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Disappearance of iprodione deposits on peppers, eggplants and tomatoes grown in commercial greenhouses and in a foil tunnel were studied. It was found that iprodione residues on ripening fruits decreased according to simple regression lines. Their initial values dropped by half and reached zero levels within 2.5-2.8 and about 5 weeks after Rovral FLO 255 SC application, respectively. Iprodione deposits on pepper leaves dropped within four weeks only by 30% while on eggplant leaves in practice stayed at the same level. The chemical may be suitable for the comparative study of real disappearance of pesticides after their applications for the control of pests and diseases.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Sadło


Uncontrolled emissions of landfill gas may contribute significantly to climate change, since its composition represents a high fraction of methane, a greenhouse gas with 100- year global warming potential 25 times that of carbon dioxide. Landfill cover could create favourable conditions for methanotrophy (microbial methane oxidation), an activity of using bacteria to oxidize methane to carbon dioxide. This paper presents a brief review of methanotrophic activities in landfill cover. Emphasis is given to the effects of cover materials, environmental conditions and landfill vegetation on the methane oxidation potential, and to their underlying effect mechanisms. Methanotrophs communities and methane oxidation kinetics are also discussed. Results from the overview suggest that well-engineered landfill cover can substantially increase its potential for reducing emissions of methane produced in landfill to the atmosphere.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yucheng Cao
Ewelina Staszewska


The paper presents a comparison of selected power technologies from the point of view of emissions of greenhouse gases. Such evaluation is most often based only on analysis of direct emissions from combustion. However, the direct analysis does not show full picture of the problem as significant emissions of GHG appear also in the process of mining and transportation of fuel. It is demonstrated in the paper that comparison of power technologies from the GHG point of view has to be done using the cumulative calculus covering the whole cycle of fuel mining, processing, transportation and end-use. From this point of view coal technologies are in comparable level as gas technologies while nuclear power units are characterised with lowest GHG emissions. Mentioned technologies are compared from the point of view of GHG emissions in full cycle. Specific GHG cumulative emission factors per unit of generated electricity are determined. These factors have been applied to simulation of the influence of introduction of nuclear power units on decrease of GHG emissions in domestic scale. Within the presented simulations the prognosis of domestic power sector development according to the Polish energy policy till 2030 has been taken into account. The profitability of introduction of nuclear power units from the point of view of decreasing GHG emissions has been proved.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech Stanek
Jan Szargut
Zygmunt Kolenda
Lucyna Czarnowska


Społeczeństwo, a przede wszystkim naukowcy, wyraźnie podkreślają, że przyczyną globalnych zmian klimatu spowodowanych głównie emisją dwutlenku węgla, jest przede wszystkim działalność człowieka i połączona z nią nadmierna jego emisja. Związana jest ona z procesami spalania paliw w energetyce, przemyśle oraz transporcie, a także z ubóstwem będącym główną przyczyną występowania trudności w zaspokojeniu podstawowych potrzeb energetycznych w gospodarstwach domowych i nieprawidłowym sposobem ich ogrzewania. Często społeczeństwo jest uświadamiane, że klimat należy chronić, a zarazem przekonywane, że globalne ocieplenie nie ma wpływu na codzienne życie Polaków. Tymczasem Polska, ze względu na duży udział węgla w energetyce, jest wskazywana jako jeden z głównych winowajców emisji dwutlenku węgla w Unii Europejskiej i eksponowana jako istotny udziałowiec zmian klimatycznych powodujących globalne ocieplenie. Celem pracy jest ukazanie opinii młodzieży w wieku 15–24 lat, w zakresie jej świadomości dotyczącej wpływu człowieka na zmiany klimatu oraz wskazanie pożądanych kierunków współczesnej polityki energetycznej wraz z określeniem poziomu poparcia tych kierunków, które istotnie przyczynią się do ograniczenia emisji dwutlenku węgla.

Z badań przeprowadzonych wśród młodzieży wynika, że jest ona świadoma konsekwencji zmian klimatu, szczególnie w skali globalnej, zaś w znacznie mniejszym stopniu w Polsce, a jeszcze w mniejszym w województwie podkarpackim. Badana młodzież podkreśla, że zmiany klimatu są obecnie jednym z największych zagrożeń, ale stanowią jedno z wielu zagrożeń.

Młodzież podkreśla, że polityka energetyczna w Polsce powinna zmierzać w kierunku lepszego wykorzystania i zmniejszenia zużycia energii oraz zwiększenia udziału energetyki opartej na odnawialnych źródłach energii, kojarzonej głównie z ochroną zdrowia społeczeństwa, zmniejszeniem zanieczyszczenia powietrza, a także

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marian Woźniak
Bartosz Saj


Węgiel jest w Polsce dostępnym paliwem konwencjonalnym, zapewniającym bezpieczeństwo i niezależność energetyczną kraju. Z tego powodu energetyka konwencjonalna powinna pozostać oparta na węglu, jednocześnie zapewniając optymalną rozbudowę energetyki opartej na OZE. Takie rozwiązanie zapewnia bezpieczeństwo energetyczne kraju, mające podstawy w paliwie kopalnym, jakim jest węgiel, dzięki czemu jesteśmy i będziemy niezależni od zawirowań politycznych i koniunkturalnych na światowych rynkach. Polska natomiast posiada zasoby węgla kamiennego, które mogą zapewnić bezpieczeństwo energetyczne kraju na kilka dziesięcioleci. Można z całą odpowiedzialnością stwierdzić, iż mimo wzrastającego udziału ropy naftowej i gazu w zużyciu paliw, węgiel (kamienny i brunatny), będzie również w przyszłości ważnym stabilizatorem bezpieczeństwa energetycznego kraju. Rozwój energetyki opartej na OZE możliwy będzie przy zapewnieniu przez energetykę konwencjonalną regulowalności, umożliwiającej kompensowanie niestabilnej pracy źródeł odnawialnych, ponieważ uwarunkowania klimatyczne Polski nie pozwalają na stabilne korzystanie ze źródeł OZE, a tym samym efektywne ich wykorzystanie. Przy obecnej polityce Unii Europejskiej w zakresie redukcji emisji tzw. gazów cieplarnianych i podobnych tendencji światowych, co znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie w porozumieniu paryskim z 2015 roku, jako kraj będziemy zmuszeni do znacznego zwiększenia udziału energii z OZE w krajowym bilansie energetycznym. Proces ten nie może się jednak odbić na bezpieczeństwie energetycznym oraz stabilności i ciągłości dostaw energii elektrycznej do konsumentów. Poszukiwanie kompromisu jest przy obecnym miksie energetycznym Polski najlepszą drogą do jego stopniowej zmiany, przy równoczesnym nieeliminowaniu żadnego źródła wytwarzania. Wiadomo, że Polska nie może być samotną wyspą energetyczną w Europie i na świecie, który coraz bardziej rozwija technologie rozproszone/ /odnawialne oraz technologie magazynowania energii. Bez energii z OZE i przy dalszym spadku udziału węgla w krajowym miksie energetycznym staniemy się importerem energii elektrycznej i zależność energetyczna Polski będzie rosła.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Kielerz
Waldemar Beuch
Robert Marzec


The article examines the environmental performance of a diesel generator that runs on a biofuel mixture. Biofuels are considered to be more environmentally friendly than traditional petroleum products and have become popular alternatives in the field of electricity production. To reduce dependence on petroleum fuels and decrease harmful exhaust-gas emissions from diesel generators, it is suggested to use biodiesel fuel and its mixture with diesel fuel. Various environmental indicators were measured and analyzed in this study, including the emissions of harmful substances, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates. By using biofuels, pollutant emissions are expected to be reduced because biofuels are made from renewable sources such as vegetable oils or biomass. The results of the study show that the use of a biofuel mixture in a diesel generator leads to a significant reduction in the emission of harmful substances compared to the use of traditional petroleum products. A reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides was found, which contributes to a reduction of the impact on climate change and air pollution. In addition, a decrease in particle emissions was noted, which contributes to the improvement of air quality and people’s health. The goal was achieved by researching the impact of a mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel on the technical, economic and environmental indicators of an autonomous diesel generator. The regulation of the composition of the fuel mixture ensured the preservation of the power of the generator in all its modes of operation, while reducing the cost of purchasing fuel by 10% and reducing the smokiness of exhaust gas by up to 57%, depending on the mode of operation of the diesel engine.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alexander Galushchak
Serhii Burlaka
Ihor Kupchuk
Valerii Bondarenko
Yaroslav Gontaruk

  1. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  2. Engineering and Technology Faculty, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  4. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine


The climate as we know it is a natural resource that is becoming depleted due to the rising demand for energy. The most emission-intensive sectors are those providing for our comfort and welfare. We discuss these issues with Prof. Mirosław Miętus from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirosław Miętus

  1. Instituteof Meteorology and Water Management– National Research Institute (IMiGW-PIB), Warsaw, Poland


The results of studies on residues of dithiocarbamate fungicides in 13 different crops during 1999-2000 are presented. According ro monitoring programme 2,226 samples of fruits and vegetables were collected from the productions sites in the whole country. The samples were analyzed for residue content by a spectrophotometric method. In 11.3% of samples the residues were detected. Residues exceeding Polish MRLs were found in 10 samples (0.5 %).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bożena Morzycka
Anna Nowacka


Disappearance of chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, vinclozolin and carbendazim, as active ingredients of agrochemicals commonly used for the protection of greenhouse vegetables against fungal diseases, was studied comparatively. It was found that initial residues of chlorothalonil and dichlofluanid dropped by halfwithin 4 and 2 weeks after treatment, respectively, while the deposits of vinclozolin and carbendazim were the most persistent and after 5 weeks still constituted 50% of their initial levels. Therefore, the obtained results indicated that iprodione, procymidone and vinclozolin should ensure the longest effective protection of greenhouse tomatoes while chlorothalonil, and especially dichlofluanid, for the shortest.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Sadło


The aim of presented investigation was to determine the composition of scale insects species and intensity of their occurrence on some greenhouse’s ornamental plants. The investigations were carried out in the greenhouse of Maria Curie Skłodowska Botanical Garden in Lublin in years 2002–2004. Eight species belonging to seven botanical families were observed: Abutilon striatum cv. Thomsoni, Cyrtomium falcatum Presl., Dizygotheca elegantissima (Veitch), Hedera helix L., Hypoestes phyllostachya Presl., Nerium oleander L., Passiflora guadrangularia L., Ruscus aculeatus L. The quantitative analysis of the studied material was performed making use of the following ecological indicators: number and density. Identification of the scale insects species was performed on the basis of microscope slides. Three species of the scale insects belonging to three families were observed on ornamental plants: Pseudococcidae [Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrh.)], Coccidae [Saissetia coffeae (Walker)] and Diaspididae (Aspidiotus nerii Bouchè). The scale insects were noted on all species of studied plants. Observed scale insects are typical polyphagous and all of them are considered as harmful pests in greenhouses. Among scale insects inhabiting this group of plants distinctly numerous on particular host plants were S. coffea and A. nerii. On the studied plants scale insects were stated at four degree of density.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Golan
Edyta Górska-Drabik


It is contended that, in essence, climate policy is sustainable development policy, given that it postulates the use of renewable resources, and an increase in the effectiveness of use of non-renewable ones. Furthermore, it serves the security of future generations more than present ones; for while unfavourable impacts of climate change are already making their presence felt, truly negative consequences of considerable signifi cance are likely to be more of a matter for the second half of the present century. This is why, in analysing the evolution of the approach to climate policy through the late 20th century and into the 21st, it is also possible to appraise changes in the approach to the sustainable-development concept. This article has therefore sought to offer the author’s analysis of how the approach to sustainable development has evolved, by reference to Poland’s climate policy from 1988 through to 2016. As this is done, an attempt is also made to identify the conditioning that has decided upon and will go on determining the shape of national policy in this domain. Climate policy in Poland has been developing since the early 1990s. At the outset, it was not a source of controversy, with the consequence that the country rather rapidly signed up to and then ratifi ed the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, as early as in the late 1990s, reservations began to be expressed, to the effect that actions to protect the climate might pose a threat to Poland’s economy. A key turning point as regards the approach came with the growing dispute over the EU 2020 Climate and Energy Package. It was also at this time that a thesis began to take shape, holding that the goals of climate policy where at best unfavourable and at worst dangerous for Poland. This approach in fact held sway in successive years, leaving this country’s cooperation with the EU over this matter severely hindered. The main reason for this change of approach to climate policy can be considered to lie in the politicisation thereof, and hence the increasing dominance of the short-term interests of the Polish political elite over either the public interest or the security of future generations.

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Zbigniew M. Karaczun


Artykuł omawia metodologię zintegrowanych ocen redukcji zanieczyszczeń powietrza oraz redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Opisano model RAINS/GAINS opracowany w Międzynarodowym Instytucie Stosowanej Analizy Systemowej (NASA). Omówiono zastosowanie modelu w studiach mających znaczenie dla kształtowania europejskiej polityki środowiskowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem polityki Unii Europejskiej oraz prac w ramach Konwencji EKG ONZ w sprawie transgranicznego zanieczyszczenia powietrza na dalekie odległości. Podkreślono znacznie interakcji i synergii między strategiami kontroli zanieczyszczenia powietrza i redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Zintegrowane oceny są ważnym elementem działań na rzecz poprawy jakości środowiska w Europie. Dotychczas metody te były stosowane przede wszystkim do badań na poziomie międzynarodowym. Ostatnio znajdują one coraz szersze zastosowanie w badaniach krajowych do szczegółowych analiz na poziomie regionalnym. Celowe jest dalsze rozpowszechnianie zastosowań tej metodologii oraz narzędzi do ocen regionalnych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Cofała
Markus Amann
Willem Asman
Imrich Bertok
Chris Heyes
Lena Hoglund-Isaksson
Zbigniew Klimont
Wolfgang Schopp
Fabian Wagner


Multi-purpose reservoirs play an important role in satisfying demands for water supply, irrigation, hydropower, drinking water, flood protection, recreation, navigation, and other purposes. At the same time, they can often have considerable negative impacts on the environment and local biodiversity that remain largely unseen. These “dirty secrets” include sediment deposition, cyanobacteria blooms, and greenhouse gas emissions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Silke Wieprecht
The CHARM-Team


In view of the need to transform the Polish energy sector from a coal-based to a low-emissions industry, can wind and solar power alone provide enough of an alternative?
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Strupczewski

  1. National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk, Poland


In order to use entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) as biological control agents, it is necessary to mass produce the EPF in an economical and cost-effective manner. Currently, the mass production of EPF is carried out mainly in two ways: solid-state fermentation in which the aerial conidia are produced, and liquid fermentation in which the blastospores and submerged conidia are produced. This research compares the survival of Beauveria bassiana A1-1spores from solid and liquid culture media, after 0, 3, 6 and 9 months of storage at room temperature (25 ± 5°C) and in the refrigerator (4°C). Furthermore, it compares the pathogenicity of spores immediately after production and after 9 months of storage on third nymphs of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. The aerial conidia and blastospores were slightly more virulent than the submerged conidia on whitefly nymphs. In laboratory bioassays, blastospores indicated more pathogenicity on nymphs than submerged conidia, even though there was no significant difference in the pathogenicity of the spores produced in liquid culture media in greenhouse bioassays. Moreover, survival of the aerial conidia at a low temperature (4°C) was higher than that kept at room temperature (25 ± 5°C). This storage temperature comparison revealed a positive effect on the stability and survival of blastospores and submerged conidia as well. Meanwhile, the survival of spores drastically decreased after 3 months of storage at room temperature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Saeedeh Javar
Shahram Farrokhi
Shahram Naeimi
Maryam Kalantari Jooshani

  1. Plant Protection Research Department, Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gorgan, Iran
  2. Biological Control Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Gorgan, Iran


The pot experiment was conducted to access the soil microorganisms biomass (physiological method – Substrate Induced Respiration) and emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4 (photoacoustic infrared detection method), and grasses biomass (weight method). The obtained results of analysed gases were converted to CO2 equivalent. There was no effect of the microorganisms biomass on the N2O emissions. The increase in CO2 emissions was accompanied by an increase in the microorganisms biomass (r = 0.48) under the conditions of the I swath and acid soil reaction, as well as the II swath and neutral reaction ( r = 0.94). On the other hand, in the case of CH4 emission, such a relationship was noted both swaths under the conditions of neutral reaction ( r = 0.51), but a negative correlation ( r = –0.71) was noted for the acid reaction only at the II swath. The increase in the grasses biomass with the increase in the microorganisms biomass was recorded only at the II swath in neutral reaction ( r = 0.91). In a short period of time, with the neutral soil reaction with the increase in the soil microorganisms biomass, an increase in CO2 sequestration and biomass of cultivated grasses was noted. Information on the determination of the microorganisms groups responsible mainly for the transformation of carbon compounds and CO2 and CH4 emissions from the soils of grasslands would be valuable scientifically.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Renata Gamrat
Małgorzata Gałczyńska
Adam Brysiewicz

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Poland


In the paper, the research on the process of optimizing the carbon footprint to obtain the low-carbon products is presented. The optimization process and limits were analyzed based on the CFOOD project co-financed by the Polish Research and Development Agency. In the article, the carbon footprint (CF) testing methods with particular emphasis on product life cycle assessment (LCA) are discussed. The main problem is that the energy received from the energy-meters per the production stage is not directly represented in the raw data set obtained from the factory because many production line machines are connected to a single measurement point. In the paper, we show that in some energy-demanding production stages connected with cooling processes the energy used for the same stage and similar production can differ even 25-40%. That is why the energy optimization in the production can be very demanding.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zofia Stawska
Piotr Milczarski
Bartosz Zieliński
Artur Hłobaż
Paweł Maślanka
Piotr Kosiński


The purpose of this paper is to estimate levels of pesticide residues present on or in greenhouse vegetables of che south-eastern Poland. Samples taken by trained inspectors of Inspectorates of Plant Protection (national monitoring program) and by personnel of the Experimental Station (surveillance programme) were generally analysed unwashed and unpeeled. The results obtained were compared to their MRLs and then were used for che assessment of che long (chronic) and short-term (acute) exposure of adult consumers. Detectable residues (above limie of determination) were found in 45%, 36%, and 20% of che tomato, pepper and cucumber samples (national monitoring program), respectively, and in 78%, and 52% of che tomato and cucumber samples (surveillance programme). Long-term intake of residues by an adult consumer of the south-eastern Poland did not exceed the level of 0.2% of che ADI, indicating that sufficient margin of safety exist for the consumer. From shore-term exposure, only consumption of tomatoes containing DTCs and chlorochalonil residues were close to levels of respective ADIs.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Stanisław Sadło
Ewa Szpyrka


The presented studies revealed the usefulness of marjoram oil, thyme oil, juniper oil and sweet flag oil in the monitoring of the occurrence of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood). While using the examined natural essential oils on yellow sticky traps, it was found that the number of caught insects increased significantly. In relation to the control (traps without any addition of aromatic substance), the increase amounted to: 423.13%, 422.28%, 209.91% and 139.43% respectively.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Romuald Górski


Transforming the energy sector is necessary but not sufficient to prevent a climate catastrophe.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jan Kozłowski

  1. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland


The paper is designed to present a method to estimate greenhouse gases (GHG) uptake or emissions in the absence of data for peat bog areas (GEST method). The paper presents the research results produced by a project on “Limiting CO2 emissions via the renaturalisation of peat bogs on the Eastern and Central European Plain”. The study area consisted of three peat bogs: Kluki, Ciemińskie Błota, and Wielkie Bagno (Słowiński National Park). The GEST method relies on the estimation of gas emissions on the basis of vegetation and water levels and greenhouse gas coefficients for each given habitat type provided in the research literature. The greenhouse gas balance was calculated for a baseline scenario assuming the lack of human impact and for a scenario taking into account human impact in the form of peat bog preservation. Initial research results indicate that there is a total of 41 GESTs in the studied bog areas and that a reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 12% will occur following what is known as renaturalisation by raising the groundwater level, felling of trees across the bog, and making changes in habitats.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Roman Cieśliński

  1. University of Gdańsk, Department of Hydrology, Bażyńskiego St, 4, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
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One of the most energy-intensive activities for a vehicle is space air conditioning, for either cooling or heating. Considerable energy savings can be achieved if this can be decoupled from the use of fuel or electricity. This study analyzes the opportunities and effectiveness of deploying the concept of passive cooling through the atmospheric window (i.e. the 8– 14 nm wavelength range where the atmosphere is transparent for thermal radiation) for vehicle temperature control. Recent work at our institute has resulted in a skylight (roof window) design for passive cooling of building space. This should be applicable to vehicles as well, using the same materials and design concept. An overall cooling effect is obtained if outgoing (long wavelength greater than 4 nm) thermal radiation is stronger than the incoming (short wavelength less than 4 nm) thermal radiation. Of particular interest is to quantify the passive cooling of a vehicle parked under direct/indirect sunlight equipped with a small skylight, designed based on earlier designs for buildings. The work involved simulations using commercial computational fluid dynamics software implementing (where possible) wavelengthdependency of thermal radiation properties of materials involved. The findings show that by the use of passive cooling, a temperature difference of up to 7–8 K is obtained with an internal gas flow rate of 0.7 cm/s inside the skylight. A passive cooling effect of almost 27 W/m2 is attainable for summer season in Finland. Comparison of results from Ansys Fluent and COMSOL models shows differences up to about 10 W/m2 in the estimations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Umara Khan
Ron Zevenhoven

  1. Abo Akademi University, Process and Systems Engineering Laboratory, Henrikinkatu 2, 20500 Turku, Finland


Obowiązek stosowania najlepszej dostępnej technologii w ochronie środowiska wyrażony jest w wielu traktatach międzynarodowych. Jest to obowiązek nie tylko prawny, lecz także moralny. Traktaty zawarte pod auspicjami IMO, których celem jest ochrona środowiska i zapobieganie zanieczyszczaniu morza przez statki opierają się na zasadzie przezorności, której ważnym elementem jest obowiązek stosowania najlepszej dostępnej technologii. O ile wiele z tych traktatów w istocie uwzględnia postęp technologiczny, a nawet go wymusza, to nie wszystkie wprowadzane standardy oparte są na najnowszych i najlepszych rozwiązaniach. Debata nad wskaźnikiem efektywności energetycznej statków obrazuje ścieranie się interesów politycznych i ekonomicznych, jakie brane są pod uwagę podczas przyjmowania standardów środowiskowych. Wstępna strategia IMO w sprawie redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych zakłada osiągnięcie celów, zwanych ambicjami, zgodnych z Porozumieniem Paryskim w sprawie zmian klimatu. W globalnej żegludze morskiej będzie to możliwe wyłącznie poprzez wpro-wadzenie standardów opartych na najlepszej dostępnej technologii.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Lost-Siemińska

  1. zastępca dyrektora departamentu prawnego i stosunków zewnętrznych, szefowa biura prawnego, Międzynarodowa Organizacja Morska


The paper discusses the current prognoses of aquaculture development worldwide putting an emphasis on its effect on the environment and the issue of the protection of water reservoirs in different countries. Water consumption in diversified aquaculture systems is presented herein as well as the characteristics of the mechanical and biological water treatment methods in fish farms, with particular attention paid to the recirculating water systems. New aquaculture technologies using post-production waters are presented. The paper provides a discussion on the contribution of aquaculture to the global greenhouse gas emissions and the means of limiting this emission. The effect of climate change on aquatic ecosystems is presented in the context of the changes of the aquaculture production profile. The paper includes a brief presentation of the methods of mitigating the changes with respect to contamination of aquatic ecosystems as well as climate change. Reducing the water footprint can be achieved through selective breeding, species diversification and implementation of more technologically advanced aquaculture systems such as: integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, aquaponics and recirculation systems in aquaculture. The need for certification of fish farms with water recirculation systems is justified in the paper. The issues addressed herein are summarised and the main areas for extending the research promoting preservation of aquatic ecosystems in aquaculture are presented.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jacek Wróbel
Małgorzata Gałczyńska
Adam Tański
Agata Korzelecka-Orkisz
Krzysztof Formicki

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, Department of Bioengineering, Juliusza Słowackiego St, 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland
  2. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Biotechnology of Reproduction, Szczecin, Poland

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