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In this paper, the stiffness and internal force of the finite element model of a cable-stayed bridge, arch bridge and cooperative system bridge with the same span are analyzed, and the stress characteristics of cooperative system bridge compared with arch bridge and cable-stayed bridge are studied. In the stiffness analysis, the live load deflections of the arch bridge (maximum deflection – 6.07 mm) and the cooperative system bridge (maximum deflection –6.00 mm) are similar, while the cable-stayed bridge (maximum deflection –16.27 mm) has a larger deflection. In the internal force analysis, compared with the internal force of the main girder, it can be seen that the girder of the cooperative system bridge reduces the girder-column effect compared with the cable-stayed bridge. The main girder of the cooperative system bridge reserves more stress than the arch bridge. In the stress analysis of arch rib, the axial force and bending moment of arch rib under dead load of cooperative system bridges are greater than the cooperative system bridge. The maximum difference of axial force and bending moment between arch bridge and cooperative system bridge is 16.2% and 58.8%, but there is no obvious difference under live load. In the stress analysis of the cable tower, the advantages of the cooperative system bridge are more obvious under dead load and live load. In the comparative analysis between the cable and the derrick, the dead load and live load are mainly carried by the derrick, and the derrick bears 84% dead load and 97% live load. The research results can provide reference for the stress analysis of similar bridge structures.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xilong Zheng
Yujun Cui

  1. School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Harbin University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
  2. School of Traffic Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

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