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One of the major subjects that construct the emotional right-wing script is the history of the postwar Polish independence Underground and the related present-day politics and historical policy. The analysis of the right-wing press enables the distinction of four temporal categories to which specific toposes can be assigned as well as the moulded emotional elements: 1) the period of struggle, 2) the period of imprisonment and possible death, 3) the period of the Third Republic [of Poland], and 4) the period from the victory of the Law and Justice party (PiS) in the parliamentary elections until the present.

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Mariusz Mazur
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The historian in the contemporary Poland has to fulfil not only the tasks on his workplace, commonly at a state university or in a research institute but he has also commitments which result from the traditional ethos of a man of science. In the public sphere he has to deal with historical politics created by the state and the political forces immediately, which cannot actually be influenced by the scientific circles in a relevant way. The political forces await from the historian the disclosure of such a “truth” which would interpret the existing reality as the possible space for creation of that what ought to be. The associational scientific movement as a traditionally autonomous body concerned with population of knowledge has in this situation the chance and the not utterly fulfilled task of defending of the historical truth, conditioned and determined with the contemporary theory of knowledge.
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Stefan Kwiatkowski
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The article deals with the philosophical, epistemological and methodological issues of the contemporary debate on historical policy which has taken place in recent years in Poland between historians, philosophers, politicians and columnists.
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Piotr Witek
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In Vnutri mysliashchikh mirov, Łotman claims that there is a connection between cultural memory and the nature of culture itself. In this article I attempt to respond to this hypothesis in regards to the relationship between cultural memory and the idea of culture, while in the context of writings by Jurij Łotman and Boris Uspienski. Based on their work on this subject, I conclude that culture could not exist if there would be no cultural memory, nor changes within the duration and fabric of said memory. As such, an analysis of cultural memory while utilizing the methadology of the Moscow-Tartu school may also answer lingering questions about culture in general. It follows, therefore, that if investigating the connection between the formation of culture and the construction of cultural memory is a fruitful means of analyzing cultural history, then this may also be a legimitate method for our analysis of history in general.
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Karolina Polasik-Wrzosek
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii

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