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Although formulaic expressions found in earlier correspondence have drawn scholarly attention, their (un)grammaticality has not been thoroughly researched. The present paper thus focuses on the two types of formulae with the verb remain found in private correspondence: one headed by 1st person pronoun (as in: we remain(s) your daughters), the other one starting with but/so/also/and/only (as in: but remain(s) your affectionate child until death). For the purpose of the study a corpus of 19th-century correspondence has been compiled and analyzed; additionally, the data from Dylewski (2013) have been taken into account. Next to the corpus scrutiny, an Internet search has been carried out to verify whether the use of the formulae at issue goes beyond the 19th century. An analysis from both a qualitative and quantitative angles allowed for putting forth a number of hypotheses concerning the origin of variation between -s-marked and unmarked forms as well as their distribution across letter-types and different geographical locations. The results of the analysis also corroborate the claim that -s on remain in the structures under discussion is neither a “part of the authentic local vernacular nor of authentic contemporary standard English, but part of a specifi c, localized practice of letter writing, which had its own linguistic rules” (Pietsch 2015: 226).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Dylewski


The article aims at an exegetical exploration of the theme of reconciliation in Eph 2:11-22. First it is argued that the passage has chiastic literary structure (ABCDD’C’B’A’). Reconciliation is in the structure a central (pivotal) theme around which go all other theo-logical motifs. The first element of pragmatic strategy of the author in Eph 2:11-22 is to show the condition of the addressee of the letter from the point of view of the Old Testament religion. As Gentiles they were deprived of God and His salvific promises. Thanks to the work of reconciliation accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, both previously divided parts of the world (namely Gentiles and Jews) have become one. Christ’s work of reconcil-iation restores above all the relationship of each hostile group with God. The reconciliation between the two groups is a consequence of their prior reconciliation with God by Christ in the Holy Spirit (Trinitarian theology). Thanks to Christ’s work of reconciliation Gentiles are not strangers to God any more but together with the faithful Christians of Jewish origin form one “holy temple”, “Gods dwelling through the Spirit”, namely the Church.

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Ks. Janusz Kręcidło MS


The article gives a brief presentation of the identity of Septuagint and its history. The issues dealt with are: the literary unity of LXX, its basic terminology and origins, its canon as well as its significance for Judaism and for modern biblical studies.

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Krzysztof Mielcarek


Published for the fi rst time in 1721, Persian Letters has been relatively underestimated as a source of knowledge about Montesquieu’s philosophy of liberty. This paper analyses one of the main story lines of the novel, namely the relations between Usbek, the Persian traveller, and the wives remaining in his seraglio. It is demonstrated that these wives are in fact the fi gures of subjects — the fl attering and scheming subject of an absolute ruler, the law-abiding subject of a monarch, and the rebel who questions the very legitimacy of the lord’s authority. It is also demonstrated that the story of the seraglio wives’ rebellion explains why subjects rebel and how the rulers who abuse their power lose it.

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Aleksandra Porada


The article analyzes the letters of L. Dobychin from 1924-1936. It reveals the main characteristics of the images of the author and the addressee, explicit and implicit forms of the author’s self-expression, the author’s epistolary intentions. The article shows that for Dobychin letters are not only external, but also internal representant of a personality, the most important way of formation of the image of “I” in its subjective and objective significance. The uniqueness of the author’s epistolary personality is determined by absolute sincerity and uncompromising judgment, etiquette pedantry, the combination of ironic and sentimental intonations, acute experience of his relations with the world and people, idealization of writerly status, orientation to the ideal norm both in aesthetic and in behavioral sense. The image of the addressee of the letters is partly mythologized and determined by the type of relationship between the correspondents and the role chosen by the addressee. The variations of the author’s “ego” and the change of the addressees’ role functions provide an expansion of the semantic and aesthetic potential of the image of the addressee and the correspondence as a whole.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Татьяна Шеховцова

  1. Харьков, Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина


The articles attempts at the reconstruction of the image of America in letters and memoirs of Dmytro Chyzhevs’kyy, Yuriy Shevel’ov, and Wiktor Weintraub, East‑European scholars who after WWII greatly contributed to the formation of the image of Slavic civilization in the West. They immigrated to the US in late 1940s – early 1950s expecting Harvard to be the site for their further academic endeavours since the after – WW II Europe could not satisfy their academic needs. Interaction with the American academic community developed differently for each scholar, which had its impact on their further careers. Impressions from America and Harvard in particular in their correspondence generally testifies to the their hopes and expectations, while memoirs contain a balanced or even distanced re‑evaluation of those. Historical context within which these writings are viewed suggests that for each scholar the image of America was dynamic and different due to their age, personality, character, previous immigrant life experience, and their cultural background and academic worldview. Unlike Chyzhevs’kyy, these factors suited well Shevel’ov and Weintraub in terms of adjustment to the reality and expectations of the New World. Further study of these scholars’ biographies from this perspective seems particularly topical under the circumstances of recent reformatting of the Slavic Studies as a discipline.
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Оксана Блашків

  1. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo‑Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
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Lesya Ukrainka was well acquainted with Polish culture, spoke Polish, using Polonism in the spontaneous live speech of her epistolary. The writer forms Polonisms as barbarisms, using Latin graphics, actualizes Ukrainianized Polonisms in the Cyrillic graphics of the Ukrainian alphabet; she uses calques and half-calques. She distributes all types of borrowings: phraseological, semantic, lexical, semantic, phonetic, morpheme. There are representatives of all parts of speech among the borrowings: most of them are abstract and specific nouns, adjectives of different lexical and grammatical categories, verbs and adverbs, pronoun forms are rarely used, functional words are infrequently used. Polonisms perform a number of functions, among which (1) nominative – naming Polish realities, (2) expressing coherence through Polish discursive words and expressions, (3) using etiquette formulas to actualize phatic communication, (4) modeling epithets, paraphrases, enantheosemia and other artistic means for the purpose of ornamentalization of the text, (5) use of specific Polish and calqued phraseologies, precedent units, etc. for verbalization of emotions and expression, (6) representation of individual word formation for the purpose of attraction of the text. The writer reflected the natural process of functioning of Polonisms in the Ukrainian language.
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Bień J.S., Linde-Usiekniewicz J., Słownik języka polskiego, pod red. W. Doroszewskiego (pierwodruk 1958-1969), Przedruk elektroniczny 1997.

Bohdan S.K., „Do kohos liuboho, i dorohoho, i slavnoho…” (Semantyko-syntaksychnyi fenomen lystiv Lesi Ukrainky do Olhy Kobylianskoi), «Dyvoslovo» 1994, № 2.

Bohdan S.K., Epistoliarii Lesi Ukrainky v istorii ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy, [v:] Lesia Ukrainka i suchasnist: tezy dop. ta povidomlen mizhnar. nauk.-teoret. konferentsii, 23-25 lystop. 1993 r., Odesa 1993.

Bychko Z., Inshomovna frazemika v epistoliarii Lesi Ukrainky, «Dyvoslovo» 1999, № 2, s. 64 68.

Entsyklopediia zhyttia i tvorchosti Lesi Ukrainky. Lysty Lesi Ukrainky, [v:] http://www.l-ukrainka.name/uk/Corresp.html.

Khmeliuk M., Polska literatura v retseptsii Lesi Ukrainky, [v:] http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/17797/37-Hmeliuk.pdf?sequence=1.

Khobzei N., Simovych O., Yastremska T., Dydyk-Meush H., Leksykon lvivskyi: povazhno i na zhart, Lviv 2009.

Kosmeda T.A., Osipova T.F., Piddubna N.V., Stepan Rudanskyi: fenomen modeliuvannia «zhyvoho» movlennia ukraintsiv, Kharkiv – Poznanʹ 2015.

Kosmeda T., Komunikatyvna kompetentsiia Ivana Franka: mizhkulturni, interpersonalni, rytorychni vymiry, Lviv 2006.

Kosmeda T., Linhvokreatyvnist Lesi Ukrainky v yii ego-tekstakh (na materiali epistoliariiu poetesy (1870-1890) ta yii rozdumiv pro lysty v khudozhnikh tekstakh), „Roczniki Humanistyczne. Słowianoznawstwo” 2018, zeszyt 66/7, s. 89-107.

Kravtsiv B., Ukrainsko-polski literaturni vzaiemyny y suchasne radianske literaturoznavstvo, [v:] https://shron2.chtyvo.org.ua/Suchasnist/1963_N04_28.pdf?PHPSESSID=q5gs3tp9snqm283g9uecalt847.

Misiats N.K., Polonizmy v poetychnii ta epistoliarnii spadshchyni Lesi Ukrainky, [v:] http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/3706/1/%D0%9D.%D0%9A._%D0%9C%D1%96%D1%81%D1%8F% D1%86%D1%8C.pdf.

Nowy słownik języka polskiego PWN, Warszawa 2002.

Ohiienko I., Ukrainska literaturna mova ХVІ st., Varshava 1930, t. 1, t. 2.

Romanchenko I.S., Mykhailo Drahomanov i Lesia Ukrainka v yikh lystuvanni, «Naukovi zapysky» 1948, t. 2, s. 172-189.

Romaniuk S., „Piesń lasu” yak vizytka Lesi Ukrainky u Polshchi, [v:] http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/40171/25-Romanjuk.pdf?sequence=1.

Romanova N.P., Vyvchennia ukrainska-polskykh movnykh kontaktiv u slovianskii filolohichnii nautsi, «Movoznavstvo» 1972, № 4, s. 41-50.

Sicińska K., Polszczyzna południowokresowa XVII i XVIII wieku, Łódź 2013.

Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy v 11 tomakh za red. I K. Bilodida, Kyiv 1970-1980.

Sobol V., Naukova ta perekladatska retseptsiia Lesi Ukrainky v Polshchi, [v:] http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/40170/24-Sobol.pdf?sequence=1.

Spohady pro Lesiu Ukrainku, Kyiv 1971.

Sviatovets V.F., Epistoliarna spadshchyna Lesi Ukrainky, Kyiv 1981.

Tkach L.O., Vplyv polskoi movy na ukrainsku literaturnu movu Bukovyny kintsia ХХ – pochatku ХХІ st. (zovnishni chynnyky), «Movoznavstvo» 2000, № 6.

Tomchuk L.V., Novi aspekty doslidzhennia epistoliariiu Lesi Ukrainky, «Filolohichni studii» 2005, № 3-4.

Ukrainka Lesia. Zametky o noveishei polskoi lyterature, [v:] Ukrainka Lesia. Zibrannia tvoriv u 12 tomakh: t. 8, Kyiv 1977.

Vintsenz A., Do problemy ukrainsko polskykh movnykh kontaktiv, «Movoznavstvo» 1991, № 5.

Yermolenko S., «…Tvoia poetesa bula Ukrainkoiu!» (chytaiuchy lysty Lesi Ukrainky), [v:] Narysy z ukrainskoi slovesnosti (stylistyka ta kultura movy), Kyiv 1999.

Zharkyi M., Lesia Ukrainka i Polshcha, [v:] https://www.l-ukrainka.name/uk/Studies/Polska.html.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Тетяна Космеда
Olena Kowalewska

  1. Вінниця, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  2. Poznań, Uniwersytet imienia Adama Mickiewicza


The purpose of the paper is foremost to present Andrey Muraviev’s approach to fasting, both in his personal life and in literary work. The main basis of the analysis are the memories of the writer and his Letters about the service of the Eastern Catholic [Orthodox] Church (Письма о Богослужении Восточной Кафолической Церкви). Attention is paid to the Slavic word post ‘fast’, to its etymology, sense, its equivalents in biblical languages, i.e. in Hebrew and Greek as well. The writer’s considerations for fasting are confronted with appropriate biblical comments on this topic. The paper emphasizes that Muraviev, despite being brought up in a religious spirit, in his childhood and youth was not used to following the restraints of fasting. Only on his way to the Holy Land, did he fast throughout the entirety of Lent. Then he gradually got used to other multi‑day fasts and to weekly fasts, on Wednesdays and Fridays. In his reflections, referring to the books of the Old and New Testament, the works of Church Fathers and church songs, Muraviev argued that fasting is an important means in man’s spiritual life. He pointed out the need not only to renounce a particular type of food, but also above all to subdue the body to the soul and to tame passions. For the writer, fasting was a sign of faith and a practice supporting prayer.
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Anna Kościołek
Arleta Szulc

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest potencjalny język atletyki w Flp 3,12-16. Główny akcent skupia się na pytaniu, jak przyjęcie istnienia w nim języka atletyki przyczynia się do lepszego zrozumienia tego tekstu, a przede wszystkim jego teologicznej treści. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. W części pierwszej autor analizuje poprzedzający i następujący kontekst Flp 3,12-16. Przychyla się przy tym ku poglądowi zwolenników struktury koncentrycznej: 3,1-11 (A), 3,12-16 (B), 3,17-4,1 (A’). W częściach obramowania (A i A’) chodzi o polemikę Pawła z jego przeciwnikami, przy czym głównym zamiarem Pawła jest wezwanie Filipian do tego, by „mocno stali w wierze”. Część druga artykułu zawiera krótką analizę egzegetyczną tekstu 3,12-16, która jest skoncentrowana na najważniejszych pojęciach (zdobyć, ruch, myślenie) oraz na celu niebiańskiej doskonałości, z którymi te pojęcia są związane. W części trzeciej zostają zanalizowane potencjalne atletyczne obrazy w 3,12-16. W oparciu o powszechną akceptację rzeczownika τὸ βραβεῖον w 3,14 jako agonistycznego terminus technicus, inne rzeczowniki i czasowniki, które same w sobie nie mają znaczenia atletycznego, zostają zinterpretowane jako odnoszące się do atletyki w kontekście tej perykopy. Na zakończenie autor artykułu zauważa, że Paweł jako przeciwwagi dla schematu „wysiłek-nagroda”, typowego dla języka atletycznego, używa języka powołania, wprowadzając schemat „dawanie-otrzywanie”. W ten sposób Paweł podkreśla ukierunkowanie na przyszłość, które jest charakterystyczne dla przesłania, które głosi i którym żyje.
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Reimund Bieringer


Tomasz Zan was one of the leaders of the Philomatic Association, a secret student organization that existed from 1817 to 1823 at the Imperial University of Wilno (Vilnius). This article deals with his autobiographical novel made up of letters he wrote between 1815 and 1823. As the assembled letters do not follow the author’s life in chronological order, the text has be read outside the formal categories of an autobiographical record, with due attention to the poetics of the fragment. Moreover, the textual narrator is not always a representative of the author. The occasional use of a persona suggests that the letters are not underpinned by a consistent and well-defined narrative “I”. It seems that in so far as Zan’s identity inscribed in the text appears fuzzy or disparate, its accurate reconstruction would not be possible without an analysis of the tropological system of his letters.
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Martyna Olejniczak

  1. Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Szkoła Doktorska Nauk o Języku i Literaturze)


Professor Tadeusz Kowalski (1889–1948) was in correspondence with scholars from practically all over the world. He had an active interest in the developments of Oriental studies in the Soviet Union. He valued the publications he received from the USSR as well as all contacts he had with Russian researchers. He sought to cooperate with Alexander Samoylovich (1880–1938) – one of the most eminent Turkologists in the Soviet Union. This goal had been partially achieved. The archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków now hold, catalogued under ref. no. K III-4, j. 174, just three letters from the Russian Turkologist. These materials, despite their small number, are an engrossing source of knowledge on the state of Soviet Turkish studies in the mid-1920s and the Soviet Oriental studies community. As the author managed to determine, these letters are all the more precious as the branch of the archives at the Russian Academy of Sciences in St.-Petersburg, where the legacy of professor Samoylovich is kept, has no copies. Interestingly, there are no surviving copies of the letters from professor Kowalski to the Russian Turkologist. This article aims to analyse the contents of the letters written by Alexander Samoylovich, the Soviet Turkologist, to professor Tadeusz Kowalski, and determine the purpose and direction in which Turkish studies were developing in the USSR in the period described in these sources.
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Izabela Kończak

  1. University of Lodz, Poland


Vasily Nikitin (1.1.1885–6.6.1960) – a former Russian consul in Urmia, Iranian studies researcher and Kurdologist – corresponded with professor Tadeusz Kowalski for over a quarter of a century. His letters sent to Krakow in the years 1922–1948 are held in the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU). The aim of this article is to present the relationship of Vasily Nikitin with Polish Oriental studies and Orientalists on the basis of an analysis of the letters sent by him to Tadeusz Kowalski. The correspondence changed during this time. At the beginning, Nikitin sought help from Kowalski in finding a job at the Jagiellonian University. With time, when his financial situation in Paris – where he was in exile – stabilized, he was interested in working with Polish Orientalists at a distance. Due to Kowalski’s efforts, Nikitin became a foreign member of the Polish Oriental Society and the PAU’s Oriental Commission. Thanks to this, he received publications issued by these organizations. He also published in the oldest Polish Oriental journal – the Yearbook of Oriental Studies (Rocznik Orientalistyczny) – and in other journals.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Izabela Kończak

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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The influence of the Vernacular Orthography used in Old Russian birch bark letters on standard book writing in Old Rus’ is traditionally regarded as insignificant, being merely associated with single inclusions. According to our observations, in the 13th century, during the period of the most active use of graphics with a variation of letters о – ъ and е – ь in vernacular writing, this influence in individual handwritings may have been more significant. In the 13th century handwriting of the Gospel from the RGADA collection (manuscript collection, no. 816), the variation of the letters о – ъ and е – ь is represented by hundreds of examples. Their detailed analysis allows us to describe the influential features of Vernacular Orthography on the book spelling system in this period – the normalization mechanisms employed by book scribes to eliminate vernacular effects, along with the most favourable positions for the penetration of these effects into book spelling itself. The article shows that general data on the reflexes of Vernacular Orthography in the manuscript under consideration gloss over the noticeable contrast in the individual positions relevant from the spelling point of view. A more significant influence of the graphic effects е = ь, о = ъ on book spelling occurred in the presence of correlating forms within it, differing in a pair of letters (the flexion of the present tense -еть/-ете, forms of different genders like правъ / право, forms of participle and aorist like падъша / падоша). In some morphemes, the share of vernacular spelling positions in the manuscript may be one third or more than half of all the examples of a given morpheme.
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Barankova G.S., O nekotorykh grafiko-orfograficheskikh i yazykovykh osobennostyakh „Novgorodskoy kormchey” 1280 g., [v:] Slavyanskoye i balkanskoye yazykoznaniye. Paleoslavistika, Moskva 2017.

Goloskevich G.K., Evseviyevo evangeliye 1283 goda. Opyt istoriko-filologicheskogo issledovaniya, Sankt-Peterburg 1914.

Korotkova D.A., Molʹkov G.A., Grafiko-orfograficheskiye osobennosti drevnerusskogo sluzhebnika XIII veka (Sof. 519), “Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskikh issledovaniy” 2017, t. 13, № 1.

Krysʹko V.B., [Rets.] M.G. Galʹchenko, Nadpisi na drevnerusskikh ikonakh XII-XIV vv.: Paleograficheskiy i grafiko-orfograficheskiy analiz, Moskva, 1997, “Slavyanovedeniye” 2000, № 2.

Rukopisnoye sobraniye RGADA, [v:] http://rgada.info/kueh/index2.php?str=188_1_816.

Schaeken J., Notes on the later Russian part of „’s Book”, “Russian Linguistics” 2000, vol. 24.

Sobolevskiy A.I., [Rets.] Issledovaniye o yazyke Sinodalʹnogo spiska 1-oy Novgorodskoy letopisi. Trud B.M. Lyapunova… [1900], [v:] A.I. Sobolevskiy, Trudy po istorii russkogo yazyka, t. 2. Moskva 2006.

Strakhov A.B., Filologicheskiye nablyudeniya nad berestyanymi gramotami: VI-IX, “Palaeoslavica” 1995, vol. III.

Zaliznyak A.A., Drevnerusskaya grafika so smesheniyem ъ–o i ь–e, [v:] A.A. Zaliznyak, «Russkoye imennoye slovoizmeneniye» s prilozheniyem izbrannykh rabot po sovremennomu russkomu yazyku i obshchemu yazykoznaniyu, Moskva 2002.

Zhivov V.M., Vostochnoslavyanskoye pravopisaniye XI-XIII veka, Moskva 2006.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Георгий Мольков

  1. Москва, Институт русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова РАН


The author’s aim is to analyze the letters of Lydia Zinovieva‑Annibal to Vyacheslav Ivanov for the years 1894‑1899. Not only was their relative‑communicative aspect interpreted, but chiefly the reflection contained in it, concerning literature (poetry), music, creating works of art, the condition and role of an artist etc. It was demonstrated, by joining the author in her general reflections on life, that she constituted a voice in the dialogue with Vyacheslav Ivanov – the poet, literary theorist and philosopher. The conducted analysis also proves that the writer’s views, as reflected in her letters, are inscribed in the aesthetics of symbolism and the philosophical‑literary tradition contained in it (Plato, Nietzsche).
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Agnieszka Gozdek

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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W okresie II wojny światowej piłsudczycy w Wielkiej Brytanii wydawali nieregularnie ukazujący się biuletyn „Listy z Londynu”. Na jego łamach krytykowali premiera rządu RP gen. Władysława Sikorskiego, a w jeszcze większym stopniu jego następcę — Stanisława Mikołajczyka za ustępstwa wobec Związku Sowieckiego oraz uleganie naciskom brytyjskim i amerykańskim.
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„Listy z Londynu” 1942–1945.
Adamczyk A., Piłsudczycy w izolacji (1939–1954). Studium z dziejów struktur i myśli politycznej, Bełchatów 2008.
Duraczyński E., Rząd polski na uchodźstwie 1939–1945. Organizacja, personalia, polityka, Warszawa 1993.
Duraczyński E., Turkowski R., O Polskę na uchodźstwie. Rada Narodowa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1939–1945, Warszawa 1997.
Dymarski M., Stosunki wewnętrzne wśród polskiego wychodźstwa politycznego i wojskowego we Francji i w Wielkiej Brytanii 1939–1945, Wrocław 1999.
Friszke A., Życie polityczne emigracji, Warszawa 1999.
Kwiecień M., Wśród potępieńczych swarów. Prawne aspekty rozliczeń politycznych wśród uchodźstwa polskiego we Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii 1939–1943, Kraków 2013.
Rostocki W., Stosowanie Konstytucji kwietniowej w okresie drugiej wojny światowej 1939– 1945, Lublin 1988.
Waingertner P., Konspiracja trzech pokoleń. Związek Młodzieży Polskiej „Zet” i ruch zetowy (1886–1996), Łódź 2017.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Tarka

  1. Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 2, PL 45-084 Opole

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