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W niniejszej pracy pokazujemy, w jaki sposób formalne pojęcia informatyczne – takie, jak kodowanie, algorytm czy obliczalność – mogą być interpretowane filozoficznie, w tym ontologicznie i epistemologicznie. Interpretacje takie prowadzą do pytań i problemów, których robocze rozwiązania składają się na jakąś formę prefilozoficznego światopoglądu. W pracy kładziemy nacisk na pytania inspirowane informatycznym rozróżnieniem cyfrowości i analogowości, które ma swój matematyczny pierwowzór w matematycznym rozróżnieniu dyskretności i ciągłości. Między innymi są to następujące pytania: 1) czy głęboka struktura fizykalnej rzeczywistości ma charakter cyfrowy, czy analogowy, 2) czy ludzki umysł przypomina bardziej informatyczny system cyfrowy czy analogowy, 3) czy odpowiedź na pytanie drugie daje nam owocny poznawczo wgląd w ograniczenia poznawcze umysłu? Za szczególnie istotną podstawę powyższych pytań uznajemy fakt, że moc obliczeniowa (tj. zakres rozwiązywalnych problemów) niektórych typów obliczeń analogowych jest większa od mocy obliczeń cyfrowych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Stacewicz


A Computational Intelligence (CI) approach is one of the main trending and potent data dealing out and processing instruments to unravel and resolve difficult and hard reliability crisis and it takes an important position in intelligent reliability analysis and management of data. Nevertheless, just few little broad reviews have recapitulated the current attempts of Computational Intelligence (CI) in reliability assessment in power systems. There are many methods in reliability assessment with the aim to prolong the life cycles of a system, to maximize profit and predict the life cycle of assets or systems within an organization especially in electric power distribution systems. Sustaining an uninterrupted electrical energy supply is a pointer of affluence and nationwide growth. The general background of reliability assessment in power system distribution using computational intelligence, some computational intelligence techniques, reliability engineering, literature reviews, theoretical or conceptual frameworks, methods of reliability assessment and conclusions was discussed. The anticipated and proposed technique has the aptitude to significantly reduce the needed period for reliability investigation in distribution networks because the distribution network needs an algorithm that can evaluate, assess, measure and update the reliability indices and system performance within a short time. It can also manage outages data on assets and on the entire system for quick and rapid decisions making as well as can prevent catastrophic failures. Those listed above would be taken care of if the proposed method is utilized. This overview or review may be deemed as valuable assistance for anybody doing research.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Elijah Adebayo Olajuyin
Paul Kehinde Olulope
Emmanuel Taiwo Fasina

  1. Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere Ekiti, Nigeria
  2. Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria


Quantum computers excel at tasks where classical computers falter – explains Prof. Artur Ekert from the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University and the National University of Singapore.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Ekert

  1. the Mathematical Institute at Oxford University and the National University of Singapore


Green spaces are an integral element of urban structures. They are not only a place of rest for their users, but also positively affect their well-being and health. The eff ect of these spaces, is the better, the smoother they create larger urban layout – stings of greenery. The introduction of urban greenery can and should be one of the basic elements of revitalization. Often, however, greenery is designed without multi-aspect analysis, enabling understanding of conditions and the use of existing potential in a given place. The use of computational design in conjunction with the use of generally available databases, such as numerical SRTM terrain models, publicly available OSM map database and EPW meteorological data, allows for the design of space in a more comprehensive way. These design methods allow better matching of the greenery design in a given area to specific architectural, urban and environmental conditions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lucyna Nyka
Jan Cudzik
Kacper Radziszewski
Dominik Sędzicki


Modelowanie komputerowe odgrywa istotną rolę we współczesnej nauce. Epistemologiczna rola, jaką odgrywają takie modele oraz prowadzone na ich bazie symulacje skłaniają do postawienia pytań o możliwe użycie podobnych metod w filozofii. Pomysły wykorzystania narzędzi matematycznych do sformułowania koncepcji filozoficznych sięgają czasów Barucha Spinozy i Isaaca Newtona. Newtonowska filozofia przyrody stała się przykładem udanego zastosowania matematycznych rozważań do opisu przyrody na poziomie fundamentalnym. Oczywiście podejście Newtona otworzyło zarówno nowe obszary badań w fizyce, jak i stało się źródłem dla nowych rozważań o rzeczywistości fizycznej. Według Michała Hellera niektóre teorie fizyczne można traktować jako specyficzne formalizacje koncepcji filozoficznych. Modelowanie komputerowe w filozofii może być traktowane jako rozszerzenie tej idei, co będę starał się ukazać w niniejszym artykule. Będę również rozważał rolę modelowania komputerowego jako źródła nowych metafor filozoficznych zgodnie z koncepcją technologii definiującej D. J. Boltera. Rozważania te wiodą do konkluzji mówiącej, że w metodologii filozofii zachodzą istotne zmiany. Nowe podejście nie sugeruje odrzucenia bądź zanegowania dotychczasowych metod, a wskazuje raczej nowe narzędzie analityczne filozofii i źródło inspirujących metafor.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł Polak

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Karwat

  1. Department of Ultrasound, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


Disk motors are characterized by the axial direction of main magnetic flux and the variable length of the magnetic flux path along varying stator/rotor radii. This is why it is generally accepted that reliable electromagnetic calculations for such machines should be carried out using the FEM for 3D models. The 3D approach makes it possible to take into account an entire spectrum of different effects. Such computational analysis is very time-consuming, this is in particular true for machines with one magnetic axis only. An alternate computational method based on a 2D FEM model of a cylindrical motor is proposed in the paper. The obtained calculation results have been verified by means of lab test results for a physical model. The proposed method leads to a significant decrease of computational time, i.e. the decrease of iterative search for the most advantageous design.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Wolnik


In this article we present a procedure that allows to synthesize optimal circuit representing any reversible function within reasonable size limits. The procedure allows to choose either the NCT or the MCT gate set and specify any number of ancillary qubits to be used in the circuit. We will explore efficacy of this procedure by synthesizing various sources of nonlinearity used in contemporary symmetric ciphers and draw conclusions about properties of those transformations in quantum setting. In particular we will try to synthesize optimal circuit representing ASCON cipher SBOX which recently won NIST competition for Lightweight Cryptography standard.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Jagielski

  1. Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland


Computational intelligence (CI) can adopt/optimize important principles in the workflow of 3D printing. This article aims to examine to what extent the current possibilities for using CI in the development of 3D printing and reverse engineering are being used, and where there are still reserves in this area. Methodology: A literature review is followed by own research on CI-based solutions. Results: Two ANNs solving the most common problems are presented. Conclusions: CI can effectively support 3D printing and reverse engineering especially during the transition to Industry 4.0. Wider implementation of CI solutions can accelerate and integrate the development of innovative technologies based on 3D scanning, 3D printing, and reverse engineering. Analyzing data, gathering experience, and transforming it into knowledge can be done faster and more efficiently, but requires a conscious application and proper targeting.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Izabela Rojek
Dariusz Mikołajewski
Joanna Nowak
Zbigniew Szczepański
Marek Macko

  1. Institute of Computer Science, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Faculty of Mechatronics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
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This paper presents a numerical analysis of the thermal-flow characteristics for a laminar flow inside a rectangular microchannel. The flow of water through channels with thin obstacles mounted on opposite walls was analyzed. The studies were conducted with a low Reynolds number (from 20 to 200). Different heights of rectangular obstacles were analyzed to see if geometrical factors influence fluid flow and heat exchange in the microchannel. Despite of the fact that the use of thin obstacles in the microchannels leads to an increase in the pressure drop, the increase in the height of the obstacles favors a significant intensification of heat exchange with the maximum thermal gain factor of 1.9 for the obstacle height coefficient h/H=0.5, which could be acceptable for practical application.
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[13] A. Behnampour O.A. Akbari, M.R. Safaei, M. Ghavami, A. Marzban, G.A.S. Shabani, M. Zarringhalam, and R. Mashayekhi. Analysis of heat transfer and nanofluid fluid flow in microchannels with trapezoidal, rectangular and triangular shaped ribs. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 91:15–31, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.physe.2017.04.006.
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[17] L. Chai, G.D. Xia, and H.S. Wang. Parametric study on thermal and hydraulic characteristics of laminar flow in microchannel heat sink with fan-shaped ribs on sidewalls -- Part 2: Pressure drop. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97:1081–1090, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.02.076.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Kmiotek
Robert Smusz

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszow, Poland


This paper presents a new type of underactuated ground mobile robot called Caster Car. The platform consists of a front-driven and steered wheel and two uncontrolled rear caster wheels. The Caster Car model presented can be an interesting alternative for mobile robots that connects dynamic properties of hovercrafts and classical 4-wheeled cars. Underactuated properties of the Caster Car cause that classical proportional-derivative feedback control give the ability to affect only selected configuration variables. Three mathematical models of the Caster Car are proposed: a dynamic model with free-moving casters, a dynamic model with blocked casters, and a simplified hovercraft description. Models were tested during tracking tasks with demanding trajectory using selective and full-state control. This full state control was based on the computed torque technique with the pseudoinverse operation and proportional-derivative feedback. It gives the ability to suppress unstable behaviors of uncontrolled orientation but in cost of overall effect (higher position errors).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Korczak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Narbutta84, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland


The future Internet of Things (IoT) era is anticipated to support computation-intensive and time-critical applications using edge computing for mobile (MEC), which is regarded as promising technique. However, the transmitting uplink performance will be highly impacted by the hostile wireless channel, the low bandwidth, and the low transmission power of IoT devices. Using edge computing for mobile (MEC) to offload tasks becomes a crucial technology to reduce service latency for computation-intensive applications and reduce the computational workloads of mobile devices. Under the restrictions of computation latency and cloud computing capacity, our goal is to reduce the overall energy consumption of all users, including transmission energy and local computation energy. In this article, the Deep Q Network Algorithm (DQNA) to deal with the data rates with respect to the user base in different time slots of 5G NOMA network. The DQNA is optimized by considering more number of cell structures like 2, 4, 6 and 8. Therefore, the DQNA provides the optimal distribution of power among all 3 users in the 5G network, which gives the increased data rates. The existing various power distribution algorithms like frequent pattern (FP), weighted least squares mean error weighted least squares mean error (WLSME), and Random Power and Maximal Power allocation are used to justify the proposed DQNA technique. The proposed technique which gives 81.6% more the data rates when increased the cell structure to 8. Thus 25% more in comparison to other algorithms like FP, WLSME Random Power and Maximal Power allocation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P.G Suprith
Mohammed Riyaz Ahmed

  1. REVA University, Bangalore, and Karnataka, India
  2. REVA University and HKBK College of Engineering, Bangalore, and Karnataka, India
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The article deals with a current state-of-art of fluid solid interaction (FSI) – the new branch of continuum physics. Fluid-solid interaction is a new quality of modeling physical processes of continuum mechanics, it can be described as the interaction of various (so far treated separately from the point of view of mathematical modeling) physical phenomena occurring in continuous media systems. The most correct is the simultaneous application of the laws of the given physical disciplines, which implies that fluid solid interaction is a subset of multi-physical applications where the interactions between these subsets are exchanged on the surface in interconnected systems. Our purpose is to extend the fluid solid interaction aplications into new phenomena what follow from the industrial needs and inovative thechnologies. Selecting the various approaches, we prefer the arbitraty lagrangean-eulerian description within the bulk of fluid/solid domain and a new sort of advanced boundary condition on a surface of common contact.
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[13] Badur J., Ziółkowski P., Kornet S., Kowalczyk T., Banas K., Bryk M., Ziółkowski P.J., Stajnke M.: Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro-and nanoscale. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 56(2018), 1, 329–332.
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[39] Froissart M., Ziolkowski P., Dudda W., Badur J.: Heat exchange enhancement of jet impingement cooling with the novel humped-cone heat sink. Case Stud. Therm. Eng. 28(2021), 1, 101445101445.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Mariusz Banaszkiewicz
1 2
Marcin Lemański
1 3
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Paweł Ziółkowski
1 4
Piotr J. Ziółkowski
Rafał Hyrzyński
1 5
Michał Stajnke
Mateusz Bryk
Bartosz Kraszewski
Sylwia Kruk-Gotzman
1 6
Marcin Froissart
Janusz Badur

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Science, Fiszera 14, 80-331 Gdansk, Poland
  2. General Electric Power, Stoczniowa 2, 82-300 Elblag, Poland
  3. Anwil Grupa Orlen, Torunska 222, 87-800 Włocławek, Poland
  4. Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  5. Energa S.A. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdansk, Poland
  6. Agencja Rynku Energii, Bobrowiecka 3, 00-728 Warszawa, Poland


Belts are widely applied in mine production for conveying ores. Understanding ore granularity, which is a crucial factor in determining the effectiveness of crushers, is vital for optimising production efficiency throughout the crushing process and ensuring the success of subsequent operations. Based on edge computing technology, an online detection method is investigated to rapidly and accurately obtain ore granularity information on high-speed conveyor belts. The detection system utilising machine vision technology is designed in this paper. The high-speed camera set above the belt is used to collect the image of the ore flow, and the collected image is input into the edge computing device. After binary, grey morphology and convex hull algorithm processing, the particle size distribution of ore is obtained by statistical analysis. Finally, a 5G router is used to output the settlement result to a cloud platform. In the GUANBAOSHAN mine of Ansteel Group, the deviation between manual screening and image particle size analysis was studied. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect the ore granularity, ore flow width and ore flow terminal in real-time. It can provide a reference for the staff to adjust the parameters of the crushing equipment, reduce the mechanical loss and the energy consumption of the equipment, improve the efficiency of crushing operation and reduce the failure rate of the crusher.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiang Yao
Yinbo Xue
Xiaoliang Li
Lei Zhai
Zhenyu Yang
Wenhui Zhang

  1. Northeastern University, China
  2. Chinese Academy of Sciences Allwin Technology Co., Ltd, China
  3. Ansteel Group Guanbaoshan Mining Co., Ltd, China
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It is commonly known that the cause of serious accidents in underground coal mining is methane. Thus, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) becomes a useful tool to simulate methane dispersion and to evaluate the performance of the ventilation system in order to prevent mine accidents related to methane. In this study, numerical and experimental studies of the methane concentration and air velocity behaviour were carried out. The experiment was conducted in an auxiliary ventilated coal heading in Turkish Hard Coal Enterprises (TTK), which is the most predominant coal producer in Turkey. The simulations were modeled using Fluent-Ansys v.12. Significant correlations were found when experimental values and modeling results were compared with statistical analysis. The CFD modeling of the methane and air velocity in the headings especially uses in auxiliary ventilation systems of places where it is hard to measure or when the measurements made are inadequate.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Gülnaz Daloğlu
Mustafa Önder
Teresa Parra

  1. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Müh. Mim. Fak. Maden Mühendi sliği Bölümü, 26480 Eskişehir, Turkey
  2. University of Valladolid, Department of Energy and Fluid Mechanics, Valladolid, Spain
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This article focuses on discussing the adsorption process of phenol and its chloro-derivatives on the HDTMA-modified halloysite. Optimized chemical structures of phenol, 2-, 3-, 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichloro-, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol were obtained with computational calculation (the Scigress program). Charge distributions and the hypothetical structure of the system HDTMA-modified halloysite are among their key features. The above-mentioned calculations are applied in order to explain adsorption mechanism details of chlorophenols on the HDTMA-modified halloysite in aqueous solutions. The results of electron density distribution and solvent accessible surface area calculations for phenol and chlorophenols molecules illustrate the impact of chlorine substitution position in a phenol molecule, both on the mechanism and the kinetics of their adsorption in aqueous solutions. Experimental adsorption data were sufficiently represented using the Langmuir multi-center adsorption model for all adsorbates. In addition, the relations between adsorption isotherm parameters and the adsorbate properties were discussed. This study also targets at explaining the role of meta position as a chlorine substituent for mono-chloro derivatives. Given the above findings, two possible mechanisms were utilized as regards chlorophenol adsorption on the HDTMA-modified halloysite, i.e., electrostatic and partition interactions when the chlorophenols exist in a molecular form.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Beata Szczepanik
Anna Kołbus
Piotr Słomkiewicz
Marianna Czaplicka

  1. Institute of Chemistry, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland


Growing popularity of distributed generation is drawing special attention to communication technologies in smart power grids. This paper provides a detailed overview of the communication protocols utilized in the modern distributed grid laboratory. It describes both wired and wireless technologies used in Smart Grid and presents the remote operation of switching the subsystem from grid mode to island mode operating under nominal conditions. It shows the duration of power outages during a transfer to island mode with diesel generator running on idle - which simulates planned islanding and diesel generator stationary, which simulates unplanned islanding. Latency between registration of disturbance and executing control command is measured. The results obtained are compared with current legislation. The consequences to the power system that are possible in both scenarios are highlighted. Obtained results and description of the communication technologies can be useful for the design of distributed power grids, island-mode power grids, and Smart Grids, as well as for further research in the area of using combustion fuel generators as a primary power supply in the microgrid.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kamil Prokop
Andrzej Bień
Szymon Barczentewicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland


With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, our ability to obtain remote sensing data has been improved to an unprecedented level. We have entered an era of big data. Remote sensing data clear showing the characteristics of Big Data such as hyper spectral, high spatial resolution, and high time resolution, thus, resulting in a significant increase in the volume, variety, velocity and veracity of data.This paper proposes a feature supporting, salable, and efficient data cube for timeseries analysis application, and used the spatial feature data and remote sensing data for comparative study of the water cover and vegetation change. In this system, the feature data cube building and distributed executor engine are critical in supporting large spatiotemporal RS data analysis with spatial features. The feature translation ensures that the geographic object can be combined with satellite data to build a feature data cube for analysis. Constructing a distributed executed engine based on dask ensures the efficient analysis of large-scale RS data. This work could provide a convenient and efficient multidimensional data services for many remote sens-ing applications.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yassine Sabri
Fadoua Bahja
Henk Pet

  1. Laboratory of Innovation in Management and Engineering for Enterprise (LIMIE), ISGA Rabat, 27 Avenuel Oqba, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
  2. Terra Motion Limited, 11 Ingenuity Centre, Innovation Park, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2TU, UK


This study was carried out to determine the morphometric and volumetric features of the mandible in Van cats by using computed tomography (CT) and a three-dimensional (3D) software program. The study also aimed at presenting the biometrical differences of these mea- surements between genders. A total of 16 adult Van cats (8 males, 8 females) were used in the study. The cats were anesthetized using a ketamine-xylazine combination. They were then scanned using CT under anesthesia and their images were obtained. The scanned images of the mandible in each cat were used for the reconstruction of a 3D model by using the MIMICS 20.1 (The Materialise Group, Leuven, Belgium) software program. Later, morphometric (17 parame- ters), volumetric, and surface area measurements were conducted and statistical analyses were carried out. In our morphometric measurements, it was found that TLM (total length of the mandible), PCD (pogonion to coronoid process distance), CAP (length from the indenta- tion between the condyle process and angular process to pogonion), CAC (length from the inden- tation between the condyle process and the angular process to back of alveole C1), CML (length between C1 - M1), RAH (ramus height), MDM (mandible depth at M1), MHP (height of the mandible in front of P3), and ABC (angular process to back of alveole C1 distance) were greater in male cats; while MWM (mandible width at M1 level) was greater in female cats and was statistically significant (p<0.05). The length and height of the mandible were 6.36±2.42 cm and 3.01±1.81 cm in male cats, respectively. On the other hand, in female cats, the length and height of the mandible were 5.89±2.57 cm and 2.71±1.26 cm, respectively. The volume of the mandible was measured to be 7.39±0.93 cm3 in male cats and 5.40±0.49 cm3 in female cats. The surface areas were 63.50±5.27 cm2 in male cats and 52.73±3.89 cm2 in female cats. In con- clusion, in this study, basic morphometric parameters of the mandible in adult Van cats were found by using CT and a 3D modeling program. The differences between male and female cats were also determined in the study.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

O. Yilmaz
İ. Demircioglu

  1. Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, 65080, Van, Turkey
  2. Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Harran University, 63200, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
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The study aimed touse3D computed tomography (CT) to analyse a joint between two dissimilar materials produced by friction stir welding (FSW). As the materials joined, i.e., aluminum and copper, differ in properties (e.g., density and melting point), the weld is predicted to have an inhomogeneous microstructure. The investigations involved applying microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT) to visualize and analyze the volumetric structure of the joint. Volume rendering is extremely useful because, unlike computer modelling, which requires many simplifications, it helps create highly accurate representations of objects. Image segmentation into regions was performed through global gray-scale thresholding. The analysis also included elemental mapping of the weld cross-sections using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and examination of its surface morphology by means of optical microscopy (OP). The joint finds its use in developing elements used in the chemical, energetics and aerospace industries, due to the excellent possibilities of combining many different properties, and above all, reducing the weight of the structure.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech P. Depczyński
Damian Bańkowski
Piotr S. Młynarczyk

  1. Radiography and Computed Tomography Laboratory, Department of Metal Science and Manufacturing Processes, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Kielce University of Technology, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland


The paper presents a novel heuristic procedure (further called the AH Method) to investigate function shape in the direct vicinity of the found optimum solution. The survey is conducted using only the space sampling collected during the optimization process with an evolutionary algorithm. For this purpose the finite model of point-set is considered. The statistical analysis of the sampling quality based upon the coverage of the points in question over the entire attraction region is exploited. The tolerance boundaries of the parameters are determined for the user-specified increase of the objective function value above the found minimum. The presented test-case data prove that the proposed approach is comparable to other optimum neighborhood examination algorithms. Also, the AH Method requires noticeably shorter computational time than its counterparts. This is achieved by a repeated, second use of points from optimization without additional objective function calls, as well as significant repository size reduction during preprocessing.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daniel Andrzej Piętak
Piotr Bilski
Paweł Jan Napiórkowski

  1. Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  2. Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland


QIT–Quantum Information Technologies promises are very serious, greatly exceeding only technical and market levels. Development of QIT in Europe, treated as building a new infrastructural civilization level, requires a broader view of coordination, funding and priority-setting policy. Simple measures used in the case of the development of new technologies, but not creating a significant ecosystem, are insufficient in this case. Quantum technologies are poised to create a new information layer of knowledge-based society. In this essay, the author subjectively addresses some of the issues such as: what we already know and what we don't know, and what efforts are being made in Europe. Polish version of this paper was published in Przegl.Telekom.2.23.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard S. Romaniuk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

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