@ARTICLE{Tobiasz_Lesław_Wortschatzlerntechniken_2008, author={Tobiasz, Lesław}, volume={vol. 29}, journal={LINGUISTICA SILESIANA}, pages={141-152}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk • Oddział w Katowicach}, abstract={This article presents the results of a study carried out at the English Department of the University of Silesia among students in their 41 1; and 51 1; year. They learned English (L2) and German (L3 for the majority of them) in a translation group. Some of the students have also learnt another foreign language or other foreign languages. The study focused on lexical techniques used by the learners for the acquisition of German vocabulary. It shows that the students find out a word's meaning, memorize and retrieve it with the help of various semantic techniques, such as contextualization, visualization, association, translation into Polish or English, repetition, structuring, connecting, differentiation, learning by doing and multimodal acquisition. The data confirm the hypothesis of the author that experienced language learners organize their learning process in a highly individual way and try to make it more efficient by using different learning strategies and techniques.}, type={article}, title={Wortschatzlerntechniken im Tertiarspracherwerb. Wie Deutsch lernende Anglistikstudenten ihre lexikalischen Erwerbsprozesse orgarusieren}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/131420/PDF-MASTER/14_LINGUISTICA_29_Tobiasz_WORTSCHATZLERNTECHNIKEN.pdf}, }