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This article discusses the last Sunday in the Pre-Lenten period in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church known as “Cheese-fare Sunday” or “Forgiveness Sunday”. The faithful’s attention is concentrated on the need to forgive others as one of the main conditions of crossing the threshold of Great Lent. Particularly noteworthy is the explanation of the very term “forgiveness”, as well as the kind of theological and moral message that the Fathers of the Church and the authors of the texts of the services of Great Lent find in it. Furthermore, it also clearly points out the tragic consequences of the fall of man, which is why has also been called “The Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise.” The main reason for recollecting this tragic event is the purely didactic aspect. There are two perspectives of spiritual life for a man who begins the trial of a fast way. On the one hand, endowed with free will - like the protoplasts - has the opportunity to choose a life in accordance with God’s commandments, which will result in constant communion with Him and saturating the gift of His grace. On the other hand, he observes what the lack of temperance and disobedience to the Creator causes. Great Lent is therefore an attempt to show the right way to return to Paradise reality and unity with God and people.

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Ks. Adam Magruk
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The dominant feature of foreign speech is the availability of appeals, because they indicate the opposition «addressee – sender», reflecting the speaker’s attitude to the interlocutor, to the environment, certifying the status of a person, and adapting us to the perception of information and to some extent reactions to it. The aim of the article is to characterize the semantic and functional features of vocatives as integral components of foreign speech by the example of prayer texts (458 prayers are analyzed). Very often such constructions in prayers have additional means of dissemination, including artistic definitions, homogeneous affixes, separate members of the speech itself and even predicative units that we rarely find in other speech patterns. Appeals to God, the Mother of God and servants of God (apostles, angels, saints, etc.) are productive in vocative structures. The names of religious attributes, believers and evil spirits are used less actively in this role. In addition, the believer’s constant appeal to higher powers gives the prayer discourse signs of dialogue, although there is no reverse communication.
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Nataliya Torchyns’ka
Mykhaylo Torchyns’kyy

  1. Khmelnytskyi National University
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It is the objective of this paper to analyse selected English Renaissance translations of the Book of Psalms in the light of their reception. In particular, I intend to illustrate how a strong preference for a familiar rendition over a new one (regardless of its quality and status) showed itself in the textual composition of the most important book of the Anglican Church – the Book of Common Prayer. Discussion of the Psalm translation selected for the five successive versions of the Book of Common Prayer against the backdrop of the emergence of new renditions of the Psalms leads on to formulating a desideratum for sound methodology which would express the level of similarities between texts in mathematical terms and in this way objectivise assessments of Psalter renditions. The paper offers a preliminary attempt at such methodology by applying the cosine distance method. The obtained results need to be verified on a larger corpus of data, but they are promising enough to consider this method an important step towards assessing Psalm translations.
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Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
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The article presents two poetic prayers by Valery Bryusov, which constitute a model example of varieties within this literary genre (a pleading prayer, thanksgiving prayer and supplication, the conventional type). Shown is how the Russian poet’s works activate associative meanings (first of all, the connections with the Bible and other cultural texts at the turn of the 20th century), this being the subject of indepth analysis. Emphasised equally was the relational dimension of the poetic prayer.
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Ewa Stawinoga

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej
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Since Vatican II there have been issued many Church documents of different rank, which are explicitly devoted to dialogue with non-Christian religions or contain statements on the matter; there is also a very comprehensive bibliography on interreligious dialogue. The article presents three issues which occupy a signifcant place in these works. The frst is the theological bases for dialogue. They have been expressed in the trinitarian structure. At the heart of the dialogue is faith in God, the creator and father of all people, in the Son, through whom universal salvation took place and the Spirit, which everywhere personifes the salvation work of God in three persons. The second issue, which is the content of the article, expresses a unique position of Judaism in dialogue of Christianity with other religions. The importance of Israel for the emergence and existence of the Church, and at the same time for her salvation role for the entire Jewish people, is an important spur to the refection on the salvation relationship of christianity to other religions. The dialogue is diffcult to operate without a proper spiritual attitude. This issue is the subject of interest of the third point in the article. Spirituality shaped by attitudes of conversion and submission to the will of God, especially in the prayerful elation of the human heart, becomes a source of behaviours which are conducive to dialogue.

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Ks. Tadeusz Dola

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