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This article explores the dynamics of personal relationships within a geographically mobile, large peer group (PG) over time. Based on a case-study of a PG examined within the broader Qualitative Longitudinal Study (QLS) on ‘Peer Groups & Migration’ in Poland, the analysis focuses on the transformations of friendships from early adolescence to adulthood. The paper sheds light on friendship relationships and gauges strength of bonds over fifteen years from a spatial perspective. By specifically examining three critical moments of the PG formation (ca. age 15), leaving home (ca. 18–19), and the current transition to mid-adulthood (ca. 27–29), a retrospective and temporally dynamic portrait of friendships continuously affected by mobility is proposed. We demonstrate the entanglement of youth friendships in space (mobility) and time, arguing that a rise of transnationalism did not alleviate the preference for having one’s friends in close spatial proximity.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marta Buler
Paula Pustułka

  1. SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny


Harriet said…, a lesser known, 1972 novel by an acclaimed writer Beryl Bainbridge (1932–2010), is a work about friendship. However, only apparently – as the events in the story unfold, the reader slowly realizes how toxic and corrupting the bond between the eponymous Harriet and her nameless friend (the narrator) is. Bainbridge, inspired by real-life tragedy, presents a haunting vision of friendship marred by violence, both emotional and physical. Two adolescent girls devise a specific life ideology and as they explore the limits of their self-understanding, they transgress social norms, which ultimately leads them to a completely gratuitous crime. Hence, an important questions arises – is it still a friendship or, rather, a form of mutual exploitation? What makes their relationship Gothic? The aim of my analysis will be to respond to these queries.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Fisiak
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This article deals with Fryderyk Chopin's juvenilia and the occasional verse dedicated to him by his his relatives and friends. Extraordinarily diverse in tone and nature (versified happy birthday and nameday messages, friendship book entries, humorous and partying verse), they offer unexpected insights into various aspects of the composer's biography and his participation in the literary culture of his epoch, especially the more private occasions and celebrations.
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● Niecks F., Fryderyk Chopin jako człowiek i muzyk, tłum. A. Buchner, Warszawa 2011.
● Skarbek F., Emilia Chopin, „Rozrywki dla Dzieci” 1 maja 1827, s. 236-240.
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● Tomaszewski M., cykl: Fryderyka Chopina Dzieła Wszystkie (Polskie Radio II); tekst dostępny na stronie: https://pl.chopin.nifc.pl/chopin/composition/detail/name/polonez_B-dur/id/1 (dostęp: 12.09.2021).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Puchalska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwerystetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków

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