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Theories about the evolution of information in time have begun to be used systematically and repeatedly by communities of scholars to fruitfully generate new knowledge about the past only in 1780, first in German faculties of Protestant theology, among classical linguists and then around the turn of the 19th century in comparative linguistics. Ranke used such theories in the second quarter of the 19th century to generate knowledge of history, and then similar methods spread to biology, geology and archaeology.
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Aviezer Tucker


In this interview conducted at the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Po-znan, Q. Edward Wang (Professor of History at Rowan University in the US and Changjiang Professor of History at Beijing University in China) addresses the main problems in global and comparative historiography. Elaborating upon the background and impact of his scientific con-tributions, Prof. Wang discusses the modernization of Chinese historical writing, the challenges of comparative historiography, the status of historical studies today, and the future of historical theory. In addition, he refers to his recent studies in culinary history as instances of a new model of global historiography.
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Dawid Rogacz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


Taking debates on the historiography of Quebec as the base of his considerations, the Author presents various reflections and postulates concerning comparative historiography. In particular His attention is drawn to the various types and aspects of historical identity. The awareness of those is necessary for the correct comparative analysis.
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Chris Lorenz


Wojna i wojsko, jak również całokształt zagadnień pochodnych, znajdowały się w polu zainteresowań badaczy dziejów – można stwierdzić – nieomal od początków rozwoju historiografii. Jest to w pełni zrozumiałe zważywszy na szeroki kontekst dziejowy tych dociekań. Nie chodzi przy tym wyłącznie o spektakularną wymowę wydarzeń typu: bitwy, postaci wybitnych wodzów, przykłady bohaterstwa itp., aczkolwiek one są najczęściej przedmiotem oglądu badaczy. Wojna i wojsko miały (i mają) znacznie szerszy kontekst. Oddziałują nie tylko na struktury państwa (prawne, geograficzne, społeczne) – w chwili jego kształtowania się (także przez cały okres dziejów), ale na jego ekonomikę, działania polityczne władzy, aktywność jego obywateli, wpływają także na kulturę danego społeczeństwa. Niniejszy artykuł odnosi się do wspomnianych zagadnień poruszanych przez historyków polskich na przestrzeni dziejów. Poczynając od pierwszych rozpraw o charakterze kronikarskim (historiografia gesta), poprzez dzieła z okresu Odrodzenia i Oświecenia, poprzez historiografię XIX stulecia (z jej specyfiką polegającą na analizie militarnych przyczyn upadku Polski), a kończąc na współczesnych dociekaniach nad istotą konfliktu zbrojnego w kontekście życia państwa i narodu.
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Karol Olejnik


This is a review article about historical evidences and new methodological proposals presented at the Congress Polish Historians in Olsztyn (2009), edited by Jolanta Kolbuszewska and Rałaf Stobiecki.
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Andrzej Radomski


Article presents a broad review of recently published work: Nation and History. Polish Historians from the Enlightenment to the Second World War.
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Rafał Stobiecki


In her article the Author follows the gradual change in Feliks Koneczny's approach to history and its understanding. Feliks Koneczny, a Polish historian from the turn of I 9th/20th centuries, started as a professional historian, to include philosophical reflections in his works and end with a work devoted to moral issues.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska


Ludowa historia Polski. Historia wyzysku i oporu. Mitologia panowania (A People's History of Poland. A history of exploitation and resistance. The mythology of reign) (2020) by Adam Leszc-zyński, met with great interest, both in the academic community and wider reading circles. Re-viewed many times, it was the subject of discussion in scientific periodicals, opinion‑forming press, and on the Internet. In this article, based on published and shared online reviews, debates, discus-sions, etc., I will consider the reasons for the social resonance of the book. I will look at how it was received by members of the Academy (primarily historians and sociologists). Was Did the “new” approach to folk history proposed by Leszczyński meet with their acceptance? How did they evaluate the manner and degree of achievement of the goals set by the author? I will also be interested in assessments of methodological competences, scientific workshop technique and opi-nions on the benefits that science (mainly the humanities) has gained thanks to the author's findings.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jolanta Kolbuszewska

  1. Instytut Historii UŁ


The papers deals with methodological questions of writing a general history of science. We start by defining the scope of general history of science and its relation to general history, followed by a discussion on recent trends in history and philosophy of science. We also examine the impact of the developments in the humanities since the 1970s on disciplines reflecting on science. The second part of the paper focuses on the approach of science and politics as resources for one other, developed by Mitchell Ash, to describing scientific changes in times of radical regime upheavals. We also discuss the intersection between current science and politics framing historians as engaged intellectuals.
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Jan Surman


This article discusses recently published conference papers Memory and Politics of History. Expeciemed by Poland and her Neighbors.
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Jakub Muchowski


The article deals with the problem of the national consciousness of Polish peasants in the Congress Kingdom of Poland in the 19th century. Author's analysis is based on historical research carried out in the last century.
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Maria Krisań


Recenzja Kroniki książąt polskich, która ukazała się niedawno w przekładzie i opracowaniu Jerzego Wojtczaka-Szyszkowskiego. Kronika, XIV-wieczny dokument nieznanego autora opisujący dzieje Piastów, należy do najważniejszych źródeł do poznania dziejów polskiego średniowiecza, w szczególności historii Śląska.
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Kazimierz Pawłowski

  1. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego


Referring to a book by A. Eriksen (Oslo 2007) the author discusses the development of the Norwegian historiography of the 17th–18th centuries and attempts to determine the role played by the so called “topographers”, who represented the antiquarian and/or erudite approach to historical writing.
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Krystyna Szelągowska


In my review article of Solarska’s book Historia Zrewoltowana. Pisarstwo historyczne Michela Foucaulta jako diagnoza teraźniejszości i projekt przyszłości I’m trying to reconstruct and analyze possible way of speaking about Foucault’s historical writing proposed by author. This original manner shows that intellectual heritage of French philosopher endlessly presents an effective inspiration. Solarska conducts in three next chapters specific dialogue with Michel Foucault, being under his great charm. However this charm is not one-dimensional relation. It remains a multiple game, which result cannot be anticipate to the very end.
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Michał Kierzkowski


This article aims to look at the Roman interest in the past beyond the context of traditional historiography, focused on the great politics, events and individuals. It suggests that antiquarian writing was not so much a separate literary genre, but rather an alternative model of historical reflection focused on studying the distant past in all its manifestations: everyday life, culture, religion, language or law.

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Bartosz Jan Kołoczek


The article presents the image of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Catholic press of the Second Polish Republic. Attention was paid to both his socio‑political and military achievements, as well as a general assessment of the character. The source basis is mainly the texts that appeared on this subject in periodicals dealing most often with socio‑political and historical‑political issues. They were compared with the findings of both contemporaneous and contemporary historians. The aspect of the then political propaganda in Poland, emphasising the importance of the Polish-‑French alliance, as well as the former importance of Napoleonic policy for the “Polish cause” was taken into account. The power of the solemn celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Napoleon's death, together with its patriotic connotations, as well as the issue of his religiosity, influencing the nature of the then state‑Church relations, are particularly exposed. The text is intended by the author to fit into the categories of the history of historiography and have a comparative character in relation to the historiography of the Napoleonic era in interwar Poland.
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Przemysław Sołga

  1. Kraków


Jolanta Kolbuszewska: Some words about the most recent russian textbook of theory and methodology of history. The article is a presentation of two russian textbook published in Moskwa.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska


The Author tries to point out the most significant features of Jerzy Topolski’s methodological reflection, which are to be found in his three fundamental syntheses on the field of epistemology of history, and milestones of polish historiography, namely: Methodology of history, Theory of historical knowledge, and How to write and understand history.
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Szymon Malczewski


The Author presents the core of the idea of microhistory as developed in the works of Giovanni Levi and the group of Italian historians connected with the periodical "Quaderni Storici".
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Krystian Górzan


The Author analyses some methodological solutions adopted in her studies on historical presentation of women in the "Solidarity" underground movement.
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Magdalena Barbaruk


The article is a review of the book: Koneczny. Teoria cywilizacji edited by Jan Skoczyński.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska


The article deals with the problem of historical writing. Up to our time methodologists used to believe that authors of historical works were exclusively historians themselves. The contemporary philosophy and literary theory rejects the idea of such an importance of the author. Other factors like paradigm, discourse or culture are admitted also into creation of historical texts.
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Andrzej Radomski


The issues of the history of culture and science of the eighteenth‑century Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth are rare in the works of Józef Andrzej Gierowski. This article analyses his views on these issues. He devoted most attention to the subject of the beginnings of the Enlightenment in Poland, joining a long scholarly discussion about it. He agreed that the precursors of the Enlightenment in Poland were already active in the 1740s, during the era of the Wettins’ rule. He pointed to educational reform, writing activity (Benedykt Chmielowski’s, the political and journalistic work of a number of writers) and publishing (especially of the Załuski brothers), and the development of periodicals as the three pillars on which reforms were carried out in the future – during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski. In addition, and just as importantly, he drew attention to methodological weaknesses concerning the study of intermediate periods, i.e. between the Baroque and the Enlightenment. He also pointed out the need for a comprehen-sive picture of the cultural history of the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18 th century – proponents of both Sarmatian culture and Enlightenment thought.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Orzeł

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki

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