoich badań, uznając, że teologia fundamentalna bardziej niż inne dyscypliny teologiczne predestynowana jest do prowadzenia tego typu dociekań.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tadeusz Dola

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski


The effect of density on individual and population fertility, and selected morphometric characters (height, number of: ramifications, generative branches, inflorescences and leaves) of Echinochloa o-us-gaili plants was studied in a glasshouse. A decrease in individual fertility was observed in all density variants examined, but it did not result in a decrease in population fertility per unit of area. In response to worse developmental conditions there appeared plants characterized by reduced height and simplified external conformation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Kucewicz
Czesław Hołdyński


The article is devoted to the concept a cemetery in memoirs about forced relocation from flood zones in Ukraine as a result of the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Fragments about the relocation of cemeteries are given. Studies are folk beliefs, nominative vocabulary for events, loci, characters, subjects, permanent themes and main folklore plots. The following main ideas are highlighted: the impossibility of any complete relocation of a cemetery; interfering with a cemetery contains potential danger and provokes the wrath of the dead; the installation of a tombstone cross restores the sacredness of the tomb, consolidates the resettlement community, and actualizes the memory of its historical past.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ірина Коваль-Фучило

  1. Київ, Інститут мистецтвознавства, фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Рильського НАН України


In the article an attempt is made to analyze the aspects of non-dogmatic spirituality of characters in the prose works of Ukrainian postm odernists (including Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Izdryk, Natalia Sniadanko). The theoretical aspects of problem are considered in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. The following concepts play an important role in the study: religious position, father complex, conflict and some others.

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Irena Betko


The aim of this analysis of the oneiric representations of phantom women in the poetry of Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer and Bolesław Leśmian is to compare and characterize the workings of the poetic imagination of a pair of poets who represent the first and the second generation of the Young Poland movement. Their poems are read and interpreted within the framework of Young Poland's conceptualization of dreams and its use of the dream motif so as to explain the functioning and the ontological status of the oneiric female characters. The analysis shows that both Przerwa-Tetmajer's and Leśmian's apparitions belong to more than one category. While some are wholly imaginary, others are known to have existed as real persons and have merely been transposed into an image of a man's mind.

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Lidia Kamińska


Salinity is one of the most significant constraints to crop production in dry parts of the world. This research emphasizes the beneficial effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial isolates (PGPR) on the physiological responses of maize and wheat in a saline (NaCl) environment. Soil samples for the study were collected from a maize field in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, India. Isolated bacterial strains were screened for salt (NaCl) tolerance and plant growth-promoting characters (i.e., indole acetic acid (IAA) production, siderophore production, amino cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase activity, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production, and mineral phosphate solubilization). Screened bacterial isolates were further tested in pot experiments to examine their effects on wheat and maize growth. The treatments included five levels of bacterial inoculation (P0: control, P1: ACC deaminase positive + siderophore producer + NaCl tolerant bacteria, P2: mineral phosphate solubilizer + HCN producer + NaCl tolerant bacteria, P3: IAA producer + ACC deaminase positive + NaCl tolerant bacteria, P4: bacterial consortium, P5: Phosphomax commercial biofertilizer) and salt stress at 6 dS/m. Research findings found that exposure to a bacterial consortium led to the highest growth parameter in maize, including shoot length, root length, shoot and root dry weight followed by P2, P3, and P5 treatments at 6 dS/m salinity levels. However, P2 showed the best results for wheat at the same salinity levels, followed by P3, P4 and P5 treatments. P1 treatment did not show a significant result compared to control at 6dS/m salt level for both crops. The maximum proline content in maize and wheat was observed in P4 (23.28 μmol · g−1) and P2 (15.52 μmol · g−1) treatments, respectively, followed by P5 with Phosphomax biofertilizer. Therefore, the study proposed the application of growth-promoting bacterial isolates as efficient biofertilizers in the Baddi region of Himachal Pradesh, India.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Arun Karnwal

  1. Department of Microbiology, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, India


W czterech tomach Filozofii i wartości Bogusława Wolniewicza (1993, 1998, 2003, 2016) zawarty jest jego system filozofii normatywnej. Wolniewicz podejmuje tradycję aksjologii H. Elzenberga, gdzie filozofia jest wojną światopoglądów, konfrontacją postaw wartościujących. Wizja świata Wolniewicza jest pesymistyczna: w świecie istnieje realne i aktywnie działające zło (manicheizm), ludzki charakter moralny jest narzucony biologicznie (determinizm), nie wszyscy ludzie mają sumienie (dualizm), zły charakter nie daje się poprawić (nonmelioryzm), rozum nie wystarcza do dobrego działania (woluntaryzm), wola jest siłą popędu (irracjonalizm). Wszyscy ludzie kierują się przyjemnością (hedonizm), ale jednym sprawia przyjemność egoistyczny interes, a innym realizacja wartości perfekcyjnych. Religia jest tworem ziemskim, powstaje jako reakcja istoty rozumnej na konieczność śmierci. Instytucja Kościoła powinna być szanowana nawet przez niewierzących, ponieważ sprzyja wartościom konserwatywnym. We współczesnym społeczeństwie zaostrza się podział na orientację konserwatywną („prawoskrętną”) i lewicową („lewoskrętną”), przy niejasnym udziale centrowych liberałów. Konserwatyzm opiera się na uznaniu siły losu („tychizm”), która ma moc przemienić ludzkie życie w tragedię. Jest to wizja świata zbieżna z religią katolicką św. Augustyna (grzech pierworodny, predestynacja, dualizm dobra i zła, państwo Boże i piekło), ale pozbawiona religijnej pociechy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Kowalik


This interpretation of Michał Choromański's novel Schodami w górę, schodami w dół ( Upstairs, Downstairs) focuses primarily on issues related to the inner life of the characters and the representation of the outside world in the context of classical psychoanalysis. The appropriateness of the psychoanalytical approach is justified by numerous references to Freud's theory in the text of the novel. The study reaches out to Choromański's other novels and short stories, but embarks on a more systematic comparison of Schodami w górę, schodami w dół with only one of them, Zazdrość i medycyna ( Jealousy and Medicine), his most popular novel published in 1936.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daniel Natkaniec

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The writings of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, one of the most popular contemporary Russian novelists, attracts lots of attention from both Russian and foreign literary critics and scholars. The author’s popularity is also confirmed by the fact that her works have been translated into more than 20 different languages. The main goal of this article is to provide an analysis of the spiritual dimension of the novel The Kukotsky Enigma. At its very essence, the main subject of the study is the plot, which focuses on the anthropological aspect in the context of the transcendental dimension as such, hagiographic motifs and biblical metaphorics. The article also discusses the synthetism of genetic elements appearing in the novel that allowed the writer to combine Christian, mythopoeic, axiological, soteriological and theological contexts. Furthermore, an attempt was made to analyse the characters, considering spiritual and moral values they represent. The intersection of two spheres – the Sacred and the profane – together with the loci associated with them constitute additional object of the research.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zoja Kuca


Światopogląd Bogusława Wolniewicza można opisać przy użyciu trzech kategorii: 1) pesymizm („tychizm”), 2) determinizm etyczny („nonmelioryzm”), 3) konserwatyzm („prawoskrętność”). Ad 1) Pesymizm ma dwie formy: metafizyczną (tragizm) i społeczną (dualizm). Ad 2) Wolniewicz traktował charakter etyczny człowieka jako zdeterminowany biologicznie i niezmienny. Przeciwstawiam temu poglądowi koncepcję klasyczną w wersji Arystotelesa i stoików. Według teorii klasycznej, charakter etyczny powstaje przez przyzwyczajenie do dokonywania określonych czynności. Ad 3) Za historyczny pierwowzór konserwatyzmu można uznać doktrynę Krytiasza z Aten, głoszącego rządy prawa i podporządkowanie religii etyce. Wolniewicz głosił dualizm orientacji prawoskrętnej i lewoskrętnej. Przedstawiam inspirowaną tym poglądem teorię wartości lewicowej (linearnej) i prawicowej (modularnej) oraz konstruuję prosty model konfliktu aksjologicznego między prawicą i lewicą.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Łukasz Kowalik


This article confronts the text of A Literary Prize, a comedy by Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, with its contemporary reviews. Staged by the experimental theatre Reduta (directed by Zofia Modrzewska) in April 1937 at Teatr Nowy in Warsaw (under the directorship of Jerzy Leszczyński), it fell into complete oblivion which lasted until the recent discovery of the director’s copy buried at the Academy of Theatre Library in Warsaw.

While contemporary reviewers found A Literary Prize to be one of the weaker works of an outstanding poet, Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska in her letters contrasted the ‘violent attacks’ of the critics with a fairly warm reception of the general audience. The play was performed to capacity audiences until 19 May, and revived for a single occasion a year later in Poznań.

A Literary Prize juxtaposes two plots. One, with elements of comedy of manners, follows the fortunes of a young girl, Taida Serebrzycka, who tries to navigate between two men with literary ambitions, Klemens Niedzicki and Albin Niekawski, while the other explores the challenges faced by prospective writers, especially the role of prize-winning competitions in the discovery of talent and the building of reputation. This article is focused primarily on the character of Taida, who makes the impression of being somewhat scatterbrained and snobbish, but is in fact a strong-minded, independent young woman conscious of her sexuality. She wants an honest, equal relationship, and is ready to fi ght hard for her happiness, which does include sexual satisfaction. The analysis of the reception of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s play, and especially the characterization of Taida, the female protagonist, is complemented with an examination of the mechanisms of the critical discourse.

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Joanna Warońska


In the Hajnówka district, over 450 surnames with the suffix (derivational morp heme) -uk are recorded which were mostly formed from patronymics based on given names of Greek origin, less frequently of Hebrew, Latin and Slavic. The goal of the present article is to discuss patronymic surnames with the suffix -uk found exclusively in Poland or in largest numbers in the Hajnówka district in the Białystok region, which is overwhelmingly inhabited by the Orthodox population, who usually speak Belarusian, Ukrainian or sometimes mixed dialects. The material basis of the present study is therefore the surnames with the suffix -uk most characteristic of the area investigated and strictly associated with this territory from the time of its settlement.

The author set himself the following specific objectives: a) establish the number of people with a particular surname in Poland; b) establish the number of people with a particular surname in the Hajnówka district; c) establish the surnames with the suffix -uk found exclusively in Poland or in largest numbers in the Hajnówka district; d) establish the origin of the surname investigated. The article may prove useful not only in establishing the origin of the surnames studied but also in determining the place where they arose and the directions of migration of the population within Poland.

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Michał Sajewicz


The article attempts to outline Adam Mickiewicz’s concept of subjectivity. He introduces it in his visionary poetic drama Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) where a radically ambivalent situation is presented through the duality of the main character Gustaw/Konrad. The article describes this duality in terms of Paul Ricoeur’s distinction between cogito exalté and cogito brisé. In Dziady Mickiewicz dramatizes the transition from exaltation to dejection, the condition of cogito brisé (living with a wound). His romantic subject cannot throw away his past, but because he is acutely aware of his failings and his inadequacy he is able to free himself from delusions of grandeur and self-centered pride. The condition of uncertainty, inadequacy and chronic insatiability is like a gaping wound or a lack which may lead the ‘I’ to open up and seek the Other. It is a vision of man who knows he is deeply flawed but capable of pursuing a noble desire; vulnerable and fallible, beset by ‘endless error’ and yet able to act and get his act together; self-centered and yet, because of the relational nature of the human identity, capable of redirecting his emancipatory energy to Others. It can be summed up the concept of homo capax (homme capable) which, as this article argues, provides the key to Mickiewicz’s anthropology.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Bednarek-Bohdziewicz


Representations of loss, grief and mourning are have a prominent place in Mikhail Shiskhin's fiction. They coexist with other parathanatological themes such as funerals and reflections on life after death. As funerals provide the proper opening of periods of mourning, the first part of the article deals with the characters’ reactions to the scenes of death and burial. It is followed, in the second part, by a close examination of the internal life of selected female characters who experience grief after the loss of a person they love. On the whole, Shiskhin's characters seem to be less preoccupied with the funeral as a social institution, but rather tend to experience bereavement in a way which is typical of a melancholic. Drawing on Jacques Derrida's conceptualization of mourning, the article demonstrates how Shishkin's female characters conceal mourning by the act of incorporating the dead into their own bodies and allowing them their voice. At the same time, the activity of letter writing enables them to hinder or even deny bereavement, and in this way, hold off the admission of a complete loss.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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