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The category of historical thinking has a rather unique status. On the one hand, it is widely used; on the other, its exact meaning is very rarely defined. All uses of the term agree on at least two elements: it is treated as central to the study and teaching of history, and it is treated affirma-tively. This article attempts to review the history of the concept within the German tradition of historicism and humanism. It also tries to highlight the role of crisis in the evolution of historical thinking and reconsider its utility and possible future transformation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The Author examines the latest book by Wojciech Wrzosek devoted to methodological aspects of historical thinking. Cf. Wojciech Wrzosek, O myśleniu historycznym (On historical thinking), Epigram, Bydgoszcz 2009.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Szymon Malczewski


In the extensive polemic with the book Haunting History: For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past by Ethan Kleinberg, the reviewer comments on the innovative potential of deconstruction as it enables the conception of various scenarios of the future. Kleinberg’s reflections on the ontology (or hauntology) of the past are located within the current discussion about “the ontological turn.” The reviewer compares Kleinberg’s take on a deconstructive approach to the past with similar considerations presented by Sande Cohen in the US as well as by Keith Jenkins, Alun Munslow and, more recently, Berber Bevernage in Europe.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Domańska
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This article reflects on key concepts of historical thinking proposed by doctoral students and young researchers. Established concepts such as the social role of history, professional historian and (imagined) space are still important to the new generation of historians. At the same time, some new concepts are emerging, such as political exhumations, mass graves, motion, embodied historical research, ahistorical memory politics, websites as historical sources, critical heritage studies and heritagisation, treason, preposterous history – an idea taken from Mieke Bal, and “Supreme Peace” – a notion drawn from the Chinese philosophy of history. To interpret these concepts, I build word clouds as a way of creating knowledge involving non‑human factors (algorithms) while enabling speculative interpretations of the relations between words. The idea of a secure past comes to the fore and I therefore examine whether historical security and being secure in history could be considered important elements of interdisciplinary security studies.
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Pihlainen, Kalle, „The Distinction of History: On Valuing the Insularity of the Historical Past”. Rethinking History 20, nr 3 (2016): 414–432.
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White, Hayden. Przeszłość praktyczna. Kraków: Universitas, 2014.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Domańska

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


In this interview, Professor Estêvão de Rezende Martins, an emeritus professor at the University of Brasilia, discusses his intellectual journey and research interests in the theory, philosophy, and methodology of history and historiography. The conversation delves into the development of historical thinking and consciousness, exploring how human existence is inherently historical and how individuals relate to their experiences through cognitive operations and historical culture. Moreover, the interview explores the evolution of the theory of history in Brazil, emphasising the shift from the speculative reflections of the philosophy of history to the meth-odological rigour of the theory of history or epistemology of history. The role of academic historiography in the face of contemporary challenges, such as the recognition of non‑human or post‑human planetary agencies, is also addressed. Martins discusses the diversification of his-toriography and its autonomy in exploring previously neglected topics, along with the need for historical education to empower individuals to think independently and critically in our border-less, globalised world. Ultimately, the interview sheds light on the ongoing theoretical experi-mentation in the field of history and the potential impact on historiographical practice in the future.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hugo R. Merlo

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The paper is an introduction to the Historyka’s special issue about “Core Concepts of Historical Thinking.” It presents framework and assumptions which shape a profile and content of the volume. It shows understanding of “knowledge of the past” broader than discipline of history only, as well as the methodological characteristics of such an account. It pays an attention to the link between conceptual thinking and the meaning of subjectivity in the modern humanistic reflection. Discussion about “core concepts of historical thinking” concerns not an allegedly, abstract and static structure of concepts which would rule historical thinking per se, but it is focused on the role of concepts which are shaped in the practices of specific researchers and their interactions with the material analyzed. The paper also situates the discussion in the context of recognized currents and ideas about meaning of concepts in humanities, especially in the methodology of historical research. In conclusion, the circumstances of the volume’s emergence is shown.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

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